Pretty sure I've lost my period :/



  • suzycreamcheese
    suzycreamcheese Posts: 1,766 Member
    looks like most days youre on less than 1000 and thats with exercise too,
    Im pretty sure that under 1000 is a starvation diet and your body is probably trying to conserve its resources now.
    Id take a trip to the dr to be on the safe side
  • boomer0688
    boomer0688 Posts: 53 Member
    I agree with what everyone is saying. By looking at your picture I would say you get getting very close to being too skinny and could be getting close to having an eating disorder and take it from someone who knows. I am and will forever be recovering from an eating disorder what helped put me in perspective, and I pray that you do not let it go this far, is when I found out I needed a pacemaker because my heart was now under too much stress. You seem so dedicated to dancing that I would hate to see something like that happen to you.
  • ooh I'm really not close to being too skinny, I'm not even skinny! Ive got another 10lbs minimum to go, but in the long run more like 15-20 depending on how I look...

    yes my mum is an ex dancer and now a teacher. She came into the kitchen where I was on the computer and shouted 'Stop eating!You've been munching all day!' at me...I wasn't even eating, she saw a leaf on the counter which must have fallen from my, she wasn't even in today...she does make this quite tricky to be positive and all that.
  • believetoachieve
    believetoachieve Posts: 675 Member
    I'm not even skinny! Ive got another 10lbs minimum to go, but in the long run more like 15-20 depending on how I look...

    Woman, I can see your hipbones and ribs from here!! Lol, where's that 20lbs gonna come off of?! :laugh:
    Really, you're beautiful the way you are! What's your BMI?
  • meghanner
    meghanner Posts: 180 Member
    First of all, you're gorgeous just the way you are! I understand how you feel being active in a sport/ career that values small bodies and difficult to achieve weight ideals. I've been surrounded by that my whole life as well. I lost my period 3 years ago and still haven't had it return as a result of trying to achieve these ideals. From my research, it seems that loss of menses has more to do with chronic calorie deficit (below 1200 seems to be a popular #) rather than body weight or body fat %. If you are eating a net less that 1200cal/day on a regular basis your body can't support a baby in addition to your vital functions so you will stop menstruating. In the short term ,this doesn't sound all that bad however in the long term your estrogen and testosterone will fall because your ovaries aren't producing hormones anymore. Having low hormone levels makes you tired grumpy and kills your libido. Your cortisol levels will also rise making it hard to sleep and manage stress. I don't mean to point fingers or sound like a preacher, but please, take my advice and bump up your net caloric intake before your body adapts to these low caloric levels. Over time it becomes much harder to get your body's cycle back. I am now faced with infertility, bone loss and a slew of dr's appointments. I love my body at this small size but it was not without its consequences.
    Best wishes to you!
  • kmeekhof
    kmeekhof Posts: 456 Member
    I think I'll leave it another 2 weeks to see if anything happens, and if not I'll pop to the doctors. I just worry so much about being weighed by doctors, I just hate how heavy I am, and the look they give me when i get on/off the scale, or a snide little comment on the side. I don't think I look my weight though... I don't know, I am thoroughly dismorphic, that I do know, as is my mother, the first time she put me on a diet I was about 11...Well for the first time since I can remember she is 'starting' to become happy with my body,but i still have a way to go...
    I wish everything was done on measurements not weight!

    One of the main problems i have with consuming enough calories is that i dont actually get a lunch break, and have to eat whilst running an average of 1/2 a mile to the next studio for the next class, and then I get home at aroun 7.30/8, and dont like to eat too much that late, so i make sure i get a good breakfast at least...
  • kmeekhof
    kmeekhof Posts: 456 Member
    You do NOT need to lose any more weight! Dont worry about the number on the scale so much, you look fantastic. If you have a lot of well toned muscle you are going to weigh a little bit more and still be thin. You are right where you're supposed to be. 100 lbs for every 5 foot and 5lbs for every inch after that. I think there is a lot of psychological issues going on for you clearing starting in early childhood when your mother put you on a diet at 11 years old. Increase your calorie intake, you are starving yourself.
  • Olona
    Olona Posts: 70
    Yeah, as the titile says really...Havnt menstruated for about 3 months now,
    Not sure why though, my weight is still in the middle of the healthy range (155lbs and 5ft11)

    I told my mum and she wasn't too bothered at all by it and just said to go to the doc if i'm really that bothered.
    I do do an awful lot of exercise,full time professional dance training as well as going to the gym 4-6 times a week...
    All in all I'm not really sure what to do?

    Ok going to the doctor is a definite! But I dont think I'll have mine this month and I think its because I was excercising so hard that it caused my body to make that change but. GO TO THE DOCTOR!
  • cutmd
    cutmd Posts: 1,168 Member
    I think I'll leave it another 2 weeks to see if anything happens, and if not I'll pop to the doctors. I just worry so much about being weighed by doctors, I just hate how heavy I am, and the look they give me when i get on/off the scale, or a snide little comment on the side. I don't think I look my weight though... I don't know, I am thoroughly dismorphic, that I do know, as is my mother, the first time she put me on a diet I was about 11...Well for the first time since I can remember she is 'starting' to become happy with my body,but i still have a way to go...
    I wish everything was done on measurements not weight!

    Okay, your bmi is 21.6 and you have a lower body fat than 99% of doctors. I can guarantee you no one is giving you tat look because try think you're fat. You're a tall woman! And weight isn't half as important as body fat, yours is clearly excellent. I missed a period once and dialed back my exercise a bit, it returned. Any doctor worth his/her salt will tell you need to eat more and take it a little easier.

    These professions that encourage eating disorders make me sick. Unfortunately your mom has allowed herself to become engulfed in it at your expense. You may need to distance yourself...
  • curleesam
    curleesam Posts: 462 Member
    You are very thin in your profile pic. Any more and you will risk looking too skinny in my opinion. You say that you have 10lbs left to must have a MASSIVE BIG TOE because thats the only thing hidden in this picture and thus the only place I can think of where those 10lbs are going to come from!!

    You really don't need to lose weight but you do need to eat more. If your periods have stopped it is more likely a warning that you are not taking care of your body. Take the warning and fix it before your fertility is permanently affected.
  • I would deffinately go and see your doctor, but not just about your period, I would seriously talk to him about your mum and the influence she is having over you regarding your weight. I understand that being a dancer entails being tall and slim etc. but it should not cost you your heatlh and if it does, something is seriously wrong.
  • 2bfitforever
    2bfitforever Posts: 87 Member
    I agree with everyone on this site. YOU need to see a real doctor -- not someone associated with the dance industry. At 5' 11" you are tall for a dancer. Yes, it is much easier to lift a 5 ft, 95 lb dancer than a 5' 11", 155 lb dancer but that is not because you are "hefty" for your height. 95 lbs is within the normal range -- at the bottom -- for someone 5' but they would look very skinny regardless their bone structure. I know you don't want to get down that low but the point is height plays a critical role as to what normal is. You cannot ignore that. Your pictures speak for themselves. There is not an ounce of fat left on your body and your lack of periods is your body's way of asking for more nutrients. Please seek some help.
  • cindy4mica
    cindy4mica Posts: 777 Member
    i WISH i could lose my period!
  • That_Girl
    That_Girl Posts: 1,324 Member
    In HS I lost 40 pounds in 5 months (give or take). I had one period before that and it didn't show back up for almost 2 years.

    I was kinda happy about that.
  • ChefJenn
    ChefJenn Posts: 350 Member
    being anemic will cause you to loose periods.. after I had gastric bypass and lost 100 pounds in less than 6 months my body went into shock and ever since then I might have one or two a year. I too am very anemic , I have a rare red blood disorder , which in fall of 2009 I had to have chemo to help fight the bacteria in my blood. I dont take iron thou b/c it messes with my tummy too much.
    you look great and if by the say site you are at healthy weight and size , then dont let anyone else tell you different.

    Some ppl will say mean things just to get us DOWN over our success in life
  • heathercd
    heathercd Posts: 20 Member
    Oh honey, I'm so sorry that you have been getting negative feedback from all of these sources so close to you. You are stunning!!!!! As someone who has a mother with serious body image issues as well as someone who struggled with self-loathing for much of my life, I just want to tell you to allow yourself a little bit. Give yourself some extra nutrient rich food during the day. Go a little bit easier on the exercise outside of dancing. You are gorgeous and whoever thinks you are "hefty" clearly is out of their mother-humping mind. Take care of your body - it's the only one that you will ever have!! Protect your feminity and your menstrual cycle - that's a serious indicator of overall body health! And, really, see a doctor that isn't an idiot to check on your overall health and see what they have to say - someone outside of the dancing industry!

    Sorry if I came off opinionated - I just hate seeing people who might even be going through a little bit of what I went through.
  • the same thing is happening to me ! i havent had my period in a few months and i have been eating 1200 or less calories plus i have been working out a lot more than usual . reading these posts is making me realize that i need to eat more. its hard to grasp this concept since ive been trying so hard to shred pounds. if i start to eat 1200+ will my cycle go back to normal ? im 5'5 120 pounds. i know i dont need to lose a bunch of weight but im trying to tone my body since im out of shape. thanks
  • believetoachieve
    believetoachieve Posts: 675 Member
    To all the ladies hoping for, or glamorizing period-loss.... please cut it out. There's nothing good or exciting about losing your period (and sometimes your FERTILITY) as a result of too much diet/exercise. You are a women, and this is what we're created for. You may find that while you strive to be period-free now, in 10 years you may want children and discover you cannot. So really, shush, lol. :laugh:
  • I have actually had the same problem. My Gyno prescribes me medicine every 3 months to make me have a period. If you don't have a period AT LEAST once every 3 months (even a little bit), then you can run into problems like cervical cancer! You should really talk to your dr.!! Hope this helps!
  • Have you taken a pregnancy test?
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