*Snowflakes to Sunshine Challenge* Discussion: Week #9 2/25/



  • robynrae_1
    robynrae_1 Posts: 712 Member
  • rjlam
    rjlam Posts: 149
    Good Morning everyone

    Lost 1 lbs this week. I'm still on my modified cleansing program from the naturopath and Sat & Sun are my off days. What I've notice is that I'm gluten intolerant and cannot handle any wheat products of any kind. My entire family (siblings & Mother) are all in the same bracket. I can tell you that this is the best that I've ever felt in a long time. Will keep on thsi program til I see Dr. Um on March 19. Well hope you all have a wonderful weekend.
  • klwa
    klwa Posts: 61
    Well, bummer. I knew I was having a bad week, but had hoped that I maintained or only gained maybe a pound. 154.7 this morning. I HATE that! I think it's up 2.7. Long work hours really put a damper on my cardio, and too much sitting at a desk, staring at a computer made me reach for coffee rather than water. The problem is, it's not going to get much better for the next few weeks. =(

    The one good thing is that I was tempted not to log the gain, but, honestly, writing it down bothered me so much that it will, hopefully, inspire me to work in whatever exercise I can, even if it's 10-15 minutes at a time.

    Planning on riding my bike this afternoon if it warms up enough, and maybe getting in a short walk/run, too. I don't really like doing home videos, but may have to try that if I can't find time to get to the gym due to work. ...Sigh.....
  • forgiven4life
    I have a technology/posting related question.

    How do I quote multiple thread replies at once? I don't want to bog down the thread with my individual comments to everyone's wonderful posts but I don't know how to do that

    I've wondered this too. I know someone on here does know because I have seen her do one reply with multiple quotes. I'm not sure how she does it unless she has 2 windows open and just copies and pastes and just uses the codes for quotes. I know as long as you start the quote with the code [.quote] and end it with [./quote], it should show up. (Only remove the . from it, I only included that so the code would show up. If I didn't, "and end it with" would show as the quote. LOL)
  • taletreader
    taletreader Posts: 377 Member
    I've wondered this too. I know someone on here does know because I have seen her do one reply with multiple quotes. I'm not sure how she does it unless she has 2 windows open and just copies and pastes and just uses the codes for quotes.

    That's exactly how I would do it, but I'd add attribution lines (who said what I quote) to make it clearer.

    (Given I currently have 3 browser windows open, with 3, 6, and 46 tabs respectively, opening several posts in several tabs isn't a big deal. CTRL-TAB and CTRL-SHIFT-TAB switches between them.)
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    OMG! This is the WORST TOM I have had in a long time! My lower back aches, I feel like all of the energy is being sucked out of me, and my face is breaking out! What am I, like 16?!

    I was suppose to go the American Heart Association Zumba event, but I am just not feeling up for it...which is a total bummer! However, there is another event in March that I AM going to! My son's grandpa just came and got him for the day, so I am going to take a little nap and hope that my energy is back up! I am going to wake up and finish the laundry, clean the house, and then get some Zumba DVD in. I can't just waste my whole day.

    Also, I need to figure out my workout schedule and what I am going to do each day. This is going to be pivotal in trying to shake up my routine and get over this plateau. I am still doing some research on zig-zagging calories. I want to make sure that I do it right. So I can hopefully start that partially today and fully tomorrow. I know I have to do something to give my body a kick in the butt.

    I am very proud of everyone for sticking it out thus far and working hard. We have 20 more days until midway pics and measurements...so let's kick butt!!
  • miss_amy
    miss_amy Posts: 351
    hey snowflakes!

    i weighed in today and had a HUGE loss! 3.8lbs! i don't think i've ever lost that much before in a week but i'll take it! between last week and this week i've lost 6lbs which is so huge. after my slow start in the challenge, these are the results i needed to keep in the race. i'm not expecting to lose big numbers in the upcoming weeks (although it would be awesome) since these losses were so big but i am so happy right now i don't care! woo! i finally feel like i have control over this weight loss game. also, i'm tellin you all, eating around at least 1200 NET calories a day seriously works! for those of you struggling to lose right now, try it. i know now that i wasn't eating enough and my body was in starvation mode before because i've NEVER seen these losses before.

    also, i am over half way to my goal weight of 175! i seriously couldn't be happier. :)

    hope everyone is having a great weekend! i know i am!
  • dinareed
    dinareed Posts: 73 Member
    So, I was totally depressed when I stepped on the scale and it has barely moved. I behaved myself all week, exercised like mad, ate well and then Tom showed up. Now the slight loss isn't so bad. I am so happy that I took measurements when I started on this journey because while the scale has not moved hardly, I have lost 2 inches off my chest, 3.5 off my waist, 2 off my hips and 1.5 off my thighs in the last month! I tried on my favorite jeans today and I was able to get them all the way up! I still can't button them, but I will be wearing them within the next month or so. I have an appointment with a dietitian the end of March so it will be interesting to hear what her suggestions are. I am obsessed with the scale and my weight. I am trying to stay off of it unless it is weigh in day...so far, so good.
  • dinareed
    dinareed Posts: 73 Member
    hey snowflakes!

    i weighed in today and had a HUGE loss! 3.8lbs! i don't think i've ever lost that much before in a week but i'll take it! between last week and this week i've lost 6lbs which is so huge. after my slow start in the challenge, these are the results i needed to keep in the race. i'm not expecting to lose big numbers in the upcoming weeks (although it would be awesome) since these losses were so big but i am so happy right now i don't care! woo! i finally feel like i have control over this weight loss game. also, i'm tellin you all, eating around at least 1200 NET calories a day seriously works! for those of you struggling to lose right now, try it. i know now that i wasn't eating enough and my body was in starvation mode before because i've NEVER seen these losses before.

    also, i am over half way to my goal weight of 175! i seriously couldn't be happier. :)

    hope everyone is having a great weekend! i know i am!

    Congratulations! I am so excited for you! I'm sure it feels fantastic to be at the halfway point. I guess I am going to have to try the 1200 Net calories. It kind of scares me though--it sounds counter-productive. Wish me luck!
  • kaylenlawrence
    kaylenlawrence Posts: 211 Member
    Can you believe it is already time for half way pictures!!!!

    Everyone is doing such a great job!!

    I am defintly glad I can share this journey in my life with others who are working just as hard!!

    If I am ever having a bad day and want to skip out on the gym i just think of my S2S family and then I am motivated because I dont want to let you guys down! WE ARE a team!!!
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    Can you believe it is already time for half way pictures!!!!

    Everyone is doing such a great job!!

    I am defintly glad I can share this journey in my life with others who are working just as hard!!

    If I am ever having a bad day and want to skip out on the gym i just think of my S2S family and then I am motivated because I dont want to let you guys down! WE ARE a team!!!

    Awwww that is so wonderful. And I am so glad that you feel this way. S2S all the way.....! :). And you are doing an awesome job!
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    Well, bummer. I knew I was having a bad week, but had hoped that I maintained or only gained maybe a pound. 154.7 this morning. I HATE that! I think it's up 2.7. Long work hours really put a damper on my cardio, and too much sitting at a desk, staring at a computer made me reach for coffee rather than water. The problem is, it's not going to get much better for the next few weeks. =(

    The one good thing is that I was tempted not to log the gain, but, honestly, writing it down bothered me so much that it will, hopefully, inspire me to work in whatever exercise I can, even if it's 10-15 minutes at a time.

    Planning on riding my bike this afternoon if it warms up enough, and maybe getting in a short walk/run, too. I don't really like doing home videos, but may have to try that if I can't find time to get to the gym due to work. ...Sigh.....

    No worries girl! I am right there with you. I knew I had a bad week, but I was praying for the best. With that being said, this is a great opportunity for us to reevaluate and make a schedule of sorts to get ourselves back on track. We can do this! Let's lose those 2lbs and 3 more! :)
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    hey snowflakes!

    i weighed in today and had a HUGE loss! 3.8lbs! i don't think i've ever lost that much before in a week but i'll take it! between last week and this week i've lost 6lbs which is so huge. after my slow start in the challenge, these are the results i needed to keep in the race. i'm not expecting to lose big numbers in the upcoming weeks (although it would be awesome) since these losses were so big but i am so happy right now i don't care! woo! i finally feel like i have control over this weight loss game. also, i'm tellin you all, eating around at least 1200 NET calories a day seriously works! for those of you struggling to lose right now, try it. i know now that i wasn't eating enough and my body was in starvation mode before because i've NEVER seen these losses before.

    also, i am over half way to my goal weight of 175! i seriously couldn't be happier. :)

    hope everyone is having a great weekend! i know i am!

    Great job girl! WOW, I know that feels so good to be almost to your goal. I am definitely going to have to try this 1200 net calorie deal lol...I keep hearing that it is a good idea....so by tomorrow I will figure out if this or zig-zagging is best for me! Great job again girl...awesome loss!
  • CuteMommy88
    CuteMommy88 Posts: 538 Member
    Happy Saturday Snowflakes!! First of all I want to congratulate everyone who had a loss!! and for those of us who didnt "Keep on keeping on"--In the words of Sir Joe Dirt:laugh: Anyway I am very happy to report that I had a loss this week!! I am down 1lb from last week which is quite amazing and it totally took me by surprise, i seriously thought i would have a gain this week!!--i mean I didnt work out at all, and my eating was horrible!!! I had a virus, a sick baby, and stress over an exam, but a loss is a loss so I am not complaining!! :wink: So for this week I really need to get my butt back into exercise mode and actually not go over my calories :happy:

    Fitness Goals for the week:
    Sunday-Thursday Jillian Michaels 6 week 6 pack dvd
    Friday- Rest Day
    Saturday-Zumba---I havent done Zumba at all since I started this 6 week dvd and I need some zumba in my life :laugh:
  • MichelleOnTrack
    My TOM is next week, so I have been wanting to eat like crazy! Will be so happy when it gets here and I lighten up. Aside from TOM, I have maintained for 3 weeks now, so I feel like I need to change things up a bit. Congrats to all who had a great week. To those that didn't, chin up!
  • Val_Gets_Fit
    Val_Gets_Fit Posts: 210 Member
    Hey, Snowflakes!

    My life has been so hectic the last couple of weeks. I haven't been nearly as active on the boards as I was before. I have time to read the discussion posts, but little time to reply. Though I may not have been able to comment much recently, I am amazed at all of you and support you whole heartedly in this journey.

    Personally, I've had a bit of a "blah" feeling the last five days. Just haven't felt like myself physically or emotionally. Regardless of that, I've somehow managed to stay focus on being healthy. You wouldn't know it by the scale, however. I had a gain this week. After finally breaking into the 150's last week, I gained 2.8 pounds and am at 162.1 now. I'm trying to remain positive and objectly look at what has happened. I was under my calories everyday. I worked out. After finishing the 30DS, I started JM's Slimdown plan and I'm on Day 13 of that. I was a bit lax in my water intake this week, though. I have to improve on that for next week. I was eating right and active, so I logically know that this 2.8 pounds should not be fat. It has to be water, but.... wow, 2.8 pounds of it? I took my measurements and saw a half inch loss in my waist, a half in my hips, and a half in the fattest part of my arm, in one week. I know that is what I need to be focusing on.

    I wish you all the best this week!! To those who have lost and maintained--congratulations!!! To those, like me, who saw a gain this week--we have to keep going, stay focused, and be rational. We can't give up. Focus on the NSVs and keep on going.

  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    I wish TOM would just show up already!!!!! :mad: :explode: :devil: At least he was kind enough to wait until after my interview today...
    Another thing I've been trying out that might help others....I try to get one of my workouts done before breakfast. Dr.Oz reccommended working out 10mins after waking up to burn fat rather than the food in your stomach, so I've been trying this theory.
    Great workout plan! I'd do almost anything if Dr. Oz said to. :wink:

    leandread... Thank you! 16's feel GREAT! :smooched: I don't ever remember wearing a 16 pant!
    (Given I currently have 3 browser windows open, with 3, 6, and 46 tabs respectively, opening several posts in several tabs isn't a big deal. CTRL-TAB and CTRL-SHIFT-TAB switches between them.)
    Firefox browser allows you to press "right click" and "T" to open a new tab, and not have to switch around. It's the greatest thing I've ever used. http://www.mozilla.com/en-US/firefox/

    Krys_T... I sympathize. Welcome to MY TOM experience!! My cramps get so bad that if I don't take Tylenol, I'll throw up! :cry: I'm working with a naturopath to try and stop this. I NEVER used to get cramps three years ago, and then one day... there they were! :mad:

    miss_amy... HALF WAY!!! :drinker:

    dinareed... Amazing with the INCH LOSS!!! :drinker: I'm drawn to the scale too.

    Val_Gets_Fit... INCHES!!! WOO!! :drinker:
  • Val_Gets_Fit
    Val_Gets_Fit Posts: 210 Member
    LW: 183.5
    CW: 180.5

    I've been doing the Shred (17/30 days - 3 days rest), but this week I've been watching my food really close (except for a few slips), and I'm FINALLY seeing a loss :love: . I chopped about 200-300 calories from my day, and stay between 1250 - 1350 calories most days. I've been pre-planning my meals most days this week. 20-25 mins of Shredding almost daily is working very nice. I can't wait to check my measurements again! I didn't do any of my planned gym workouts last week, and Zumba fell on a holiday, so that was out of the question. Just stuck to the plan at home. I could still stand to add more veggies... :grumble:

    OH! I just remembered something that happened yesterday that I want to share with you all! I was trying on some pants for my interview tomorrow at the store, and I grabbed anything that looked nice in a size 18 that I wanted to try. I found two that I really liked, and when I checked the tags to see the prices, I noticed that one was a SIZE 16!!!!! :smooched: :love: I actually thought that one looked better on me than the 18!! Some of my workout pants have started to slide down a little in the front too.

    Congrats, Steph!! I love those NSVs so much! :flowerforyou: I think preplanning meals is such a great idea, but I haven't been able to manage that yet. :laugh: Great job following through with that!!! I hope your interview went well!!! :happy:
  • robynrae_1
    robynrae_1 Posts: 712 Member
    I started out my week really good. I made a workout schedual that was going to work out well for me (and my husband.). 3 days of C25K, 3 days Zumba, 3 Days 30 day shred, 3 days of Turbo fire, and one day for p90x legs and back. I had it all set up for 3 weeks of hard working out and one week of less intense.
    I made it 4 days into my plan when I got sick. I had the flu for a couple of days, now I have bronchitis. So the last 5 days I have done nothing. Went to the Dr and was put on antibiotics so atleast I am on the mend. This is the first day that I have felt some-what human.

    Ok I am done ranting,
    My plan for the week is walk on
    treadmill for 10 min the next 2 days. (sun, mon)
    treadmill for 20 min (tue, wed)
    treadmill for 30 min (thur, friday) If I am feeling good I might try D1W1 of C25K
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    Today, I am going to try a few new recipes. I am so tired of eating the same foods all the time. I need a little more variety.

    I am going to come back on Tuesday and try to draw up a plan of attack for the rest of the week as far as my workouts. I am feeling really good, but I don't want to take that for granted and start doing too much too soon again. I would love to do zumba once or twice next week. I have an idea that I can stand near the door and do one song, sit for one song, and repeat until the end of the class. It will be better than nothing and I won't feel like I'm missing out entirely.
    I want to meet with my trainer on wednesday since I missed last week and maybe we can just concentrate on upper body!

    Everyone keep up the good work. You are such an inspiration to me. It's the reason why I haven't given up yet, despite having "off" weeks!