&-Week Challenge Team Europe / UK

Hello Team! Big THANKS to Jitterbug for initiating this great challenge - We CAN do this.

Together we are strong, we WILL lead the way and show the other teams how committed we are to achieving our united goal.

Thanks to all the Team for your Friend requests and check - in weights. Keep me posted on your progress and lets aim to be the group winners on the first week "limit your chocolate intake" challenge :-).

Today's tips for sucess: DRINK PLENTY OF WATER!

PLAN your food for the day the night before and keep good food options with you to avoid temptation from vending machines and sweet displays in supermarkets and garages.

GOOD LUCK and GOOD EATING to all the Teams Europe / UK team - lets get this challenge off to a great start!


  • nikkiws
    nikkiws Posts: 164
    Great advice captain! Thanks for organising gathering stats etc
    Go Europe!
  • Stacebob85
    Hi all!

    I've set my diary to Friends Only so if y'all want to check out how I'm doing then feel free. I try to be as honest as possible, though I do find it difficult recording calories if I eat out (which happens quite often as I'm quite social!) If you guys eat out in a pub/bar/restaurant, if the specific meal isn't on MFP, what do you do? I find this really difficult as I could be adding far too many or way too few calories to my count!

    Anyways, thanks for setting up the thread, Cap'n! I look forward to weigh-in day to see how we all did!
  • little_lion
    If you guys eat out in a pub/bar/restaurant, if the specific meal isn't on MFP, what do you do? I find this really difficult as I could be adding far too many or way too few calories to my count!

    A lot of places now have the calorie content on their websites (it can be very well hidden but it's there somewhere!) e.g. nandos, pizza express.. bigger chains like that usually do.
    if i go somewhere and they dont have info on their website i just try and order things that i can easily estimate the calorie count, like vegetable dishes, soups, or salads with no dressing. if all else fails just pick the healthiest option!
    you can always post a description of whatever you have on here if you want us to try and help guesstimate :) xxx
  • Eviesmum
    Eviesmum Posts: 270 Member
    Aha - found you :wink:

    I just want to apologise. I don't keep a diary of my food in the diary bit, I do it in a blog instead. Hope that's not going to annoy everyone. I'm not good with being bothered to search for it all.

  • sylvia1970
    sylvia1970 Posts: 134

    So is this our thread now where we log our weigh in on saturday and so on till we win the competition? heehee. I've never felt so determined since the kids were born; Its wonderful.
  • Stacebob85
    Sounds sensible. I'm always just a bit shocked sometimes when I try to guess what it would be and then it turns out to be a lot higher/lower than I expected!
  • Zeeba81
    Zeeba81 Posts: 58
    Good morning everyone, hope you all have a good day. Have just done a 20 minute workout before work to set me off for the day.
  • Boooie
    Boooie Posts: 110
    Morning all :) i got zumba tonight and doing one of my Jillian Michaels dvds i can feel the pain already ouch lol :) have a great day all x
  • Eviesmum
    Eviesmum Posts: 270 Member
    Morning all :) i got zumba tonight and doing one of my Jillian Michaels dvds i can feel the pain already ouch lol :) have a great day all x

    Wow - you've done great so far, well done. :happy:
  • Stacebob85
    Right, I have a question for the ladies that is a little gross but I don't know who else to ask! It's common knowledge that most women are a little heavier when they're on their period. My question is; how do you manage this when recording weights? With this little challenge on the go there's obviously going to be at least one week when I'm on, and I don't want to have to broadcast that to the whole thread when I post my results. However, I have been known to weigh between 2 and 4lbs more during those weeks, which will look like I've made no progress whatsoever! Should I just knock a few pounds off when I weigh myself at these times, or do I just record what the scales say and hope everyone understands that I wasn't being a pig that week? :P

    Also, I've been given word by the challenge creator that my breakfast chocolate Weetabix will not count towards the chocolate challenge (hurrah!) but unfortunately the Options low calorie hot chocoalte I absent-mindedly made for myself at work yesterday will (boo!). I promise not to have anymore chocolate this week to make up for it though!
  • Boooie
    Boooie Posts: 110
    The thing i found to stop me putting on during tom is water, i drink loads of it around that time, before that i used to gain anything up to 7lb in that week but since the water drinking i tend to stay about the same, now i've said that ill have a huge gain that week lol
  • Pearl_Normal

    Wow, great to see the exercise updates from Zeeba and Boooie - good work and an inspiration to the rest of us :-)

    I walked the dogs this morning and will weight train tonight. I do it at home, it saves time travelling to and from gym - plus the shower is better and I can drink coffee when I am training!

    Stacebob - yup I know what you mean about not broadcasting your hormonal staus to the world. Just do what you prefer when recording your weight, you can make a note on your food log mentioning the "water weight" if you like, only your friends will see it. Don't beat yourself up over the Options, it was a far better choice than half a packet of chocolate biscuits :-)

    OK so, check out my food log and you'll see I went over my intended calories yesterday :-(

    Not the best start to the 7 weeks, but I have been honest and recorded everything I ate.

    Stacebob gave me a great TIP FOR TODAY - if your find yourself overeating stop and think WHY are you doing it.

    My trigger was the Nom yoghurt. I had not tried them before and I ate 2 more then I planned because:

    a) They had a crunchy honey flavoured oat granola which I loved

    b) The high sugar content made me crave MORE, MORE, MORE!

    Lesson learned - I took the rest of the pack home so they are not in the fridge at work to tempt me and my husband can share them. Today I will just climb back on the wagon, I have a pre prepared lunch , fruit and plan yoghurt to snack on and a huge bottle of water on my desk, so hopefully am all set for a better day.

    KEEP ACTIVE, try fitting in a walk at lunchtime to keep your mind and body occupied, and keep thinking postive thoughts for team Europe / UK

    GOOD LUCK to you all and keep us posted on your progress, together we are strong and I am too weak to do this without you to inspire me!
  • Pearl_Normal
    Also, I've been given word by the challenge creator that my breakfast chocolate Weetabix will not count towards the chocolate challenge (hurrah!) but unfortunately the Options low calorie hot chocoalte I absent-mindedly made for myself at work yesterday will (boo!). I promise not to have anymore chocolate this week to make up for it though!

    Don't worry Stacebob - Jitterbug says about the "limit your chocolate intake challenge"

    "Chocolate shakes are fine! This is just talking about straight chocolate or like brownies, cake, etc. If you have a breakfast shake or meal bar that is chocolate flavored, it won't be used in this challenge. Chocolate flavored stuff is fine is when you get to the nitty gritty chocolate candy bars and stuff when it counts. I hope that helps :) !
  • Stacebob85
    Thanks all :) I did actually drop Jitterbug a DM about the hot chocolate, and she said that because it's mostly chocolate then unfortunately it has to count. Ah well, just have to make double the effort on next week's challenge! Unless it involves eating less pasta, because that might make me cry!

    In an effort to try to combat the fact that I went a little calorie-crazy on Sunday, last night I busted out Dance Central and busted some grooves in my living room. I must say, that purchase was a totally awesome idea! I love dancing but I'm too self conscious (and a bit too poor!) to go to a class, so grooving away in my living room is perfect. According to the Fitness Mode setting on the game, I burned around 110 calories doing 6 or 7 songs, so I can't complain :D

    My biggest issue with this week is that on Friday (my usual weigh in day) I won't be at the place where the scales are as the clinic has been cancelled, which means I have to weigh in clinic tomorrow. This scares me because I know I'll have had a day less to lose some weight, and also I'm supposed to be going out tonight so that might not go too well either. There's also the fact that, because of tonights outing, I won't get a chance to do any exercise (though I'm thinking I might try to get into the City Centre early and go for a 30 min walk or something)...
  • sylvia1970
    sylvia1970 Posts: 134
    Hi everyone

    you all seem to be getting along fine. I was up all night with little-un teething but I managed to walk them 2 miles so i'm pretty pleased.

    Stacebobs - I was thinking exactly the same about periods. I put on about 3lbs when i'm due on but losing weight and exercising may help. i'm just gonna see how it goes and if i do i'll make a note of it at weigh in. They should accept that.
  • morty1966
    morty1966 Posts: 250 Member
    Hi everyone, you all sound so focused and motivated :0) its very inspiring as I am really struggling to get going, I have a run of good days then get busy and find I am not being as careful as I should. I weighed myself today and I hadn't lost anything again. I haven't been able to do any exercise this week but am hopeful that I can do some tomorrow, Friday and Saturday. Its those last chance workouts.

    I will carry on keeping my food diary and at least things are not getting worse! I really hope I lose something for the challenge.
  • morty1966
    morty1966 Posts: 250 Member
    Woo hoo, weighed myself today, and I have lost a pound. I'm chuffed to bits about that. I am definitely going to exercise tonight and tomorrow and saturday morning now. I reckon that will help me secure that loss. I've got my lunch in the fridge here at work, all healthy and tasty, and tonight's dinner is already sorted.

    I feel mooooootivated today, in the groove lol x
  • Stacebob85
    Hi all

    Well, apparently my stress about extra TOM weight was unnecessary; I've lost 2lbs! Quite the shock but a massive motivator; I feel I could achieve anything now! Hopefully I can keep it up for the whole challenge and win some points for Team UK (aka The Greatest Team On Earth :P)

    Morty, I'd try not to worry too much about not losing; although I know just how much of a kick-to-the-gut it can feel to clamber on the scales and see no difference, you just have to keep reassuring yourself that at least there's no gain, and use it as a motivator for the following weigh in. I went through a period where my weight plateau-ed for 5 months, and I tell you it was hard not to take it badly and shove a cake in my mouth to cheer me up, but no-one ever said weight loss was easy. We're all here to support each other so you'll never run out of people to talk to should you need advice or a friendly ear :)
  • Pearl_Normal
    Ho Morty! CONGRATULATIONS! You sound well prepared for another good day sticking to your food plan. What exercise do you do?

    Sylvia - WELL DONE for getting a 2 mile walk into your busy day.
  • morty1966
    morty1966 Posts: 250 Member
    I usually go to a zumba class twice a week, but couldn't go this week as it was my son's birthday, then parent;s evening so I missed out. I shall get on my treadmill tonight, as I have cleared out the conservatory and found it again! we are in the middle of building work, and life has been chaotic. Nothing like half a dozen builders in the house to put you off doing an exercise DVD.

    But they are gone now, so no more excuses. I think I will do 30 mins on the treadmill and 30 mins biggest loser on the wii. That should do it.

    How is everyone else this morning?