Kicking *kitten* In Our Twenties - February Challenge!!



  • mkingraham
    mkingraham Posts: 445 Member
    Rachel- I know when I was playing soccer in high school and working out a ton it did affect my cycle, but since I've been exercising and eating right now I haven't seen any changes. If I were you I would take a test sooner rather then later but I know what the stress of not knowing would do on my body. Otherwise I don't really have any advice. Good luck!

    KanCrav- Great job on staying up with the meetings and keeping a positive attitude. Like you said- thinking of it as Feb is almost over which means a NEW mo nth is about to begin is way better then Feb sucks : )

    NicNac- I have some friends who take Zumba classes and they really love it! I say give it a try and see what happens : )

    Melissa- I got the clean eating magazine at barnes and noble since they have a huge magazine selection. It has at least 20 recipes in it so it really helps mix things up. My Hubby and I got so tired of having the same meals over and over so it’s been nice to try a few new things.

    Allie- CONGRATS!! That is amazing! I can’t wait until I can say that I have lost 40 lbs. I bet you are so happy! As you should be : )

    Meag- sounds like you had a nice day with the boy- even if the movie sucked! I hope the family get together went good- I know you were nervous with having everyone meet the boy for the first time.

    AFM- got in a good workout today with spinning. We did 4 sprints instead of the usual 3 to end class and man was it killer, but a great workout as usual. Official weigh-in this morning and I am down one lb making me down a solid 24.5 lbs overall- I had already had my oatmeal so while I’m logging what the scale official said in my mind that’s minus 25 lbs : ) so happy! Any who, back to work for me! I will try and stay up with everyone throughout the day. I hope you all have a fantastic Tuesday!

  • fightingdissonance
    Rachel - In my experience it definitely can throw off your cycle, especially in the beginning. When you're losing weight, it's not uncommon to skip or be late from what I've read on it in the past. I'm about 2 weeks late right now and I've just been assuming that it was because my body isn't used to so much exercise and the type of food I've been eating so it would take a while to get back on course. Eating too few calories could cause it as well, but you would have to be pretty significantly undereating for a prolonged amount of time I think for it to really affect your cycle. Sure it will be all okay, best of luck to you!

    Allie - Congratulations!! That's an amazing achievement!!

    AFM - was not too thrilled to realize yesterday when I headed off to the gym it had closed an hour earlier with this silly holiday Ontario started doing about 3 years ago that no one ever remembers. So I'm going to head there today to make up for missing Monday's workout, though will only be able to get in 2 strength sessions there through the weekdays (I work every Sat/Sun so can never go to the gym on the weekends) and will have to just stick to cardio tomorrow. Kind of throws off the last week of the month, but ah well, shyte happens.
    Have a great Tuesday all!
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Okay, so here is my dilemma. I have either completely messed up my monthly cycle, or I am pregnant. I'm already a week late. No I haven't taken a test. I plan to wait another week before that. I don't think I'm pregnant, so has anyone else messed up their cycle when changing diet and exercise. If that is what happened could that mean I wasn't getting enough calories? I would not include this weekend in that assessment.
    I don't have time to update right now, but I am going through this right now. I run a lot and workout pretty hard 5-6 times a week, and I haven't had my TOM since Nov. I am NOT pregnant and I've never missed cycles before. It's definitely diet and exercise related... Unfortunately, I don't have a GP right now and so I can't get it properly sorted until I find one, which is WAY harder than I thought. If you're not back on track by next week I'd check with a pregnancy test and then get to a Dr. if you can... Just my opinion! Better safe than sorry :happy:

    Yes... I'm such a hypocrite! hahaha
  • kbellnurse
    hey everyone!

    I'm just popping in to say I miss you all!! This week has been nuts with work and spending every second either working on driving on my car or cleaning up after my husband and his crazy reno's! haha. It's my last shift tonight and then I have some days off (yay reading week) i will check in tomorrow and I'm excited to be back.

  • GuamGrly
    GuamGrly Posts: 600 Member
    Happy Tuesday ladies!!

    Allie - great loss girly!! :drinker: I am sure it feels amazing to hit that milestone! Keep up the great work!

    NicNac - I :heart: zumba!! But I love to dance also. The classes just keep you moving though. I think I have honestly only been to one class though but I really wish that I could make it more often.

    Katy - thank you for sharing that!! :noway: I don't think I fit in with the "average" woman thinking about it 13 times a day. Although I probably do it subconsciously without even knowing that I am doing it. But just by being aware that this behavior takes place, we can all recognize it before it spirals out of control and think positive, reassuring thoughts!!

    Kandace - I am just ready for the month to be over. My February was full of self-destructive behavior and I am hoping to have that all behind me now and just make the most of my time now. Great job sticking with your meetings...thats super important and its great to see you staying focused. :bigsmile:

    Meag - glad that the day with the boy worked out in your favor!! :happy: can be done!! And what movie did you end up seeing?

    Megan - great loss!! :flowerforyou:

    AFM...I think my self-destructive binging has finally come to a halt. I bought myself a new scale over the weekend and finally broke it out of the box last night. I also got to see the boy over the weekend and that made me feel a lot better. My aunt also offered to let my daughter and I stay with her when my parents leave if I am not able to find anything else. Its not my ideal situation because my daughter and I will be crammed in a small room. But its an option which is some relief. And if its my only option then I am grateful and will make it work. I am also getting used to working early. I am not by any means a morning person and I am having to be at work by the time I would usually get up because a girl quit. And its some unwritten rule around here that I pick up the slack in all of the other departments. But now that I am getting used to it, I am able to get my workouts in. Last night, I pretty much dragged myself kicking and screaming to the gym but I did it and it felt great!!

    So here's my workout schedule for the week...

    Monday - W2D1 C25K training and lifting
    Tuesday - kickboxing and maybe hula
    Wednesday - W2D2 C25K training and lifting
    Thursday - rest day
    Friday - W2D3 C25K training and lifting

    Also...I got a new iPod for Valentine's Day. I originally was gonna exchange it cause it is the same size as the one I have but the bf had a great idea to use it as my gym iPod. So...I remember a while back that someone (I think it was Melissa) had mentioned free podcasts that she uses for running....what was the podcast called???

    Hope all of you lovely ladies have a wonderful Tuesday!!
  • lostalykat
    lostalykat Posts: 683 Member
    Wow I really missed a lot! I was pretty busy the last few days so I didn’t have a whole lot of time to catch up and when I try to it seems futile haha. Well at least I can be here for you guys during the week hehe.

    I decided that not drinking for 5 weeks is silly. It is not teaching me how to live a life with successful weight loss. It is more of a deprivation and I don’t want to psychologically do that to myself. With that being said I did not need to have as many drinks as I did yesterday but O well it was a holiday and I was enjoying my day off of everything. It was the first day in a long time that I did not have to feel guilty about missing a workout; on a day I did not have work. It was really nice to have a day to do that. I did really well with my eating for the most part I just had a few too many beverages. I would consider that a Win in my book, I just hope I don’t end up paying for it at the scale. This is my workout for the week.

    Mon- Rest
    Tues- Swim
    Weds- Run with team
    Friday- Bike/Core
    Sat- Run
    Sun- Rest

    I might switch out my Sunday rest say for a different day so I can do a yoga class somewhere, or I might do yoga some day just to see how it is. Back in the grind today and I am pretty tired since yesterday was a shopping/drinking day haha. But I had a lot of fun and I am not going to let myself feel too guilty. I hope everyone had a great weekend, from what I could read it seems like things have been good for the most part for peeps.

    QOTD: What are you most excited about this coming spring?
    For me is it freedom from my training and warm weather ☺
  • brittfam

    I decided that not drinking for 5 weeks is silly. It is not teaching me how to live a life with successful weight loss. It is more of a deprivation and I don’t want to psychologically do that to myself. With that being said I did not need to have as many drinks as I did yesterday but O well it was a holiday and I was enjoying my day off of everything. It was the first day in a long time that I did not have to feel guilty about missing a workout; on a day I did not have work. It was really nice to have a day to do that. I did really well with my eating for the most part I just had a few too many beverages. I would consider that a Win in my book, I just hope I don’t end up paying for it at the scale. This is my workout for the week.

    LOL @ the beverages. I could do amazing eating/ working out all week then the weekend comes and BAM- shots ( I swear Im not a lush), I always end up dragging myself to the gym Saturday afternoon to sweat it out. I try not to feel bad about it. I worked all week and I deserve one ..or two... or maybe even three hahah.

    I’ve been very proud of myself lately going to the gym 6 days a week Work all day , then hit the gym . But I noticed I’ve been slacking on the lifting side. I don’t mind doing legs and back but when it comes to dealing anything with arms I cringe. I think that maybe one of my goals for March. Im hoping to be down another 2-3 pounds by next weeks weigh-in. I hope everyone is having a good week so far 
  • seripha
    Brittfam - Have you gone to a trainer to maybe give you some ideas for making the arm lifting fun? Straight weight lifting is always kind of boring imho, especially when you have those roid monkeys near by lifting huge amounts.

    Aly - I do a yoga on the same night as kung fu and I really like it. I do hatha yoga, so it's a bit more about stretching and flexibility rather than power, etc. As long as you don't do it back to back with another exercise, it's a really nice way to break up your day. As for the drinking thing, I can't give too many suggestions as I'm not a huge drinker (alcohol makes my tummy hurt) but yea, healthy moderation is usuallykey over all together denying yourself.

    Guam - I really hope everything turns out for your little fam re housing. Glad your aunt is going to help you out for the meantime. A for running podcasts, I use DJ Steveboy's podcasts. They're 45 min - 1h30 min continuous music podcasts with bpm from 150 - 180 and back. He updates them every week and they're free so it's really nice to pick and choose from them.

    TOM Stuff - Lots of stuff can mess up your cycle, especially a new diet, stress, or exercise. Some girls, if they're not on the pill or other BC, don't always have a regular cycle anyhow. They may be a 3 week, 5 week or 7 week cycle person. Still, with that kind of stuff you always want to visit your doctor or a women's health clinic sooner than later. Usually it's nothing at all, but it's important to keep up on your health in that area.
  • shelsab
    shelsab Posts: 138 Member
    Good afternoon everyone!

    Allie-great job on your loss overall and this week! Those loses count up!

    Nic-Do it! Zumba is so fun! I am so not coordinated, but I don't care, its a fun way to work out! So give it a try.

    Tara- I am glad you have at least a place you can stay if you do not find anything else. Try hula and let us know how it goes.

    Aly- You have to do what is right for you, so good for you! I am glad you enjoyed your day yesterday!!

    kbell-keep working on the car, yay for your days off soon!

    britt-congrats on the new goals and getting to the gym 6 days a week!!

    AFM- I am down 2 lbs this week! So finally my eating has gotten under control. Nothing really going on this week. My sister made thai corn soup with tofu last night and it was amazing! Just the perfect light soup. Tonight I am making lentil ricotta meatballs, already prepared them ahead this morning. OHH I almost forgot! After my great weigh in this morning, I went to go make oatmeal, I turned on the stove, which is electric and put the tea kettle on. Turned around for a few mins to clean up the table turn around and the front burner that my kettle was on, was on FIRE! I was like what the heck! I was able to remove the ketttle and turn off the burner. Didnt remember that my mom tells me to use salt on electric, but tried to cover it with the top of a pan (to smother) but didnt really work too great. But the fire went out with in 2 mins. At least I didnt try to put it out with water! But its all good now. Nothings wrong with it now, must have been something under that had caught on fire. On the positive least I was calm in the situation and thats a good way to be in certain situations like that. :]

    Hope everyone has a good rest of the day. I am off to the gym!

  • nadinemarie
    hey all, sorry I've been MIA on the thread. I had a medical thing I had many years ago come back and basically spent the last couple weeks unable to do anything and feeling very sorry for myself. It shouldnt have happened but since it can be brought on by stress I think it was my bodies way of saying it needed a rest and hitting me with the only thing it knew would stop me. Anyways, all better, and I'm back! I've promised my doctor, trainer and worried girlfriends I'd take a chill pill and lesson my exersize regime.

    My plan is still to run my 2nd 1/2 marathon in 4 weeks, but leisurely, not aiming for my goal time. I am going to change running programs and start at the beginning of one thats only 3 days/week for 10 weeks and the long run to start is only 6 miles and the longest is 12. My new goal is to run the BMO 1/2 on May 1st in 1:45. My rest days I'm going to do more cross-training activites to help with muscle balance and avoiding injuries. Schedule:

    Mondays - core workout in the morning, speed run in the evening. STRETCH!
    Tuesdays - upper body workout in the morning, box fit class in the evening
    Wednesdays - lower body workout in the morning, tempo run in the evening. STRETCH!
    Thursdays - squash with my girlfriend Emma whose introduced me to this super duper fun activity!
    Fridays - core workout in the morning, long run in the evening. STRETCH!
    Sat / Sunday - snowboarding or indoor climbing or something random
  • nadine2unfit2bqueen
    weird that last message was from me but I signed in under a diff log in name?!
  • seripha
    Nadine - Yea, weird. I thought it was you? So I friended them anyhow because I thought, why don't I have her on my friend's list??
  • mkingraham
    mkingraham Posts: 445 Member
    Just had the most delicious dinner! Thyme Pork Chops with Apples roasted in cinnamon with a pecan and raisin topping. SO WONDERFUL!! And it was from my clean eating magazine! I will most definitely share the recipe when I get a chance to post it! Have a great night ladies!!!
  • lostalykat
    lostalykat Posts: 683 Member
    I am feeling very tired and stressed after the day today. I am going to take the evening off working out since I am so tired. I don't want to hurt myself. The good thing is that I was really healthy all day and I feel good about my food choices.
  • cheralicia
    Oh boy...adding to the list of downers! I dunno what's going on with me but this month's TOM has been brutal and my moods have been all over the place not to mention I have been eating everything in bread!! I can't eat bread! What is going on with me?? I definitely feel like there's a gain for this month which really sucks because I thought I'd have so much more time an energy to focus on my health/body. Just gonna have to move past it!

    Anyway, the better news is that I've been pretty dedicated in going to the gym and yoga. The last 2 weeks I've worked out 4/7 days which isn't bad at all. I didn't get to go snowboarding on Saturday (wayyy too icy & cold) but I did wake up at 9am after a very late night & made it to an intense yoga session. It was just me and another girl so basically like a private class! Just wish I could stop eating so much! So hopefully after TOM passes I can get back to the healthy eating and benefit from the working out.

    Looks like a lot has been going on since I was last here...

    Allie - Excellent job on the loss!!! It's amazing how much you can accomplish when you stay motivated huh? Great job, you should be proud!!

    NicNac - Go for the Zumba! My mum takes it and loves it (she's young and fitter than me, so don't be discouraged by the mum fact)

    Kandace - sooo nervous about the end of the month because I know I am going to see a gain on the scale and that really sucks!

    Katysteele - Challenge Accepted! I am definitely one of those women, I don't know it's just ingrained in me to think about how much work I need to do, and how it really shouldn't be so hard because I've already done it before! Next time I think like that I'm gonna fire back with something good.

    echo/Jess - Don't hate the holiday! Embrace it! haha I just was happy to get an extra day off, but yes it threw off my workout too (more from sheer laziness of course).

    Guam - Nice to hear you have a new development in the living situation. At least you know you have an option and will be able to stay put in your job if you want to. I hope it all works out, don't let it get you too down. Also glad to hear the binge eating has passed.

    Alexis - excellent loss! Isn't it great to see those numbers go down? Always a great motivator to keep up the good work!

    Aly - Good job on the food choices amidst all the drinking. I do know what that's like and usually once I have a few drinks all my eating habits go out the window. Your workout for the week looks awesome! And what Seripha says about yoga, sometimes it's nice to do a hatha/stretching class or session on the same day as another workout. A lot of the times I find it helps limber you up and for intense workouts you don't feel too sore the next day.

    Nadine - Sorry to hear about the health thing, I really hope it's something that isn't too serious. You definitely need to follow Dr's orders and find a good balance between rest and exercise. Your schedule for the week looks great, that's considered a light week for you? Wow...pretty good

    QOTD - Soo looking forward to getting exercise outside! This spring/summer I really want to make use of the fact that I live in such a great city, use the trails by the lake, and get back to walking to work! Right now it's so cold and I am a big baby about it.

    I hope you all have a great week! Wow...just reading everyone's posts and catching up has really lifted my mood already! This thread (and you guys) is amazing :)
  • cheralicia
    Oh - Meag: In response to your question forever ago... the core yoga class is a vinyasa class with focus on core movements and a few fusion yogalates moves to work your core. It's amazing, the teacher is so great I adore him!
  • rawrim4f4tty
    i realize it's kinda the end of february but is it too late to joinn...?
  • wardiemelissa
    wardiemelissa Posts: 365 Member
    AFM...I think my self-destructive binging has finally come to a halt. I bought myself a new scale over the weekend and finally broke it out of the box last night. I also got to see the boy over the weekend and that made me feel a lot better. My aunt also offered to let my daughter and I stay with her when my parents leave if I am not able to find anything else. Its not my ideal situation because my daughter and I will be crammed in a small room. But its an option which is some relief. And if its my only option then I am grateful and will make it work. I am also getting used to working early. I am not by any means a morning person and I am having to be at work by the time I would usually get up because a girl quit. And its some unwritten rule around here that I pick up the slack in all of the other departments. But now that I am getting used to it, I am able to get my workouts in. Last night, I pretty much dragged myself kicking and screaming to the gym but I did it and it felt great!!

    So here's my workout schedule for the week...

    Monday - W2D1 C25K training and lifting
    Tuesday - kickboxing and maybe hula
    Wednesday - W2D2 C25K training and lifting
    Thursday - rest day
    Friday - W2D3 C25K training and lifting

    Also...I got a new iPod for Valentine's Day. I originally was gonna exchange it cause it is the same size as the one I have but the bf had a great idea to use it as my gym iPod. So...I remember a while back that someone (I think it was Melissa) had mentioned free podcasts that she uses for running....what was the podcast called???

    Hope all of you lovely ladies have a wonderful Tuesday!!

    I do the same thing...I have one iPod for the car, travel, whatever, and my other one I use when I run. I'm not sure if it is a podcast but my hubby found the cd online for free. DJ GirlTalk. It has a mix of EVERYTHING from 80's to rap. It is quite upbeat and really keeps me moving!!!

    I'm glad to hear that you have a possible place to stay if/when parents move. It might not be ideal to start with but at least you and your daughter will be together!!!
  • wardiemelissa
    wardiemelissa Posts: 365 Member
    Just had the most delicious dinner! Thyme Pork Chops with Apples roasted in cinnamon with a pecan and raisin topping. SO WONDERFUL!! And it was from my clean eating magazine! I will most definitely share the recipe when I get a chance to post it! Have a great night ladies!!!

    YUMMY!!! Yes please do!!!
  • meggonkgonk
    meggonkgonk Posts: 2,066 Member
    i realize it's kinda the end of february but is it too late to joinn...?

    Raw- Sure! You can introduce yourself and give us updates for the rest of the month. Keep an eye out, and we'll start a new thread in March where you can list your goals for the month. Each of us usually try to set a Scale goal (lose xlbs; reach xlbs) and a non-scale goal (run x distance; complete x workouts; eat a veggie everyday; drink all my water etc)