

  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    In February I lost 6 of the 8 pounds I put on between Thanksgiving and Valentine's Day. :happy:

    My goals for March are:
    1. Lose at least 1 pound a week
    2. Keep simple carbs OUT of my diet and drink enough water
    3. Do strength training twice a week
    4. Stay active every day.

    I am eating tuna salad while I read this thread. This morning we began ripping the ugly green shag carpet out of our recently purchased home. So my exercise today involves crawling around on my hands and knees pulling staples, squating to pry up tack strip, and finally cleaning up behind all that. Wonder how to track those calories burned? :tongue:
  • Bisbeegal
    Bisbeegal Posts: 13 Member
    I'm new to MFP and have lost 10 pounds in 35 days, so it's been a big part of my daily focus for the past few weeks. I would never have believed that keeping a daily diary of your foods would make such a massive difference in how you eat, but it really does. I'm eating more good foods with fewer empty calories every day. In addition, I've made some lovely, supportive friends whom I appreciate so much. They have given me so much daily encouragement as well as sharing their successes and ways to overcome setbacks with me. I had almost given up on losing weight in a healthy way, so this has been a really wonderful place for me.

    This month's goals:

    Excercise 3 times a week
    Get sugars and proteins down
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,984 Member

    I too have been wondering how Linda in Bahrain is doing. We are all hoping that you are safe. Let us know how you are doing
    P.S. - I just thought to use the search for members tool and see if Linda has posted anywhere on the site lately; however Bahrain isn't even listed in the available countries. She must not have entered her country or couldn't if it wasn't on the list. I don't know how that works.

    To Faye and all the others who are wondering about Linda from Bahrain, I found her list of posts and she hasn't posted anywhere since February 17.......I, too, am concerned about her and hope that not hearing from her just means that the internet is down or something benign like that.
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Just marking my spot for later.

    Happy March everyone!!!!

  • frogmama
    frogmama Posts: 404 Member
    Hi Ladies and "Happy March!" :flowerforyou:

    I have checked in and read the logs a few times in February but haven't had much happening to report. My goal for February was to lose 5 pounds. I lost 3. I guess that's not so bad. I really think I was pretty good with the food- stayed under my calorie goal most days, and I did get to the gym 5-6 days a week. I guess at this age, it's just going to be slow. But, better a 3 lb loss istead of a gain! I still have about 13 pounds to goto get to my goal. Hopefully, as the weather improves,I will get out and walk the dog a bit more. I am just so tired of being cold.

    Chiclet- Hang in there with your mother. You are doing a great job. I'm glad that you found a playmate for Boo. I have a chocolate lab and he has gained a few pounds over the winter. Hope to get him out more soon, I also hit the chocolate for comfort food. 9 hershey kisses= 200 calories. I eat these most days, though I have fit them into my calories. I'm thinking of giving chocolate up for lent to break this habit.:laugh:

    Hopeful: Keep aiming for that race for life. You can do it.

    Jeannie- glad to hear your son is back home.

    Barbiecat & Mrs Anderson: I also was a teacher but at the other end of the spectrum. I taught 10th grade Biology for 34 years.
    After retiring for a few years I missed being with people everyday so I now work in security (TSA) at the airport. Love those patdowns!:bigsmile:

    Hope all of you have a great March. Spring will be here soon!:smile:
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    I also checked on Linda's posts and am also concerned. While I was doing that, I got curious about how many posters we had on our thread, and wasted time by going back and tallying the February posts. We had 86 different women post in February. And I also counted how many times each posted, and I am embarrassed to say that I had the most posts in February. Why don't you all tell me that you are tired of hearing me and to cool my jets? :blushing: Anyway, I am sure that I don't win on number of words, because my posts tend to be more brief. Sending good thoughts Linda's way ~
  • bkrbabe57
    bkrbabe57 Posts: 395 Member
    Marking my spot for later :bigsmile:
  • marlouise
    marlouise Posts: 286
    :smile: :smile: :smile: Happy Birthday AnuntieBk:smile::smile: :smile:

    Hello ladies, whippie soon the air will be warmer!, Gas prices are going out to the moon so I guess I will be walking a fair bit this year. I suspect a few people will be doing the same, who knew this was the governments way of getting the worldly population into fitness... Oh well on with the cheese and crackers with the whinning.:laugh:

    Exercises are getting close to the end of the book, I will be so glad to pick up my weights again, I really have missed them! But with a whole lot of caution though, I am going to continue with the Pilates throughout all rotines! As a added measure,before bedtime, I will be bathed, hair in a net, smart looking pj's, and light body scent, so if it becomes a 911 call in the wee hours of the morning, I will not fret who will be coming up for me.:laugh:

    My son and his lady are soon to arrive, so I must fiqure out some supper for four. They eat smart and are fitness buffs so I will be doing a good bit of thinking.

    Catch you lovely ladies tomorrow,

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,394 Member
    Barb - happy birthday!

    oldtyke and everyone else new - there's ALWAYS room for one (or two or three) more!

    Took a donation to the soup kitchen then made a donation to the Salvation Army. As usual, whenever I'm there, I just HAVE to stop in. Well, I saw this framed rug of three cats. It looked like just the right size for our wall as you come into the house. If Vince didn't like the photo, I figured I'd just re-donate it, it only cost me $10. We have it hanging up right now, so we'll see how it goes.

    Did an hour of incline intervals on the treadmill. I'd totally forgot that there's a yoga class at 9 on Tues and Thurs at this branch, so I didn't go. However, I'll go tomorrow and then take the deep water class.

    Have a Newcomers Mexican Train Dominoes tonight. I made that triple chocolate cheesecake that I'll take. I got some small plates (Correlleware) at the Salvation Army, so I'll wash them and any cake that is leftover, I'll take to the Y.

    I really hope Linda is fine.

    Gotta post this to mark my spot. Have a good evening everyone if I don't get back in.

  • Grandee47
    Grandee47 Posts: 261 Member
    I need to add another goal.....to learn how to use all the cool things on the posts like smiley faces, different color fonts etc. This is the happiest messageboard I've ever seen! I did update my ticker to show how much I've lost since I started my weightloss journey. My goal back then was to lose 75 pounds, got to 72 and had a "flare" (that's autoimmune lingo) and gained 54. :ohwell: Been working hard at it and have 11 pounds to go to get to my 75 pound total.
  • LM_105
    LM_105 Posts: 515 Member
    Hi all just checking in. We have had storms during the night. It knocked out the internet throughout the county. We have flooding too. Spring has come into this area with a bang. We have already had 2 occasions to warrant tornado watches and warnings...this is early for us.

    I'll check in with all of you a "little" later...I am sleepy now.:yawn:

    I do hope you are okay!

    March..... yes it is here........ It is going to be great isn't it!? Yes, we will all do our best I am sure!

    My goal for March is to loose some weight after no loss in Feb, I wish to increase my exercise also, my leg injury permitting.

    Best wishes, to all!
  • anotheryearolder
    anotheryearolder Posts: 385 Member
    Oops, forgot my March goal. I'll shoot for a pound a week and the gym 5 days a week when I'm not on the road. I gotta get going again!

  • mrsanderson404
    But here's one piece of info - MrsAnderson and I have been best friends since high school, so what is that Mrs A? Around 35 years? No, wait, that can't be right... I'm barely 35 years old right?

    :flowerforyou: Welcome!! Of course you can join in...this is a very supportive group of ladies and we all have age in common!

    sigh...I'm with you on the age thing....I truly feel 35 most of the time...but do appreciate the wisdom the years have brought to my life....and the dear friendship we have continued

    Ladies...if you want some good recipes this is the person to ask...IceSkateFanRN is an amazingly creative cook! :bigsmile:
  • fittocycle
    fittocycle Posts: 827 Member
    Is there room for another to join? I turned 50 (gosh, it still makes me pause to say it) in January and am really struggling to lose 10 pounds. If you have room in your group, I would love to join you!
  • bkrbabe57
    bkrbabe57 Posts: 395 Member
    Good Morning and Happy March 1st!!!!
    I am SO excited!!!! Spring is just around the corner and I can't wait!!! This has been a tough winter here in the frozen north. Today and Thursday will be in the 30's but will be right back to frigid cold by the week end. Hopefully that doesn't mean snow but this is March and that means playoffs and March Madness and in our neck of the woods that means SNOW, lots of it. That and the old saying in like a lamb out like a lion.
    Yesterday was my day off so I wondered to the Goodwill where I found a denim skort in a 14 that fit!!! and it was 50% off I also found a leather skirt and leather pants in a 14 that don't quite fit but I picked them up for new incentive clothes. :bigsmile: I figure by the time it is warm enough to wear them they will fit. That’s my plan anyway.

    Barbie - Thanks so much to keeping us going every month. :love:

    Auntie Bk - HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! :drinker:

    Vicki - Sorry you are dealing with a sick child. That is no fun :cry:

    Faye - HAPPY BIRTHDAY (Belated) and I’ll be looking for those Robins. :flowerforyou:
    Sounds like everyone else is doing what needs to be done to get the scale moving in the right direction.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,984 Member


    :flowerforyou: To all the new members, we welcome you and hope that you will develop the great habits of posting your food and exercise and checking in with us.

    :bigsmile: Looking back at February’s goals I had a mixture of great success, moderate success and absolute zero.

    :bigsmile: We finished packing everything we could and put it in storage and got the house clean and tidy and absolutely ready to be shown…….now it is in the hands of a Higher Power to find a buyer.

    :bigsmile: I did great exercise indoors and counted over 10,000 steps every day in the month even when I hardly got outside.

    :happy: I did some work in the yard when the ground wasn’t frozen.

    :cry: :cry: :cry: But, alas, I did absolutely no yoga.

    :flowerforyou: My goals for March:

    :bigsmile: Yoga (if at first you don’t succeed, try, try again)

    :bigsmile: Squats (I’m not going to set a number until I have some idea of what I can do for starters)

    :bigsmile: Dancing (either practicing my line dances or dancing while watching TV or movies)
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Is there room for another to join? I turned 50 (gosh, it still makes me pause to say it) in January and am really struggling to lose 10 pounds. If you have room in your group, I would love to join you!

    We have plenty good room! Just jump in, and welcome!
  • chicletgirl21
    chicletgirl21 Posts: 99 Member
    Took my mother to the doctor today to get her checked out. The doctor was pleased to see my mother standing and moving around her examination table. I had her pessary (sp?) shipped from Washington to have it reinserted for her bladder. I didn't tell her that was one of the reasons we were going there today, because she had such a hard time removing it for cleaning when she was in the physical therapy facility in Washington. My doctor didn't even have to put her on lthe table, just did there in her chair. Took less than 1 minute. Mom didn't have time to complain or anything. She was astonished how easy it went in. My doctor told her it should be this easy all the time. Turns out the doctor she saw in Washington was a newbie and had just graduated and had never placed one in before. :huh: No wonder it hurt her so bad!!!

    Anyways she saw that I looked like crap and was all hunched over and hurting and she recommended a wrist brace for my right hand that hurts now all the time from lifting my mom's legs onto the bed and moved me up from ibuprophen to Vicodin to be able to sleep better at night because the pain keeps me up ( all over my body). She lectured my mom about getting along with me and needing to do more things on her own instead of making me do them for her. A lot of good it did. She came home and we got into it again and she told me that it was all my fault and I just looked at her for a minute and said "Did you hear anything the doctor said to you about gettinjg along?" and she said "She just didn't tell you anything because she knows how you are!" I told her,"She lectured you, not me. She sees what I have done and am doing for you and how far you've come. She knows it's you." Mom just stayed quiet.

    Oh did I mention that she prescribed a medication for someone who is bipolar and advised me that if she takes this I should see markable improvement??? I am crossing my fingers.:smile:

    Oh ine more thing I lost 3 more pounds and now have lost a total of 60 pounds. I am shocked I am still losing with all the junk I eat out of stress!!
  • ildi59
    ildi59 Posts: 65 Member
    Hi Ladies, I posted on this site once about 3 weeks ago when I signed up, I've been reading your posts mostly, but one of my goals for march is to get more involved and post once in a while.
    In February I lost 3 lbs in 3 weeks and started exercising, in march I'd like to lose about 5 lbs and keep up with walking and more strenght training.
    I'm turning 52 in April and would love to get back in shape.
    About Linda, The last time I heard from her was on 2/21/11. She didn't seem to be very worried, said they had security and she stocked up some food, but didn't think that really needed it, was a little worried about the internet. That's all I know, hope her and her family are safe.
    Happy March everybody!
  • lyn54
    lyn54 Posts: 415
    Thank Goodness my internet is back!

    You are exactly right, Barbie! I really missed it for the day it was off. I have to remind myself a lot of what you say concerning not sitting here too long. Thanks for starting the thread each month for us.:flowerforyou:

    Barbara--:heart::flowerforyou: Happy Birthday, Girl! :flowerforyou: :heart: Probably not supposed to ask but how old are you now? I'll be 55 in April...hard to believe. My grandson went for Freshmen orientation tonight.:noway: I, sometimes, have to pinch myself to see if it's really me?!?!

    Susan-I am so sorry you have been sick. That is rough! Three weeks..wow...:flowerforyou:

    Welcome --Bev!:smile::flowerforyou:

    Robin-Good luck with your goals!:flowerforyou:

    Vickim- I'm so glad for you! You are doing great!:flowerforyou: :smile:

    Mrs Anderson, Im with you about Linda.:flowerforyou: ..I'll just keep hoping we hear from you soon, Linda!
    I hope your month goes well, Mrs Anderson.:flowerforyou:

    Faye--did I wish you Happy Birthday..with my birthday approaching...my memory is failing me..

    If I didn't, I apologize....:flowerforyou: Happy Birthday:flowerforyou: ...34 pounds thinner..:tongue: .wow!

    Welcome Old Tyke.:flowerforyou: ..just "jump" in with your comments and questions..talk about yourself, your weight or whatever helps you...that is what the rest of us do.

    Amanda.:flowerforyou: .when is your surgery? Isn't it coming up soon?

    Mary--I hope you reach you pound goal:flowerforyou: ..but look at you, girl..54 pounds is nothing to sneeze at?:noway: !! I am not tired of you...post all you want.:smile:

    Welcome--Ice!:flowerforyou: We are all like Jack Benny ..holding at 39

    Viv-Happy March!:flowerforyou:

    Suzyq-You did great with your recent weight loss! :flowerforyou: Are you going to sell this house when you finish it?

    Bisbeegal--That is fantastic! :flowerforyou: Wow! Are you following a certain food plan? Do you mind if I ask what your food plan is?

    Jeannie-Happy March!:flowerforyou: Hope things are going okay at your house.

    Hey Frogmamma.:flowerforyou: ..this forum has several teachers, it seems.:smile:

    Marilyn-so glad you are improving!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Michelle-glad you are back, safely!:smile:

    Hopeful:flowerforyou: --Thanks for your concern. :flowerforyou: We have made it through two major storm systems. I am so thankful! How did you injure your leg. I knew your mom had a leg problem..did I miss a post somewhere about you? and how is your Mum?

    Fittocycle-Welcome..:flowerforyou: :happy:

    Peggy-Good luck with your 14's .:wink: I am sure this will be incentive. You will be a cool "bike mama.":happy: Good luck with your goals this month!:flowerforyou:

    Chiclet--Thinking of you.:flowerforyou: Please don't despair and don't be a stranger...:heart:

    Ildi-:flowerforyou: Good to see you, again! It sounds like Feb. was a good weight loss month for you.:smile: .That's great!

    People, I am going to have think hard about goals. I am stalled out. I have stayed close to my calories this weekend. However, the lack of any movement on the scale is "wearing me down." I am eating some things that it would be best I didn't eat. I have had refined sugar and some simple carbs. I went 7 years without eating some of the things I have been putting in my mouth. I don't know what is going on in my subconcious mind but something is triggering this. I have to find out what that is before I can set an attainable goal. Maybe..that should be my goal. Anyone who wants to read my profile or have some "input", I am open to suggestions. :huh:
    I have had many situations to deal with through the years but this has been the hardest thing this past 2 and 1/2 months. I am afraid to cut my calories to 800 or 900 hundred because of my health situation. To be honest..I feel like I am in a "pickle."

    Just so you know, I am happy for all that are conquering this problem. I am not just saying it, I mean it.:flowerforyou: There has to be an answer for me and I just have to find it.

    Have a great day or night......:flowerforyou: