Beach Ready Challenge



  • sass30
    sass30 Posts: 355 Member
    Hello ladies, I am a 30 year old mother of 2 girls - a 7 yr old and a 7 month old. I have gotten under my pre-pregnancy wait from my 2nd daughter but will probably never ever get back to what I was before the 1st one (115 lbs). I am determined to get into a bikini this summer and be able to look at myself and not want to throw up! I workout at least 6 days a week, 3-4 strength training and 5-7 days cardio. I love to workout it makes me feel amazing but I am having a little trouble eating healthier. I am better than I was before but still not there yet. Oh yeah, I seem to be stuck at 150!

    Heaviest weight: 166.6
    Current weight:150.2
    Next week: 149
    Goal:135-125 (hopefully before bathing suit season)
  • dyiaane
    dyiaane Posts: 271 Member
    Hey all. I'm 29 and live in New York. A year ago I was about 10 lbs lighter but then the holidays came and cold weather so I wasn't super motivated. I still worked out 5 days a week but was eating candy and other junk. I officially started MFP on Monday so this is only my first week. On Monday I also started P90X. So far its going good. I lost a pound this week.

    SW: 132.5
    CW: 131.5
    Goal Weight: 123 and also to tone up and maintain this weight

    I hope to loose this weight before summer but will definitely be working on toning up after that.
    I will do the 3,500 calorie challenge this week. I am not exactly sure how many calories I burn on P90x but I low estimate it. I am also trying to add in more cardio in addition to P90x. This is tough be P90x is at least an hour a day but I'm trying.

    Good luck to all.
  • p_cakes
    p_cakes Posts: 282
    I think I'd like to join this group. I have a summer group of my own, but it's slowed down a bit and I really would like something a bit more active. It's nice to have people there to keep you accountable for something!

    I'm Pattie! I'm 21, I will be 22 in May. My beginning goal was to be at about 145-140 by May 10, I'm going to the beach May 12-17, and I wanted to look good for it. Right now, if I make it to 150 by then, I will be happy. By the end of this challenge though I would like to be at 140. That's a good weight for my body and I feel like I'd be confortable with that.

    I have to say that I am 90% vanity and 10% health. I've never had health problems, I'm not threatened by them now, BUT they do run in my family and I know that if I continued to gain weight i would get there too, that's where my 10% comes from. The vanity, well...that's me being selfish and wanting to look good. However, I don't want to look good for anyone else. I want it for me, I've always been about doing things for others and this is something I want for me. I want to be able to wear the cute outfits. The clothes I see in stores, plan out a cute outfit, but could NEVER pull it off. yeah, That. And of course a cute bikini at the beach.

    Highest Weight: 197
    Current Weight: 187.2
    Goal by May 10: 150
    Goal by end of challenge: 140
  • HillHoosier
    HillHoosier Posts: 12 Member
    I'm in!! I'm excited for this challenge! Thank you for starting this!

    I'm Hillary and I'm a 27 year old in graduate school studying to become a physician assistant (PA). I graduate in August and I want to be at my ultimate goal by graduation! I've been married for almost 2 years to my best friend and high school sweetheart. He's wonderful and very supportive. We have a boxer named Shelby :)

    My weight loss goals:
    My highest weight was 164.2
    My current weight is 159.4
    My goal weight by the end of this challenge is 135
    My ultimate goal by graduation in August is 125

    I'm excited for this 1st challenge of 3500 calories burned this week! This week I'd like to get down to 158! Let's do this! :happy:
  • jamgal789
    jamgal789 Posts: 51 Member
    Hey Gals!

    I am 32 years old; 5' 8.5". The hubby and I are into week 2 of Insanity. I'm a vegetarian. I don't count calories, but I do use the diary feature here. I expect to lose 1.5 to 2 lbs per week.

    Starting weight: 196 lbs
    Current weight: 194 lbs (Down 2 lbs from last week)
    End of Challenge Goal: 162-170 lbs
    Goal weight: 145 lbs

    Here's to a healthfully active week!
  • Well I'm def ready for this challenge. May be exactly what I need to boost my loss...

    27 yrs old 5'3
    Start weight 184

    weekly goal 2 pounds

    End of Challenge goal
    (June 27th) 34 pounds lost- 150 total weight
  • Hi all, I'm in!

    24 yrs, 5'5
    Starting Weight: 160
    Weekly Loss Goal: 1.25
    Goal Weight by June 25th: 140

  • travelgirl09
    travelgirl09 Posts: 151 Member
    I think this is a great challenge and I'm in! My starting weight is 189.2. I recently started traveling full time for both my job and my hubby's job and in the process of a year and a half, gained 60 pounds while on the road. In Jan, I decided I needed to get serious about my weight loss so I decided to stay in one place and get this weight off and in 8 weeks I've lost 19 pounds. My goal is 2 pounds a week, but I still have a few trips here and there, so we'll see how it goes.

    I like of idea of friending people who decide to be in the challenge for encouragement. If anyone wants to friend me, please feel free. Just let me know you are part of the challenge. A couple of my current friends are already in the challenge and I am excited to see how we do!

    Excited to get started! Let's gooooooooo. . . . . . .
  • Lovemydounts
    Lovemydounts Posts: 199 Member
    im ready to do this
  • Im in!!!

    Im 5'1.. super short :)
    Weight as of this morning: 113.8
    Goal Weight: 105
    Weekly loss goal: A pound per week for 8 weeks then toning (anyone have any ideas of how to measure toning?)

    I know I don't have that much to lose but I definitely want to tone up! I haven't worn a bikini in a gazillion years!
    I'm excited to start tomorrow :)
  • I'm in! Looking for a good challenge to keep me motivated!!

    Height: 5'4"

    Current Weight: 143.6 (as of this morning)

    This weekly goal weight: 145

    Main goal to hit by June: 120
  • dyiaane
    dyiaane Posts: 271 Member
    Forgot to add my weekly goal: 1 pound and lots of working out
  • whitneynina
    whitneynina Posts: 10 Member
    Hi all I am a full-time employee (at a desk job), a part-time student, a mother of 2 girls (5 & 10), and a wife. With everything I have going on I have lost sight of working out and eating good. I would be perfectly happy losing 1 lb a week and definitely more if possible. It is so nice to have a little excuse to be held accountable. That would drive me crazy if you set up something that has to be done daily and I did not do it. Thanks for putting this together.

    My current weight is 148.2

    I would love to be down to 125 but realistically I know that it might not happen by June!
  • Hey Everybody! I am excited about the Beach Ready Challenge and what a great way to start us all out. I am employed full time, in college part time, have two children and do TKD 3 times a week. I try to get to the gym at least once on the weekend if not twice. Food is my biggest challenge. It takes a lot for me to turn down the quick and easy stuff: fast food, microwaveable know the really unhealthy stuff. But I am trying to change my diet. So far breakfast is my only success, but it's a start. My family and I are going to the beach in April and I would like to wear a bikini for the first time in over 10 years. I bought one today at the store...I'm scared what it will look like on. More motivation.

    Good luck to everyone!

    CW: 135
    GW: 120

    Week 1 Challenge:
    Burn 3,500 calories

    Chest: 31
    Bust: 35
    Hips: 37
    High Waist: 32
    Low Waist: 35
    Arm: 11.5
    Leg: 21
    Neck: 12.5
  • SW: 134
    CW: 132
    GW: less than 130
  • Just to help those with any questions about the 1st challenge.

    Burn 3500 calories (total) for the week.

    I always eat back most of the calories I burn. So its up to you if you want to eat those back or not. Our main goal is to hit 3,500 for the week. :flowerforyou:
  • njean888
    njean888 Posts: 399 Member
    Ok weighed in at 135. My goal is a pound a week. So if I lose the 17 pounds by our summer date that would have me weighing in at 118. I think I will definetly be bikini ready at 118. Thank you Shawna for the great idea.

    PS. Love the weekly challenge, talk about bringing it.
  • Blondwootz
    Blondwootz Posts: 3 Member
    I'm in too. Spent the winter with diff health issues and gaining weight, now I'm ready to spend my spring getting ready for summer!


    Weekly: about 2.5
  • KanCrav
    KanCrav Posts: 439 Member
    Hey all!~!~! I didnt really get to share much about myself when I posted my weight. I just wanted to make sure I didnt loose track of this thread!~!~! I am 23, my name is Kandace and I live in Germany with my husband who is in the Army. I got married 4 years ago and packed on all the weight I could up to now!~!~! I want to get back to 140 (I am 5'1.5) I would REALLY like to hit 135, but we will see if that really happens or not. I am super excited to join this thread since my BDay is June 19th!~!~!

    AND i weighed in this morning and I was 158.5!~!~! Finally got lower that 161!~! yeay!~!
  • KanCrav
    KanCrav Posts: 439 Member
    Ok.. I think I am thinking too far into this Challenge... so the point it to NOT eat our exercise calories this week right??? We want 3500 that we DONT eat back? Or can we eat the back and just make sure we burn them???
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