The "NEVER been thin/ in-shape" Club



  • harbs
    harbs Posts: 4
    Wow, I didn't realize that there were so many people in the same boat as me.

    I was always the "fat kid" who got purple nurples and got made fun of in the change room before gym class. It got so bad that I made up excuses so that I could avoid changing. It was even worse that I have a speech impediment and can't consistently say the "r" sound, so that made the teasing even worse.

    I'm now 26 and have finally realized that I don't want to be that "fat kid" any more. I've taken control of my eating habits and this site has done wonders to help me with that. I have yet to get started with exercising regularly, as work is interfering with that so far, but I'm starting to see results.

    I started my journey at 290 (can't believe that I'm willingly posting that for all to see) on November 10, 2010 and as of today I'm at 265.

    I would love to be able to keep in touch with people in the same boat and give some mutual encouragement.
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    I started losing on January 3 and am down 18 lbs since then! Hoping to be down 60 by my 25th birthday in August!
    Woo hoo! :drinker: I'm working toward my 25th b-day too! (It's in less than 2 weeks!!!! :noway: ) C'mon 179.5!!! :laugh:
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    Hi everyone! I wanted to post my goal for the week. I really struggle with eating my fruits and vegetables, so this week I am going to set a goal of eating more fruits and vegetables. I am always in a hurry and on the go, so this will be challenging for me. I hope to accomplish this goal by planning meals and snacks ahead of time. I hope everyone is doing well.
    Nice! I need to do this too!! I've been pre-planning, and getting SLIGHTLY more veggies, (I could go crazy with fruits!), but I need to plan more of them. I just don't know how to prepare veggies most of the time, and raw is only OK to a couple times a day for me. I want to spice up my veggies!! I try to make them look appetizing on the plate (inspired by Japanese food presentation:
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    Getting even closer to my goal, but then I had a little set back yesterday. Today I am 100% committed again! :bigsmile: LET'S DO IT EVERYONE!
  • Lexie28
    Lexie28 Posts: 219
    I'm soooo in!!! I have never ever been thin. I have always been big boned....LOL!!!! The funny thing is I have a small bone structure.

    Heaviest weight ever: 178
    Current weight: 153
    Goal weight: 125

    Like you said, I have absolutely no idea as to what my goal weight should be. That's my best guess.

    Thanks for establishing this group.

  • sweetie89207
    Wowza…so busy!!! Well ive got a free moment so im here to get my hello’s in…this club is getting HUGE!!!! (even though 75% never came back after joining :-/ )

    @ newdaydawning7- hello angela, that sounds like a good way to know…a doctor lol…nice to have you…Welcome!

    @ Zuback55- haha 3rd and 4th…yea the good old days…yea my goal now is under 200 also…I hope that is where I belong…glad to have you…Welcome!

    @ ericwood9341- hopefully u have gotten over ur flu by now and are able to keep this exercise going well! sure you will get to ur goal in due well time…Welcome!

    @ Ace175- yea I know what u mean…it is very weird to think of myself at a certain weight I’ve never been before…yes yes yes…I hate the idea of fat on my back…its gross and I want it gone sooo badly!...glad to be support for ya…Welcome!

    @ anyamalfoy- hello anya- yeah it seems like everything in our environment really causes us to blow up as children…yea u don’t want gross skinny but u will know when u get there what u want…glad to have ya…Welcome!

    @ Aventen- aww born fat!...well Erica its nice to meet u…glad to have u here…Welcome!

    @ mrjason- hahaha 7lbs 9on haha lol…yes finally time for us all isn’t it!!! Glad to have you!...Welcome!

    @ sarglava- seems like our weight loss is mostly ups and downs on a regular basis…so ready for that to be over…ugh hate chunky…yea I know the farther the number the farther it seems away from reality…but im sure u will make it!...Welcome!

    @ murrow1105- of course u can join!!!...u know I cant remember lower than 14 either…yea I mean our goals will always change simply because we don’t know where we are going…great to see ur current success so far! Excellent job!...Welcome!

    @ Vick_MN- ahh tiny baby huh…always seems to be that way…yea I agree super high goals are unobtainable…in my opinion…yea I never stuck to anything either…just up and down and fat…yes it is amazing to find ppl who really care about u even when u don’t know them…what a blessing…Welcome!

    @ harbs- yup…there are a lot of us out here!...aww little boys are mean aren’t they! Ugh kids…u poor thing school must have been rough…wow great job losing that 25 lbs!...yea I hope we can all still support each other on here…Welcome!

    @ Lexie28- lol yup big boned…I just want to be little lol…yea well that’s how we all are and we will just have to see what happens when we get there…thanks for joinging!...Welcome!

    Thanks to everyone- old and new for joining…I’d like to announce that we have official bypassed the 100th member of this group!!!!!! Round of applause!!!!

    For everyone please remember we weigh in on Saturdays so I can add everything to the chart for Sunday! Also if anyone in my club wants to be my friend I would welcome you all!
  • redruthie
    Getting even closer to my goal, but then I had a little set back yesterday. Today I am 100% committed again! :bigsmile: LET'S DO IT EVERYONE!

    That's great! I feel committed this week :) Having a weekly goal keeps me focused. YAY!
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    HELLO EVERYONE!! :flowerforyou:

    CW: 180.5

    I may not be here tomorrow to weigh in. :smile:
  • kprewitt88
    my heaviest-300
    my goal -160
    i was always ovr weight and was told i would never be good enough then i meet my husbadn got married and then i got pregnant soooo now i am working my way down to b thin
  • leandread
    leandread Posts: 166 Member
    Good morning everyone...Its been forever since I've posted in this thread. But yes, I have never been thin but all that is about to change.

    HW: 270 (this time around)
    CW: 266.5
    GW: One-derland

    I haven't seen 1__ on the scale since I was 12 years old. I vividly remember crying at the doctor's office and consoling myself with sweets and other foods afterwards. But I am working on being a better person to myself, a better friend to myself and pushing myself towards my goals.
  • 90poundsoflard
    Wow! I can hardly believe it but I'm down 3 lbs this week! We had a ladies dinner yesterday evening, and I overate even tho' I knew I was weighing in today. But I lost! I am now down to 210 which puts me 1/3 of the way to my goal! YAY!!!!:drinker:
  • Edivel
    Edivel Posts: 11
    I am definatley on board!!!Always been big girl...Im so tired of it....I want to..need too...loose weight...I want all the help I can get and Whatever support I can give also...

    heaviest 307lbs last year may 2010
    current 300 02/25/2011
    goal 200

    when I reached 200 I will re-evaluate my goal...for now..I would be happy to be 200. I cant remember when I was 200 lb.s

    Oh yeah my name is Edith
  • tigrecilla
    Can I be in your club, too? I feel like all the previous posters were writing my life... I remember getting my driver's license at 14 and rounding down (read:lying) and saying I weighed 175 when the reality was much closer to 190. I haven't been able to stick to any kind of plan thus far, but with the droid app, I figure I have a chance since it seems like the thing is surgically attached to my hand :) I'm also getting very sick of being the fat friend, getting pity compliments for the hair, and generally feeling crappy. So, I've graduated from college, it's a new day, and I am going to make this work.

    Highest weight: 240
    Current weight: 215 (I think, it's been a couple of weeks since I weighed in)
    First goal weight: Anything that starts with a 1 would be nice :)
    Ultimate goal weight: 120, which is the top of the normal section of the BMI chart for my height.

    I really like that this group exists... Yay for mutual support!
  • redruthie
    Wow! I can hardly believe it but I'm down 3 lbs this week! We had a ladies dinner yesterday evening, and I overate even tho' I knew I was weighing in today. But I lost! I am now down to 210 which puts me 1/3 of the way to my goal! YAY!!!!:drinker:

    That's great! Congratulations! :smile:
  • matina29
    matina29 Posts: 64 Member
    I have always been heavy, I have been from overweight to obese, but mostly obese. I was 160 pounds for about 1 year and then I gained it back. I had 3 pregnancies in 5 years but I gained it back because of my bad habits not my pregnancies.
    I am now learning how to be more moderate in my choices and make exercise a regular part of my life.
    Starting weight here on MFP (I was heavier before I joined): 249
    Current weight:224
    Goal weight: Not certain but I would like to try for 200 to start then 180 then 160 :)
    I don't want to focus on the numbers but it does help to motivate me :)
    I hope you all reach your goals!
  • michelca
    I would love to join this club. I've always been teased for being the "fat" friend, and I'm very self conscious about meeting new people. This club is a brilliant idea, and I'm hoping to find the support and motivation to stick to my goals.

    Heaviest Weight: 182
    Lowest Weight: 165
    Start Weight: 170
    Current Weight: 170 (I just joined today)
    Goal Weight: 145

    Keep up the great work, everybody!
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    Welcome everyone new!!! :flowerforyou:

    I'm so glad to see liveliness again! :happy:

    We're all gonna do this good, and do this now! :drinker:
  • mrjason
    mrjason Posts: 61 Member
    Down 10 pounds in 10 days. I know it's an impossible pace to keep but for now it's working!
    I love THIS thread the most. So much motivation.
  • bellamia88
    bellamia88 Posts: 149 Member
    Thanks for starting this group. I have NEVER been skinny last time I was a normal weight was when I was a newborn. I've always been the biggest in my group of friends and of course everyone in my family is as thin as a toothpick. It's always hard hearing "your mom is the skinny version of you" or just when you don't think you can't be THAT big someone has to make a weight comment about you or a picture pops up and you never thought you were really that size. I haven't weighed myself in years but last time I checked I was at about 218. The only way I know if i've lost pounds is when someone will tell me i've slimmed down a bit. It's just very frusterating knowing you put time and effort into eating healthy and excersing but you never lose anything meanwhile your other skinny friends who never workout and eat junk food can lose weight at the drop of a hat.
  • ace175
    ace175 Posts: 518 Member
    Thanks for starting this group. I have NEVER been skinny last time I was a normal weight was when I was a newborn. I've always been the biggest in my group of friends and of course everyone in my family is as thin as a toothpick. It's always hard hearing "your mom is the skinny version of you" or just when you don't think you can't be THAT big someone has to make a weight comment about you or a picture pops up and you never thought you were really that size. I haven't weighed myself in years but last time I checked I was at about 218. The only way I know if i've lost pounds is when someone will tell me i've slimmed down a bit. It's just very frusterating knowing you put time and effort into eating healthy and excersing but you never lose anything meanwhile your other skinny friends who never workout and eat junk food can lose weight at the drop of a hat.

    I'm right there with ya! My mom has an amazing body and has never struggled with her weight...we look so similar, I'm just a ton heavier!! I also hate my skinny friends! They like to complain how "fat" they are...yet never go to the gym/diet and eat all the crap they want! So unfair!!!!