100 Push Up Challenge Week One Jan 31st



  • darrenw74
    darrenw74 Posts: 86 Member
    I forgot to post my Friday results. W3 day1 redo
    12,17,13,10, then 3 and 17 on knees.
  • smessom32
    smessom32 Posts: 126 Member
    Week 3 day 3 Leval 3

    Total Reps 120

    Sets 22, 30, 20, 20,28

    On to Week 4 tonight
  • smessom32
    smessom32 Posts: 126 Member
    Week 3 day 3 Leval 3

    Total Reps 120

    Sets 22, 30, 20, 20,28

    On to Week 4 tonight
  • smessom32
    smessom32 Posts: 126 Member
    Week 3 day 3 Leval 3

    Total Reps 120

    Sets 22, 30, 20, 20,28

    On to Week 4 tonight
  • katjohn83
    katjohn83 Posts: 119 Member
    100 Pushups
    Week 2 day 1
    4/6/4/4/6 = 24 total

    200 Situps
    Week 2 day 1
    14/17/12/10/0 =53 total totally kicked my you know what.
  • darrenw74
    darrenw74 Posts: 86 Member
    Week 3 day 3 Leval 3

    Total Reps 120

    Sets 22, 30, 20, 20,28

    On to Week 4 tonight

    Nicely done! How long did it take you to get there? I'm struggling to keep up with this program.
  • JennyJH
    JennyJH Posts: 189 Member
    Rank 2 Week 3 day 2 - 14, 19, 14, 14, 25 - total 86

    That was hard work.
  • katjohn83
    katjohn83 Posts: 119 Member
    Week 2 Day 2

  • JennyJH
    JennyJH Posts: 189 Member
    Rank 2 - Week 3 Day 3 - 16, 21,15,15, 27 - total 94

    Got a feeling I might end up repeating week three but for now I'm well happy finishing week 3:happy:
  • darrenw74
    darrenw74 Posts: 86 Member
    I still have not gotten through Week 3 Day 1. Today and Wednesday went about the same.
    I have made progress this week, in that I've gotten through the first four sets, and just need to complete those last few in set 5.
    Today's report: 12,17,13,13,8.
  • smessom32
    smessom32 Posts: 126 Member
    Week 4 day 3 - Leval 3 = done

    170 Full push ups total


    Found Wednesday quite hard but got through it.

    Managed an extra 10 on my final set tonight to finish with 50.

    Feel great and really think the program is working.

    Thought I would struggle today but found it ok.

    Test on Sunday to see howmany I can do to find out my leval for week 5.

    Wonder what week 5 has to offer.

    Hope everyone else is enjoying the challenge

  • smessom32
    smessom32 Posts: 126 Member
    Exhaustion Test Last Night.


    I managed 60 Full push ups.

    Week 5 starts this week

  • darrenw74
    darrenw74 Posts: 86 Member
    Week 3 Day 1 - inching closer to completing the 5th and final set. I got a couple push-ups further than last week.


    If I can just squeeze out 6 more, I can finally put this day behind me.
  • ShannonWinger
    ShannonWinger Posts: 309 Member
    Today I did 50,50,20,50,50 for a total of 220.
  • katjohn83
    katjohn83 Posts: 119 Member
    Week 3 day 1 Done!

    What a difference.

    I started only being able to 5 pushups in a row.

    My exhaustion test I did 15. 3 times the amount after only two weeks, or six days of pushups.
  • ShannonWinger
    ShannonWinger Posts: 309 Member
    It's amazing how effective this is. Today I got in 55, 55, 50 55, 55 for a total of 270.
  • darrenw74
    darrenw74 Posts: 86 Member
    Question to those of you making good progress on this program.
    Are you in a calorie deficit?
    I'm trying to figure out why I'm struggling so much to progress. I am maintaining a 1lb/week deficit currently, but I'm eating plenty of calories (including exercise).
  • ShannonWinger
    ShannonWinger Posts: 309 Member
    I'm not in a colorie deficit. I'm just maintaining. Pushups have always come a little easier for me for some reason. I was one of the only girls in grade school that could do straight leg pushups. My sister can barely do one.
  • thkelly
    thkelly Posts: 466 Member
    It's amazing how effective this is. Today I got in 55, 55, 50 55, 55 for a total of 270.

    wow that`s impressive.

    awesome underwater pic btw. very cool looking.
  • ShannonWinger
    ShannonWinger Posts: 309 Member
    It's amazing how effective this is. Today I got in 55, 55, 50 55, 55 for a total of 270.

    wow that`s impressive.

    awesome underwater pic btw. very cool looking.

    Thanks! That shot is from the coolest snorkling experience of my life in Hawaii!