Sin food - what HAVE you given up?



  • kwardklinck
    kwardklinck Posts: 1,601
    Nothing. If I want one of my "sin foods", I either make allowances for it or save it for my once a week "cheat meal". It's the only way I can live. This is a lifestyle, not a diet.
  • emmclean
    emmclean Posts: 297 Member
    I've tried not to cut anything out (I find that's when you crave it the most) but I have severely cut back on crisps - I used to have at least one pack a day, and they were McCoys too, at 250 cals a bag! I'm also cutting back on how much meat I used to eat, which is partially down to portion control.

    Interesting to read all this stuff about diet coke, I drink it very rarely now but I will have a few cans when I'm visiting my mum as she always has a good stock in the fridge. Can anyone point me in the direction of some scientific evidence of why it hinders weightloss (I know the sweeteners are bad for your kidneys), and how much has an effect?

    Thanks all!
  • kimwig
    kimwig Posts: 164
    Decided not to take half measures, allowing me to have some things occasionally, as that would just make me want to eat more of it so... gave up (and have not had sine April 2010)
    - alcohol
    - milk, cream
    - cheese
    - butter
    - ice cream
    - cookies and cakes
    - chocolate
    - muffins, croissants, Danish pastries
    - pies
    - refined sugar
    - eggs
    - fast food of any kind
    - white rice and white bread
    - pre made salad dressings
    - any fizzy drink (diet or other)

    Geez it made weight loss easier and I don't miss them now, at all
  • rlysrh
    rlysrh Posts: 244
    I haven't really given up anything but I've realised if I want to make my calorie goal most days I can't drink alcohol or have milk in my coffee. But when I have spare calories I'll still have those things if I can (:
  • honeyrabbit
    I wouldn't say i've given anything up as I didn't eat fast food, junk and fizzy drinks etc. before

    I have cut own on the amount of bread I eat though
    I only drink alcohol if i'm out for dinner or out with friends partying (no more wine while i'm sat in watching TV)
    Orange juice (didn't realise how much sugar/calories were in it!)
    Used to eat lots of beans and pulses but have cut down now I know how calorific they are....healthy but still calorific!
  • lynz4589
    lynz4589 Posts: 389 Member
    the only thing I chose to give up was coca cola - A few years ago I would drink 4L a day! Then cut down to 2L a day until last year I managed to cut back to 2L every few days - at Christmas I just stopped completely, the first few weeks were horrendous but 2 weeks ago I was given a glass of coke and actually didnt even like the taste anymore!!

    Other things Ive given up (but not on purpose) is all my chocolates, biscuits, crisps - infact we dont have any in the house anymore, cakes have gone, orange juices etc

    I dont really miss anything either because Im so filled from eating fruits - and have got used to drinking water too :)

    Takeaways I used to eat up to 2 or 3 a week due to the nature of my work - now I have 1 or 2 a month and only if no meal has been planned, or I am out for the day.
  • catcrazy
    catcrazy Posts: 1,740 Member
    Not given up anything really, except the fat on meats...i trim that off now but most of what i buy is fairly lean anyway. I've never been one for fast foods, burger king mcdonalds are probably a couple of times a decade, subway is once a year (i gotta be due one now! lol) Its more about portion control and moderation than giving stuff up for me. The things I think twice about tho are sausages, white bread and pasta, bacon, cheese and pastry
  • noble1987
    Mc donalds, KFC and Burger King!!!

    I still have the occassional Indian and Chinese take-a-way though, but I chose wisely from the menu and have a small portion as a treat.
  • mielikkibz
    mielikkibz Posts: 552 Member
    Absolutely nothing its about moderation!
    Instead of 6 bags of crisps in one sitting maybe 1 every couple of days. If i feel like i cant have something i want it all the more and then ill binge.

    exactly, I have allowed myself two trips to BK since the 1/5/2011, but got much smaller portions than usualy, I also still eat pizza & CHocolate, just in moderation. . one small papa johns used to last me two maybe three meals, I made it last me 5 :) We still go out to dinner, I just eat healthier, only thing I've cut out is the frequency :)
  • Mo120
    Mo120 Posts: 20
    I gave up white pasta and bread, I find that it was the same amount of calories, and it kept me full for longer, so that was a plus! I also use to eat a huge amount of potato chips during the week. I didn't give it up, but it's hard to fit into my daily calories now, so I end up not eating them! :tongue:
  • MsFitnFabulous
    MsFitnFabulous Posts: 432 Member
    The daily $.99 ruffles sour cream & cheddar, the 20 oz pepsi, and king size candy bars that used to be breakfast. I don't think I could have more than a few bites of a snickers now.
  • EbonyGemstoneHealth
    In chronological order lol:

    Pizza( was the hardest),
    All Dairy( butter/margarine was first)
    Most meats....
    Fried Chicken,
    All fizzy pop/soda.
    All baked goods (almost there)
    Rice/sushi/Fish combination is probably next
    Alcohol is probably going to be last and the hardest....

    I can't do moderation at all,so all of these were slowly removed from my lifestyle eating pattern over a span of 2-3 years,
    margarine/butter was stopped for much longer though,so it should really be at the top of the
  • jessicamichalski
    I honestly have a hard time giving anything up. It's a success mindset for me.. So I don't! I tell myself I can have anything I want...and then I don't want it as bad especially because I see the pounds dropping, so I WANT to do right with my body. If I tell myself, I can go out right now and get mcd's, I don't feel like I need it because I choose not to go. It's my own little mindtrick...But to be honest, I haven't went to a greasy fast food place (subway and jimmy johns don't count) since the middle of December... :)
  • Julesjhj
    Julesjhj Posts: 150 Member
    I don't deprive myself of anything, but having said that, it's all about moderation. I have found that I can have a bite of something and be satisfied. Like when my husband an kids make juicy burgers....I ask for a bite and savor it but I would not want the whole thing, it's just not worth the fat and calories plus I have found that once you start eating cleaner your tastebuds really change!

    The things that I have cut back on the most are cheese, bread and alcohol.
  • RNewton4269
    RNewton4269 Posts: 663 Member
    Fast food..namely McDonald's and Arby's. French fries. Decreased red meat intake. Desserts but I do allow myself an indulgence at least once a week. I don't feel like I am depriving myself...if I want it..I have it..but I count it on the calorie intake...
  • thecanface
    thecanface Posts: 1,180 Member
    saugage and egg mcmuffins. my fave! i've given up ALOT of things, but thats the hardest thing to give up i think..
  • dream_litotes
    Freshly baked bread rolls. I used to buy a few at a time and soo many times I just ended up eating them all within a couple of hours. They really triggered my cravings and didn't satisfy me at all! I miss them sometimes now but mostly I don't even think about it.

    I'm about to give up orange juice. I've had a glass every morning for at least ten years, and I've always felt like those C vitamins would keep me healthy. But now it doesn't taste so good anymore, and I figure I eat enough other fruits and vegetables every day now to make up for that glass of juice.

    But like many others, I don't think this is all about giving things up. I do believe in moderation. And I think, if anything, starting to think about all this has made me feel justified in saying no thanks when people offer me foods. Before I'd often think "hmno, I don't really want that" but feel silly or offensive if I'd try to actually say no. No more!
  • MaryDreamer
    You mean Sin FoodS, what haven't I given up LOL!
  • sexygenius
    sexygenius Posts: 1,078 Member
    doughnuts,mountian dew, and ramen.....they arent completely off limits but I try to stay away from them, and I have done quite well I have had any of those in quite a while....well i maybe kind of cheating becuase I have only resist doughnuts twice, and they didnt even look THAT good lol...ramen has been hard, everythime I open the cabinate I see them, and it I only ate half the package they wouldnt be too bad, but I eat atleast two whole packages..
  • Jenn728
    Jenn728 Posts: 683 Member
    I gave up coke, and any other carbonated drinks.