You know you're an MFP addict when....

taso42_DELETED Posts: 3,394 Member
edited September 24 in Chit-Chat
- You check MFP in the morning, before any other website.
- Your friends on facebook are wondering where you've been.
- You suspect that you're burning significant calories just from hitting the reload button.
- You avoid eating something because you think it will be too complicated to log.
- You have an amazing knack for estimating the calories in a plate just by looking at it.
- You work out extra hard just so your "____ burned ____ calories" post will be impressive.
- You do a happy dance when your friends lose weight (or gain, depending on goals).
- Someone asks you how much you weigh in regular conversation and your answer is accurate to the tenth of a lb.
- You've engaged in a passionate discussion exploring alternatives to mayonaisse.
- You've engaged in an online flame-war around the topics of nutrition and exercise.
- You roll your eyes when you see a "should I eat my exercise calories" post appear in recent activity (which is to say, several times a day)
- You weigh yourself before and after daily activities, such as shaving, just to see if there was a difference.
- During sex you find yourself wishing you wore your HRM.

I'm sure ya'll can add to this list :bigsmile:


  • mommy2halfdozen
    mommy2halfdozen Posts: 52 Member
    LOL...I am guilty..:wink:
  • morawjo
    morawjo Posts: 74 Member
    HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA...this one was my favourite: "You roll your eyes when you see a "should I eat my exercise calories" post appear in recent activity (which is to say, several times a day)" true...the neverending debate that is on MFP over and over and over
  • Lol, how very true is that!!!
  • LMAO! Im def guilty!! :D
  • Nikstergirl
    Nikstergirl Posts: 1,549 Member
    Thanks for this post... you made me smile more than once!!!! Yes, I am very quickly becoming an MFP addict!!

    Off to run my four miles today... pretty much already know what my burn will be!!! LOL!
  • Shannmfp11
    Shannmfp11 Posts: 339 Member
    That is funny! So very true!
  • skinnyme125
    skinnyme125 Posts: 396 Member
    Yep, I'm an addict. HEEHEE
  • You caught me! LOL :laugh:
  • marianna0056
    marianna0056 Posts: 13 Member
    Too funny! And yet somehow true!
  • aimibean
    aimibean Posts: 243
    Haha! Too true! :D
  • Soooo funny!!! Very true!
  • LMAO!!! This is hilariously true! Great post :D
  • I LOVE IT! LMAO! :)
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    You have MFP up on your computer while using the MFP bar-code reader on your Android phone.
  • I'm guilty of all of these!!
  • ajax03
    ajax03 Posts: 96
    - You check MFP in the morning, before any other website.

    - You avoid eating something because you think it will be too complicated to log.
    - You have an amazing knack for estimating the calories in a plate just by looking at it.
    in recent activity (which is to say, several times a day)

    HILARIOUS!!!! ..... BUT TRUE!

    I would've never thought in a million years that I'd pass up on a potluck at work SOLELY because I didn't want the hassle of having to log what I ate! HAHAHA. :-)
  • I am officially at MFP addict because I am guilty of all of the above. Great post!!!:love:
  • pink_and_shiny
    pink_and_shiny Posts: 1,036 Member

    Totally true! I'm completely an addict. Time to start up MFPA....MyFitnessPal Anonymous.
  • Darn, I'm busted LOLOL!!!
  • carrieliz81
    carrieliz81 Posts: 489 Member
    I'm an ADDICT!!!!! I'm sure my friends on facebook are wondering where I've gone.... I would much rather read posts from my friends here about their workouts or successes or struggles than see random posts from people I actually know and love! Ha! Love you, MFP!
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