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  • dhiggins8
    dhiggins8 Posts: 466 Member

    215 down 3 lbs!!! ding ding ding winner winer chicken dinner even after that dang burger.:love:

    I would type a cymbal sound but don't know how:bigsmile:
  • Kincar
    Kincar Posts: 601 Member
    Wow, you guys have been busy on this thread!

    I'm at work so I haven't had a chance to carefully read through all the posts I missed. But I wanted to stop by and share something quickly. Yesterday, a co-worker showed me a picture of myself before I'd lost much of my weight. OMGoodness!!! That was the wake up call I truly needed. I do NOT want to look like that again. I used to have a decent metabolism, but at 43, I can't afford to eat anything I want - even in moderation. All I can say is thank goodness for "fat photos"! They are little rectangles of motivation!!!

    Bobbie - don't be so hard on yourself. My youngest is almost 10 y.o. and I remember how crappy you feel early on in your pregnancy. With both of my pregnancies, the yucky feeling left me as soon as I hit the second trimester. I hope the same happens for you.

    Marcie - yay for your weight loss! You're my inspiration at the moment. Your motivation came back and I'm feeling mine is on the way too. What a relief! Plus, I'm glad you're here to understand my TAKS anxiety. Unfortunately, it's only getting worse with the new test (STAAR) that is coming out next year. I hope I last long enough in teaching to see the testing craziness go away.

    Jessica - I'd love to hear more about the Kinect. I've been thinking about getting one.

    Welcome to all the new members! I will stop being such a slacker. :)
  • MNLopez
    MNLopez Posts: 355 Member
    Wow, you guys have been busy on this thread!

    I'm at work so I haven't had a chance to carefully read through all the posts I missed. But I wanted to stop by and share something quickly. Yesterday, a co-worker showed me a picture of myself before I'd lost much of my weight. OMGoodness!!! That was the wake up call I truly needed. I do NOT want to look like that again. I used to have a decent metabolism, but at 43, I can't afford to eat anything I want - even in moderation. All I can say is thank goodness for "fat photos"! They are little rectangles of motivation!!!

    Bobbie - don't be so hard on yourself. My youngest is almost 10 y.o. and I remember how crappy you feel early on in your pregnancy. With both of my pregnancies, the yucky feeling left me as soon as I hit the second trimester. I hope the same happens for you.

    Marcie - yay for your weight loss! You're my inspiration at the moment. Your motivation came back and I'm feeling mine is on the way too. What a relief! Plus, I'm glad you're here to understand my TAKS anxiety. Unfortunately, it's only getting worse with the new test (STAAR) that is coming out next year. I hope I last long enough in teaching to see the testing craziness go away.

    Jessica - I'd love to hear more about the Kinect. I've been thinking about getting one.

    Welcome to all the new members! I will stop being such a slacker. :)

    Thank you Karen! It feels really good to have my motivation back again! So glad you found the time to post! I don't even want to think about the STAAR test! Yuck!!

    Congrats to all the other LOSERS: Amber, Don, Jeanne...anybody else I missed?
  • katieg2289
    Good morning, all!! Well I only lost .2lb, but that is better than a gain, so I choose to be happy! :) I also know that starting any new kind of exercise can be the culprit, and I have definitely felt muscle building from Zumba, so I am not too concerned. Yesterday ended up being an unplanned rest day, so today is back on the wagon!

    Glad to hear about the losses!! I hope everyone has a fantastic day!!
  • Jena_72
    Jena_72 Posts: 1,057
    Hello everyone I am still here just trying to get out of this funk. Last night my daughter and I cleaned off the trampoline and jumped for what seemed hours but it was only like 30 minutes 219 calories @7.3 calories per minute. I have been back on the wagon watching what I eat. Can you count Ice tea as water? if not why that would mean that coffe can be counted as water as well? well at work can't stay long but wanted you all to know that I am ok and back on track. THANKS TO EACH AND EVERYONE of YOU!!!

    Love you all later.
    Don if your "water" has caffeine in it then sorry NO it doesn't count as water. :sad:
    The Trampoline is, from wjha I recently read about it, a GREAT form of exercise! Full body workout and GREAT cardio! Good for you! My kids have been wanting a big trampoline for the longest time, so maybe I will look into getting one too!

    2 lbs!! I guess the trampoline is better than we thought! Good WORK!:drinker:
  • Jena_72
    Jena_72 Posts: 1,057
    Good morning, all!! Well I only lost .2lb, but that is better than a gain, so I choose to be happy! :) I also know that starting any new kind of exercise can be the culprit, and I have definitely felt muscle building from Zumba, so I am not too concerned. Yesterday ended up being an unplanned rest day, so today is back on the wagon!

    Glad to hear about the losses!! I hope everyone has a fantastic day!!
    LOVE THIS GIRL"S ENERGY!! :happy: :drinker: :bigsmile:
  • Fernandomike
    Fernandomike Posts: 95 Member
    I feel for those who have had a tough week, I certainly have myself. I had almost made it to my weight goal with months of hard work and then came mega-stress at work and I starting eating everything that I could get my hands on. I'm several pounds heavier, but back on track now.

    Gotta say thanks a lot to my friend Amber (strbryt) who helped talk me down off the ledge, so to speak. Stay strong at work girl, and remember not to let any of those small setbacks turn into something much bigger.
  • katieg2289
    Good morning, all!! Well I only lost .2lb, but that is better than a gain, so I choose to be happy! :) I also know that starting any new kind of exercise can be the culprit, and I have definitely felt muscle building from Zumba, so I am not too concerned. Yesterday ended up being an unplanned rest day, so today is back on the wagon!

    Glad to hear about the losses!! I hope everyone has a fantastic day!!
    LOVE THIS GIRL"S ENERGY!! :happy: :drinker: :bigsmile:

    And that was BEFORE any coffee!! hehe. But seriously, thank you! It's always so awesome to hear things like that, because I've made a 180 from three weeks ago. I got called "bubbly" the other day for the first time in my life, and it made my day! :happy:
  • CudyBug
    CudyBug Posts: 742 Member
    I did weight this morning and a big fat 0. I think I should get a digital scale so I can see if I lost like under a lb cuz the old fashion scale I have wouldnt show that. Im feeling blah about it but I didnteat so well the last few days. Im just feeling huge and no motivation. BUT I did do 45 minutes shoveling all this stupid snow and was gone an hour and half and you cant freaking tell so Ill be out there again later burning more calories!

    We just got the kenect and from playing it yesterday WOW even DH said it was a workout. I only have the game it came with, its some kinda adventure game but yea its a work out. Im not sure how much Ill be getting to pla with it this weekend since DH is picking up his brother today and he will be here and they wanna play , of coures, call of duty! Though Ill make them turn the adventure game on when the kids are up because I dont like them watching those shooting games. My kids like to act out things they see on tv.
    I also had to walk across the street nad down alittle while getting my van fixed and yes it wasnt a long ways BUT I had to have burned some big calories because the side walk for some reason was not cleared at all, not evn an attempt so we had to trudge and I had to hold up my son since for some reason he's over dramatic and was letting himself fall forward instead of picking his darn feet up! Gonna get on that bike tonight too again. I think Ill weight tomorow morning too just to see whats going on. I need to change something up thats for sure. I cant lower my calories because Im on 1200. DOes anything think upping them would help out on this platuea?
  • katieg2289
    Sooo correction on my loss! I totally forgot that I was going on my weigh in from Tuesday (for the 5lbs lost in Feb challenge), and not my weigh in last Sat for B2B! So my actual loss was 1.6lbs not .2lb :)
  • dhiggins8
    dhiggins8 Posts: 466 Member
    I did weight this morning and a big fat 0. I think I should get a digital scale so I can see if I lost like under a lb cuz the old fashion scale I have wouldnt show that. Im feeling blah about it but I didnteat so well the last few days. Im just feeling huge and no motivation. BUT I did do 45 minutes shoveling all this stupid snow and was gone an hour and half and you cant freaking tell so Ill be out there again later burning more calories!

    We just got the kenect and from playing it yesterday WOW even DH said it was a workout. I only have the game it came with, its some kinda adventure game but yea its a work out. Im not sure how much Ill be getting to pla with it this weekend since DH is picking up his brother today and he will be here and they wanna play , of coures, call of duty! Though Ill make them turn the adventure game on when the kids are up because I dont like them watching those shooting games. My kids like to act out things they see on tv.
    I also had to walk across the street nad down alittle while getting my van fixed and yes it wasnt a long ways BUT I had to have burned some big calories because the side walk for some reason was not cleared at all, not evn an attempt so we had to trudge and I had to hold up my son since for some reason he's over dramatic and was letting himself fall forward instead of picking his darn feet up! Gonna get on that bike tonight too again. I think Ill weight tomorow morning too just to see whats going on. I need to change something up thats for sure. I cant lower my calories because Im on 1200. DOes anything think upping them would help out on this platuea?

    Jessica you are making me miss the snow so bad I grew up in upstate NY Buffalo area. I remember the blizzards as I was growing up. Shoveling all that snow and how much fun I had in it. I guess it would be fun for a little while until I had to shovel more than once. Then SNOW BLOWER TIME. We had one but I always had to use the shovel. Never thought about it but during this time in my life how many high knees I did trudging through the DEEP snow. But like everyone I am so ready for spring to be here and it has been like that for the last week or so here in Texas. It has been about 75 to 80 everyday for about a week now. You jealous yet?
  • Jena_72
    Jena_72 Posts: 1,057
    Wow, you guys have been busy on this thread!

    I'm at work so I haven't had a chance to carefully read through all the posts I missed. But I wanted to stop by and share something quickly. Yesterday, a co-worker showed me a picture of myself before I'd lost much of my weight. OMGoodness!!! That was the wake up call I truly needed. I do NOT want to look like that again. I used to have a decent metabolism, but at 43, I can't afford to eat anything I want - even in moderation. All I can say is thank goodness for "fat photos"! They are little rectangles of motivation!!!

    Bobbie - don't be so hard on yourself. My youngest is almost 10 y.o. and I remember how crappy you feel early on in your pregnancy. With both of my pregnancies, the yucky feeling left me as soon as I hit the second trimester. I hope the same happens for you.

    Marcie - yay for your weight loss! You're my inspiration at the moment. Your motivation came back and I'm feeling mine is on the way too. What a relief! Plus, I'm glad you're here to understand my TAKS anxiety. Unfortunately, it's only getting worse with the new test (STAAR) that is coming out next year. I hope I last long enough in teaching to see the testing craziness go away.

    Jessica - I'd love to hear more about the Kinect. I've been thinking about getting one.

    Welcome to all the new members! I will stop being such a slacker. :)
    Karen we have had STARR testing here in cali for a few years actually for many years, I like how our school does things to help the kids through it(and teachers) NO HOMEWORK, they are allowed to chew gum that week, snacks are brought in, they tell the kids to go to bed early (woohoo!!!:drinker: lol)They just really focus on keeping stress levels down and spirits up. Good Luck!
  • mauck1975
    mauck1975 Posts: 77 Member
    I will not be on untill Monday:sad: no internet at home yet. so I wanted to say... Have a great weekend!!!!

    We got this!!:smile:

    I think that I will have a Zumba party with my daughter:laugh:
  • Jena_72
    Jena_72 Posts: 1,057
    Oooops I forgot to mention the big fat 0 for my weight loss this week! :angry: Well that was to be expected as I wasn't able to get in a lot of exercise. But like Jessica said with not having a digital scale its hard to say if there was a small loss (under a pound) I will hopefully make it to Hell Mart oops I mean Wal mart :tongue: and pick up a digital scale. My wish list right now are3 things: a digital scale NEW SHOES(badly needed) and a HRM but the scale I may go pick up today becasue its driving me nuts not knowing my correct weight!

    Well another storm is headed our way so another weekend couped up in the house with the kids! My 2 step-sons are going to be there as well I think, so if you don't see much of me, just know I have been exiled from the computer due to teen and/or pre-teen people :grumble:

    :heart: JENA
  • Jena_72
    Jena_72 Posts: 1,057
    Jena- hey girl just so you know I think you are doing a wonderful job and I am proud of you
    AWWW SHUCKS! :blushing:
  • CudyBug
    CudyBug Posts: 742 Member
    don- totally jealouse!!! I hate the snow and always has. My kids love it of course and what do you know we left to go to the game store and come back a few hours later and the landlord had the plow come over and do the driveway!! So it was a wasted effort shoveling but it was needed calories burned lol
  • Jena_72
    Jena_72 Posts: 1,057
    Bobbie this is your first pregnancy and you have every right and reason to freak about whatever you so please! BUUUUUUT Jessica is right don't add the stress that worse on the baby and you, then the weight. You will gain weight it's a given relax baby girl we got you! Your going to be fine 2nd trimester is by far the best and it's right around the corner. First trimester takes soooo much out of you, tired ALL the time, long naps, zero energy ALL totally normal! The "glow" comes later:wink:
  • strbryt
    strbryt Posts: 488 Member
    Thanks Mike and any time you need an ear to bend just give me a hollar. That's what friends are for
  • familygirl37167
    familygirl37167 Posts: 2,088 Member
    Lets roll this bad boy.. Finally team we finally got 500 posts on this thread..It will continue to another one just click link below..