30 Day Challenge Part 2



  • aab1
    aab1 Posts: 1,120 Member
    My motivation - my employer does a 'Health Risk Assessment' each January; my numbers went the WRONG way this past year and it's quite embarassing! It's not like I don't know what I need to do; I just need to do it! I have 3 weddings this summer and I am determined to look good for those weddings. But more importantly, I've lost weight before, I know I can do it, I love how I feel when I did it, I want that feeling back!! I want to fit into all my clothes again. I want to try on new clothes and get that overwhelming, happy, gotta cry in the fitting room feeling back. :happy:

    I'll post my weigh in Tuesday AM.

    Great job to all who have posted & found sucess. Good luck to everyone still pending their post.

    Have a great Monday!!!
  • singer201
    singer201 Posts: 560 Member
    202.6 for me today. I'm thrilled to see results from all the good ideas on this challenge. I've been meeting my goals for net calories, averaging 30 minutes per day of exercise, watching my sodium intake, and drinking 64 oz. of water each day.

    My main motivation is health-related--hoping to reduce high blood pressure, GERD, and joint pain (knees). My other motivation is to be in better physical shape by the time I retire in about a year, so I can use riding and horse care activities as my main source of pleasurable exercise. I have Knight's pic as my avatar to remind me how much fun it is to ride.
  • kylakesgal
    kylakesgal Posts: 952 Member
    It's great to see everyone posting today. My motivations for losing weight are many! I want to lose for health reasons, high blood pressure issues, diabetes runs in the family and I know I'm more of a target being overweight, self esteem (want to feel better about myself), more energy, to be able to feel like playing with my grandkids, to stop this constant up and down weight that I've had all my life and to get back into my "skinny clothes" that are hanging in my closet and to get healthy. I'll be 46 this year and it's time to get it off and keep it off. Eating healthy has to become a way of life for me. This challenge has been a great learning experience for me and everyone has been so great and supportive:) Happy Monday everyone!
  • Ultrawomanll
    Ultrawomanll Posts: 18 Member
    HI EVERYONE!! So good to see everyone doing such a great job, I haven't posted really at all this week. My daughter has surgeries done on her vascular malformation every couple of months and there was one this week so needless to say I was pre-occupied on soothing a two year old all week. I tried to eat healthy for the most part but there were a couple of days that I did go over (especially on surgery day). But She's okay and back to being a happy healthy two year old so now Mommy is trying to get back on track.

    I did weigh in this morning on my home scale (we have one at my job that I usually use) and it said I lost one pound but I think just to make sure i'll officially weigh in at work. My scale when no one is on it is having trouble staying on 0. I keep turning the dial to fix it but its either always off by -1 or -2 pounds or +1 or +2 pounds so to be honest its starting to annoy me and I feel I can't get an accurate reading. So I'll post my numbers and if they are different when I weigh in later I will change them. In the meantime maybe I will shop for an nice electronic scale. LOL

    Starting week 169
    Last week 165
    This week 164 (we'll know for sure later)

    My Motivation is being able to enjoy the spring/summer months playing outside with my 2yr old. Since I put on my extra weight I've always felt so tired and lazy and I'm "tired" ( no pun intended) of feeling that way. I never really feel like I have energy to do anything and I want to be able to go run around the yard or beach or playground or anywhere. One of my other motivations is to fit into some of my old clothing, lower my pant size which was steadily increasing as well. This past Christmas I received a nice workout outfit, that was a large size and it was still pretty uncomfortably tight. Im hoping to kick that outfits butt.
  • roselynsy
    roselynsy Posts: 128 Member
    hi my sw was 196lb my gw is 187lb
    21st 194lb
    28th 191.8
    this weeks loss 2.2lb
    total weight lost 4. 2lb :smile:
  • jessicamarie81
    jessicamarie81 Posts: 441 Member
    Ok, I want to repost my weight...I weighed naked this time, lol...every little bit helps and the scale said 171.5, I'll take it!
  • kylakesgal
    kylakesgal Posts: 952 Member
    There you go Jessica....that is your true weight anyway completely in the buff!:)
  • muffinattack
    muffinattack Posts: 16 Member
    SW (2/14)- 151.2
    (2/21) -149.4
    CW- 151.2

    I know I didn't gain weight weight, my friend has decided to visit me for the month so I'm puffed out like a pufferfish. D; I'll probably post what my actual weight is once I deflate.
    And I'm so sorry that I don't post often, School eats up my life. D;
  • Phatgal2011
    Hello everyone! You all are doing great!
    30 day challenge: To lose 5 lbs between 3/1- 3/30.

    My weight fluctuates between the same 3-4 lbs. I go up one week then down the next. It is very discouraging but I will take it one day at a time. I didn't gain weight overnight so I don't expect to lose it overnight.
  • sheilabennett
    ok - my motivation is to not feel like the fat girl. Being healthy is important to me, but it doesn't really motivate me. What really gets me going is hanging out with my beautiful friends, and listen to them talk about being sizes 0, 2 or 4... and then me being WAY bigger than that... I want to feel beautiful too!
  • oliviawink
    oliviawink Posts: 753 Member
    I have cut and paste my motivations from my profile page to here. It's a good reminder as I read over it....

    I've been over-weight nearly my entire life. A couple of years ago I took up running and got into healthy eating with weight watchers. I was so committed and got down to 152, which was the smallest I've ever been. I looked so good I even wore a bikini on vacation to Aruba with my hubby, first bikini of my life. Well, the sexy body lead to making a baby (pros and cons of sexiness), and now that she's 10 months and my body is expanding, it's time to get back to healthy. I love the way my mind and body feel when I take care of myself.
    My reasons in a nutshell:
    * Being a healthy role-model for my daughter
    * Getting back into my sexy summer clothes
    * Bikini again!
  • oliviawink
    oliviawink Posts: 753 Member
    I have logged weights into the spreadsheet for the following people:

    Please let me know if I missed your weight post.
    Great work everyone. Even those of you that didn't lose, being part of a community and accountable is the first step. You'll get there. I know there are more people who will post tonite/tomorrow
  • ceejay000
    ceejay000 Posts: 402 Member
    I have several motivators. First, I want to feel good about myself when I get dressed. I want to like the way I look, and frequently that isn't the case because I'm overweight. I also want to lose weight because I look at some of my family members and see their physical limitations due to their weight, and I don't want to get to that point. I want to be able to participate in any activities that my family or friends decide to do, and not be totally out of breath after 5 minutes or have to pause because my legs hurt. I also want to be healthier. I am in medical school, and I've learned about all of the diseases that come with being overweight, and I don't want that to be me. Along the same line, I am going to have to instruct my patients to change their diets and exercise more in order to lower their blood pressure or cholesterol, get their diabetes under control, etc., and I'll feel pretty hypocritical and guilty if I'm not practicing what I preach. I want to lose weight so I can live a happily and healthily for the rest of my life.
  • singer201
    singer201 Posts: 560 Member

    Check out this website if you need to estimate exercise calories from an activity not specifically listed on MFP. The calorie counts are for a 150 lb. person/hour, so I just divided my current weight by 150 and multiplied by the number of hours. The specific activity had very similar counts to the more general MFP "light cleaning".
  • kylakesgal
    kylakesgal Posts: 952 Member
    Good evening~ Hope everyone was able to figure out what motivates them because if we are going to diet , exercise and avoid temptation, we have to have a reason why we are doing this. We need a reason that will give us the burn and the fire we need to get it done. Ok with that being said I thought tomorrows challenge fit along with todays challenge so here it is.........

    *******Tuesdays Challenge********
    Surround yourself with people that build you up......not tear you down. Hopefully you have someone at home or work that supports you and your quest on losing weight. If you don't, this is a great site to get the motivation you need. There are negative people out there no doubt and you might get insulted , put down, or hammered for trying to better yourself. There is always someone out there that would love nothing better than to tell you that you can't do something. Avoid these types of people. Check in on our posts daily, make comments and make new friends on here. The more positive you can surround yourself with, the better your attitude and belief in yourself will be. Tomorrow I would like to see each and everyone of you post who your biggest supporter is. We can do this together as a team and with a lot of cheerleaders in our corner, WE WILL WIN!!!
  • clover5
    clover5 Posts: 1,643 Member
    Check in

    Started at 148
    2/21 - 147
    2/28 - 146

    I would like to lose faster, but down is better than up. I'll take it.
  • kylakesgal
    kylakesgal Posts: 952 Member
    Glad you were able to find our new thread Clover, and congrats on the weight loss. 1-2 lbs a week weight loss is perfect!! I also lost 1 lb this past week but was was so excited when I took my measurements to discover I had lost 3 inches in my waist and hips area. Like the story of the race between the tortoise and the hare, it's not always the fast that win but the slow and steady:)
  • EmRN06
    EmRN06 Posts: 85 Member
    30 day challenge SW = 188.9
    2/21 = 185.2
    2/28 CW = 184.8
  • tatiana_13
    tatiana_13 Posts: 325
    Hi everyone! I'm skipped my weigh-in this week. Its not the time of the month I like to weigh...its just distracting, so, I'm passing. :wink:

    I haven't been online in a few days. Hectic few days. Was at a conference, giving a paper...that I finished writing about 2 hours before I had to give it. Then had to drive about 45 miles away and deliver another paper at a student conference that I finished writing a few hours before that. But I'm just a little to old for that level of procrastination...which meant that I promptly got sick from all the caffeine and sleep deprivation necessary to make all that happen. If only procrastination counted as a fitness activity....I'd be ripped. Ripped!

    But I was flipping through the last few days of conversation as folks were talking about sodium. As part of my graduate work, I spend a lot of time with some health care people (I'm a sociologist, and I follow them around). And what I overhear from listening to them talk to their patients is that most of the sodium that does us in is not so much what comes out of the salt shaker, but what comes out of restaurants and pre-packaged food...canned food, jarred sauces, "flavor packages", lunch meat (even the fancy kind from the deli), pre-marinated foods--even things that don't "taste" particularly salty like soda (even diet soda!) or other cheap, mass produced sweets. The amount of sodium in these products is CRAZY! So the best thing you can do to cut down on sodium is to eat more food from your own kitchen and to eat more real food and less convenience foods...even if you, perhaps, sprinkle a little too much salt on them from the salt shaker.
  • kylakesgal
    kylakesgal Posts: 952 Member
    Glad to have you back with us Tatiana!! Sounds like you have been quite busy! Thanks for the great advice on the sodium. Hopefully things will slow down for you and you can join us more often:)