

  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    You can do it! From whenever you started the challenge this month!

    No fast foods!! Day 3!

    How are you doing?

    Have a wonderful day!!:flowerforyou:
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    Ok since I am really struggling right now with food intake and I love tickers. I decided to change my exercise ticker to food instead because exercise is not an issue for me. It is part of my lifestyle now and has been for some time now since I gotten back on track last March. It was so much easier for me to get back into the routine of moving my body with limitations. I guess when you force yourself to get around at 500+ pounds for years; it was not as hard to force myself to exercise over the years--even prior to WLS.

    So now I have to do something for the food end to keep me motivated. That is what I am focusing on this month. Food issues and the mind issues that go with food issues:frown:

    So the ticker queen that I have decided to count publically how many days I can keep my calories under 2000. I have been doing this since November and I have yet to get over 8 times within the month under 2000 calories.:grumble: My goal is 23 but anything between 12 and 20 will suffice for March. Since I am a person not into perfection anymore I will take what I can get. One day at a time.:happy:
  • Jparedes06
    I think that would be a wonderful goal. I just hope subway doesn't count!

    Subway does not have a drive thru.:wink:

    Theres a subway near my job that DOES have a drive thru!!! Lol...I hope that doesn't disqualify because I'd love to join the group as well. Fast food is SUPER hard for me as because of my busy lifestyle I am accostumed to fast food EVERY day sometimes for EVERY meal. But since I started my goals this past Monday I have decided to go cold turkey on no fast food. I said good bye to Dunkin Donuts, McDonalds, Burking King, and Taco Bell (all my faves). I've also said goodbye to Pizza which is a personal favorite. So far I've done well because I went grocery shopping and have been doing well with a new schedule which includes preparing my meals ahead of time and sticking to eating my meals and having plenty of healthy snacks on hand in case I run out while I'm at work or on the road. I think this group will help me keep my goals in check! Looking forward to it.
  • leslielove
    leslielove Posts: 251 Member
    Almost the end of day 3 and nothing yet!
  • lynn5866
    lynn5866 Posts: 16 Member
    I think I'll join you guys on this journey. Fast Foods are one of my biggest challenges, not because its so tasty (because half of the time its not), but because its so darn convenient. This should be good.
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    Almost the end of day 3 and nothing yet!

    Good job Leslie! It is almost over!!
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    3 days no fast foods!:bigsmile: Whooohooo! How are you all doing? We can do it!
  • jude666
    jude666 Posts: 231 Member
    I have a feeling this one will be easy for me.... My hubby and I treated ourselves to a take away the other day (first one since taking MFP seriously at the beginning of the year), we had a chinese. I can honestly say I DID NOT enjoy it. I felt so full and bloated afterwards and it didn't even taste nice. I can honestly say I prefer salads these days to chinese and i think that is something very positive. I prefer to know EXACTLY what has gone in my food, so preparing dinners myself are the only way forward.
  • jude666
    jude666 Posts: 231 Member
    I have a feeling this one will be easy for me.... My hubby and I treated ourselves to a take away the other day (first one since taking MFP seriously at the beginning of the year), we had a chinese. I can honestly say I DID NOT enjoy it. I felt so full and bloated afterwards and it didn't even taste nice. I can honestly say I prefer salads these days to chinese and i think that is something very positive. I prefer to know EXACTLY what has gone in my food, so preparing dinners myself are the only way forward.

    QUESTION: how do they measure the sugar? is it grams? if so, they're soooooo out. According to Eat, my skinn mocha treat only contains 16.93g, whereas MFP are stating 29g!
  • kimbaclay
    kimbaclay Posts: 81
    Bump! i'm in as of tomorrow as my mum has invited me for Chinese tonight :embarassed:

    Shall be good for the rest of the month.
    I need to try and kick the tired friday, cannot be bothered to cook! :frown:
  • JennyBoBenny
    Thanks Mollie for starting this thread this month and for inviting me over from our other group. :glasses:

    Like I told you, I live pretty much next door to a strip of stores and restaurants including Mcdonalds, Pizza Hut, KFC/Taco Bell, Burger King, A&W, Little Caesars, Subway, Wendy's and Tim Hortons.

    I had KFC on the 1st. And today I had takeout at work for lunch (I usually pack my own lunch but didn't today because my boss was supposed to take me out for thai but forgot what day it was! He promised me 2 lunches out next week to make up for it!). Anyway, it was Fat Boy Friday at the office where half of us ordered big fat juicy burgers and a copious amount of fries. I'm still stuffed.

    So I'm definitely in for the remainder of the month. Seeing as how I usually would eat fast food 3 or 4 times a week, my goal is to eat it no more than 1x per week for the remainder of the month. And that being said, I will be heading into Subway if the urge strikes at all. So, 27 more days to the month... no more than 4 fast food meals in those 27 days. Doable. Maybe I'll surprise myself and stay away altogether!
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    Sounds like a plan Jenny!! You can do it! I was really surprise at how good I did today. I stopped my McDonalds and got 2 salads only. Usually I order 1 other $1 item that I don't need. On Friday's I also usually go to my favorite fried Chicken joint and again I knew I had committed to no FF this month and kept on driving. Had a nice salad with grilled chicken strips from Costcos.
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    4 days no fast foods!:bigsmile: Whooohooo! How are you all doing? We can do it!

    Yesterday at work I had the urge to go to the snack machine at work and said nope and put that in the fast food catagory and kept it moving.. I have so many healthy snacks at work why oh why do I even still look at those snack machines. So I said I a so including that as a fast food for me. I am feeling so good and strong right now on this FF chanllenge. I even went to Micky D's last night and got 2 salads and nothing else. I was not even tempted. I was a happy camper.

    Now the weekends is the challenge! Can you do it? Especially the reall FF junkies like myself. Yes we can!

    Have a good weekend everyone!!:flowerforyou:
  • JennyBoBenny
    Weekends definitely can be a challenge if I'm feeling lonely. Loneliness is a trigger for me to indulge in junk food for sure. However, I went grocery shopping bright and early at 7am and walked right past Mcdonalds and A&W (LOVE their bacon and eggers) and just did my shopping and came home to cook myself eggs and bacon and toast. Bacon is definitely a treat for me and it's not the greatest food to try to lose weight with, but I figure cooking a couple of slices is way better than eating out.

    I also bypassed the Starbucks that's in the grocery store too. I have a tassimo machine so it makes more sense to just have a latte at home. And to have a latte at home means no whip cream and sugary syrups and drizzle too. Win win for me for sure!

    Planning a salmon and rice supper tonight. Will treat myself to peanut butter popcorn after that with my movie. Promising myself something like that will keep me away from overindulging in a crappy dinner which would leave me no room or desire to eat the yummy peanut butter popcorn afterwards. I'm looking forward to 6pm tonight when I can update my ticker from zero to one. :smile:

    Happy Saturday!
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    Anything you prepare at home is better than buying it from fast food joints. A nutritionist told me a long time ago to fry my chicken at home instead of FF because I would save myself so many calories. He was right.

    So you bacon and eggs at home was much better at home than A&W. You can be sure what you are cooking it in and no additives. I will be looking for the 1.......:-)
  • denise980
    denise980 Posts: 296
    I can definitely participate in this. I live in an area that you would have to drive 30 minutes to the nearest fast food place any ways, so this should be relatively easy for me.

    Good luck everyone! We can do it :-)
  • DatEpicChick
    DatEpicChick Posts: 358 Member
    i havent had any fast food since February, 13, 2011. so i'm in for march!
  • leslielove
    leslielove Posts: 251 Member
    5 days in and nothing for me! My wallet and my tummy are happy campers so far. Next month I'm tacking pizza on to the train and the month after I might even try to kick Chipotle.

    Keep up the good work everyone :):)
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    5 days in and nothing for me! My wallet and my tummy are happy campers so far. Next month I'm tacking pizza on to the train and the month after I might even try to kick Chipotle.

    Keep up the good work everyone :):)

    Awesome Leslie!!
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    5 days no fast foods!:bigsmile:

    Not as hard as I thought with very good planning and just the thought of saying no fast foods and I have always said I lose weight consistently when not eating any fast foods. Even if I overeat on the good stuff I do not gain weight.

    Thurs thru Sat. people will be working in my condo so I am prepared that I may be eating some Subway those 2 to 4 days.

    Happy Sunday!