30 Day Challenge Part 2



  • oliviawink
    oliviawink Posts: 753 Member
    Something so amazing just happened to me and I want to share it with you all, as you have been such an amazing support to me in getting back to healthy.

    I had a healthy and filling dinner after a great workout. About an hour later I was feeling a little snacky so I scooped myself out 1/2c of sugar free/fat free pudding for dessert. I was slowly eating my dessert, savoring small bites and about 1/2 way through I realized, hey I'm full and my sweet spot is satisfied. I covered my bowl and put in the fridge for a tasty treat tomorrow (if my hubby doesn't get to it first).

    I wanted to share this, because this is the moment that I realize that my eating habits have changed in the best possible way. I'm not longer eating to fill a void or ignoring my body's cues and eating beyond capacity and having that terrible my-stomach-is-going-to-explode feeling. I'm eating to just the right point and just the right amount, whatever that is on any given day or at any given meal.

    Today is a good day!
  • kylakesgal
    kylakesgal Posts: 952 Member
    That is so awesome Olivia. I think before the challenge, a lot of time I just ate out of boredom, while I was watching tv or on the computer. Not so much because I was hungry! It's great that you recognized this.Now that you mention it Olivia, I realize also that I just eat until I'm comfortably full and not miserable. Wow! I think our eating habits have drastically changed over the last 2 weeks of this challenge. Eating the 3 meals and 2 snacks really keeps you from ever starving and allows you to eat much smaller meals at mealtime. I used to have second helpings and now it doesn't take much to full me up. I had a birthday party AGAIN at my house tonight. I served cupcakes and ice cream for dessert and guess what.....it was temping but I didn't really want any. I just cleaned up dishes while they were enjoying their dessert. Things are definitely changing for the better! This is so exciting:)
  • microem1
    microem1 Posts: 38 Member
    I weighed naked this time, lol...every little bit helps and the scale said 171.5, I'll take it!

    Lol I know this is prob going to be too much information but I always weigh myself first thing in the morning, naked and after going to the loo hehe!
  • swtchrypie
    I weighed naked this time, lol...every little bit helps and the scale said 171.5, I'll take it!

    Lol I know this is prob going to be too much information but I always weigh myself first thing in the morning, naked and after going to the loo hehe!

    oh no I agree, always first thing in the am and naked!!! It amazes me how much clothes weigh! If I want to get my bum motivated I do it at night fully clothed then the next day I work out even harder!

    Olivia~ CONGRATS! That is such a big deal!! I know I eat when I am bored and it is so hard to listen to my body saying "ok im good". I am really excited for you!

    Well luckily I have a very supportive hubby. Plus all my friends really want to join me to do the princess half marathon so they check in on me all the time to make sure everything is going as planned!

    I like todays challenge though, people never seem to realize how a little negative comment can have an effect on someone. I personally am a dweller I can never seem to drop things it always stays in the back of my mind where I continue to analyze it. Very bad and annoying habbit!
  • aab1
    aab1 Posts: 1,120 Member
    30-day challenge SW: 240.1
    30-day challenge 2/22: 236
    30-day challenge CW: 234
    30-day challenge GW: 232
    Down 2lbs

    I believe my Friday sodium intake had me fighting for these 2 lbs. Lesson learned!!

    I like today's challenge. 9 co-workers & I joined MFP around the same time and we've been great support & motivation for each other. It's been helpful for me to have people at work taking the same journey. And it's been a great motivator to see how well they're doing with their exercise & weight loss. I'm using their success as a challenge to keep myself at pace with them.
  • jessicamarie81
    jessicamarie81 Posts: 441 Member
    Olivia, that is great! I also used to eat out of boredom and mindlessly. It's amazing when we actually think about eating and make conscious decisions, how we start to eat less and get full faster. I have always loved to snack! Now I look at certain foods and they have become much easier to resist because I look at them and say, YOU made me big and I don't want you! LOL...hey, it works...I have to talk to myself sometimes.
    My biggest supporter would definitely have to be my friends on here! I can't say that my boyfriend is because even though he is not negative to me, I feel like he is feeling somewhat threatened. I really wish he would get on board with me but he continues to drink tons of cokes and eat bad stuff. I just ignore it though and I'm not too preachy, I just keep doing what I'm doing. It's hard to cook for everyone but he's actually liked a lot of stuff I've made. I honestly don't think I would still be motivated if not for this great site and all of you all, THANKS!!!! :flowerforyou:
  • lesleed
    lesleed Posts: 33 Member
    Finally found a scale! A day late, but better late than never. I didn't gain, which is great after that horrific week last week. But, I didn't lose either.

    CW: 160
  • jessicamarie81
    jessicamarie81 Posts: 441 Member
    Finally found a scale! A day late, but better late than never. I didn't gain, which is great after that horrific week last week. But, I didn't lose either.

    CW: 160

    No gain is good! You definitely deserve an easy week though, I hope your family is doing ok!
  • jessicamarie81
    jessicamarie81 Posts: 441 Member
    I also wanted to add to my post that if I am tempted by something I will take one bite and be done...my self control is very good these days...a month and a half ago I wouldn't have thought twice about eating a cupcake...in the mouth it would go, along with all those other Little Debbies that were always lying around...I'm so glad I don't buy those anymore. I think we are all doing fabulous with our conscious eating!!
  • oliviawink
    oliviawink Posts: 753 Member
    My biggest support network are my new buddies on MFP and this message board in particular and all the friends I made from it. I find it really supportive to see the progress of others. Also, I tend to do better when I feel like I need to "model" in order to support others (guess that's the educator in me!).

    My hubby is also very supportive, but not in a way that one might think. He's so great to me in all ways, and when I told him about my plan, he was supportive of me that the weight I am at, and told me that I'm beautiful no matter what and so on, but that he is fully in support of me getting healthy for myself and my daughter. And he pointed out how much more rational, reasonable and fun I am when I'm healthy. I forget that I'm just a crabby appleton when I let junkfood and lethargy rule my life!

    My mom is a bit of a support, but unfortunately in a not-so-healthy-way. She focuses on how large or small I am, and not about the health aspect of it. Sure I want to look good, but more importantly, I want to be HEALTHY, and overweight is just not healthy. But it was very motivating to connect with her on skype yesterday and hear her say that I look slimmer and she can tell I've lost weight (and I didn't even tell her I was trying)!

    Thanks MFP buddies and specifically Jess and Angela for putting together this challenge. This has been the biggest change in my getting-back-to-healthy life. I'm already thinking about what the next motivator will be after this challenge (ah-hem, a follow up challenge!)
  • kylakesgal
    kylakesgal Posts: 952 Member
    My biggest supporters are also the friends I've made on the site. To be able to talk to people who are going through exactly what you are is a HUGE help! My husband of course tells me he notices the changes in me but he isn't hopping on the band wagon with me although I do make him eat healthier foods too. I have made so many good friends on here and I was just telling Jessica earlier that I would miss everyone when this challenge is over. You just don't know how much you have inspired and motivated me. That is great Olivia that your Mom noticed the changes in you:) A follow up challenge sounds good to me. I know I need something likes this to keep me going and I'm learning so much everyday from this site and and from friends on here. Maybe someone on here would like to start the next challenge when this one is over. (hint hint Olivia)
  • nikki8marie
    nikki8marie Posts: 107 Member
    The reason I joined MFP was because I was looking for a support system. My family moved to Alaska shortly after I started college and most of my college friends are leaving to follow their next steps. Honestly, I felt a little like I was being left behind, but I am working toward my next career step (hopefully grad school). I needed something that would push me everyday and this site, especially you guys, do that. I may not by losing pound wise but I my lifestyle is changing and I know the rest will fall into place eventually. My boyfriend isn't as supportive as I wish, but part of that has to do with him being in a different state at the moment. He also has a huge sweet tooth and isn't a big fan of veggies. It's kinda funny that our eating habits are so different but I don't care because I don't have a very big sweet tooth unless its ice cream (that's why I don't keep it in the house).
  • jessicamarie81
    jessicamarie81 Posts: 441 Member
    I definitely agree that we should have a followup challenge or at least some kind of motivating thread where we can talk and keep tabs on each other. The biggest challenge me and Angela have had is coming up with the daily challenges...maybe have another thread and everybody take turns with that when this one is over?
    I was hesitant about starting a 30 Day Challenge at first since I had only been here since mid-January logging my food but this was just the thing I needed! I'm glad I've got to grow my friend network and be held accountable!
  • kylakesgal
    kylakesgal Posts: 952 Member
    I agree Jessica that taking turns with the challenge sounds great! I'm sure others have great challenge ideas also. I would like to continue this somehow and this is a terrific group:):)
  • ceejay000
    ceejay000 Posts: 402 Member
    My boyfriend is joining me in changing to a new healthy lifestyle, and is a huge support right now. We had talked frequently about the need to start eating healthier, but recently he went to the doctor and found out he was "pre-diabetic," and that really made him want to make a change. We decided to do this together, and it is definitely much easier having someone else who is trying to eat healthy foods and not steer me in the wrong direction. He is also very encouraging and motivating. I don't want to say that I couldn't do this without him, but I'm glad I don't have to try right now.

    I joined MFP so I would be accountable for what I ate and how much I exercised, but I did not know I would find such a wonderful support system. It really is great to have a bunch of people who are working toward the same goal constantly encouraging me to keep going. I like having people to talk to about what is difficult for me or what has worked for them. You all have really made it much easier to stick to this plan. Thanks!
  • singer201
    singer201 Posts: 560 Member
    The people on this challenge have been my most motivating supporters. My daughter is also on MFP, so we keep tabs on each other. At work, a young woman I mentor has been particularly supportive of my efforts to change my eating habits. She was the first one to say that she could tell I had lost weight.

    I agree that we should keep this group together. If coming up with the daily challenges is too much, we can just recycle the great ideas that Angela and Jessica have used this time--they're good reminders for current members and excellent challenges for new ones. The weekly weigh-ins are very motivating.
  • oliviawink
    oliviawink Posts: 753 Member
    I think you can make closed groups as well, so maybe when this is over we want to try something like that to keep us "together" and motivated in some way, or we can do a broad and open challenge, or both.... I'm happy to be a contributor, tracker, cheerleader, resource-guide, learner and weight-loser all at the same time :)
  • ceejay000
    ceejay000 Posts: 402 Member
    I like the idea of continuing this group/challenge in some form. I'd definitely be willing to come up with a challenge every once in a while if we all wanted to rotate. Anyway, however it pans out, I'll be there :).
  • nikki8marie
    nikki8marie Posts: 107 Member
    We could also always change the daily challenges to weekly challenges too...like keeping your sodium down for three days in a week.
  • swtchrypie
    I def would live to keep this group going! It is such an inspiration to hear other achieving their goals and it keeps me accountable. I am much more likely to follow through on something if I have someone there telling me hey its ok!