

  • Grandee47
    Grandee47 Posts: 261 Member
    Hello All! I've been a member for about a week, but it's just been yesterday and today that I've had time to become familiar with the site. I've been literally tied to the house preparing for a medical procedure (everything's normal PHEW!), so upon coming home I decided that as the "twilight" wore off I'd go through this thread and learn to know everyone. Here are some comments I'd like to make:

    :smile: To jam 0525 and Girl Scout cookies - we have two GSs in the family and we buy many boxes. They go straight to the freezer and on Sundays, also known as dessert day in our house, if we decide on GS cookies for that day, we count them out and splurge. Since it's just my hubby and I and he's the counter because he's stronger than me, it works for us. Both of us look forward to Sunday dessert!

    :ohwell: To msh0530 - My doctors are trying to get me to go swim because it's good for my aching joints and muscles. Guess I need to find a buddy like you do.....oh but the thought of getting into water during the winter just doesn't appeal to me. Keep talking me into it.

    :laugh: To anniebnannie - I love the Wii Fit+! You can keep track of stuff and I will be transferring what I do there to MFP. I also love the bowling and other sports that I do with my grandkids. The first time I ever Wii bowled I really got into it and was good at it but the next day I could hardly sit down. Did not know how used the butt is when you bowl!

    :flowerforyou: To Chicklet - blessings!

    Happy Birthday Auntie BK! :happy:

    Prayers for Linda in Bahrain whose story I do not know but it's on my heart :heart: that she is safe.

    I have not been able to eat solid food since Sunday evening so I have lost a few pounds but I'm not updating my ticker until I've had a normal day of eating tomorrow. Looking forward to learning to know you all.

    PS I live in York PA and am interested in getting a walking group going as soon as the weather is warmer. If there's anyone in my neck of the woods who would be interested, let me know. Headed to the recipe area which I've not yet investigated. :wink:
  • doobiedoo
    doobiedoo Posts: 194 Member
    :flowerforyou: It seems like every time I don't eat correctly and exercise, the next time I get serious it is harder to lose! I usually set my calories at 1200, but I think I'm going to have to bump them down to 1000 in order to see some pounds come off. I walk 20 minutes on the treadmill each day, maybe I need to increase that. Oh well, it always feel soooo good to get back on track and I always feel better right away when I do. It's good to see some new faces posting. Keep on keeping on!:flowerforyou:
  • mrsanderson404
    Exermom....on the cheesecake problem....lay down some wax or parchment paper before preparing your crust. Then, when finished and cooled, you can just gently lift the whole cake off the bottom of the pan and transfer it to another plate to leave behind.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,984 Member
    :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn:
    we got up at 6 AM to get the house ready for the Realtors' Tour at 8:30:bigsmile: we vacuumed, dusted, put away all the clutter, put the cats out, hid the litter box, boiled a pot of chocolate on the stove and loaded the dogs in the car. I went to line dance class and hubby and the dogs went on a series of errands. I left the house so early that I had time to walk for 30 minutes at the park before class.......I walked a route that I usually walk with dogs but walking alone, I actually got to see all the birds,ducks, geese without dogs barking and scaring them away:bigsmile: ......someone else scheduled to look at the house at 11:15 so hubby and dogs met me at the parking lot outside dance class and we went to Subway for lunch (I had chicken and veggies planned at home but this was a necessary detour) where we had veggie delight sandwiches. Hubby took the dogs to the dog park while I was dancing so I got some extra exercise dancing in front of the TV at home and riding my exercise bike.

    :flowerforyou: My friend who comes over from Seattle on Wednesdays canceled today because of rain (she was right).:sad:

    :flowerforyou: a few minutes ago we got a call from another Realtor (someone we know from the dog park) who will be bringing someone to see the house at 5:30 :bigsmile: so we hid all the clutter again and will have our Isagenix shakes, put the cats out and load up the dogs and go for a ride or something.

    :flowerforyou: It looks like the Higher Power is busy looking for a buyer :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    Good evening ladies,
    So many posts since this morning. That is great. Of course I cannot remember all that I read, but I will try. Barbie glad you got some nibbles on your house. Good luck with it. I agree with SusieQ about dark chocolate. Get Hershey Bliss dark chocolate. You wont even like regular chocolate again. One is so satisfying it is all you want. Not really high in calories either. Susie so glad your DIL is coming around. That can be so stressful for your family. of course that is all I can remember so will close for now. see you ladies tomorrow.
    Vicki m
  • frogmama
    frogmama Posts: 404 Member
    I am trying to give up eating my hershey kisses this month. I so look forward to them at night, but realize I am addicted to them. My problem is that I'm afraid that I will just replace them with something else, like a glass of wine!

    Have you considered buying the dark chocolate ones and keeping them in the freezer? You'll be surprised how satisfying just 1 can be if you pop it in your mouth and let it slowly melt instead of chewing it up. Just sayin :tongue:

    I do keep them in the freezer in the garage but I find myself making multiple trips out to the garage! I was limiting myself to a serving or less (9 kisses= 200 calories) depending on how many calories I had left. But I would get 2 or 3 at a time. I think I have to go cold turkey. LOL
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    lol - I got a lot of chuckles on the "GS" cookie avoidance remarks. A sense of humor is a good thing to have in life.

    Recipes- I use the recipe forum here and I got a new cook book for Christmas. It is 340 Thirty minute recipes. Like most newer cookbooks it has all the nutritional information in it. Not all the recipes are low calories, but it still helps to make me think about what I am cooking and eating.

    Wii Fit - I love mine too and need to get back to it.

    Have a great evening everyone,

  • ildi59
    ildi59 Posts: 65 Member
    Hi Ladies,
    Just a quick hi to everyone. I'm not feeling very good today, scratchy throat, runny nose, :sad: still managed to put in 30 min walking then I sweat in the sauna and now sipping on some hot tea. Need to get rid of this, have big plans, started the 30 day shred and would like to get back to it.
    Good night for now!
  • janesmith1
    janesmith1 Posts: 1,511 Member
    Oh hi everyone......

    just want to join in on this group since I qualify :)
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    :smile: Good Morning ladies

    :smile: My personal trainer Cindy :bigsmile: :bigsmile: had me out running again yesterday lunchtime, she is a great motivator. I feel good in the fact that (so far) I'm sticking with it. She suggested I measure my hips/waist/thighs etc to see if I lose any inches. I know I must have lost a bit off my butt cos my trousers are a little more roomy, but as you know, my weight goes up and down and I can lose the same 2 or 3 lbs over and over.

    :flowerforyou: Welcome all newcomers.

    Do you remember last month(?) Apple Cider vinegar was mentioned. I've bought some cider vinegar is that the same thing? It tastes awful, I've tried diluting it with apple juice and it still tastes fowl. I'll keep trying different things to dilute it with, or maybe cut down - I've been using a desert spoon, maybe I should try a teaspoon :bigsmile:

    Well time is running on so I'd better get ready for work, we are a bit demotivated at the moment, I think I've told you that Jane and I are admin and cover each other during lunchtimes holidays etc. Jane and a few others are going on a weekend trip later in the year to London and I also wanted to go, but it would mean me leaving at lunchtime and the department having no admin cover for the afternoon. It would only have been about 3 and a half hours but we were told the department could not be without admin cover - ever! :frown: So I can't go. Feel a bit fed up about it - it would have been something to look forward to. Anyway no good moping.

    Chat again soon

    Viv xx :heart:
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Hello Everyone,

    My eyes are about crossed. I just got through all the February posts that I missed and all the March one's up to this post. I know I can't possibly cover everything, but I did take some notes during reading, so here goes:


    Your pics are beautiful, the people the flowers....looks like everything turned out great!! I thought of you the day I saw the news story about the plane unveiling party at the Boeing facility. My dad was on the crew that installed the engines on the first in-flight fuel tanker that Boeing every built.

    Amanda, Just got to your post of 2/16, so sorry to hear of the loss of the other twin. Such a sad time for your family. As I read your later posts indicate you have been keeping busy with your family and preparations for your surgery and family activities later in the year. I think you will be ready for your trip to St. Thomas. I got tired just reading about everything you have planned.

    Mimi, I am glad to hear your got through your AF episode. Scary, no doubt, even if you know what is going on. BTW, If your new doggie is not an "Izzie" but responds to "Lulu" --I think you have the answer about her name. I agree "Poopy Puppy" is not an option, and abbreviating that to "PP" is probably not a solution either. :noway: :indifferent: :laugh: :laugh:

    Belated welcome to lhague--Linda, and SallyCC, not sure if I welcomed you before I was away from posting or not. Oh I see there are way more newbies than I can keep track of, so please accept a belated welcome that is meant for all of you!!

    Vicki M--Glad to hear being back in the wagon is working for you. Keep up the good work. Wow!! Got to the post in Feb where you said you had lost almost 13 lbs. since starting on the 17 day plan. WTG!!

    Debra, sveltewisher--The MFP app on Android only works for recording weight and exercise, as far as I can tell. I use the regular browser to go to the regular web page and can access community tab and anything else that isn't part of the Android app.

    Peggy, bkrbabe--I certainly have the "belly" for it, but I am not a dancer. Congrats on being "overweight." I was right on the edge but had to move my ticker in the wrong direction due to the transgressions of Christmas and the new year.

    Linda, lhague--You are braver than I am, but it sounds like you are having an interesting time in Bahrain. I have never seen a white German Shepard before (in your profile pics)--beautiful dogs. I have "the Three Little Pigs"--a Lhasa, a Shih tzu, and a "Yorkshire Terror" who is 15 years old this year, and shows no signs of slowing down.

    Like everyone else, I am concerned that we haven't heard from you since mid-February.

    Welcome Dee, I have covered about a weeks worth of the Feb posts that I hadn't previously read & just saw your first post.

    I am jealous of Michelle for being able to go to Daytona, but I agree with Faye that NASCAR has changed. I really don't care for all the drafting that is being done now. (To you non-racers, drafting is when you hang right behind a guy and "push" him ahead of other racers, and hope at the finish that you will be the guy at the front of the pack.)

    After seeing all the accidents during the Phoenix Nextel Cup race on 2/27 that were directly or indirectly related to all the "coupling," I thought maybe NASCAR should start a new racing concept--stock cars pulling trailers--Airstreams would be kinda classy....LOL

    Auntie bk--if you send me a PM, I will personally message you with some info about smartphones. Don't want to bore everyone on here to death with information overload. If anyone else has an interest, let me know and I will pass info on to you also.

    BTW, Happy Birthday, belatedly.

    Suzy Q--Welcome back. Hope you are settled in to your new house. I hope your detox helps you get back on the right path. Sounds like it has from your later posts.

    Thank you for restating that good advice from Joyce Meyer. It can be applied to more than just chocolate chip cookies.

    Doobiedoo, Glad to see you are back with us.

    Hopeful--So sorry you have had so much come down on you all at once, and to have lost your partner, also. Your login says it all, sounds like you are a survivor.

    Jeannie--So glad to hear your son is doing well at home. Now that his condition is under control, hopefully your hubby can come around to the idea that home is the best place for your son, as well as for hubby. Good luck!!

    Chiclet--I wish I were not so far away from you. I hope you will check in with us regularly. As many have already said, you don't have to worry about how your posts will be received. We are a broad-shouldered group, and, collectively, we have the biggest heart you can imagine. I am glad Boo has a new playmate.

    I hope the meds the doctor gave your mom will help!! I just thought of how I used to refer to the meds Mai Li took when her back was bothering her--I said she was taking "my" sleeping pills--since if she took the pills, I got to sleep through the night!!

    Well, I am going to post what I have up to now, and catch up with you all later.

    To anyone not mentioned, know that I am thinking of you all..

  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    *Warning* Frustrated rant ahead.

    I am so frustrated. I keep gaining. I eat clean and I exesize every day. Last year when I joined I was burning over 6000 calories per week in exersize and not really eatng them back. In August I started to exersize less and eat back some of the calories and since then I have regained 14 of the pounds I lost. I just can't seem to lose with out have a huge deficit or a really low net. Now that I work I can't do all the exersize and the scale just keeps edging up. I will lose a couple and then gain a few, lose a couple and gain a few each week i just want to scream aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!

    I just wish I knew what I could do without absolutely feeling deprived and grumpy.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Just getting this bunch on my topic. Love reading your post. Just to see how the younger folks are doing. Plus alot of the sneakers are here Just checking to be sure they are not talking about me.See you next month..
  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    Do you remember last month(?) Apple Cider vinegar was mentioned. I've bought some cider vinegar is that the same thing? It tastes awful, I've tried diluting it with apple juice and it still tastes fowl. I'll keep trying different things to dilute it with, or maybe cut down - I've been using a desert spoon, maybe I should try a teaspoon :bigsmile:

    You are right it tastes nasty! Some prefer to mix it with water or juice, but I'd rather take a spoonful of something nasty than try to choke down a whole glass full of it diluted or deal with the extra calories and carbs of mixing it with enough honey to make it palatable. So I always have a cup of very cold water ready to chase it

    IF you choose to take vinegar, be sure to do it immediately before or after eating to prevent stomach upset. And get the kind that has "mother" in it. I use Braggs Organic Apple Cider Vinegar. All cider vinegars are NOT created equal.

    Spending the day running errands so I'm out the door in my Shapeups. Supposed to meet some friends for lunch, a trip to the fabric store and then a bakery for dessert. My plan is to skip the last leg of the event and go grocery shopping instead.

    Happy Thursday y'all :flowerforyou:

    More here: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/83045-apple-cider-vinegar-helps-conquer-carb-cravings
  • doobiedoo
    doobiedoo Posts: 194 Member
    :flowerforyou: Yipee!!! I've lost 3 pounds. Finally, some movement. Have a good day all!:drinker: :flowerforyou:
  • fittocycle
    fittocycle Posts: 827 Member
    Congratulations on your weight loss, doobie doo! Awesome!
    Love the tip on the Hershey Bliss chocolates. I'll have to check them out since I have such a sweet tooth.
    I understand the frustration on trying to lose weight. It's tough as you get older. Tough and downright frustrating at time!

    My scale is down .6. Small loss but at this time I am just happy it has stopped going up!:wink:
    I"m off to teach preschool but I will check back later.
    Thanks again for the warm welcome!

  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Goodmorning everyone:

    Just weighed in at the St. Patrick's day challenge and kind of stayed the same. Hope to do better next
    week. I do have some food challenges this weekend. Monday is my hubby's birthday and we will going out for
    dinner on Saturday night. Sunday will be another birthday for the twins in the family who are turning 7 (boy and girl).
    This is always my downfall to just say no to certain foods. When I am at home I do really great until I go out to eat.
    I am doing better and still trying to get down to the weight I was before my daughter's wedding in November. It has been
    a roller coaster ride to keep going. So I decided to enter some challenges to keep me accountable. So wish me luck:tongue:

    Happy Birthday to the lady on this thread I forgot her handle. You know what they say the brain goes first. LOL
  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    Good morning ladies,
    busy day ahead so will be brief. Doobiedo great job. Keep up good work. Girl Scout Cookies I dont buy them but if you feel obligated give them donation and leave the cookies for them to re sell. I think I forgot to report but I did not lose on MOnday. I wrote 17 day diet people to question and they did answer but not to my satisfaction. I am just keeping on the plan and will weigh again on Monday and see from there. I think I may not be eating enough but it is so hard to get enough calories in. Will keep you posted. I feel great and will probably measure on Monday also. have a good day. Eat healthy and move move move.
    vicki m
  • anotheryearolder
    anotheryearolder Posts: 385 Member
    Quick post while my friend is napping. I am looking forward to weighing at the gym on Monday - or Tues if the GGS is born on Monday. I should have gotten a new scale but I haven't bothered as I knew eventually I would be rejoining the local gym or going to another one if the local one failed to reopen. I really think I have lost a bit; we'll see. I just may give the elliptical a hug when I get back on it. I miss that thing! Who knew I'd get so fond of exercise machines. :noway:

    Regarding Girl Scout cookies - I like Vicki don't bring them home. I give them a donation instead. That way they come out ahead as they only get a fraction of the purchase price and I don't have thin mints yelling at me to eat them. :laugh:

    I'm going stir crazy here at my friends house. I need to get outside and move!! But that's what friends are for and she would sure do it for me. All is looking good and she should be on her feet before long.

    I have been playing with some new lace knitting stitches while I am here with nothing much else to do. I think I will make a couple more lacy receiving blankets while I am in the mood. I want the GS to have a couple for when he has kids (way in the future please God) and you never know, I may not have nimble fingers by the time he has kids. I saw a really intricate lacy peacock evening wrap that I may get the nerve to try when I'm done with the next two baby items. That will keep me occupied for quite a while. Knitting in the evening does seem to help keep me out of the pantry. :laugh:

    Friend woke up and it's time to torture her with her exercises. :laugh: :noway: Maybe I have an evil streak.....

  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Good morning, my friends! I am glad that I committed to go swim with someone later today, as it makes it so much harder to back out. Also, I told all of you, and don't want to let you down. Congrats to all with losses (especially you, doobie), and sympathy to those who can't figure out why they are gaining or staying the same. I am right there with you, but still keeping the faith.

    Although, when a teacher told me yesterday "This too shall pass" about something, I said that is not always true. I was specifically thinking about the two juniors that I was just trying to help in English 11, but they don't want to put out any effort . . . (Just a little high school humor to brighten your day.)

    Have a good one!