Holiday challenge



  • lynz4589
    lynz4589 Posts: 389 Member
    kcdrake good luck with the wedding talk - hopefully all the kids around will soften the blow lol. I used to run my own wedding photography business and only shut down at christmas past - still have a few weddings this year though - and I know how stressful it is but you will get there in the end!

    MrsB - meal sounds good - I ended up eating out lastnight as a last minute decision after going swimming with my mum, grandma, neice (3) and nephew (1) cos the kids were really hungry - didnt eat the right food at all (they didnt even have a "grilled" section!!) but I only had a main meal whereas before I would have eaten a start, main and shared a desert! so a small victory if you can call it that!

    I had planned to go cycling today and its the perfect weather - nice and sunny which is a rare thing here - but the house has come down with a bug and dont think any of us like the thought of moving far from a toilet! (all that fatty food obviously playing up now!) but hopefully we will still get our 6 mile walk in tomorrow!
  • lynz4589
    lynz4589 Posts: 389 Member
    ok I couldnt resist - I had to weigh in :( lol I just knew I was going to be so busy this weekend I might forget in the rush to get out early tomorrow so weighed in today - lost 1.6lbs happy enough with this since I didnt do a huge amount of exercise again this week but will hopefully have a bigger number next week as Ive started swimming now -

    Looking forward to reading everyone elses weight loss for this week!
  • nixxy74
    nixxy74 Posts: 106
    Hey Im in... I might as well as im going on holiday with lynsey! so i have the same incentive.

    I have a huge amount to lose but for now i think being able to put a airplane seatbelt on with out hiding the fact i havent got it on and the embarrassment is enough to make me cry on the plane...the bikini will be a bonus!!
  • lynz4589
    lynz4589 Posts: 389 Member
    hahahahahaha Niki - Ive only just realised Georgie is your ticker photo!!!
  • lynz4589
    lynz4589 Posts: 389 Member

    Looking forward to everyones weigh in today!!
  • lynz4589
    lynz4589 Posts: 389 Member
    no one?
  • hpyn2pc
    Hi everyone. Well I think I'm in. No big vacations, I just need motivation. I also plan on sitting by the pool this summer with a smile, not a big shirt and towel wrap. So I would like to be in. :glasses:
  • lynz4589
    lynz4589 Posts: 389 Member
    welcome on board hpyn2pc - if you could just fill out this wee chart -

    Start Weight:
    Today's Weight:
    Weight lost:
    % lost:

    "start weight" is your weight when you started the challenge not your actual start weight just to keep it fair! Good luck and roll on June!!
  • mrsb82
    mrsb82 Posts: 11
    Yey, a good week for me this week! I lost 1lb so i'm happy with that. If I can loose 1lb per week I'll be pleased! How's everyone else done? We don't seem to have had everyone's weigh ins yet!
  • kcdrake
    kcdrake Posts: 512
    Was out of town till late last night so I weighed in today. 178.2. Grumble. Although, not bad considering two days of nasty travel food. Hoping I'll do better this week, but it's crazy stressful this week so.... *shrug*
  • lynz4589
    lynz4589 Posts: 389 Member
    thanks to those who weighed in - and well done mrsB on your weight loss this week :) 178.2 is great for a "nasty travel food" type of week!!

    We can do this! Summer is only a matter of weeks away (only 18 weeks until my holiday!!)

    I plan on swimming at leas 3 times this week if I can :)
  • kcdrake
    kcdrake Posts: 512
    178.2 is great for a "nasty travel food" type of week!!

    We can do this! Summer is only a matter of weeks away (only 18 weeks until my holiday!!)

    I plan on swimming at leas 3 times this week if I can :)

    Well thank you for that! I'm feeling rather discouraged right now, but I need to figure out a way to get out of this funk!

    I can't believe summer is so close! I finish my semester in 6-ish weeks. I'm SO ready for this semester to be over and done with, but I look at the list of things to do and it's scary!:noway:

    I would LOVE to swim. It's my favorite form of exercise. But the apartment I live at has really, really tiny pools. Like, I'd do a stroke and it'd be covered. And they still haven't cleaned them from the winter (and I don't think the heaters are going yet). And my university's pool hours are during all of my classes! *sigh* Swim a couple extra laps for me. ...They transfer, right?:bigsmile:
  • kcdrake
    kcdrake Posts: 512
    Well, I'm leaving for Spring Break on Friday and not getting back and settled until next Saturday. I'm REALLY ready for the break from school, but I'm less than thrilled that I'll be in a bikini at my current ...physique. The past few days I've been really hard on myself with the weight gain so far this year and the lack of sticking to a workout schedule.

    Right now, I'm telling myself to just let go of all mental stress and enjoy the time away from home, enjoy the sun, and enjoy the beach. Believe me, that's the easy part. I want to start back in on a good workout and eating routine the Monday I'm back. The issue with that is that the ONLY time I have to workout is in the morning (...around 5:30. :grumble:) Now, the issue is that I can get up once, maybe twice, in the morning to workout. After that, I tell myself that sleep is more of the stress relief I need that day. ..And then I feel stressed that I'm not working out. It's a spiral.

    How do you motivate yourself to get your butt out of bed and workout? Especially early in the morning? I really want to be successful and I feel like I keep sabotaging myself.
  • mrsb82
    mrsb82 Posts: 11
    Good questions kcdrake, i would love to know how to get up early too. At the moment i like to run during the evenings after work etc. but the problem with this is it is still too dark to go far enough, i try to run quite a bit at the weekends but thats not enough for the whole week. I signed up for a charity 5k this week, we're doing it in may in aid of breast cancer research, plenty of time to practice and hopefully it will get me motivated enough to get out training and to loose a few pounds.
  • lynz4589
    lynz4589 Posts: 389 Member
    I wish I knew! From the beginning of January I was full of good intentions to get up at 7 when my housemate was going to work and go to the gym - I failed! Just impossible to get up - now I dont force myself to get up early and just plan a workout into my day - usually a walk mid morning or early evening and then a dvd workout or swimming in the evening. I ony workout early if Im up and have nothing else to do. Sorry I cant help :(
  • nixxy74
    nixxy74 Posts: 106
    WOOT!! weigh in today and i have 5.2 total loss since i started mfp!
  • mrsb82
    mrsb82 Posts: 11
    well done nixxy. I haven't logged in for a week as my internet has been down, i can assure you however that i have been a good girl and haven't been snacking too much! Its gone very quiet on this topic though. Is everyone else still there?
  • kcdrake
    kcdrake Posts: 512
    I'm back from my break!! I'm a little scared to see what the scale looks like... I walked MILES every day, so hopefully that helped a bit. Good job with the weight loss, nixxy! That's fantastic!
  • nixxy74
    nixxy74 Posts: 106
    thanks everyone ,just a little update lost a further 2lbs and im struggling to be convinced by my scales. i have booked a docs appointment to let him know what im up to and get an ok /check up to go a bit harder exercising.
  • lynz4589
    lynz4589 Posts: 389 Member
    I cant believe I lost my own topic :blushing: I looked everywhere for it lol and spent the last 30 minutes finding you all again - Im sorry!

    Been pretty up and down with my illness the last few weeks, got a diagnosis and every nearly gave up on losing weight because on top of my anaemia and stomach uclers and now also have pre clinical hypothyroid - convinced this has slowed my weight loss down since January anyway. Got onto tablets and finally saw a decent number - around 3lb this week - I now weigh in on a monday and a friday, I always feel better starting a week knowing what number is in my head and I cant wait all weekend to see how I have done so I weigh in on Friday as well haha.

    Into the teens now and hopefully hit into the 190s soon enough!