Like minded lushes -Februay 2011



  • ambermabee
    Wednesday = 0
    Today will probably = 0
    Tomorrow might involve some quality control/taste testing while I'm making jello shooters.
  • bizco
    bizco Posts: 1,949 Member
    I'm so glad I found this thread! My usual drink of choice is light beer and it definitely hinders my weight loss. In the past I would always buy a case of beer at a time because it's cheaper. How dumb am I? If it's in the house, I'm more likely to drink it. A few weeks ago I decided to make a small change and buy only 6 packs. It's only been a short time, but so far it's helped me reduce consumption. It's partly a mind game.."Oh Oh, only 4 beers left, I better drink only 2 instead of 3, because I can't ever have just one." And part laziness; once I'm home I change into grubby/comfortable clothes that I would never wear in public. Then if I realize I'm out of booze, I won't bother changing clothes again just to run out and get some beer. Baby steps.

    Cheers fellow lushes!
  • barberella
    So much for the attempts to limit my drinking...Last week, I only drank 2 or 3 nights, but this week, I have drank Monday, Tuesday, and last night. But not tonight..Damn shared placement with my kid's dad! If I didn't share my daughter and had her every night, I wouldn't end up happy hour so much!! Last night, we ended up going to Bingo...So, of course, we had to have a few before and during..Ah well.. I get my Boo Boo from her dad today so until Monday, I won't be drinking since I don't really go out while having her well, except last Saturday, when a bunch of the family stayed in a hotel with a water park. Of course, the adults drank while the kids swam. But that was a special occasion, right????

    I guess my only salvation is knowing that I drink whiskey and I guess that's the one of the lowest ikinds of booze in calories. And I haven't missed a workout in 12 days despite I wake up with some minor headaches!
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    Yeewwwww go nisijam5!! I lost 1.4kg for my weekly weigh in this morning :noway: SO STOKED. :laugh: We can do it!

    Congrats...appears to be a link in weight loss & al-co-hol...good job

    Tonight, I will shoot for day 3 of no alcohol...I'll be halfway there
  • yvonnej1
    yvonnej1 Posts: 904 Member
    Options ex hubby is cooking me dinner tomorrow night and a shared bottle of wine is on the menu. Think I might have to make a trade off and not drink one of the weekend days instead. I guess that wouldn't be cheating too much as I wouldn't be drinking any more over the whole week, just on a different day. I don't actually know what he's cooking for me, he's being very cryptic about it and has been consulting my recipe books. It's all slightly worrying, as a) he's not a particularly good cook and b) I'm not sure of his motive for wanting to cook for me, hopefully it's just a kind gesture!
    do let us know what it all means!


    Oh so that was a complete let down..... Apparently his day didn't go quite to plan so he spent all his time fixing someone's computer instead of shopping for the ingredients to cook dinner. Yep that reminds me why he's my ex :ohwell:
  • ambermabee
    Yvonne ~ That sucks. At least there were no surprises?!

    Kim ~ How did day 3 go?

    Barberella ~ Good for you getting all those workouts in!!

    bizco ~ I like the way you think! It's amazing how laziness can do us some good once in a while. :bigsmile:

    Well, the day is slowly drawing to a close and no booze on the horizon.
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    Monday, 5 beers at happy hour, 2 beers at home and 3 margaritas, I think...started at 3 in the afternoon and went into the evening
    Tuesday, 0 drinks
    Wednesday, 0 drinks
    Thursday, 0 drinks, I was really thristy for some, tho:tongue:

    Total: 10
    Goal: <12

    3 days down, 3 to go...Bring on the weekend:sad:

    Yvonne, sorry your dinner was a big let down...would have been nice for someone to cook for you
    Bizco, I would go out in the pj's...I have no standards
    Ambermabee, good job on the no booze
  • Cando055
    Cando055 Posts: 306 Member
    Yvonne, sorry about your dinner. Mostly sorry that your ex let you down.

    I'm in Florida for a long weekend break. Last time I was here I gained back all the weight I had lost in the prior 4 weeks. This time, I hadn't had a drink in 3 days, and wanted to continue that here, but it's clear that's not going to happen. Still, I studk with 2 margaritas all night (nothing on the plane, nothing at lunch, started cocktails with club soda and grapefruit juice, no wine with dinner -- all of those are hughe changes). Still, 500 calories for 2 drinks?

    Any suggestions on low calorie drinks I can order at a bar (no Skinny Girl Margaritas here)? How can I enjoy this mini-vacation without having a major setback again? I'm so tired of one step forward, two steps back...
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    Yvonne, sorry about your dinner. Mostly sorry that your ex let you down.

    I'm in Florida for a long weekend break. Last time I was here I gained back all the weight I had lost in the prior 4 weeks. This time, I hadn't had a drink in 3 days, and wanted to continue that here, but it's clear that's not going to happen. Still, I studk with 2 margaritas all night (nothing on the plane, nothing at lunch, started cocktails with club soda and grapefruit juice, no wine with dinner -- all of those are hughe changes). Still, 500 calories for 2 drinks?

    Any suggestions on low calorie drinks I can order at a bar (no Skinny Girl Margaritas here)? How can I enjoy this mini-vacation without having a major setback again? I'm so tired of one step forward, two steps back...

    I think that you have made some great changes by not drinking on the plane, with lunch and starting later in the day...0 calories mixers...the calories add up quickly

    do you want something to sip - or - catch a buzz???

    you can sip on light beer - or - club soda, vodka and twist of lime...I like lemon drop shots for the quick buzz and drink water in between
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Well, yvonne, sometimes we need to be reminded why exes are exes, so it sounds like you got that. My dad says, "Good judgement comes from
    experience. Experience comes from bad judgement."

    For low cal drinks I have two theories. One, drink something you don't like that well, if you want it to last. For me, I like red wine but I don't suck it down, so I order that.
    Vodka with club soda I order with lemon and lime. Lite beer is ok, but I can drink it so fast!
    I heard champagne is low cal-is that true?
  • 008Lizzy
    008Lizzy Posts: 95 Member

    Oh so that was a complete let down..... Apparently his day didn't go quite to plan so he spent all his time fixing someone's computer instead of shopping for the ingredients to cook dinner. Yep that reminds me why he's my ex :ohwell:

    Shame on him, bad karma for sure to him...and for you, GOOD will come, good reminder though :smile:
  • 008Lizzy
    008Lizzy Posts: 95 Member
    Well, yvonne, sometimes we need to be reminded why exes are exes, so it sounds like you got that. My dad says, "Good judgement comes from
    experience. Experience comes from bad judgement."

    For low cal drinks I have two theories. One, drink something you don't like that well, if you want it to last. For me, I like red wine but I don't suck it down, so I order that.
    Vodka with club soda I order with lemon and lime. Lite beer is ok, but I can drink it so fast!
    I heard champagne is low cal-is that true?

    Love your Dads saying!
    Champagne is lower than wine in cals, but ooooh soooooooo drinkable! Here in the UK now, we can buy really good champagne ie taittinger, bollinger etc for a fraction of what it used to be, and is my DH and I's fave drink, we usually buy in by the case...BUT..right now its BANNED! It is just so easy to down a bottle and you cant re cork champagne... I miss it though:sad:

    Have a fabulous vacation!!
  • faithikins
    faithikins Posts: 679 Member
    Doing good tonight but oh boy tomorrow night is going to be really hard. I knock off work early and have Sunday off. I will just chant to my self all night one more day, one more day lol. Remind me never to do this challenge again :grumble: I will be really proud of myself though and it will taste so damn good on Monday!
  • 008Lizzy
    008Lizzy Posts: 95 Member
    Doing good tonight but oh boy tomorrow night is going to be really hard. I knock off work early and have Sunday off. I will just chant to my self all night one more day, one more day lol. Remind me never to do this challenge again :grumble: I will be really proud of myself though and it will taste so damn good on Monday!

    YAAAY! We'll al be green with envy come Monday :wink:

    Ok, so I picked up my B1 tablets yesterday, does that mean that I am offically "hardcore" now:happy:
    DH just offered me a trip to the Indian restaurant tonight (incidentally this restaurant is about 50 miles away!)... can see the "TO GO WINE GLASS" making another journey his evening. I am torn apart though... I have been doing so well, and a trip to the Indian might blow my weeks work...hmmmmm....if I can get a HUGE workout in today, can justify it, we shall see.
    Have a great Friday everyone :drinker:
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    alot of red wine followed by two tequila anejo shots. Geez, I really had a great workout on the dreadmill and then I was so amped that I needed a few drinks. that seems a little pointless.
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    Doing good tonight but oh boy tomorrow night is going to be really hard. I knock off work early and have Sunday off. I will just chant to my self all night one more day, one more day lol. Remind me never to do this challenge again :grumble: I will be really proud of myself though and it will taste so damn good on Monday!

    Ditto that!
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    I have been doing so well, and a trip to the Indian might blow my weeks work...hmmmmm....if I can get a HUGE workout in today, can justify it, we shall see.
    Have a great Friday everyone :drinker:

    Well, what happened...did you go?

    Robin, it's what we do!!!
  • Just_Dot
    Just_Dot Posts: 2,289 Member
    Hubby and I are headed "up the hill" to gamble and drink and be grown ups for the weekend, so I'm sure I'm going to booze it up!!
  • 008Lizzy
    008Lizzy Posts: 95 Member
    I have been doing so well, and a trip to the Indian might blow my weeks work...hmmmmm....if I can get a HUGE workout in today, can justify it, we shall see.
    Have a great Friday everyone :drinker:

    Well, what happened...did you go?

    Robin, it's what we do!!!

    Its this evening, and NO, I have decided I am not going :), its horrible and wet outside, wouldnt be a pleasure driving there, so just going to be good (for tonight!) and have my thai seabass and celeriac mash instead (and my 250ml of course!)
  • 008Lizzy
    008Lizzy Posts: 95 Member
    Hubby and I are headed "up the hill" to gamble and drink and be grown ups for the weekend, so I'm sure I'm going to booze it up!!

    Sounds like MAJOR FUN!!! :love: