*Snowflakes to Sunshine Challenge* Discussion: Week #9 2/25/



  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    Good Morning Snowflakes !! :flowerforyou:

    Im just dropping in to say Hi!!! Hope you all have a GREAT Week!!

    Lost 4 pounds this week, My weigh in today is 168.2. YAY!!!!! :drinker:

    Im sticking to my same game plan And thats WALKING Every Morning 1 & 1/2 to 2 hours a day and eating the same healthy 1200 calories a day.

    I Definitely need to ADD weights to my routine, my arms are very lose UGH!!!!

    Come on Girls You can DO THIS!!!! LUV YA!!!!!

    Look at you! Halfway to the 40 already! You are absolutely awesome! Keep up the great work...and please share your success.
  • Kkmama
    Kkmama Posts: 544 Member
    Good day Snowflakes!

    I am down 1 lb this week. I'll take it! :happy:

    This week I took some advice from Krys and took a day off from working out. I think it is pretty funny that I found it difficult considering I used to hate "working out"! But now my day does not feel complete unless I have done something physical. I had noticed that I was in pain this week so I did a lot more stretching which relieved it. And drinking lots of water I think helped.

    I am adding two new things to make my way through March... I signed up for a 10 session pass at a Yoga place near my house and am going to attend a Hatha Yoga class once a week and a Yin Yoga (stretching) once a week. And I am going to try the 30 Day Shred. I am going to look great in our halfway pictures!

    We can do this! Keep up the good work.

  • crystal_sapphire
    crystal_sapphire Posts: 1,205 Member
    1.9 pound loss

    i'm surprised since i havent been working out much but i did note decrease in snacking this week. i haven't been feeling that good either.

    i'm starting night shift 1 of 6 tonight and tend to eat less (I just don't want food at night). I'm going to try and get in a good hearty meal before my shift
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    Unbelievable, I didn't gain an ounce!! How is that possible? I used to leave my heart in the gym 2 hours a day 5 to 6 days a week. I haven't stepped foot in the gym in a week and I maintain. This is the third week that I have been at this weight though, so it is still a little frustrating. But I noticed that I was forced to keep my eating in order because I knew I couldn't exercise. So once I can exercise again and keep my eating in order, I know I will start losing again.
    I have been able to do some exercises though. I have been trying to concentrate on upper body exercises. I still do push ups and abs. I have tested teh waters with pilates.

    I feel so much better about this whole injury now. I have been trying to do walking laps from the front door to the back door in 5 minute intervals just to keep my knee lucid. Once I meet with the specialist on Tuesday, I am going to ask him if I can (slowly) walk around the track at the gym. My trainer has offered to continue to work with me on my upper body. We usually meet on Wednesdays. If I get the thumbs up from the doc, I will continue that as well.

    Congrats to everyone who saw a loss this week. We will get there one pound at a time!
  • jamaka1
    jamaka1 Posts: 412 Member
    Hi every1, congrats to all the losers & better luck to those who did not lose. I had a gr8 week of workout, I did start the slimfast 2x a day and I was lucky to see results so I'm hoping to do this for another month and see what happens.
    my weight this week is 192.6. lost 1.8 and a total of 16lbs. Its a struggle and one just have to work continously to keep a balance. Enjoy ur coming week and keep tracking.:flowerforyou:
  • leandread
    leandread Posts: 166 Member
    Good Morning Snowflakes...

    Well it seems that we've all had some serious challenges this week and I am definitely part of that group. This was my first week opening my food diary and I have been absolutely overwhelmed by the amount of positive feedback, encouragement and good ideas that have poured in. I lost *whispers* 2.5 pounds this week. I can scarcely believe it since I've been gaining and losing the same 3-4 pounds since this challenge started. 266.5 is a new number for me. I hope we don't date as long as I've been with 269!

    This week I am doing something new. I found my old food diary---a little composition book that I carried around the last time I lost a lot of weight and I noticed the weeks when the weight came off quickly where because of a combination of things--I was eating less carbs and more protein and fats and I was doing high impact cardio 3xs a week. I know Dr Oz, Dr. Weil and the rest are the new gurus on moderate fats, but 5-6 years ago, it was all about the Zone by Dr. Barry Sears. And I forgot how successful that was. Anyhow (I'm long winded. Sorry), I've got the cardio nailed down, but I've adjusted what I'm tracking in my diary. Rather than be concerned about sugar, which is always over anyway because of the amount of fruit I eat, I am going to track carbs. And I'm going to experiment with the Zone's 40-30-30 ratio again. 40% carbs, 30% fat 30% protein. It makes perfect sense with the clean eating that I am striving toward and my past success. So that's new for this week.

    The exercise plan for this coming week is to continue working it out 5 days a week. This week I really mixed it up with 30DS, walking, zumba and yoga. I'm not going to worry about what I'm going to do, rather I want to have good cardio workouts at least 4 days of the 5 that I exercise. I have to keep Sunday with by beloved yoga. It rejuvenates me for the upcoming work week.

    I am so pumped and motivated for this coming week--Earlier this week, I wore a pair of pants that didn't button up over Christmas! I took my measurements and the changes were small, but small enough to count :)

    Have an awesome weekend everyone. Don't do like I sometimes do and celebrate your losses with eating all the wrong stuff this weekend. I should come back and read that sentence when I feel like "over-treating" myself during this weekend.
  • taletreader
    taletreader Posts: 377 Member
    Well, this was a crazy week. Losing 4 pounds without doing anything special, while eating out several days and only getting one real strength training session and one nice cardio workout in was a surprise. A nice one, sure, and as my period is coming up, not one I expect to repeat itself.

    On the side of what I did right was staying under my calories (some days by a lot, some days just barely), getting a water bottle for work, and being generally active (walking around campus in the snow, shovelling snow -- we had an 18 inch snowfall event & winter storm this week).

    Also, I think one aspect is that my partner is also working on getting off 10 pounds or so right now. She's been thin all her life, but in recent years crept up to the higher ranges of the normal weight range, which she isn't comfortable with given her frame. So she's perfectly happy with smallish meals, crispbread, Greek Yogurt and the like.

    Oh, and a good recipe: Yesterday I made this: http://www.bbcgoodfood.com/recipes/5939/tomato-and-thyme-cod . With potatoes, as we were out of the right kind of pasta, but it was very yummy. I threw in some garlic-stuffed olives.
  • glittersoul
    Good luck to everyone this week.

    My goals are to actually stick with it throughout the entire week. I'm gonna give working out in the morning a try. I think I will have better results that way if I know I at least started the day right. I'm not really that much of a morning person but at least exercising doesn't require deep thought lol
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
  • givprayz
    givprayz Posts: 328
    Well, I lost 2.2, but if you subtract last weeks gain of 0.4, then it's only 1.8 pounds for 2 weeks, not what I'm shooting for. I am tracking weights and behaviors (like exercise, calories, sodium, BM's and general health) daily to try to find what works and what doesn't. It appears that daily heavy exercise does NOT work for me, so I am going to only do something rigorous 3-4 times a week, and either strength training or nothing the other days for a few weeks. I'm also going to get back to a stricter calorie limit. I am not going to allow more than 400 calories for my work-outs, because I have doubts about my HRM measurements. The days without exercise will be the hardest because I still find it hard to stick to 1200-1300 calories unless I have a lot of produce cooked and ready to snack on.
    My successes have been: keeping my sodium under 2300mg most days, almost eliminating trans fats, cholesterol is generally very low, and I have started drinking some green tea (flavored) several days a week. I hate tea.

    Congratulations to everyone losing this week, and it's good that most people know what they did wrong if they gained or maintained and have a plan for the next week. It's hardest when you do everything right and still the scale misbehaves. That's why I'm tracking things almost daily, to see what behaviors help, and what hurts. Maybe I can get to my goal of 1.5-2 pounds per week loss if I know what really works for me. So far it has been hit-or-miss, mostly miss.

    Good luck this week snowflakes, and I for one am praying for some sunshine!
  • CuteMommy88
    CuteMommy88 Posts: 538 Member
    Bump for later :)
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    LW: 183.5
    CW: 180.5

    I've been doing the Shred (17/30 days - 3 days rest), but this week I've been watching my food really close (except for a few slips), and I'm FINALLY seeing a loss :love: . I chopped about 200-300 calories from my day, and stay between 1250 - 1350 calories most days. I've been pre-planning my meals most days this week. 20-25 mins of Shredding almost daily is working very nice. I can't wait to check my measurements again! I didn't do any of my planned gym workouts last week, and Zumba fell on a holiday, so that was out of the question. Just stuck to the plan at home. I could still stand to add more veggies... :grumble:

    OH! I just remembered something that happened yesterday that I want to share with you all! I was trying on some pants for my interview tomorrow at the store, and I grabbed anything that looked nice in a size 18 that I wanted to try. I found two that I really liked, and when I checked the tags to see the prices, I noticed that one was a SIZE 16!!!!! :smooched: :love: I actually thought that one looked better on me than the 18!! Some of my workout pants have started to slide down a little in the front too.
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    TeresaSavage... Congrats on your progress this week! Sounds like a solid plan!

    Sheila_KI... Congrats on the milestone and on the compliments!

    punkrawkcutie... Buy that healthy stuff, and literally TOSS the junk! Sometimes it's the only way. :flowerforyou:

    ChantalC1969... Amazing progress!! AND 1/2 way mark!! Try some herbal tea w/honey, or warm lemon water for that throat.

    barefootbeauty... Try not to force change to happen. ALLOW it to happen. Know that you are getting closer to your goals, and that as long as you try your best, there's no reason to be stressed! Try some meditation or listening to calming music for 10-20 mins/day. You sound like me, with 30 Day Shred and C25K dreams! Make them happen (once you get the OK!). Great idea with the yoga training! :drinker: Good luck!

    kimmiebear70... Woo! C25K! Happy running!

    yellowfairy... Another milestone maker!!

    mkingraham... Great progress!! Way to eat clean!!

    Kkmama... Woo! Good for you for getting into a yoga class, and the Shred will DEFINITELY help you out! :bigsmile:

    TeamLeela... Sounds like you have reached the "acceptance" phase of your injury. :bigsmile: You're doing fantastic!

    leandread... Good luck with the new plan! Glad you could sit down and pin point what has worked for you in the past!

    taletreader... Woo! Lots of 4 lbs losers this week! Nice going! Thanks for the recipe!

    glittersoul... I love working out in the mornings, because you really DON'T have to think about it! The longer I hold off on working out from the time I get up, the more likely I am NOT to do my workout. Get it out of the way and get on with your day!

    givprayz... Great job drinking some green tea! I was sweetening it with honey, but I don't want the extra calories anymore (I drink a LOT of tea, so it was 180+ extra calories/day for me), so I switched to Stevia (which leaves a funny after taste, but it's natural, and has no calories!).

    Congrats to all Snowflakes for still being here and for staying motivated!!! :drinker:
  • dinareed
    dinareed Posts: 73 Member
  • mishamae
    mishamae Posts: 307 Member
    Krys and Kimmiebear, I just started the C25K too! I'm on W1D3 today :) It will be nice to have a couple friends that are doing the same program/workout :) Good luck to you both!

    I had a good loss this week around 3-4lbs. For my eating I stayed around a 1200-1300 calorie diet, high protien (i was usually always over my goal), high fibre, low sodium and low carbs. I also tried to stay in control of my portion sizes.

    For exercise I tried to burn around 1000 calories a day in workouts. I usually do 2 workouts a day at 500 calories burned each. I've been doing the JM slim down plan (strength and cardio), C25K plan(cardio), and usually another cardio workout like Turbo Jam or Kempo X (p90x).

    Another thing I've been trying out that might help others....I try to get one of my workouts done before breakfast. Dr.Oz reccommended working out 10mins after waking up to burn fat rather than the food in your stomach, so I've been trying this theory.
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    Happy Friday all! I will see if I can catch up over the weekend! You all have been very chatty and it is not even a whole day yet!! But that is excellent!! Have a wonderful weekend!! Wanted to post something positive and bump!

    :flowerforyou: ~ STARTING OVER ~:flowerforyou:

    :~*~:. .:~*~:. .:~*~:. .:~*~:. .:~*~:. .:~*~:

    Vitality shows not only in the ability
    to persist, but in the ability to start

    F. Scott Fitzgerald

    :~*~:. .:~*~:. .:~*~:. .:~*~:. .:~*~:. .:~*~:

    ONE DAY AT A TIME . . .

    I will remember that I can start afresh
    any time I like, and don't need to feel
    as if I have failed.

    :~*~:. .:~*~:. .:~*~:. .:~*~:. .:~*~:. .:~*~:. .:
  • leandread
    leandread Posts: 166 Member
    LW: 183.5
    CW: 180.5

    I've been doing the Shred (17/30 days - 3 days rest), but this week I've been watching my food really close (except for a few slips), and I'm FINALLY seeing a loss :love: . I chopped about 200-300 calories from my day, and stay between 1250 - 1350 calories most days. I've been pre-planning my meals most days this week. 20-25 mins of Shredding almost daily is working very nice. I can't wait to check my measurements again! I didn't do any of my planned gym workouts last week, and Zumba fell on a holiday, so that was out of the question. Just stuck to the plan at home. I could still stand to add more veggies... :grumble:

    OH! I just remembered something that happened yesterday that I want to share with you all! I was trying on some pants for my interview tomorrow at the store, and I grabbed anything that looked nice in a size 18 that I wanted to try. I found two that I really liked, and when I checked the tags to see the prices, I noticed that one was a SIZE 16!!!!! :smooched: :love: I actually thought that one looked better on me than the 18!! Some of my workout pants have started to slide down a little in the front too.

    @Step---Awesome about the pants! I love love love that feeling more than the # on the scale moving.
  • leandread
    leandread Posts: 166 Member
    I have a technology/posting related question.

    How do I quote multiple thread replies at once? I don't want to bog down the thread with my individual comments to everyone's wonderful posts but I don't know how to do that
  • teijei
    Hello everyone! This week was tough for me. I have been working a lot of overtime so I haven't had the opportunity to "officially workout". I improvised by power walking around my building as often as I could. My goal for the weekend is to get in a good workout :-)
  • Suzeesmu
    Suzeesmu Posts: 159 Member
    Good Morning Snowflakes...

    Well it seems that we've all had some serious challenges this week and I am definitely part of that group. This was my first week opening my food diary and I have been absolutely overwhelmed by the amount of positive feedback, encouragement and good ideas that have poured in. I lost *whispers* 2.5 pounds this week. I can scarcely believe it since I've been gaining and losing the same 3-4 pounds since this challenge started. 266.5 is a new number for me. I hope we don't date as long as I've been with 269!

    This week I am doing something new. I found my old food diary---a little composition book that I carried around the last time I lost a lot of weight and I noticed the weeks when the weight came off quickly where because of a combination of things--I was eating less carbs and more protein and fats and I was doing high impact cardio 3xs a week. I know Dr Oz, Dr. Weil and the rest are the new gurus on moderate fats, but 5-6 years ago, it was all about the Zone by Dr. Barry Sears. And I forgot how successful that was. Anyhow (I'm long winded. Sorry), I've got the cardio nailed down, but I've adjusted what I'm tracking in my diary. Rather than be concerned about sugar, which is always over anyway because of the amount of fruit I eat, I am going to track carbs. And I'm going to experiment with the Zone's 40-30-30 ratio again. 40% carbs, 30% fat 30% protein. It makes perfect sense with the clean eating that I am striving toward and my past success. So that's new for this week.

    The exercise plan for this coming week is to continue working it out 5 days a week. This week I really mixed it up with 30DS, walking, zumba and yoga. I'm not going to worry about what I'm going to do, rather I want to have good cardio workouts at least 4 days of the 5 that I exercise. I have to keep Sunday with by beloved yoga. It rejuvenates me for the upcoming work week.

    I am so pumped and motivated for this coming week--Earlier this week, I wore a pair of pants that didn't button up over Christmas! I took my measurements and the changes were small, but small enough to count :)

    Have an awesome weekend everyone. Don't do like I sometimes do and celebrate your losses with eating all the wrong stuff this weekend. I should come back and read that sentence when I feel like "over-treating" myself during this weekend.

    Wow, what a change since last weeks post! Congrats on the weight loss - so glad you are finding what works for you! I'm realizing I need to go back to concentrating on the carbs too (I found Protein Power by the Drs. Eades worked well for me). Keep up the great work!