Women 5"6-5"7..Goal Weight?



  • wanda1956
    Well I'm 5'51/2...use to be 5'6..I've lost about 1/2in. I remember weighing 160-170 when I was around 18 and I think I WORE 12/14 SIZE at that time..my goal weight is 150 at this point but we will see as I get closer to that.
  • jjeckels
    I've been wondering and if anyone will tell me, how much they weighed at a size 11?? I just bought some goal capris I so want to be in, in 2 months but I don't know if that realistic. I'm a 14 now, so I would think I could possibly do it. But since I can't pull them up over my hips and butt, it has made me quite nervous.
    I'm 5'6, when I was in size 11s I was 145.

    That's awesome that you bought goal pants...keep in mind that everyone's body is very different. For example, I am also 5'6" and was a size 8 at 158, everyone carries their weight/muscle differently. Keep up all the hard work and you will look great in your own body, at whatever size! :wink:
  • backinthenines
    backinthenines Posts: 1,083 Member
    Interestingly, UK dress sizes have changed in the last 20 years- I used to be a size 14 at that 144 in the late 1980's (went into size 16 at 154) and had to be 136lbs to be a size 12, but when I got to 150 5 years ago with the help of a vlcd, I was easily a size 12.

    You're absolutely right Rosy. They call it "vanity sizing". Basically they make clothes bigger because they sell the happy factor of people thinking they are a size that they are not. At 146 pounds I start to fit into some UK size 10s now, but I KNOW I'm not a true 10 yet.
  • chicnsweet83
    What you can do is calculate your BMI or body mass index. It will give you a good sense of where you should be at for a healthy BMI. I went to your profile and checked your current weight. around 180? I put it into a BMI calculator (which is also on this website) and it said your BMI is around 29. they are pretty accurate. My BMI is 23, recorded on websites and at the gym.

    A healthy BMI is between: 18.5–24.9

    A healthy weight for you would be 134-153lbs. :)
  • Robin66
    Robin66 Posts: 103
    I'm 5'7 and weigh 133lbs and have a medium build. My original goal was 150lbs, but once I got there I just kept going. I wear a size 4 jeans and small and medium shirts. I love being this size and I think I look good, but I get a lot of flack from people (always women) about being too thin now. Go figure, I spent my whole pursuing this dream and now people think I'm under weight. My BMI is 19.6, so I'm in the healthy range. Anyhow I hope this helps you.
  • ickybella
    ickybella Posts: 1,438 Member
    I'm just over 5'7" (169cm) with a small frame. My original goal weight was 140, but I don't really know anymore. I am at 148 right now and still have too much belly, so I will keep going until I have a flat stomach. I don't care how much I weigh anymore, but if I absolutely had to pick a goal weight, I'd like to be somewhere around 130. Also, I have a lot of muscle, so people tend to think I weigh less than I do, and I already get a lot of crap from other women, who think I should stop losing weight now, before I start to look "too thin" but I will finish when I'm happy, not when they are. That's the key here. You should stop when you are healthy and happy. Forget BMI and the scale and clothing sizes. Think happiness. I haven't lost 100 pounds just so I can quit while I'm still flabby.
  • backinthenines
    backinthenines Posts: 1,083 Member
    The ideal weight range for a 5'6" female is between 116 - 147 pounds.

  • mayana2002
    I am thinking 135 so I could oscilate to 140 and get right back to 135. That is the fight of my life...
  • loxleys
    loxleys Posts: 230 Member
    i'm 5' 6.5", my goal weight is between 135 and 140, I was 120 before I got pregnant 6 years ago and that was too thin for me, so I think below 140 makes me look healthier!

    Although if i can get into my size 12 (uk) jeans at 145 I might stop there!
  • sbracken
    I'm 5'7" with a tiny frame, so my goal weight is 125. Anything under 130 I'm ok with.....125 would be ideal during swimsuit weather. I'm at 143 right now and carrying all my excess weight around my hip area, so while I have tiny arms, chest, and legs.....I still have big hips and a poochy belly to get rid of.
  • superbeffie
    superbeffie Posts: 93 Member
    I'm 5' 7" and a halfish and I am thinking 160 at the lowest. I have JLo's booty and I don't want to be super skinny. I was 160 in HS and I looked awesome.
  • Elle408
    Elle408 Posts: 500 Member
    Interestingly, UK dress sizes have changed in the last 20 years- I used to be a size 14 at that 144 in the late 1980's (went into size 16 at 154) and had to be 136lbs to be a size 12, but when I got to 150 5 years ago with the help of a vlcd, I was easily a size 12.

    You're absolutely right Rosy. They call it "vanity sizing". Basically they make clothes bigger because they sell the happy factor of people thinking they are a size that they are not. At 146 pounds I start to fit into some UK size 10s now, but I KNOW I'm not a true 10 yet.

    I think that depends where you shop! Was a 16 at 150-175lbs (tightness of clothes varied,lol) and only went in to a 12 when I hit about 130. I get most of my clothes from H&M,Topshop, River Island and Zara etc. I try to go with european sizes now because they're way more accurate! But I would have LOVED to be a 12 at 150!
  • mvedas
    mvedas Posts: 69
    I am 5"7, and my goal weight is145. Anything lower and I look way too skinny, but that's just my body frame. I am at 152 now, 7 pounds to go!
  • muffintopteri
    Do you think age matter? I'm 5'6" and I'm going for 140 but that's just because I've read that as the ideal range on several websites so I will see how my clothes fit and how I look in general. Just stick with your program and get back on track if you have a set back!
  • llkilgore
    llkilgore Posts: 1,169 Member
    I'm 5'6" with a medium-small, long legged frame, and currently weigh 163 lb. Ideally I'd like to get down to 130 lb, which is what I weighed in college, but I'm afraid a weight that low would be too difficult to maintain. College was more than 30 years ago and I was in the 140 - 150 lb range for most of the years since then until the last decade or so. Getting back to that level seems more realistic.

    It's funny... Though I'm officially over weight, I'm not terribly unhappy with my body the way it is now. When I was 19 and weighed 130 lb, I thought I was fat.
  • Shylin
    Shylin Posts: 109 Member
    I'm 5" 7 1/2". I'm 43 years old. In 2006 I weighed 256. Last summer I got down to 142 but gained some weight over the holidays. Currently I am 147 but have set my goal to 129.
  • GinaJ2006
    I am 5'6" and shooting for 135. Before I got pregnant I was 125, but I figure that's just a dream now lol. I would be pretty happy at 135.
  • GinaJ2006

    It's funny... Though I'm officially over weight, I'm not terribly unhappy with my body the way it is now. When I was 19 and weighed 130 lb, I thought I was fat.

    I totally relate to this. I remember looking at my so-called belly fat when I weighed 125 and thinking I needed to lose it. Now my weight has fluctuated so much I think back to how clueless I was back then. And I don't think I look "too" bad. I definitely can stand to lose some weight, though. Anyway I know what your saying ;)
  • somigliana
    somigliana Posts: 314 Member
    I'm also 5"6.5 -- I've been in maintenance for just over 6 months now, and I aim to stay in what I call my "green zone", which is between 64 & 66kg (141lbs to 145lbs).

    (I dropped below 140lbs briefly while I was adjusting my calories for maintenance, and I started to feel less than comfortable. It's very difficult, after being overweight for so long, to realise that you're getting too slim. Weird, surreal. Strange even. Before that realisation, I didn't have a lower weight limit set for myself, but I've found it's just as important as the upper acceptable limit when you get to maintenance).

    *edited for serious typo, haha.
  • Altiv
    Altiv Posts: 174 Member
    I'm 5'6", and somewhere in between medium/large frame, I'm currently 147 lb. now, the skinniest I've been ever =) and even through my dietitian told me to ideally reach 143 lb (for a BMI of 22) I don't plan on getting that low, I feel fine with that weight :)