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  • CudyBug
    CudyBug Posts: 742 Member
    marcie- weather was getting better but then had ice storms and now calling for more snow! Im totally ready for summer right about now. we did walk to story time yesterday. Schools doing well with her I guess lol still crying ALOT. BUt shes on first grade math and over 70 percent done wtih phonics and language arts. She hates phonics but gets through it with no issues. She just said its borinng and I understnd because they do ALOT of reviewing and shes gets it pretty fast so we kinda just double up on assignments then so IM anxious to get her some first grade phonics
  • Jena_72
    Jena_72 Posts: 1,057
    Hello all!! We got the snow last night and despite not wanting it, I got caught up in the excitement and beauty of it! It's melting now, though.

    Don - Zumba is kind of a mix between dance and aerobics, or at least that is how I would describe it. Lots of gyms offer classes, but I decided I'd rather do it in the privacy of my own home for now! :)

    I'm planning on doing Week 1 Day 1 of Couch 2 5k on the treadmill at the gym tonight, and I must say that I am quite nervous!! I'm excited too, though! I'll let you all know tomorrow how it goes!

    Have a wonderful day, whether it be snowy like us or nice and sunny!! :)
    Don't be nervous you'll do great I use the C25K method when I am out walking/jogging on the trails just have not officially called it Day1 :wink: as that leads people to believe there will be a day 2 and 3! :tongue: but it is still a great way to up the intensity of a walk!
    I was thinking though that I will commit to the C25K program once daylight savings time is in effect... just to hard to say I can do it when it is still getting dark by the time I get home from work. Only a little over 2 weeks till we get back the sun!! :drinker:
  • katieg2289
    Aw thank you for the encouragement, Jena!!! I definitely need it!! We apparently aren't going to make it to the gym today, though, because I guess this snow is supposed to ice over soon! Eek! So I'm not sure if I'll start tomorrow (weather permitting) or wait until Monday so that I can do MWF and have my weeks be even, if that makes sense.

    And I definitely recommend a digital scale! I hated when we had our old one and I kind of had to guess where the arrow was pointing and have no idea what the ozs were, which I find nice to know also.

    So dumb question, but do we weigh in tomorrow morn or Sat morn? I know I did Sat last week, but wasn't sure.
  • MNLopez
    MNLopez Posts: 355 Member
    Aw thank you for the encouragement, Jena!!! I definitely need it!! We apparently aren't going to make it to the gym today, though, because I guess this snow is supposed to ice over soon! Eek! So I'm not sure if I'll start tomorrow (weather permitting) or wait until Monday so that I can do MWF and have my weeks be even, if that makes sense.

    And I definitely recommend a digital scale! I hated when we had our old one and I kind of had to guess where the arrow was pointing and have no idea what the ozs were, which I find nice to know also.

    So dumb question, but do we weigh in tomorrow morn or Sat morn? I know I did Sat last week, but wasn't sure.

    Most of us weigh in on Friday, but you can weigh in on Saturday. Your choice.
  • strbryt
    strbryt Posts: 488 Member
    Well I had a bad day to say the least but I went to the gym anyway and on the way I picked Tamara up. Needless to say she knew I was pissy and called me on it. I was having a poor me moment and the gym helped pull me out of it. The biggest Loser is coming to Nashville on Saturday and I am seriously thinking about going and seeing what happens. I have lived my life for so long catering to other peoples needs that I lost myself along the way and forgot to take care of me. I am saddend to say that I did this to myself I gained a 130 extra lbs I chose to not pay attention. WELL I AM AWAKE NOW!!!! and I will be taking care of myself cause if I can't do that I won't be around to take care of everyone else.

    Marci- Thanks for the incouragment you are awesome

    Bobbie- I hope you feel better

    tamara- Thanks for listening to me complain

    Kaie- what the heck is the couch to 5 k thingy anyways I have been seeing people talk about it but have no clue what they are talking about.

    Jena- I love my digital scale and I got it from Walmart it keeps up with fat, muscle, water and all that Jass. It is glass and it costs about 30 bucks.

    Everyone- have a great weigh in and I will chat with you tomorrow
  • rupi123
    rupi123 Posts: 23 Member
    hello ladies,

    hope everyone had a great day....can't say i followed the challenge, but i worked a 7 hour shift (mostly running around a supermarket lol) so felt like i did more than enough in my day...gotta love angry customers :cry:

    my day was good overall, slept in (missed my lecture :ohwell: what can you do?? lol)....but had a great eating day!

    I can't believe the weather is so cold for you all...hope it warms up soon...we had a nice sunny day in london today :happy:

    happy weigh ins tomorrow ... good luck :drinker:
  • katieg2289
    Oh okay, I shall weigh in tomorrow then!! I'm antsy to do so, anyway, haha :)

    And I would go to the website to find out more about C25k (I just googled "Couch 2 5k"), but the basic idea is being able to run 5k (3 miles) straight, after working at it for 9 weeks.
  • yellowdog77
    Hello ladies I hope that you do not mind me joining your thread. After having a really crappy day and eating way over my limit. I decided to read post to see if I could turn my mood around. This was the third one I ready and realized I was not alone on this journey. Have a great evening.
  • rosalieharris
    rosalieharris Posts: 33 Member
    Wow...I just read through everybodies comments and this is like a family. I love it. I am on a long road of losing weight. My CW is 236.4 hopefully lower in the morning when I weigh in. I wanted to to 228 by the 28th so we will see. My goal is 150 by winter. I really think I can do it this time! Just wanted to know if I could get in on the challenges? If it is too late, that's fine...I'll catch you next time...but if not I want in:flowerforyou:
  • Jena_72
    Jena_72 Posts: 1,057
    hello ladies,

    hope everyone had a great day....can't say i followed the challenge, but i worked a 7 hour shift (mostly running around a supermarket lol) so felt like i did more than enough in my day...gotta love angry customers :cry:

    my day was good overall, slept in (missed my lecture :ohwell: what can you do?? lol)....but had a great eating day!

    I can't believe the weather is so cold for you all...hope it warms up soon...we had a nice sunny day in london today :happy:

    happy weigh ins tomorrow ... good luck :drinker:
    Just wanted to say hello to you Rupi and glad to see you back! Your goning to have to share some pics of London with us! :smile:
  • Jena_72
    Jena_72 Posts: 1,057
    Wow...I just read through everybodies comments and this is like a family. I love it. I am on a long road of losing weight. My CW is 236.4 hopefully lower in the morning when I weigh in. I wanted to to 228 by the 28th so we will see. My goal is 150 by winter. I really think I can do it this time! Just wanted to know if I could get in on the challenges? If it is too late, that's fine...I'll catch you next time...but if not I want in:flowerforyou:
    Ours door is always open! You are among some really big losers!! :tongue: And Big Loser hopefuls like me! You can post about anything you'd like to talk about and by the way for thanks for noticing how awesome this group is! :flowerforyou:
    We also ask you add each of us to your friends for even more encouragement and just to help keep up with one another.
  • familygirl37167
    familygirl37167 Posts: 2,088 Member
    Hello ladies I hope that you do not mind me joining your thread. After having a really crappy day and eating way over my limit. I decided to read post to see if I could turn my mood around. This was the third one I ready and realized I was not alone on this journey. Have a great evening.

    Good Morning and thank you for wanting to join, our group....No its not a group we are a family, we stick together..Good days bad days awesome days, we post we pick each other up, we give each other a good kick in the behind..

    So if you dont mind. Please send me a emai private message with your current weight and goal weight and then on fridays send me a message with how much you have lost this week...

    Also every monday I will post or someone will post a new challange it can be anywhere from a food challange and temptation challange a exercise challange.. We are in this together, come join us.
  • familygirl37167
    familygirl37167 Posts: 2,088 Member
    Wow...I just read through everybodies comments and this is like a family. I love it. I am on a long road of losing weight. My CW is 236.4 hopefully lower in the morning when I weigh in. I wanted to to 228 by the 28th so we will see. My goal is 150 by winter. I really think I can do it this time! Just wanted to know if I could get in on the challenges? If it is too late, that's fine...I'll catch you next time...but if not I want in:flowerforyou:

    Above post is fo you also..Please please please include your name, we dont liek going by screen name here,were family..
  • familygirl37167
    familygirl37167 Posts: 2,088 Member
    Good morning team..Awesome day yesterday other then the tornado warnings I was sitting through at 10 pm last night.. I was like doesnt the storm know its past my bed time.. Oh well I made it through it and I got up on time, so I am perfect and I am in a really good mood. I have the best spin class today. I weighed this morning up 6 oz..I am not mad at all, I upped my calories to 2000 a day and plu:heart: s I am trying to start a period and I was up in muscle, so why should I be upset..Nope no reason, so not gonna be!!:laugh:

    Amber-I am glad I called you on being pissy..Thats what i am there for.. Please remember exercising is good it releasing endorphins..So when you are just stressed to the max head to the gym and release it all, let the day go.. You will feel much better girl.. I love you lot and it hurts me to see you this way,

    Jena- I am gonna find new trails to run on this spring, I wanna be outdoors every weekend.

    Rupi- Glad to see you here, sorry you missed your class, sounds like you were pretty excited about it though..

    Bobbie- Like someone suggested on facebook keep with carbs maybe thats what the baby wants.

    Katie- You can do couch to 5, you can do anything you put your mind to..

    Amy- Did you have a good week?

    Don- You have been quiet since your cheeseburger, are you ok my buddy ole pal??

    Karen- Glad to see a post from you I hope the sickness leaves.

    Marcie- Sorry your princess has thefu. mine had the flu and strep last week, needless to say what a tiring week. But the joys of motherhood.

    Well everyone I missed I am sorry..Trying to reread posts in my head.. Today is my day to enjoy.. Going to logans for lunch with hubby.. Hope you all have a great day..

    Well I am sorry that I have dropped the bomb on the chart, I promise to do better that is my challange to myself this weekend,so from here on out by sunday evening you will have a chart..I think its what keeps us driven and I am sorry I havent gotten one up this week.

    Gonna go find a part time job until I start my full time job.. Maybe lowes maybe walmart maybe dollar store something just to stay busy.. Ya'll have an awesome day and you choos what type of mood your gonna be in..Dont let anyone else determine this for you. If you do then you have decided to let them win.. and us Back 2 Basic team is stronger and smarter then that!!

    I am outta here still gotta make kids lunches then head to spin and lifting with personal trainer friend..She is awesome, I lifted with her yesterday and I think she tried to kill me but in a good way..

    Love to you all!!:heart::heart: :heart:

    How was your weigh in?? Please send me a private message easier to keep the chart current that way and not go back through a bunch of post.. We have almost rolled this post to a new one. After 500 post it will roll to a new page.. and this one will be locked out..But after 500 post if you come here it will give you the link to the new post..No worries...
  • strbryt
    strbryt Posts: 488 Member
    GOOD MORNING!!!!!,
    Ok ya'll time to rise and shine. Man oh man it was a rough week for me as some of you well know. I guess it was worth it cause I lost 2 lbs this week. I am happy for that since I showed up a pound for most of the week. Like Tamara said the weather was rough here last night which made it hard to sleep. My hubby had to pull over on the side of the interstate cause the wind got so bad. Then on the news they were reporting that poeple had spotted a tornado right where he was. He made it to work a bit late but better than not at all. I am so thankful for Michael and was very worried.

    Ok so problem of the day is that today at work they are having casual day(which means no uniform!!!) and hamburgers and hotdogs with chips for safety. Now I have weighed in today and I would normally call this my free meal day but afterlast weeks pizza episode I think I shall pass. Problem is that they will be cooking right in front of me and the whole store will be eating the same thing. Need ya'll to throw out some positive thoughts into the world and let them come my way. Don't wanna eat them and praying that I can resist.

    Tamara- I am going to put my scale up till friday since it is driving me mad all week

    Rupi- glad to see your back in here with us. You work at a supermarket as well?

    Don- Come out come out where ever you are

    Jena- hey girl just so you know I think you are doing a wonderful job and I am proud of you

    Marci- Hope you have a good weekend and finally get some you time

    everyone- Have a good day and lets stay focused and strong
  • brashear_2420
    Good morning everyone. I am not in the greatest mood this morning, but I am hoping to snap out of it. I had a rough week eating wise and I never got in any exercise. I have beaten myself up about it too. Yesterday was probably the worst that I have felt so far. My tummy hurt all day. The only time it stopped was when I was eating. Needless to say, I munched all day. My calorie goal is around 2000 right now, but yesterday I had about 25500 - 2600 calories. I tried flat sprite and crackers. I tried sweet and I tried salty and I tried carbs and nothing helped. I was just miserable. Then I got on the scale this morning and was up 2 pounds. It really upset me today. I got back in bed and cried. I feel like I am letting myself down and my baby. I have to be healthy for myself and my baby. I am 8 weeks and according to the nutritionist I shouldn't really be gaining any weight yet. Plus all I could think was 2 pounds times 40 weeks = 80 pounds. It just broke my heart for some reason today. I just need to suck it up and do what I need to do for myself and the baby no matter how bad I feel. I need to keep exercising and I need to keep calories under control. So my hubby tried to snap me out of it and so did Tamara. The hubby made me a big healthy breakfast and I am hoping it will get my day off to the right start, but my tummy already has that uneasy feeling. We are also suppose to have friends over tomorrow. The hubby is having some buddies over and I am cooking for them. I can't let them down. The galley food on base is so not good and they deserve a good meal. I am just going to have to paint on a smile and do what a good wife does. I really hope this feeling passes. I think i would rather just get sick and be done with it rather than feeling this way all day. Okay that is enough of my whining for the day.

    Great job to all the losers. I hope everyone has a great Friday and that there are a lot more losers on the board later. Love ya guys and good luck to everyone for their weigh ins.
  • CudyBug
    CudyBug Posts: 742 Member
    aww bobbie- try not to beat yourself up over it. I definately know that crappy feeling when pregnant. Just remember it wont last the whole time so no you wont gain 80 lbs promise!! You will start to feel better in a few weeks anyways and will have more energy to work out! I remember you mentioned seeing a nutritionist at the WIC office right? Im not one to disregard them just because its wic and they really are certified but alot of those workers are very unrealistic. Ive been to 4 different wic offices around my state and honestly 3 out of the 4 were horrible when it came to wieght and everything for both the moms and the babies. At a year old my daughter was barely 20 lbs and yet the one wic office in that area we lived in at the time told me she was overweight! OVERWIEGHT!!!?? You could see the kids ribs. I moved and the wic office here is so much better and I think its because they re older women who have kids and grandkids and have experienced it. I told them what the other office said about my daughter and they laughed and said that was ridiculous. My son is up there in 90 percentile and very big boy and they have never once told me he was over weight, yes they check his weight everytime but they said hes consistant in his growth and thats why he is big but nothing to be concerned about. When I was pregnant with my daughter I gained over 60 lbs and the wic office I was at then was freaking out and telling me to do all these things but I had gestatinal diabetes so it was hard to fit in the things they wanted me to do. My dr however was not concerned at all aboutit. I guess my point is , not to pay to much head to the ladies at wic. Just wait and talk to your doctor. I think your doing great even with a 2 lb gain. Its better to snack all day and feel not so queezy then to feel quezzy and barf, that stress wont be good for the litle baby baking either. SMILES and remember no matter what you can do it. IF you try your best and you do gain more then you want, you know you have the tools and the power to get it back on track.
  • MNLopez
    MNLopez Posts: 355 Member
    Good morning all,

    I lost .5 lb. Was hoping for more, but I'm not going to be too upset about it. A loss is a loss and I will just work harder and hopefully stay on track this weekend!

    Welcome to rosalieharris and yhellowdog77!

    Amber....I'm sorry you were having a pissy day yesterday, but hey look you lost 2 more lbs! That is so awesome. As for the burgers today...I would make it into a salad. Chop up the meat, shredd the lettuce, chop up the tomatoes and onion and pickles if you want and mix it all up...would be nice if you had some avocado and light sour cream. Viola you've got a nice little salad!

    Bobbie...I am so sorry you are experiencing the joys of motherhood! Well guess I shouldn't say I am sorry, but I wish you were not feeling bad. Hopefully once you get through your first tri-mester, things will start being better for you. You hang in there and don't worry too much about what you are gaining right will get it under control! scary about the tornado. Glad you made it home safely. Girl I just don't know how you do all you do and still manage to get up so early and workout like a maniac! Have fun at lunch with your hubby!

    Don....drum roll....we are waiting to see what the scale showed for you today!

    Jena....Sending good vibes your way for a good weigh in are our west coast lady so we have to wait a little longer to hear from you. Keeping fingers crossed.

    Jessica.....Are you weighing in today? How are you liking your new XBox Kinect?

    Nicole...where have you been? Let us know how you are doing.

    Rupi...So glad you are back. Are you weighing in today?

    Karen/Kerri....Have a good weekend and hope to see you back soon.

    Amy/Katie....Can't wait to hear how you did.

    Gosh hope I didn't forget anyone....wait...I did....Deneen!! She needs to hurry back before we get the out of sight out of mind attitude...jk.... :laugh:

    Going to try to stay on track today, doing my 15 minute walk during my breaks and 30 minutes during lunch and I am also going to try hard to go home and do the JM 30 day shredd...this would be my day 5!

  • dhiggins8
    dhiggins8 Posts: 466 Member
    Wow...I just read through everybodies comments and this is like a family. I love it. I am on a long road of losing weight. My CW is 236.4 hopefully lower in the morning when I weigh in. I wanted to to 228 by the 28th so we will see. My goal is 150 by winter. I really think I can do it this time! Just wanted to know if I could get in on the challenges? If it is too late, that's fine...I'll catch you next time...but if not I want in:flowerforyou:

    THat isthe way i look at this at first i was sure if i would fit in with this group being all females but they have excepted me as one of their family. I don't know everyone in this group but consider each of them a good friend and even better supporters. I love this group they pick up up when you need it and drive you as well. I think Marcie is probably the closest to me in distance at least she is in Texas oops there is Amamda who lives Closer. We welcome you to the group and can't wait to get to know you better.
  • dhiggins8
    dhiggins8 Posts: 466 Member
    Hello everyone I am still here just trying to get out of this funk. Last night my daughter and I cleaned off the trampoline and jumped for what seemed hours but it was only like 30 minutes 219 calories @7.3 calories per minute. I have been back on the wagon watching what I eat. Can you count Ice tea as water? if not why that would mean that coffe can be counted as water as well? well at work can't stay long but wanted you all to know that I am ok and back on track. THANKS TO EACH AND EVERYONE of YOU!!!

    Love you all later.