I faced death this week



  • Shawnarose
    Shawnarose Posts: 74 Member
    Wow, what else can I say? I am sitting here thinking a great deal about it could be me next. I am thinking about how incredibly selfish I get at times - knowing what is best and still choosing to take the easy way and do what I darn please and eat whatever and however much I want....well that's all in the past - yes your story and others like yours are finally hitting home.
    I started this year with a new attitude and I am going to make it through the whole year before passing judgment on myself for my successes and failures. I will be here add me as a friend together we can make this journey back to good health and a vibrant lifestyle!
    Thanks so much for your insight and your story!
  • This is a will written story. you brought tears to my eyes. you left me thinking a lot. I hope you feel better, and thinks for your story.
  • CCJ13
    CCJ13 Posts: 165 Member
    Thank you for sharing. I too am crying sitting here looking at my 5 children wondering what they would do without me. I am 31 years old & that could easily be me. I will think of you everytime I think of giving up.
  • BigBoneSista
    BigBoneSista Posts: 2,389 Member
    I applaud you for not sitting around watching as the world passing by licking your wounds. You are a true testament to everyone here that are choosing to take their lives back and live 1 day at a time while making the most of it.

    In your words I sense your determination & I can feel your strength.

    I wish you much success in your journey.
  • ciaobella47
    ciaobella47 Posts: 95 Member
    Beautifully written! I'm so glad I read this today. I could only imagine what you were/are feeling but I know reading your story has given me a fresh perspective. Thank you!
  • Beautifully written! I'm so glad I read this today. I could only imagine what you were/are feeling but I know reading your story has given me a fresh perspective. Thank you!

    Agreed.. glad I read this today as well. God Bless, Linda.. Like you said "positive" encouragement and support.. with this we can make it. For our spouses, children and most importantly for ourselves.
  • WOW! Thank you so much for sharing this! :sad: I too am a mother and cannot even begin to imagine how you must have felt writing those notes to your children. Thank God it went well and you have been given this second chance. Good luck to you in your journey! :flowerforyou: You have given me new eyes to see through - thank you again!
  • manymuses
    manymuses Posts: 162 Member
    Thank you SO much everyone for the outpouring of love and support I have received from the MFP community after posting my story. It means so much to me right now. I am trying to lay the groundwork for a successful life plan, so the positive encouragement and emotional support are invaluable to me as I begin this new phase of my life.

    These early weeks of my recovery are quite scary because my heart is still not functioning at 100% and I still feel "sick." I am not allowed to do any strenuous exercise until my medications begin to address the underlying causes. This is frustrating to me, since I so want to get started on making big changes, but have to learn to take baby steps toward the future I want to live. I have a long road ahead of me- back to life. I thank you all again for accompanying me along the way.

  • mikedraper
    mikedraper Posts: 18 Member
    "I am on a journey now. A lifelong journey, not of dieting and counting calories, but of making moment-to-moment choices that will directly affect the quality and QUANTITY of the rest of my life."

    Your story is amazing.
    I'm going to post this quote from you in my office to be a constant reminder to me every day.
    Thank you for sharing.
  • I'm glad you're ok. I had a scare like you did a couple of months ago. I too have finally taken my health seriously and said enough is enough. The hardest thing for me was not only my family history, but all my contributions to my health issues. Not only am I over weight, but a smoker to boot. So I finally gave up smoking - 3 weeks ago, and then found this site and started working on the wieght and healthy eating. Like the rest of notes I've read, people here are a very positive force for each other and have wonderful things to say and encourage each other with. I wish you the best of health and hope you do well with all the changes you are making in your life. Everything you are working on changing only brings wonderful things into your life. Best of luck to you. If you ever want to look me up I'm under AMYMMAT. I will give you all the encouragement in your endevour that I can.
  • manymuses
    manymuses Posts: 162 Member
    UPDATE: I had my one month follow up visit this morning and I am a straight A student according to my cardiologist.

    She's so proud of how far I have come that i don't have to go back for 6 months! My heart is healing like a champ since my cath 1 month ago. Very happy and positive and ready to DO this and keep it going for the rest of my life!
  • superwmn
    superwmn Posts: 936
    Linda, this is amazing. I'm so glad you are here and able to share your story. We are all here to support you and your amazing new life style for the rest of your very long life.

  • thank you for sharing
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