Sin food - what HAVE you given up?



  • Pop / soda


    Mcdonalds / fast food

    Most restraunt food too


    most processed foods at least as much as I can
  • jipper44
    jipper44 Posts: 111
    Pop and Beer! A friend of mine got the lap band and has had to give them up since the carbonation seemingly expands your stomach, thus defeating the purpose of the lap band! While it's healthy for me, I've given them up to support him too :)
  • LittleD311
    LittleD311 Posts: 618 Member
    Good Topic!

    I have given up:
    - Cut back on Fast food
    - sweets
  • boobee32
    boobee32 Posts: 450 Member
    Everyhing...chips, cookies, ice cream, name it....alllll the stuff that made me fat!! oh, and for now..alcohol is a biggie.
  • My list is too long to list. I have practically given up anything that contains sugar and carbs. Sounds extreme, right? It is, but haven't been missing anything.. on the list I have given up goes something like this:

    Any grains, breads, pastas, etc
    fruits (for now; definitely not permanent)

    I will NOT give up my Canadian Club though!
  • DivaDLB
    DivaDLB Posts: 85 Member
    Everyhing...chips, cookies, ice cream, name it....alllll the stuff that made me fat!! oh, and for now..alcohol is a biggie.

    Alcohol was an issue for me. I started by cutting down on the sweet things and went more with wine. Grapes are fruit, right?:drinker:
  • ashley0616
    ashley0616 Posts: 579 Member
    I've cut way back on soda. I never liked diet, but I was a coke ADDICT for a long time. I now have them very rarely and try to stick to iced tea, water, or Izze (amazing drink, fruit juice and seltzer water).

    I've also traded many of my vodka tonics for red wine.

    Really, the only thing I've given up completely is regular flour tortillas. I stick to La Tortilla Factory smart and delicious low carb high fiber. They are actually quite delicious.
  • happyhaunt
    happyhaunt Posts: 180 Member
    Every Thursday I'd have a chicken tikka masala with chips, and then chocolate fudge cake with ice cream afterwards. It ended up being about double the amount of calories I needed for the whole day! Definitely not going to have it again.
  • JenCM
    JenCM Posts: 195
    My only thing I won't touch anymore probably ever, is Soda. Specifically Mountain Dew. That used to be allllll I drank. Now, even when hubby brings home a more naturally sweetened soda or one with Splenda, I can't stomach more than a swallow usually. =/
    I'm def just a water, sparkling water and unsweetened tea drinker now. :)
  • ebgbjo
    ebgbjo Posts: 821 Member
    Soda- I used to easily drink a 2lt or more a day
    Also, my Iced Coffee with cream and sugar from DD. Bought a iced coffee with half amount of skim milk yesterday and it just wasn't as good as my beloved missed drink :(
  • Sara1978
    Sara1978 Posts: 213 Member
    I didn't consciously give anything up entirely, but I've found that my tastes have changed to the point where if I *try* to eat some things, I either don't like them any more or end up with a stomach ache afterwards, which is a strong incentive not to eat them. Fast food french fries just don't taste good to me anymore. I have maybe one diet coke a week now; it just isn't as appealing to me as it used to be. I've stopped eating mediocre chocolate candies (I used to eat five or six of those little fun size candy bars a day)-- but now, if I'm going to spend calories on chocolate, it's the GOOD stuff (one piece of real dark chocolate or a fancy little truffle) or nothing. I don't buy potato chips anymore-- the greasiness turns me off now.
  • angelicpiece101
    angelicpiece101 Posts: 40 Member
    I've tried not to cut anything out (I find that's when you crave it the most) but I have severely cut back on crisps - I used to have at least one pack a day, and they were McCoys too, at 250 cals a bag! I'm also cutting back on how much meat I used to eat, which is partially down to portion control.

    Interesting to read all this stuff about diet coke, I drink it very rarely now but I will have a few cans when I'm visiting my mum as she always has a good stock in the fridge. Can anyone point me in the direction of some scientific evidence of why it hinders weightloss (I know the sweeteners are bad for your kidneys), and how much has an effect?

    Thanks all!

    I had a dr tell me that even one soda a day diet or not can make you keep on 10lbs a yr!! not tooooooo bad, but think you could be 10lbs lighter!

    As for me, that ONE thing i've cut out is Soda! go figure huh. I used to be addicted to my 1 mtn dew a day.....the funny thing is now if I order a soda with a meal or anything it usually goes to waste bc I dont like how it tastes anymore, so I dont even miss it. Not to mention that 1 soda i'd be having would throw me over in sugar just by itself, so not worth it. And, I usually only order it now, bc I dont like plain water; im trying to find something restaurants carry that I like as a substitute.

    Everything else, I've just cut back on.....things are good in moderation, and i agree with the others here that if you deny yourself things your body is bound to just crave them more.
  • NYGoddess77
    NYGoddess77 Posts: 146 Member
    Chocolate! No longer having it in the house because it is my biggest weakness. Especially chocolate chip cookies, it's crazy. Soda as well but I wasn't huge into soda before, just would have it when other people were so I am done with it now! I opt for water only now. :)

    You can still eat chocolate, of course not the milk choco, and processed sugary ones....but a good brand to consume for that choco fix is
    sold at walmart
  • NYGoddess77
    NYGoddess77 Posts: 146 Member
    Fried food, french fries, soda, sweets. But the cravings are there. If they aren't in my house I stay away.

    Hi...ever since i've stopped eating processed foods and grains....I no longer have cravings for all those types of foods.I dont expect you to stop eating do whats right for you. Here's a very informative video to watch on how metabolism works and how Carbs play a vital role on whether we gain body fat.
  • tinkbell50
    tinkbell50 Posts: 6 Member
    Peanut butter!! I love it way too much and if it's in the cupboard I eat I quit buying it.
  • kateopotato
    kateopotato Posts: 215 Member
    Nachos... It makes me sad because they are so delicious. I am realizing I need to cut out pizza unless I get it by the slice... When we order a whole pizza I have no self control. Same with chips and salsa. So hard to eat a serving size.

    I have drastically reduced my alcohol intake. I actually had an open bottle of wine in my fridge for so long it went bad. I honestly don't think I've ever had that happen before!!

    I try not to tell myself I can't have something though, that makes me want it more...
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    Baconators. One of those things is like 2/3 of my daily calories. I will probably indulge in one from time to time, because they're like my all-time favorite burger, but right now I'm just avoiding them altogether. I do miss them though.

    And if we hadn't left the Philadelphia area, I would have to be giving up cheesesteaks. I could eat a whole footlong steak in no time. But since Nebraskans don't know how to make a proper cheesesteak, I'm in the clear. :laugh:
  • Cigarettes, alcohol, and pizza rolls :(
  • delilahatkins
    delilahatkins Posts: 1 Member
    Red meat.
  • blondie76
    blondie76 Posts: 552 Member
    all pop (including diet) !!!
    been 2 months!!!
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