Have you tried GLP1 medications and found it didn't work for you? We'd like to hear about your experiences, what you tried, why it didn't work and how you're doing now. Click here to tell us your story

T.H.E (Trying Hard Everyday) Team.. new thread :0)



  • utahsis
    utahsis Posts: 49
    Hi there. I just found MFP earlier this month and am LOVING it. I've been participating in the 30 Day Shred (Jillian Michaels workout) and it's amazing how much that extra commardrie helps! I'm on Day 8 of the 30 day challenge with them. :flowerforyou: I'd sure love to join your group.
  • lulubar
    lulubar Posts: 739 Member
    Thanks for the new thread Cyndi!! New threads bring in new folks which is sooooo great!! :) Welcome ladies!! I have just recently returned myself.

    Today was a typical, crazy Monday - but ended up only 13 calories over goal, so YAY!

    Hubby and I bought the Just Dance game for Wii this weekend. I think we burned at least 1000 calories laughing at each other ~ we really, really, really stink! But it is fantastic exercise and a LOT of fun :))))

    I am soooo looking forward to getting to know you all.

    Vicki - thanks for all your great comments - and I take your water challenge woman! You are on!! :) I got in 80 oz. today.

    Gotta run for now ~ later gaters
    :heart: lulu
  • vikalyn
    vikalyn Posts: 155
    Howdy Gals!

    I had a GREAT day off. DH stayed in his Man Room getting the Harley's race ready and I sewed my little heart away, and watched (or listened) to my very own shows! The bikes are ready to roar (when the snow goes away and it warms up, and my project for our Alaskan fisherman friend is alllll done! And just in time to take in a yoga class! Water intake hmmm, 4 x 28 oz cups = Yeeowza 112 ounces!

    I made a spaghetti pie, Deb. So good. Can't mess up spaghetti (much). Good for your 4 glasses of water. Trust me, if you keep it up your body WILL get used to it and you won't be running to the girls room nearly as often. Water is the best way to wash out the toxins we take in by eating, breathing and what absorbs through our skin. AND, my dear, you are already HOT, and yes your body WILL be HOT too.

    Lulu...I want Wii Dance! I don't know why...I feel like the biggest clutz with the simple step routine in Wii Fit. I'd probably fall and hurt myself. You're lucky to have Hubby play too! My DH would think it beneath him (no comment). Good job with your water!

    It's kind of cool to have so many Washingtonians here, Amber. I grew up in (I mean got tall in) Bellevue when it was a quiet bedroom community of about 13,000. My parents now live in Anacortes, not too far from your neck of the woods. I now live in Twisp (Methow Valley...Winthrop is our "tourist town" 10 miles north) with a population of about 990 (if Heather hasn't had her baby yet). I truly hope your headaches go away.

    Hi Sis....yes MFP is about the best I've ever used. My health coach is trilled I found something that keeps me motivated....and it's not just the site....it's the support RIGHT HERE! I checked your home page here and your goal of doing one full push up made me LOL&ROF. I'd like to just get down on the floor and get back up without grunting and passing gas!

    Hey there MissC...we are nothing BUT support here...oh and good friends, too. We don't ask much...just drink your water :laugh:

    How's the house hunting, Shawna. Man, I can't imaging looking for a new home, work and plan a long term commitment with your SO!

    Danielle...introduce yourself! We're here for you...and about all those skinny friends? Pfft. I live in the Cross Country Ski Capital west of the Mississippi; EVERYBODY here is skinny AND wears spandex beautifully! I don't X country ski because I'm fat...I just don't like playing in the cold (my mama raised me well). BUT I can probably X-stitch most of them under the table!

    Lunch is packed, breakfast is mixed and my clothes are ready for tomorrow. Time for some much needed beauty sleep!

    Happy Losing...Vicki...*Ü*
  • utahsis
    utahsis Posts: 49
    Sounds like a great challenge - I'm in!
  • Hi all, I didnt get a chance to tell you all about myself.
    I am 29 from england UK.

    I have app 25lbs to lose, due to a good couple of years of serious pigging out.
    I am on slim fast diet atm, but hoping after about 4 weeks I can gradually change my diet and swap the shakes for foods!
    I am using the hakes simply to take my mind off food, so I dont have to obsess over what I am going to eat every meal time! just to give me a kick start really.
    Think that combined with the 8 pints of water I am drinking a day is definately giving me a detox, I am another one who has hardly left the little girls room the last 2 days lol.

    I have joined up with two of my friends and starting tommorow we are going to do an exercise dvd in her front room 3 times a week :)
    Should be interesting as I am seriously unfit! lol

    Great to be hear, look fwd to us all supporting each other in our up hill climb to downsize!
    Have a good all.:D x
  • LosingIt4good
    LosingIt4good Posts: 1,214 Member
    Wow! Look at our thread now! hehehe!

    Welcome to all the new peeps!

    I havent had a chance to read all of the thread posts yet. Its 1:23am and I just got finished with cleaning the kitchen and was gonna head to bed when I realized I better come check in and say hi!

    Good day for me today but I couldnt make it outside. It was just too dang cold. Its snowing/raining here at the moment and Im hoping it just stays that way or rains. I have way too many errands to run tomorrow to have to deal with more snow! :noway:

    Anywhosit.... I thought I would mention that my blog currently has 2 giveaway contest that ends tomorrow. One is for a BIG G Cereal Weight management prize pack, which includes a coupon for a free box of Multigrain Cheerios and the book "The Lean Belly Prescription" which is written by Dr. Stork. He's one of the hosts of that show called The Doctors. Big G sent me the book and a coupon for the cheerios for me to review on the blog and will be sending the winner one as well. So far the contest has very low entries and all you gotta do is follow on facebook, twitter or google and leave a comment. Super easy! If your interested, visit http://www.coupon-friend.com and at the top of the site there is a link for both giveaways. The other one is for a Yoplait Kids Yogurt prize pack. Both contests end tomorrow, so if ya wanna get in on it.. hop to it :bigsmile:

    So far I'm really enjoying the book. A ton of things I never thought of much on and some wonderful tips on how to minimize your waistline, which seems to be my biggest problem area, so Im pretty happy with it! What I like most is that its not a strict plan, more like guidelines and it gives you so many options. I havent read the whole thing yet, but Im about 1/2 way through. We'll see what the scale says this friday since I am no longer going to be counting calories. LOL This could either be a huge sucess or will be a huge disaster, but I figure even if its a disaster... I only lost 4lbs last month and had to really bust my *kitten* to do it. So.. i have to bust my *kitten* again.. LOL

    Im off to bed for now. Will definitely make time tomorrow night after dinner to sit down and go through the posts to catch up with everyone.

    night night!
  • nitag
    nitag Posts: 706 Member
    I found the new thread.. Hello everyone..

    Are we ready to get this started?? I am...
  • egam
    egam Posts: 127
    There is a tub of jujubes on my dining room table that have been calling my name. Finding it pretty tough to resist, but I've been under on my calories so hopefully that won't effect the scale too much. Also, It's just my mom and me this week. My dad and sister are on a ski trip until thursday, so I'm not sure I'll be checking in much. My mom has been really sick so I've got a lot more to do than usual. And school is crazy and will be for the next 6 weeks. My exam schedule is by far the worst I've ever had. So hopefully I'll be able to stay motivated. I just realized I complain about school a lot. I think I'm going to stop. It's not really helping anyone.

    I am so thrilled at all the posts! Nothing like a new thread to get us motivated!
  • CrazybeeRX
    CrazybeeRX Posts: 288 Member
    I am so proud of myself for walking even in bad weather. I have walked in the rain and in the snow. I am usually one to stay inside but right now I am just sticking to a routine. I am really proud of me!!!I've been on MFP for 2 months solid and I've been walking 5 days a week 30 minutes a day since Jan 17th. For me to stick with something more than a few days is a miracle!! Now if I can get myself to drink water every day like I am supposed to and give up soda!!! One step at a time I guess.

    Emma, I hated school so it's ok to complain. I complain about Mike a lot and no one has told me to shut up...so honey you complain all you want to!!!! Sorry your mom is sick. I hope she gets well soon. Wash your hands good after contact with her so you don't get sick. During finals, just take one day at a time and don't stress yourself out. Make sure to have lots of good snacks around for study time so you don't blow it and eat bad things cause you are stressed!

    Miss Anita...I love you dear, but I got this started 2 months ago LOL You need to catch up!! I"m glad you are on board. I missed you. I am hoping to lose at least 4 lbs this month. I am at a plateau right now and it is driving me nuts. I can't exercise any more than I am right now other than to maybe try to walk more. I may start walking to work soon. I hate the gas prices. I don't know what else to do to try to get my weight loss a boost to get that 4 lbs off. I am already eating about 1000-1150 calories. If I go lower MFP yells at me for starving myself.

    Cyndi if you're not counting calories any more what are you doing to lose???? Help us out. Give us some ideas. I found out today a friend lost 70lbs recently over about 8 mts and I am going to contact her and see how.

    Misschaplin: how long are you going to do the slimfast shakes before you go back to food? are you eating any of their snack bars? Or just shakes only? Hopefully together we can all lose 25 lbs and be happy campers. I have 33 to go to my first goal.

    utahsis: tell us about yourself. What are your challenges??

    For the new ones...My name is Debbie I am 52 yrs old with 4 grown kids, 1 grand daughter and 1 grand child on the way. I am single and a pharmacy technician. I've been heavy all my adult life and I am sick of it. I want to lose weight and feel hot and find me a man to spend the rest of my life with. I recently thought I had found the love of my life but he decided to try to work on his marriage. He is separated. He really broke my heart. So I vent about him here. Sorry if I bore you with it, but this is still a fresh hurt for me. I am on face book and I live there on my time off from work so anyone who wants to add me feel free. I love to chat and will be glad to talk to you when you need it. My name on face book is Debbie Mickel.

    Have a great night all. Hugs to you all and good luck on losing!

  • Shawnalee0703
    Shawnalee0703 Posts: 1,093
    Check out this challenge! A new one each week! It is awesome and I have really enjoyed the group!

  • lulubar
    lulubar Posts: 739 Member
    Evenin' friends! I'm feeling for all you Northerners dealing with the cold and the snow. We were a beautiful 72 degrees here in a day full of sunshine:bigsmile: I brag now because when my southern summer heats up, and I walk out my door and burst into flame, I will be coveting your milder temps! :grumble:

    Vicki, I got in 92 oz water so far and I'm still a couple of hours from bedtime. And you, my dear, are CRACKING me up!! LOVE your sense of humor!!

    Emma, complaining about school is okay - I know it can be a real stressor so it's definately best to get it off your chest. No worries girl, that's why we are here ~ so you can complain instead of downing the whole bowl of jujubes!! :flowerforyou:

    Deb, good for you for sticking to your routine! I know that can be hard to do and especially when weather affects what we do. You are making me proud!

    Shawnalee - Thanks for the info! I'm gonna check out the challenge group.:happy:

    Anita ~ 'Sup stranger?!?! Good to see you!

    Cyndi - You are the busiest person ever! I don't know how you don't weigh about 80 lbs. ~ you are ALWAYS into something! Yay you:drinker:

    I stayed within goal today ~ go me : ) and got my exercise and water in. All and all a great day!!

    Later gaters
    :heart: lulu
  • vikalyn
    vikalyn Posts: 155
    Howdy Gals,

    This has got to be quick (yeah...right!) My day was a bit stressful, my first workday after the weekend usually is, as a police/municipal court clerk. Gotta finish up what my boyz started after catching them thar "oh-fenders" (aka dirt bags). Actually most of the more irritating "offenders" are put away for a while, so things are a little quiet...until school lets out!

    Oh Emma, I so remember my school days! Cramming for exams, living on Snickers, drinking my "beverage of choice"...Lucky Lager (do they even make that stuff now?) And so you ask..."Why am I on MFP?" Eat your fruits and veggies, and be sure to get in lots of GOOD LEAN PROTEIN. THAT will be your brain food. Oh, and don't forget the water!

    Deb, you should be proud of yourself! That is quite a feat (or is it feet???) I'm like you in the commitment thang. Seemed like a good idea when I got started...then I got bored. It's an effort for me to walk into my sewing/exercise room to Wii for 45 minutes...and THAT's FUN! But I've been hittin' it twice a week for the last three weeks now...and hitting a yoga class now and again. I know I'm going to have to step it up pretty soon.

    Speaking of stepping it up...SHAWNA! Twenty miles a WEEK, I don't DRIVE twenty miles a MONTH! My town is just over 1.4 square miles...crap, talk about getting bored FAST! Looks like a good challenge, though. I might join it, or something like it during the "Mud Season" (that's after White Season and before Blazin' hot Season) when walking isn't so hazardous.

    Lulu...I love love love your drawl. Yup I can hear it as I read your posts. My side of the mountains in WaSt can get pretty hot during the summer. Although it's much drier I'm sure, but we can expect at least three months in the 90's and a couple of weeks here and there in the 100's. Ah, I hear my Western friends moaning. They REALLY suffer if it gets to 90° over there. Got in 80 ounces of water today. Must have had some cleansing to do, I visited the LGR more often than usual. I don't know if you know this, but I quit drinking a week ago (wine, scotch, gin) Mostly for my liver (saw a "sick" liver on Dr. Oz), but also for weight loss. So I sometimes miss my Happy Hour with DH after work where we catch up on our day before I fix dinner. I've been replacing Happy Hour with Tea Time (DH still has his whiskey) and I still get that "winding down" feeling. Can't wait until it warms up a bit to make Sun Tea. I love many of the herbal flavors out there for refreshing iced teas.

    Time to get ready....Tomorrow is going to be a long day. The "Committee" will be interviewing applicants for a new Police Chief, and I get to play "Greeter"..."Welcome to the Town of Twisp...would you like a cart?" I don't care who they pick, as long as they don't make me wear a uniform! If that happens all diets are off! What's the point if I can't buy new cute clothes! I mean REALLY!!!!!!

    Happy Losing...Vicki...*Ü*
  • CrazybeeRX Well done for sticking to the walking, I love the feeling I get when I feel I am acheiving something. Keep up the good work :D

    25lbs is a long long way off for me, and also probably slightly more than I need to lose, So at the moment I am taking one week at a time.
    I will stay on the slimfast until I feel I have regained control. I like it as it stops me thinking about food, and obsessing over what I am going to eat, takes the heat off a bit. It will also shrink my stomach, and in fact already is, so when I go back to eating food the majority of the time, I will be able to have better control over portion sizes......Well this is the theory anyway :ohwell:

    Today is my first workout, so wish me luck guys, I am soooo unfit, its going to hurt x
  • Shawnalee0703
    Shawnalee0703 Posts: 1,093
    Vicki, lol that is this weeks challenge.... Last week's was strength 45 min total in the week and under on fat everyday. Thr one before that was burn so many calories in a week and stay under on sodium. They change every week.and are just there to help you focus. :) nobody said you have to meet it every week, it's the effort that matters! :) keeps ya on your toes. I.have enjoyed them! I spin a few times a week.so 20 miles is 2 sessions ish. But you can get "miles" in by just moving!! ;) it's kept me focused and helps build a new healthy habit each wk. Anyhow....sorry so quick.but I will sleep now. ;)
  • LosingIt4good
    LosingIt4good Posts: 1,214 Member
    Debbie- I am so proud of you too!! This weather is nasty! I hate being cold :grumble: Keep it up girl! My friend Amy popped in on me tonight to use my treadmill because its so cold outside and she is training for race run coming up in 2 weeks.

    I have PMS (parked motorcycle syndrome) :sad: Its been too cold to ride, but hubby is also doing some repairs and a tuneup on it. I guess better now, than when the weather is nicer.

    As I said before, I am no longer keeping a food log. I just don't have time. But, Hubby and I are rejoining the gym tomorrow and Im pretty psyched about that. Several people from our motorcycle club go, so Im sure there will always be someone there to workout with. I have a treadmill and an elliptical at home, but I really, really miss having a pool. The plan is to go 5 days a week with 2 rest days intermixed.

    As for the eating part. No more diet foods for me. Just better decisions on what I eat with equal balance of everything. THIS I feel is something doable and I feel pretty comfortable with this, but ONLY because I have been with MFP since Jan 2009 and feel I am ready for this next step. I did maintain for about 9 months before, so I think I can also lose without much trouble. Im not much of an emotional eater anymore. If I want a treat, I have one, but I can honestly say that I know how to not overdo it.

    For those night time snack cravers, my advice is to make sure you have drank all 8 glasses of your water. If you have, try either some popcorn with some REAL BUTTER or a handful of nuts. Pistachios, cashews, walnuts or almonds are the best for trimming your midsection. (just dont eat the whole jar!) Yes they are higher in calories..... but they are also good Protein and fiber snacks, which will help control your hunger. The butter on the popcorn is a healthy fat... and is just fine to have as long as you dont drown your popcorn in it. Nuts are also a HEALTHY fat, something your body needs to burn the bad fat off.... I am in love with the dark cocoa almonds made by emerald. They are the yum and satisfy both the crunchy sweet craving for me OR if you are craving something sweet... everyone already knows that my good ole standby is a nice tall glass of ice cold Chocolate Milk. Healthy and slimming dairy... doesnt get any better than that!!....hmmmmm gonna go make me some after I post this.. LOL

    Tomorrows breakfast.... 2 eggs (whirled into an omelet) with 1/2 cup of diced tomato, 2 tablespoons parmesan cheese, 1 tsp garlic and 2 tablespoons fresh basil. Im also eating a piece of whole grain toast and 2 pieces of regular bacon, having my coffee and a glass of milk. Hows that for a big breakfast! :0) Full of protein, cheap.. easy.. 2 1/2 hours later, I eat a good snack...handful of mixed nuts, a yogurt AND a piece of fruit or some veggies.. My other meals are the same way. A lean protein, A complex carb, a little dairy and some fruit or veggies. All followed with a big tall glass of water. When I want a treat, I have one....not a huge one and definitely not every day but I found that by occasionally... once a week or so...eating a treat keeps me from feeling deprived. If I don't feel deprived, I can be happy with a "single serving" instead of 2-3..:drinker:

    Welcome back Anita!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Have missed you! How are things?

    Lulu.....you are always welcome to come visit our colder climate during your hot summer! Any time but July this year works good... July is gonna be travel month for me... family reunions, then another trip to Vegas. Could meet about 1/2 the team if ya come on up... LOL
  • lulubar
    lulubar Posts: 739 Member
    Aaaaaalll day I kept thinking it was Tuesday - how did I lose an entire day??? I think I am working too hard! And I am beat! Sorry, but tonight is short entry night. I've read your posts and what an interesting and encouraging group of women!! I am grateful to be amonst ya!

    I stuck to my calories, got in some strength training, and drank 92 oz of water. All of which is no easy feat right now in the midst of Mardi Gras - the office is covered in King Cakes and the evenings are alive with opportunities to overindulge.

    Talk to you guys tomorrow ~

    Drink up! Glug glug glug glug glug:drinker:

    :heart: Lulu
  • Shawnalee0703
    Shawnalee0703 Posts: 1,093
    Cindy- I LOVE those dark chocolate almonds!!! They are amazing, and you are right, they just hit the spot! :-D
  • LosingIt4good
    LosingIt4good Posts: 1,214 Member
    LOL Lulu, I hear ya on the water. I drank a lot of it today and made many, many trips to the potty. Funny how some days it flows right through and other days I hardly gotta go at all. :0)

    Hubby and I went in to sign up for our 30 day free trial with 24 hour fitness today. We have 30 days to check out this gym, but I can tell ya already that I am not that impressed. First off... its smells in there.. LOL Yeah, I know its a gym.. but my other gym didnt stink like this one does. Free is free tho so I'll take the 30 days and see what I think. They do have Zumba, yoga and the pool is open 24 hours which will be HUGE for me since my old gym closed the pool at 11pm.

    I had a long chat with hubby. He's gonna read my book when he leaves again.... which will be this next monday for 2 more weeks. He promised he would read it so he can understand what I have learned. At least its progress... :0)

    Today I caught him off guard. We were out running around and he was like "Im thirsty, lets get coffee". I stopped at a store instead and got us both some water. LOL Then, after getting set up at the gym he said "Im kinda getting hungry... lets get food." Well.. it had been about 3 hours since we ate, but I wouldnt go through a drive through. Instead we stopped at the grocery store and grabbed a snack..... A yogurt granola fruit parfait from the deli and a banana. He was shocked at how full he was. LOL he kept saying all the way to costco.. "man, this is really good stuff!!" :bigsmile: So Im happy to finally be getting somewhere with him when it comes to food. I was just surprised he didnt pitch a man-child fit at Costco wanting pizza from the deli, but it didnt even phase him since he already ate something.

    So... a good day today. After the errands, we came home and made dinner. Then he took my son out to the garage and they worked on my motorcycle. Got it rumbling again like it should so I am thrilled! I cleaned the whole downstairs while they were out there, including the mopping, so I got a little exercise in.

    Tomorrow is first day back in the gym... starting with Zumba at 9am! :0) Wish me luck!
  • wises5
    wises5 Posts: 53
    Lost ten pounds, over forty days which i'm happy with but why can't i tell?
    I know its not all water weight
    i only want to lose 7 more pounds to be at 105..since im not even 4 foot 11
    but maybe i should think of changing my goal
  • CrazybeeRX
    CrazybeeRX Posts: 288 Member
    wise: are your pants looser? Usually the first 5-10lbs depending on how over weight you are, is water weight. Be proud of yourself for losing that and maintaining. the last 7 might be harder to lose since you are so small already. Give it a chance. Usually 3-4 lbs a month is a good rate for losing. SO give yourself a couple more months to lose it.
