"Shreddin' It & Forgettin' It"



  • Tandksmommy11
    Tandksmommy11 Posts: 399 Member
    GOOD MORNING!!! I was up at 5am! Yay! Got my shred out of the way first thing! I think I am going to measure every 5 days... So 6 times by our 30th day. Hope u all had a great day 1!!! Off to the showers I go!

    Measurements 3/1/11

    Bust: 46.5
    Chest: 43
    Thighs: 28
    Upper arm: 16
    Fore arm: 11
    Waist: 50.5
    Hips: 47.5
    Neck: 15

    Looking at those numbers makes me feel horrible. I am gonna ride my bike tonight for that extra cardio after work. I am really really really hoping to see results!

    I am glad we are all doing this together!

    It looks like you and I have about the same measurements. We CAN do this! I was about in tears with the jumping jacks (no bra I have ever found holds the boobs down!) but I made it.
  • shanna5
    shanna5 Posts: 69
    OK, Level 1, day 2 completed. Still have to do cardio today, hoping to put my daughter in the stroller and go for a nice long, fast walk. We'll see how the weather cooperates w/ my plans though.

    Also not feeling so great about myself today, so I'm going to go off on a rant....Ugh, I totally went over my calories, carbs...well, everything yesterday. I did good the first part of the day but then I dont know what happened, I wanted (and did) eat pretty much everything in sight. I have a problem with snacking on my girls's food - you know, bite of cereal here, a bite of their mac and cheese at lunch time, ect. I got so tired and somewhat depressed last night and that led to food, too. I'm so disappointed in myself. I'm always disappointed in myself. I want to be happy and proud of my accomplishments and want more accomplishments! I think I'm also afraid of failing at this 30 day shred. I know I can keep up at the 30 days, but what if I'm not working hard enough or something. (I hope to see results at the end of the 30 days, but I know I'm sabotaging myself w/ my snacking). I'm used to failure on my own, but now I'm accountable to all of you lovely ladies, and am afaid of failing in this group. Wow-I'm all over the place on my ranting! Just had to get it all out and see if I can get back on track today. Sorry for the massive post.....

    Good Luck to everyone on Day 2!
  • Tandksmommy11
    Tandksmommy11 Posts: 399 Member
    3/1/2011 Measurements:
    Weight: 207.4
    Neck: 15
    Left Arm- 12.5
    Right Arm- 13
    Bust- 46
    Waist- 45.5 (one inch above belly button)
    Hips- 48
    Right and Left Thighs- 26.5
    Left Calf- 15.5
    Right Calf-15

    I did Day 1 Level 1 of the Shred just now. I used 2lb weights and boy am I going to be feeling it in the morning.
    My HRM says I burned 355 calories.

    I'm not gonna lie, I struggled. I've NEVER been able to do sit-ups properly because my stomach muscles split after I had my kids and I end up pulling more with my neck and not my abs.
  • shedthem
    shedthem Posts: 34
    Bought the 30 day Shred today,and the Shred with weights. I did my first workout today. Does anyone know what to put in our exercise calories burned??? I know everyone is different, but I don't want to list too high. I am so out o shape. Do we need to do this workout everyday, or do we need to take breaks???
  • Tandksmommy11
    Tandksmommy11 Posts: 399 Member
    OK, Level 1, day 2 completed. Still have to do cardio today, hoping to put my daughter in the stroller and go for a nice long, fast walk. We'll see how the weather cooperates w/ my plans though.

    Also not feeling so great about myself today, so I'm going to go off on a rant....Ugh, I totally went over my calories, carbs...well, everything yesterday. I did good the first part of the day but then I dont know what happened, I wanted (and did) eat pretty much everything in sight. I have a problem with snacking on my girls's food - you know, bite of cereal here, a bite of their mac and cheese at lunch time, ect. I got so tired and somewhat depressed last night and that led to food, too. I'm so disappointed in myself. I'm always disappointed in myself. I want to be happy and proud of my accomplishments and want more accomplishments! I think I'm also afraid of failing at this 30 day shred. I know I can keep up at the 30 days, but what if I'm not working hard enough or something. (I hope to see results at the end of the 30 days, but I know I'm sabotaging myself w/ my snacking). I'm used to failure on my own, but now I'm accountable to all of you lovely ladies, and am afaid of failing in this group. Wow-I'm all over the place on my ranting! Just had to get it all out and see if I can get back on track today. Sorry for the massive post.....

    Good Luck to everyone on Day 2!

    We all have days where we go over (and it's not a bad thing in moderation) and we just emotionally eat. The key is finding something instead of eating that can satisfy our emotional needs. Whether it be running, working out, crying to a best friend, etc. Hang in there- 30 Day Shred is brutal but I know that you CAN do this!
  • Tandksmommy11
    Tandksmommy11 Posts: 399 Member
    Bought the 30 day Shred today,and the Shred with weights. I did my first workout today. Does anyone know what to put in our exercise calories burned??? I know everyone is different, but I don't want to list too high. I am so out o shape. Do we need to do this workout everyday, or do we need to take breaks???

    It's designed to be done in 30 days, 1 time each day. If you can't do it, it's ok to take breaks it just may take longer to get the results. Jillian says in the video that when you master Level 1, move on to Level 2.

    I weight 207 and I burned 355 calories doing Level 1 today.
  • shedthem
    shedthem Posts: 34
    Walmart had the 3 lb weights for $2 or 3 for each weight.
  • 123nikki123
    123nikki123 Posts: 527
    Bought the 30 day Shred today,and the Shred with weights. I did my first workout today. Does anyone know what to put in our exercise calories burned??? I know everyone is different, but I don't want to list too high. I am so out o shape. Do we need to do this workout everyday, or do we need to take breaks???

    I put mine under circuit training:) We are going to do this for a minimum of 6 days with an extra 20-30 minutes or more of cardio.
  • BigBoneSista
    BigBoneSista Posts: 2,389 Member
    I did my 1st day this morning. Feeling good.

    Week 1, Day 1

    SW: 218.6


    Chest: 39
    Left Arm: 14
    Right Arm: 14.5
    Upper Waist: 34
    Waist - Navel: 41.5
    Hips: 47.5
    Left Thigh: 29.5
    Right Thigh: 30
  • Taras630
    Taras630 Posts: 85
    Finished day 2! Remind me to never do this with my one year old in the room. Somehow he thinks when I do sit ups he should lay on me!! Lol. Definitely a hard workout. I'm going to a basketball game today and we're pretty much going to be walking all day. That's going to have to count as my exercise today, because I won't get home until really late... Good luck to everyone today
  • Tandksmommy11
    Tandksmommy11 Posts: 399 Member
    Finished day 2! Remind me to never do this with my one year old in the room. Somehow he thinks when I do sit ups he should lay on me!! Lol. Definitely a hard workout. I'm going to a basketball game today and we're pretty much going to be walking all day. That's going to have to count as my exercise today, because I won't get home until really late... Good luck to everyone today

    I had the same problem. I'm attempting (and I'm pathetic and just can't do it!) to do push-ups and my 3 year old is trying ot sit on my back. Granted, she's only 25lbs but good Lord I can't even do a good modified one, nevermind with her on my back. Then she's in my way when I'm trying to do some of the other stuff.
  • wondergirl1003
    wondergirl1003 Posts: 138 Member
    Day two, level one done. I'll be running on the treadmill for probably about 30 minutes today for my cardio. Umm, side lunge with anterior raise... anyone else think thats impossible to do for an entire minute? Maybe by day ten I'll be killing those, but right now, that exercise is HARD. Don't mind the ab exercises though, cuz I get to lay down for a minute!
  • babyfatbegone
    babyfatbegone Posts: 42 Member
    Day two is done. I am sore and I REALLY think I should buy smaller weights. I'm using the old 5lb ones I have and IT BURNS!
  • BigBoneSista
    BigBoneSista Posts: 2,389 Member
    I did my 1st day this morning. Feeling good.

    Week 1, Day 1

    SW: 218.6


    Chest: 39
    Left Arm: 14
    Right Arm: 14.5
    Upper Waist: 34
    Waist - Navel: 41.5
    Hips: 47.5
    Left Thigh: 29.5
    Right Thigh: 30

    Oh my cardio is probably going to be Zumba
  • shedthem
    shedthem Posts: 34
    Got in the Shred 1st day - level 1 and 40 minutes treadmill with intervals - did 2 miles. Total of 60 minute workout. Hope everyone is doing well with it. The Shred video was hard for me. My arms are not strong, so I had a hard time doing the easy push ups.
  • shedthem
    shedthem Posts: 34
  • shannonshock13
    shannonshock13 Posts: 355 Member
    These are my measurements as of January 30th... I forgot to buy a measuring tape yesterday so i will just go with these until i can remember to get one.

    I don't think my measurements have changed a ton since then... but who knows.

    Waist 33.0
    Hips 44.0
    Bust 38.0
    RThigh 26.0
    LThigh 26.0

    Anyways, I did Last Chance Workout for my extra cardio this morning and i'll be getting my shred on later today.

    Hope everyone has a great day!!!
  • shannonshock13
    shannonshock13 Posts: 355 Member
    Any idea how to chart this under exercise?

    Circuit Training:)

    I entered 30 DS Level 1 into the workout database *note* the calories are based on my weight, height, sex, age, and effort according to my polar HRM. So i know the results will be different for everyone. Also my HRM says i burn anywhere from 216-240 during level 1 but i always enter it in a little bit less so i don't end up over eating. :bigsmile:
  • 123nikki123
    123nikki123 Posts: 527
    I just finished Day 2 Level 1 & 2 and I think I'm going to die...lol...I dropped to the floor at the end of level 2 and I was dripping in sweat! I LOVE this! :) Oh and I did 25 minutes on my treadmill.
  • kimlausan
    kimlausan Posts: 39
    How long are you supposed to be on level 1?