MEN: Lose 10 in Feb. Challenge!



  • week 3 2-21-11 283.4 (was 280.0 friday but i guess i had a bad week end)

    Typically the only thing that can account for that big of a swing is water weight. I wouldn't worry about it, you're pretty much there for your feb. challenge. Good work!!!

    took 3 days but back to 280.2 ( got it to say 279.8 once but can't take that 280.2 was the avg.) i never thought i would get 10 but i might just win this.... went from bmi of 33.? to 30.8. hope you all feel as good as i do about the work put in this month.

    are we doing one for march may be a mile challenge with the weight loss????????
  • I'm in. Starting out at 287!

    Down to 286.4!!! Only a little more to go!
  • are we doing one for march may be a mile challenge with the weight loss????????

    Good question. We should start thinking about March's challenge since we're almost at the end of this one.
  • just started

    it was hard but i am ranked #3 and doing the 3rd col.(11-20 push ups)
  • are we doing one for march may be a mile challenge with the weight loss????????

    Good question. We should start thinking about March's challenge since we're almost at the end of this one.

    Would everyone like to do a similar March Challenge?

    Let's get some feedback... This was my first time hosting a challenge like this. Is there anything that people would like done differently?


    Thanks guys,

    Jay C.
  • Nucleartiger
    Nucleartiger Posts: 29 Member
    Sorry it took so long to report my weight this week. It was 285.4

    I had a very bad week. Found out my mother has advanced cancer and then my cousin was killed in a car wreck so needless to say I haven't been home but 2 days of the past week and a half. Been living on fast food and not able to work out.

    Great job to everyone thus far.
  • dhiggins8
    dhiggins8 Posts: 466 Member
    are we doing one for march may be a mile challenge with the weight loss????????

    Good question. We should start thinking about March's challenge since we're almost at the end of this one.

    Would everyone like to do a similar March Challenge?

    Count me in I say YES let's do this I think this is great! No pain no gain go hard r
    Or go home

    Let's get some feedback... This was my first time hosting a challenge like this. Is there anything that people would like done differently?


    Thanks guys,

    Jay C.
  • fatboypup
    fatboypup Posts: 1,873 Member
    im gonna be awful close to making it in the am ....... all depends on how today goes :)
  • dhiggins8
    dhiggins8 Posts: 466 Member
    im gonna be awful close to making it in the am ....... all depends on how today goes :)

    Come on you got this last chance workout today push your self!!
  • fatboypup
    fatboypup Posts: 1,873 Member
    im gonna be awful close to making it in the am ....... all depends on how today goes :)

    Come on you got this last chance workout today push your self!!
    i need to drop like a little over a half pound ..... the weathers not ride for a bike ride again today i did 20 miles yesterday maybe ill check out the stationary bike today
  • lost 2 kilos this week brinking this weeks weight to 86.7kgs less than 12kgs from my goal weight now! yeeee harrrr! i was 99.8 kgs a week before xmas im ecstatic with my progress thus far :-)
  • lost 2 kilos this week bringing this weeks weight to 86.7kgs less than 12kgs from my goal weight now! yeeee harrrr! i was 99.8 kgs a week before xmas im ecstatic with my progress thus far :-)
  • lost 2 kilos this week bringing this weeks weight to 86.7kgs less than 12kgs from my goal weight now! yeeee harrrr! i was 99.8 kgs a week before xmas im ecstatic with my progress thus far :-)
  • lost 2 kilos this week bringing this weeks weight to 86.7kgs less than 12kgs from my goal weight now! yeeee harrrr! i was 99.8 kgs a week before xmas im ecstatic with my progress thus far :-)
  • I say bring on the March challenge! Spring is on it's way, at least where I live. It'll be a lot easier to lose when it's so beautiful outside.
  • Nucleartiger
    Nucleartiger Posts: 29 Member
    Monday weigh in time. I am at 282.0 so I didn't quite make that 280 goal. Oh well I am still happy with 8lbs lost this past month and 13 lbs total in a month and a half.
  • My final weigh-in results:
    1st Feb - 248
    7th Feb - 245 (-3)
    14th Feb - 243 (-2)
    21st Feb - 241 (-2)
    28th Feb - 239 (-2)

    Total loss of -9, so just below the target of 10 but I'm well pleased with that result. Will join a March challenge aswell if it's on for sure.
  • ForTheFam
    ForTheFam Posts: 88 Member
    Sorry it took so long to report my weight this week. It was 285.4

    I had a very bad week. Found out my mother has advanced cancer and then my cousin was killed in a car wreck so needless to say I haven't been home but 2 days of the past week and a half. Been living on fast food and not able to work out.

    Great job to everyone thus far.
    a horrible week...tough situations to even think about food choices...take care of the family and yourself
  • ForTheFam
    ForTheFam Posts: 88 Member
    weighed in at 216lbs this morning total -9lbs for the and girl scout cookies this weekend kept me from crossing the finish line. :drinker:
  • dhiggins8
    dhiggins8 Posts: 466 Member
    Monday 2/14/2011 220
    Monday 2/21/2011 216
    today 2/28/11 214
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