The "NEVER been thin/ in-shape" Club



  • ericwood9341
    Always been heavy. The "healthiest" I have ever been was at 200 lbs. Technically 165 is my healthy weight but I would be happy to see 200 again. My heaviest ever was 245. I am currently at 230 and dieting hard. Will be exercising as hard if I can ever get over this flu..
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    Well, I just got off the phone from booking my very first massage ever! I had set that as a mini goal for when I hit -20lbs and my hubby got me a gift certificate for VDay! :) I hit my mini goal last Monday at -21lbs but I had a pretty bad week right from the beginning with not eating too great and not exercising as much (only did zumba twice). I don't know why I tend to punish myself, but I do. So, I held off on making the appointment because I was convinced that I'd have gained several pounds meaning I wouldn't have a 20lbs loss. Figures, I do something really great and still find a way to make myself feel down about it. So, imagine my surprise when I got on the scale and it said a 1 pound gain!!! I'm not normally excited about gains haha but this means I'm at -20lbs exactally! So my appointment is on Thursday! WOOHOO!

    I went though something weird this week for sure. It was like I settled for 20lbs. I would think, "oh I've lost 20lbs so I can have that _______) Umm, HELLO MEG!!!!! You still have 50ish more pounds to lose, step away from the cookie! haha So back at it this week. I had my quater weight loss crisis, time to move on.
    MegJo... That massage is going to be AWESOME!!! I totally do that "I've lost ___ so I can have ___" too!! 50-ish lbs to go for me too! Let's be kinder to ourselves this week. Do what you know you need to do. That ___ we want so bad can wait a few more pounds. If the temptation is too much, just have a tiny amount of it, and savor the treat. I've been waiting several months to get to 179 so I can set my massage appointment, but I've been thinking lately that I deserve it NOW, and I should go for it! I just need to find an affordable massage place. :bigsmile:

    zuback... Welcome!!

    ericwood... Hope you feel better!!
  • 90poundsoflard
    Hey! Where is everyone? I need this to help keep me motivated - if I have to weigh in it makes me try just a little harder. I know I should feel motivated on my own, but there are some days I want to lose weight, but I don't want to do what it takes.
    Anyway.....after last week's discouragement, I knew I had to be more careful with my sodium - and it paid off! I am down 3 lbs this week, my eyes are not puffy, and my ankles are not swollen. I don't cook with much salt - hardly any - if only I could get my friends to cut back when I'm eating their food. Oh well, I'll just have to take tiny portions until I see if it's salty, and drink LOTS of water. LOL
  • ace175
    ace175 Posts: 518 Member
    I have always been overweight! My heaviest, and start weight was 220. I am down to 210 and my goal is 175. 45 pounds! I don't even know what that will be like! The lowest number I can remember was in 7th/8th grade so I was 13-14 I was probably 154....and that was overweight back then!! I was even a chunky baby and kid! Looking @ pics from back in the day all my friends were string beans and I was more of a melon... I can't wait to get this weight off! I want to be able to sit and not have this huge pot belly roll over my jeans-- i look like I'm pregnant, and I don't want to look like that till I actually am! Also can't weight to get this fat off my back! I hate that the most probably because it just makes me feel so gross and roll-y. I'm so glad I found this group, because it does suck when I see people saying that they want to get back to what they were like in high school or something. I have always been heavy, and I don't want to stay heavy! Would love any support!!
  • zuback55
    I have volunteered for the last three days at a senior's lodge to help residents move into new rooms....boy have I had some extra excercise......and calories left over at the end of the day......It feels really good to see that for the first time in a month!!!!! So c'mon Ace we can do this.....right?
  • 90poundsoflard
    Hello? Is there anybody out there? It's feeling kinda lonely here.
  • thankyou4thevenom
    thankyou4thevenom Posts: 1,581 Member
    I'm Anya and I belong here too. I've been fat for as long as I can remember. There's a few pictures back in school when I'm about 9 where I'm not over weight but that's it. I simply ballooned from there due to bullying and my parent's nasty divorce.

    Highest weight : 191lbs
    Current weight: 174lbs
    Target: 117lbs

    I'm very open to change on the target weight. It's supposed to be smack bang in the middle of healthy for my height (5ft 1inch). I think it might be very skinny on me and frankly I want to be fit not skinny. So I expect I'll weigh more than that in the end.
  • sweetie89207
    Hello? Is there anybody out there? It's feeling kinda lonely here.

    im here just INSANELY busy from school!!!!
  • sweetie89207
    its saturday!!!! any new weights????
  • ColorfulSouls
    Heaviest: 160 pounds
    Current: 129
    Goal: 115 (I think)

    I'm a small person... 5'0 and I was BORN fat. I almost didn't fit tin the hospital's crib XD
    Anyway, my name is Erica, and I've never been thin.
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    We started out with a bag with this group, but maybe we need something to keep everyone interested. Well... I keep checking this page. :bigsmile: CW: 182.5 I don't think there's been a change.
  • mrjason
    mrjason Posts: 61 Member

    My lowest weight was 7pounds and 9 ounces at birth :)

    Highest was 360
    I'm around 320 right now and want to hit 170. I've always been "chunk" from the goonies and hate it. Finally it's time to fix this with the help of this community.
  • sarglava
    sarglava Posts: 206 Member
    My goal weight is 160 (because this is a weight I REMEMBER being at once... years ago). Currently I'm at 177. Started at 220, went down to 170, then back to 185... whew. What a rollercoaster.

    Even as a toddler I was chubbier. I don't remember I time when I wasn't a chunky girl. I don't even think I made it to the preteen sizes in the local mall... I just shot up from little girl clothes to having to shop in the women's department. That's embarrassing for an eight year old trying to find clothes in the old ladies section. I'm glad now for girls who do face the struggle with weight that they have choices now. The clothes make the man (and the woman.)

    Maybe after I hit my goal I can set another lower goal... the farther away the number, the more nervous I get.
  • redruthie
    We started out with a bag with this group, but maybe we need something to keep everyone interested. Well... I keep checking this page. :bigsmile: CW: 182.5 I don't think there's been a change.

    I agree! We need something to keep everyone interested and checking in weekly. What if we did something where we check in weekly, post our weight, and post a weekly goal for ourselves??

    CW: 258.5
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    I agree! We need something to keep everyone interested and checking in weekly. What if we did something where we check in weekly, post our weight, and post a weekly goal for ourselves??
    Sounds good to me!! My goal is to get under 180!! CW: 180.5, AND then I will have completed what was supposed to be our first goal, if I remember right, to lose 10% of our body weight, which meant reaching 179.5 for me!! :bigsmile:
  • murrow1105
    murrow1105 Posts: 19 Member
    I'll join if you'll have me!

    I have ALWAYS been a chubby kid. I actually can't remember, ever, being less than a size 14 or so. Even in elementary school.

    My goal weight is 150 but I honestly don't know if that's reasonable for me. I am thinking 180 might be more realistic.

    I started losing on January 3 and am down 18 lbs since then! Hoping to be down 60 by my 25th birthday in August!
  • Vick_MN
    SW 256
    CW 241
    Goal 185

    I would love to join your club. When I was born I was a mere 5 lbs. That was 45 years ago and the last time that I was thin! I'm so tired of hearing, "You have such a pretty face, if you would just lose some weight......" The turning point for me was when I was unable to clip my own toenails. For me, that was hitting rock bottom and at that point I decided--NO MORE!

    I didn't want to aim for a really high goal because I didn't think it would be obtainable so I went with 185 because that is what I weighed 20 years ago when I got married. WHEN I reach 185, I will set a new goal for myself but I can't even begin to imagine being 185 again.

    Before I found this site I have never stuck with any weight loss plan for this long. It has been a little over a month for me and logging my food, measuring my portions and exercising are now becoming old habits for me. Just part of my everyday routine. That is why I know I will be able to eventually reach my goal and continue on. Also, all of the wonderful people and their amazing posts keep me going. It is so incredible to have so many people out there supporting me unconditionally even though they don't know me. What an amazing feeling!!:flowerforyou:
  • Evermyre
    Hey everyone! I know I haven't been around. I think it's been about three weeks. Things got crazy and I got lazy. I've been afraid to step on the scale, but finally did this morning an ddiscovered I was actually down two pounds! So clearly what I've learned here has carried over to my subconcious because to be honest i thought I was going to have gained back all the weight I had lost. I was prepared to be completely discouraged. But I guess since I formed the habits it was easier. So here I am. Ready to get back at it. Hopefully I can keep going.

    CW: 254
  • redruthie
    Hi everyone! I wanted to post my goal for the week. I really struggle with eating my fruits and vegetables, so this week I am going to set a goal of eating more fruits and vegetables. I am always in a hurry and on the go, so this will be challenging for me. I hope to accomplish this goal by planning meals and snacks ahead of time. I hope everyone is doing well.
  • sweetie89207
    wow wow sorry i havent been on is KICKING MY BUTT!!! but i think that is a great idea for what everyone should do is put their goal on here for the next week when u put up ur weight for the week on saturday then u can check in to tell us if you made that goal or not, how u did it- or why you didnt...

    i think that should work...

    and i'll be getting to all u new ppl in a few days once i get through the PILES of homework and studying i have!