The grocery shopping trip from hell!

Wendi_S Posts: 489 Member
edited September 24 in Chit-Chat
Before anyone gets on my case for posting something – non-weight loss related- let me just say that if I don't rant about these things * right * now I am going to resort to eating an entire package of Oreos- and they're * not* the low fat ones! So it actually is weight loss related!

My grocery shopping trip from hell pet peeves- All happened within the past 2 hours!

First store – one of those warehouse places- the one with the 'naughty' name LOL

1. The guy who was undecided which shopping cart he wanted to use and felt the need to stand and block the row of 100 damn carts while he discussed in detail why each was different with his wife! Did I mention the carts are outside and it is 20 degrees out today?!
2. Two registers open- each line 9 people thick- people at self checkouts who don't know what the hell they are doing! Go stand in line!
3. The woman in front of me at the self checkout who took her damn sweet time putting her stuff in her cart. Oh yea and the fact that her 3yr old son was standing in the back of the cart and when she pushed it * hard* he fell and she said- I told you sit the hell down! This alone made me want to punch her!
4. The person who felt the need to park this >< close to me. Really?!

The second store- local grocery store-

1. People who have to always back into a parking spot. Then give me the 'wtf' look when they can't open their trunk because they are this >< close to my car!!
2. Adults who wear pj's to the store and/or slippers!
3. Also women who grocery shop in stilettos- but more so women who can't walk in them and use the cart as support!
4. People who assume I know where everything is- DO I LOOK LIKE I WORK THERE?!? * I usually will point someone in the right direction, but don't expect me to walk you there*
5. When they stop carrying something that my kids actually * will * eat!! Usually I end up finding it at above store in bulk right about the time my kids * stop * liking it!
6. Cashiers who carry on conversations with others while attempting to do their job.
7. Cashiers who study everything you buy- and ask questions about it. Really? Just put it in the bag, dammit!
8. Bag my damn groceries the way I put them on the belt or let me do it myself! Frozen with frozen- boxed with box etc etc..... it doesn't take a brain surgeon to figure this out!

Just a couple more

1. On the way to the mall- the guy who felt the need to hold up traffic on rt 1 because he was trying to make an illegal left turn! Hello those TWO yellow lines mean do not cross!! Go up and turn around like everyone else!! Besides Bebe's restaurant isn't worth it anyway!
2. At the mall- people who don't park within the lines- or park crooked! This bugs me now, but it bugged me even more when we had 12ft of snow!
3. People who feel the * need * to run up the escalator. Really?! Take the damn stairs!
4. This wasn't today but I'll add it in because it is mall related and I'm on a roll- people who bring their kids to the play area and then proceed to text or talk on their phones and assume everyone else is watching their kids!

And one rave- Sephora is opening in our JC Penny's real soon!!!!!


  • TabbyJustice
    TabbyJustice Posts: 132 Member
    I have one for the grocery part -
    People who leave their carts right next to your car so you have to move *THEIR* cart before you can attempt to get into your own vehicle!
  • Mrs_McFadden
    Mrs_McFadden Posts: 1,139
    I went to Babies R Us the other day- I wanted to find a specific type of baby spoon for my seven month old../sigh.
    Can I just say that they are the SLOWEST cashiers known to man? That their lines could substitute for purgatory for white collar crimes? The cashier was flirting with some MILF with two toddlers who was looking for a discount that did not apply to her order..inb4 people say I'm jealous..I don't CARE, flirt all damned day!! Give her your card...give him your damned shiny glittery cell phone number...but JUST STFU and get done so I can get on with my day!!!
    I just wanted to buy my things and be out of there, I have a baby and a toddler I have to shop with FFS.

    Also: I'm sorry I do not want to have a conversation of commiseration about how my son is teething..don't touch him either, he's cute but he's off limits. Shopping online FTW.
  • manymuses
    manymuses Posts: 162 Member
    A very simple YES to all of the above.
  • That_Girl
    That_Girl Posts: 1,324 Member

    Although, I do wear sweats to the grocery store, which is just as bad as pajamas, IMO. I'll be putting on jeans now-- because they fit!
  • umauma2011
    umauma2011 Posts: 14 Member
    I live in Canada and we pay for the privilage to use a cart , So no one leaves them were to cheap
  • 8. Bag my damn groceries the way I put them on the belt or let me do it myself! Frozen with frozen- boxed with box etc etc..... it doesn't take a brain surgeon to figure this out!

    I am sooooooooooooooooooooo On board with this........:drinker:

    Oh But I do wear PJ's to the store...... :ohwell:
  • Mrs_McFadden
    Mrs_McFadden Posts: 1,139
    I forgot this..the baggers at my grocery store seemed to have forgotten that bread isn't to be crushed into a mush ready to be put into meatballs ...Just Because I Use Reusable Bags Does Not Mean I Do Not Care About How They Are Bagged. Sorry! I just had to capitalize like that. I feel like I should write that on my reusable bags too. Hey cute bagger guy...don't' just shove everything in there, I know you're not a cool girl that has played Tetris for fifteen years, but surely you have some brain cells in there that haven't been lost to your hormonal penile floods?
  • alexmommy
    alexmommy Posts: 76 Member
    I definitely agree about people touching my son! That is so damn irritating! Yes, I think he's adorable too, but he's mine not yours, so keep your god only knows where they been hands off! And it irritates my husband even more who is super protective. I'm waiting for the day he punches someone out for touching our kid.
  • abeare
    abeare Posts: 504 Member
    I hate the grocery store for all the above mentioned reasons, but most of all I hate when people feel the need to stand so close to you in line that you feel their breath on your neck! Just because you are stuck on to me doesn’t mean you’ll get through any faster!

    Really! that many people wear sweats and PJ's to the store?Why???
  • Shannon023
    Shannon023 Posts: 14,529 Member
    They're not pj's, they're softie pants. CrossedArms.gif

    :embarassed: :embarassed:
  • RoniDoll
    RoniDoll Posts: 262
    "8. Bag my damn groceries the way I put them on the belt or let me do it myself! Frozen with frozen- boxed with box etc etc..... it doesn't take a brain surgeon to figure this out! "

    OMFG this happend to me at whole foods yesterday!!!! IT PISSES ME OFF!!!!!!!!!
  • elmct57
    elmct57 Posts: 594 Member
    the jerks who put carts in the space next to handicapped spots so it becomes an obstacle course. and the special morally bankrupt types who park in those spots with no sticker or use grandma's car to get away with it tho they;re able bodied...
  • bethrs
    bethrs Posts: 664 Member
    "1. On the way to the mall- the guy who felt the need to hold up traffic on rt 1 because he was trying to make an illegal left turn! Hello those TWO yellow lines mean do not cross!! Go up and turn around like everyone else!! Besides Bebe's restaurant isn't worth it anyway! "

    Maybe I'm a doofus, but where I'm from, two yellow lines (in the center of the road) mean no passing, but it's legal to make a turn over it a different sign or something? Have I been driving wrong my whole life? Now I'm paranoid.
  • RoniDoll
    RoniDoll Posts: 262
    I hate the grocery store for all the above mentioned reasons, but most of all I hate when people feel the need to stand so close to you in line that you feel their breath on your neck! Just because you are stuck on to me doesn’t mean you’ll get through any faster!

    Really! that many people wear sweats and PJ's to the store?Why???

    Dont hate... If its after work and i'm tired I will proudly wear my pjs to the store!
  • KariQuiteContrary
    KariQuiteContrary Posts: 274 Member
    8. Bag my damn groceries the way I put them on the belt or let me do it myself! Frozen with frozen- boxed with box etc etc..... it doesn't take a brain surgeon to figure this out!

    I am sooooooooooooooooooooo On board with this........:drinker:

    Oh But I do wear PJ's to the store...... :ohwell:

    Ditto!!! AND how about the cashiers who put chemical/cleaning products in with edibles even when YOU have them properly separated?

    Ok folks if I'd wanted my pledge or windex in with my fruit......I would have just tossed it in the bag with all the grapes ok?

  • I hate when people turn their cart diagonally so it spans across the whole aisle while they stand there and look at something FOREVER! And the best part of this situation, and you know it's happened to you, when you politely say "excuse me," and they give you a dirty look. It makes me want to throw my canned items at them.
  • Atlantique
    Atlantique Posts: 2,484 Member
    If you insist on paying by check, you could have made out 90% of it while you stood there in line for ten minutes. ;)
  • JennDoesKeto
    JennDoesKeto Posts: 244 Member
    i or the people that just stop..i at least when i stop move to the side.

    i wear pj pants and tank tops to the store..but then when im not at work thats usually what i wear or my cropped workout pants and a tank.
  • ShunkyDave
    ShunkyDave Posts: 190 Member
    What warehouse store are you referring to? Naughty name? Costco? Sam's Club? I don't get it.
  • udallmom101
    udallmom101 Posts: 564 Member
    I live in Canada and we pay for the privilage to use a cart , So no one leaves them were to cheap
    We did that in Europe too when I lived there as a child. I think Aldi's has it right when they charge for a cart. Put your cart back you get your money back!
  • thecanface
    thecanface Posts: 1,180 Member
    i agreed with all BUT ONE...... "people who feel the need to run up the escalators" i feel the EXACT opposite! i'm an escalator runner, but in my building we only have escalators, and i drives me CRAZY to see people literally just stand still allllllll the way through until the damn thing drags them off! i mean REALLY?? its a set of stairs.. it just moves! if it wasnt moving you'd be walking.. but just because it's moving they have to be sooooooo lazy to not budge one inch.. i mean not even the last two steps?!?! urghhh!! i wish i could just elbow them out of the way... you say take the stairs.. i say take the elevator! :) loved your post though! so true!
  • drog2323
    drog2323 Posts: 1,343 Member
    I hate when people turn their cart diagonally so it spans across the whole aisle while they stand there and look at something FOREVER! And the best part of this situation, and you know it's happened to you, when you politely say "excuse me," and they give you a dirty look. It makes me want to throw my canned items at them.

    i have experienced this a few times. i tend to use the more stern version of "excuse me" the second time - usually gets their attention. a few times i have thought about throwing a can of something at them too! :bigsmile:

    If I do the groceries, i go super early on the weekend, I'm talking like 730am OR really late on a friday night. I can't stand crowds in the grocery store
  • Carl01
    Carl01 Posts: 9,307 Member
    I know this will get me flamed but folks paying by check and wait until every last item is rung up and totaled before even getting the checkbook out to start writing. machinegunsmilie.gif
  • reese66
    reese66 Posts: 2,920 Member
    . People who feel the * need * to run up the escalator. Really?! Take the damn stairs!

    Guilty, bit never when someone is a head of me. I completely agree with the standing so close comment, hey this is my spot get your own...

    One of my others is do really need to sit there and wait for 15 minutes for the person to back out of a space, if you would have parked further back you would have already been in the Damn store... me too for that matter.
  • drog2323
    drog2323 Posts: 1,343 Member
    i agreed with all BUT ONE...... "people who feel the need to run up the escalators" i feel the EXACT opposite! i'm an escalator runner, but in my building we only have escalators, and i drives me CRAZY to see people literally just stand still allllllll the way through until the damn thing drags them off! i mean REALLY?? its a set of stairs.. it just moves! if it wasnt moving you'd be walking.. but just because it's moving they have to be sooooooo lazy to not budge one inch.. i mean not even the last two steps?!?! urghhh!! i wish i could just elbow them out of the way... you say take the stairs.. i say take the elevator! :) loved your post though! so true!

    exactly...right lane = slow, left lane = fast!
  • Wendi_S
    Wendi_S Posts: 489 Member
    "1. On the way to the mall- the guy who felt the need to hold up traffic on rt 1 because he was trying to make an illegal left turn! Hello those TWO yellow lines mean do not cross!! Go up and turn around like everyone else!! Besides Bebe's restaurant isn't worth it anyway! "

    Maybe I'm a doofus, but where I'm from, two yellow lines (in the center of the road) mean no passing, but it's legal to make a turn over it a different sign or something? Have I been driving wrong my whole life? Now I'm paranoid.

    LOL, yes they also mean no passing- but in this area where this happened it was actually 4 yellow lines showing a median and it is obviously not to be crossed.... they have a turn about 100 feet ahead.....
  • thecanface
    thecanface Posts: 1,180 Member
    If you insist on paying by check, you could have made out 90% of it while you stood there in line for ten minutes. ;)

    OMG!! I KNOW!!! UGHHHH!!! so annoying!
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    "1. On the way to the mall- the guy who felt the need to hold up traffic on rt 1 because he was trying to make an illegal left turn! Hello those TWO yellow lines mean do not cross!! Go up and turn around like everyone else!! Besides Bebe's restaurant isn't worth it anyway! "

    Maybe I'm a doofus, but where I'm from, two yellow lines (in the center of the road) mean no passing, but it's legal to make a turn over it a different sign or something? Have I been driving wrong my whole life? Now I'm paranoid.

    yes, in California anyway, if you are entering a business, you CAN cross even a double-double yellow.
  • Wendi_S
    Wendi_S Posts: 489 Member
    What warehouse store are you referring to? Naughty name? Costco? Sam's Club? I don't get it.

  • Vicky14174
    Vicky14174 Posts: 715 Member
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