What are you looking forward to THE MOST?



  • Rebeccamoore
    Rebeccamoore Posts: 21 Member
    What a great question! I agree with all the replies that you have had!
    I am looking forward to...
    Going shopping and being able to get into everything that I try on, or at least most!
    Not having to try everything on in my wardrobe before I go out for the evening only to fall back on the outfit I always wear!
    The thing I am looking forward to the most though is my jeans not digging into my tummy and leaving horrible creases on my skin!
    Anyone welcome to remind me of these things as I go along!!! (might print this off and stick it on my fridge!!!)
  • meg811
    meg811 Posts: 49
    Oh I have quite a list.... I'm looking forward to:
    1. going to Cardinals games and not being uncomfortable in the seats
    2. being able to ride the rides at Six Flags again (#1 most embarrassing moment in my life was being told I couldn't ride Batman because it wouldn't latch)
    3. not shopping in plus size sections and stores
    4. being able to put anything on and it be cute
    5. weighing less than my husband
    6. having more energy
    7. being more active and not just a bump on the couch
    8. not snoring anymore (and hubby too!)
    9.being comfortable on a plane
    10. going to the water park at Six Flags and not feeling like a beached whale

    and most importantly:
    11. being proud of myself for getting to my goal... and never going back.
  • BrownEyedG1rl
    BrownEyedG1rl Posts: 625 Member
    Wearing cute/sexy clothes (when appropriate, of course).
    Having my self confidence go through the roof.
    Feeling better physically
    Being able to play more actively with my kids
    Not feeling so tired all the time
    Wearing a bathing suit and not feeling so ashamed to do so
  • rachpiper720
    Not worrying about the weight related injuries I'll get from running and playing sports
    Go skydiving as soon as I get less than 200 lbs.
    Doing an unassisted pull-up
    Turing guys heads when a tall sexy girl walks by (that will eventually be me)
  • p_cakes
    p_cakes Posts: 282
    Let's see... I have so many things that I can't wait to do! It's amazing the things that become easier when you aren't carrying around so much.

    - push-ups (currently, I have BAD upper body strength...im working on it)
    - walk up steps (instead of elevator) and not feel winded after wards
    - wear a bikini to the beach in May, AND be happy in it. Not walk around with my arms over my stomach like I ahve always done before.
    - Actually walking normal, with my arms by my side and my head up. Not covering up my stomach.
    - Cute clothes. Summer dresses that I won't look pregnant in, tank tops that won show rolls (because they wont be there) and cute shorts. I want to actually buy clothes from the section of the store that matches my age insteead of going to the plus-sized-misses-petite. NONE of those are cute!
    - wearing heels and looking good in them.
    - stand naked in front of my boyfriend and NOT worry if he's secretly screaming in his mind.
    - run! run and run some more!

    I think that covers it for now..
  • sbwood888
    sbwood888 Posts: 953 Member
    I am looking forward to no knee pain and being able to walk up stairs without feeling like I am going to die.
  • TheFatChronicles
    TheFatChronicles Posts: 16 Member
    1. Being able to parasail (couldn't do it the last time I traveled to the Bahamas, I was waaaay to big).
    2. Being able to fit in a plane seat without loosing circulation (Won't help me vertically, I'm 6'4", but at least I won't be suffocated).
    3. Not having my stomach stick out more than my chest.
    4. Being able to run a 6-minute mile.
    5. Being able to inspire others and encourage them.
  • jltodd99
    Short term - to go to Disney World on vacation and be able to walk around the parks all day and not be exhausted and to be able to fit my behind in all of the seats.
    I sing in the choir at church and I would LOVE to be able to sing during processional and not be winded when I finally get to my seat in the choir loft!
    I want to be able to do push ups with my Air Force sons.
    Most of all I look forward to just being HAPPY!
  • chopper91
    - my self esteem will be better
    - wearing all them cute clothes I have in my closet that I do not fit into anymore
    - wearing shorts in the summer
    - proving to myself that I can meet a goal if I just put my mind into it.
  • crystal_sapphire
    crystal_sapphire Posts: 1,205 Member
    1. Maintaining my lower weight. I've een there before but circumstances have beat me. I'm excited to mainain my lower weight and find what is best for me at that point.

    2. New wardrobe. I want quality clothes too (I've een watching what not to wear a lot lol)

    3. Perhaps gaining a better perspective of myself. Learn along the way to love myself inside and out. Seeing the same thing in the mirror that others see.
  • blessedwith3boys
    blessedwith3boys Posts: 136 Member
    I look foward to stepping on the scale and seeing the scale and not my big belly pooch! Or being able to see my feet.
  • Empress17
    What I look forward to the most is going shopping for new, smaller clothing, and looking cute in them! Also, I look forward to having muscle tone/ leaner muscles.
  • blessedwith3boys
    blessedwith3boys Posts: 136 Member
    I'm also looking foward to not having to wear "granny" underwear to hold in my belly pooch.
  • dmoyler
    dmoyler Posts: 27 Member
    Here are some things, not in any specific order:

    1.Getting rid of the body aches
    2. Shopping in smaller clothing size stores
    3. Not exceeding the weight limit for things( ex scales, wii fit board)
    4. Seeing myself thinner
    5. being able to move around more without feeling out of breath
    6. being able to wear a bathing suit and feel comfortable
    7. running around with my children
    8. riding rides in amusement parks without worrying about my size being an issue
    9. Being healthy and living a healthy life
    10. Wearing sexier clothing
  • Hotlips69
    Fitting into my Best friends pants, and wearing a bikini and having my kids say that I look great!! Wearing the things that I really find Hot, knowing better than to wear them now!!
  • ralevin
    ralevin Posts: 131 Member
    My father died when I was 1, so I only know what he looks like from pictures and from what other family members have told me. He was a very handsome man, with a very defined jawline. He was in the military, and was in pretty good shape. Ive been told I look just like him, but I know that when people say that, they also mean I look just like what he would have looked like if he were much heavier. i want to look just like my dad did. Period.

    Also, I was adopted at age 10 (I'm 29 now) by my aunt and uncle. They and their biological kids are all very fit, athletic, and thin. I want to spend time/take pictures with them without looking like the one who was obviously adopted (because I've got such a bigger body frame).
  • C_Bran
    C_Bran Posts: 254
    1. Going swimming with my daughter without feeling like I should have a top on.
    2. LGN (Looking good naked).
    3. Seeing friends I haven't seen in a while and witnessing their reaction.
    4. The lifestyle change that is ocurring.
    5. BEING HEALTHY!!!!
    6. Seeing definition in my abs (LGN)
    7. Taking pictures again
    8. Going HIKING in the mountains instead of just sight-seeing.
    9. Being able to wrap a normal size towel around me.
    10. Setting an example for others.
    11. Sitting in a folding chair and not worry if it will hold me.
    12. Riding a bicycle in public.
    13. Getting out of the OBESE column.
    (Airplane seats and "normal stores" will still continue to be a problem since I'm 6'5".)
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