PART 2 January 3-month Challenge, to start on 1/7/2011 from



  • jjeckels
    jjeckels Posts: 57
    Hello Everyone...

    I am so excited to announce that I lost 2 lbs this week...Yippie!
    Going to FL in 5 days...I hit my I can go get a new bikini, sweet!

    Three Month goal: 140
    Week 1 (1/7) - 153.8
    Week 2 (1/14) - 153.8
    Week 3 (1/21) - 151.6
    Week 4 (1/28) - 151.6
    Week 5 (2/4) - 150.2
    Week 6 (2/11) - 149.6
    Week 7 (2/18) - 149.2
    Week 8 (2/25) - 147.6
    Week 9 (3/4) - 145.6
    Week 10 (3/11)-
    Week 11 (3/18) -
    Week 12 and the END (3/25) -

    SW: 158
    CW: 145.6
    GW: 135

    Congratulations on everyone who has been dedicated to reaching their goals!
    Loved the mini-challenge this week, it kept me accountable yet again...have a wonderful weekend!
  • DianaM1020
    DianaM1020 Posts: 98 Member

    1.2 lbs down from last week which is pretty good for me. I'm going to have to change my GW to 160 for the challenge though because there's now way I'll make it to 155 in just 3 weeks.

    i say keep your goal weight, it will motivate you. I'm not going to make my goal either.

    Weekly Exercise Mini-Challenge:

    310 / 325 minutes of exercise: 2241 / 1800 Calories burned! YAY!

    Three Month goal: 135
    Week 1 (1/7) - 145
    Week 2 (1/14) - 143
    Week 3 (1/21) - 142.2
    Week 4 (1/28) - 139.2
    Week 5 (2/4) - 137.6
    Week 6 (2/11) - 137.6
    Week 7 (2/18) - 139.6
    Week 8 (2/25) - 136.8
    Week 9 (3/4) - 138.2
    Week 10 (3/11 )-
    Week 11 (3/18) -
    Week 12 and the END (3/25) GOAL 135 -

    Height: 5'4
    SW: 145
    CW: 138.2
    GW: 135

    BMI: 23.6
    Goal BMI: 22.8
    SBF%: 23.2
    CBF%: 21
    Goal BF%: 20
  • having_faith
    having_faith Posts: 13 Member
    Thanks Kerri for all the work you put into this for us! :smile:

    My personal mini challenge for this next week is to be get 8 hours sleep EVERY night. I started going to the gym this week and tried to stay up late too. That is not working. I feel drained. So next week, more sleep, enough water and not too many calories!

    Everyone have a great week!!
  • Stefani74
    Stefani74 Posts: 448 Member
    Three Month goal: 135
    Week 1 (1/7) - 145.6
    Week 2 (1/14) - 145.8
    Week 3 (1/21) - 146.8
    Week 4 (1/28) - 146.2
    Week 5 (2/4) - 145
    Week 6 (2/11) - 144
    Week 7 (2/18) - 146
    Week 8 (2/25) - 146
    Week 9 (3/4) - 143.4 (YAY!!!)
    Week 10 (3/11 )-
    Week 11 (3/18) -
    Week 12 and the END (3/25) -

    Down 2.6 this week!! WOOHOO!!
  • LurayneMarie
    LurayneMarie Posts: 342 Member
    Three Month goal: 154
    Week 1 (1/7) -
    Week 2 (1/14) -
    Week 3 (1/21) -
    Week 4 (1/28) -
    Week 5 (2/4) -
    Week 6 (2/11) - 170
    Week 7 (2/18) - 167
    Week 8 (2/25) - 161.8
    Week 9 (3/4) - 160
    Week 10 (3/11) -
    Week 11 (3/18) -
    Week 12 and the END (3/25) -

    Down 1.8lbs
  • cupcakelover103
    cupcakelover103 Posts: 197 Member
    We're already on week 9!? Omgosh, i'm so out of the loop. I'll be weighing in about a day late this time, i'm off to buy scales now and join the gym! My net has still been crazy so it's been hard to log my food in daily, but i'll make my best effort.
    Congrats everyone on your losses :)
  • jjeckels
    jjeckels Posts: 57
    {Mini Challenge}
    1. 557 calories burned!
    2. 64 oz water consumed!
    3. Way under sodium goal!

    Today was such a victory for me (2 lbs lost this week)...I reward myself when I reach my goals, so today I cashed in on two rewards...a new bikini, and a was a-maz-ing!!!!

    Thanks for all the support 3-month challenge group!
    Cheers! :drinker:
  • kerriBB37
    kerriBB37 Posts: 967 Member
    {Mini Challenge}
    1. 557 calories burned!
    2. 64 oz water consumed!
    3. Way under sodium goal!

    Today was such a victory for me (2 lbs lost this week)...I reward myself when I reach my goals, so today I cashed in on two rewards...a new bikini, and a was a-maz-ing!!!!

    Thanks for all the support 3-month challenge group!
    Cheers! :drinker:

    Awesome! Sounds like a perfect day! You deserve it!! =)
  • KristieKRN
    KristieKRN Posts: 71 Member
    Three Month goal: lose 15 pounds, more importantly exercise 3X a week!
    Week 1 (1/7) - 187.5
    Week 2 (1/14) - 185.0
    Week 3 (1/21) - 182.5
    Week 4 (1/28) - 182.5
    Week 5 (2/4) - 182.0
    Week 6 (2/11) - 180.5
    Week 7 (2/18) - 179.5
    Week 8 (2/25) - 178.5
    Week 9 (3/4) - 176.5
    Week 10 (3/11 )-
    Week 11 (3/18) -
    Week 12 and the END (3/25) -

  • glitterballv
    glitterballv Posts: 133 Member
    Three Month goal: 135
    Week 1 (1/7) - 159.5
    Week 2 (1/14) - 155.9
    Week 3 (1/21) - 154.2
    Week 4 (1/28) - 152.2
    Week 5 (2/4) - 152.2
    Week 6 (2/11) - 151.4
    Week 7 (2/18) - 151.4
    Week 8 (2/25) - 149.6
    Week 9 (3/4) - 148.6
    Week 10 (3/11 )-
    Week 11 (3/18) -
    Week 12 and the END (3/25) -

    Hmm looking at it now, I do think I probably set my goal weight for the three months too low but I would be a lot closer if it wasn't for those pesky 4 plateau weeks...

    Ok, I'm setting some goals for the next three weeks- complete weeks 2-4 of C25k and work out another two days as well- either shred or a body combat class. Try to ride the horse at least 3 times a week too! And be stricter about my calories- no cheat days (after today, sorry it was pre-planned) for the next three weeks. I know I can't hit 135 but I want as close as I can...
  • Hey everyone, had a horrible week, probably the worst since starting on MFP. Stress and illness got the better of me and I was so close to quitting. But I've stuck with this for too long to quit now. I put 1lb on, which I can deal with because it means I've still lost 10lbs!

    Hoping for a 1.5lb loss next week to make up for it! Have great weekends!

    Three Month Goal: 149lbs (to lose 17lbs)
    Week 1 (1/7) - 166lbs
    Week 2 (1/14) - 163lbs
    Week 3 (1/21) - 162lbs
    Week 4 (1/28) - 161lbs
    Week 5 (2/4) - 159.5lbs
    Week 6 (2/11) - 159.5lbs
    Week 7 (2/18) - 159.5lbs
    Week 8 (2/25) - 155lbs
    Week 9 (3/4) - 156lbs
    Week 10 (3/11 )-
    Week 11 (3/18) -
    Week 12 and the END (3/25)
  • Stefani74
    Stefani74 Posts: 448 Member
    This week's Mini-Challenge results

    1) 4291 total calories burned M-F
    2) Under calories everyday
    3) Water in everyday but one

    Was a great week and down from 146 last Friday to 143.4 yesterday!! WOOHOO!!

    Bring on next week's challenge!!
  • nakitadawn1212
    nakitadawn1212 Posts: 135 Member
    Three Month Goal: 125 lbs!
    Week 1 (1/7) - 135
    Week 2 (1/14) - 134
    Week 3 (1/21) - 132
    Week 4 (1/28) - 131
    Week 5 (2/4) - 130
    Week 6 (2/11) - 132
    Week 7 (2/18) - 129.5
    Week 8 (2/25) - 129.2
    Week 9 (3/4) - 129.2
    Week 10 (3/11 )-
    Week 11 (3/18) -
    Week 12 and the END (3/25) -

    I apologize to you guys! I have not posted mini-challenges =( I had a terrible week of eating and I did not get to exercise as much as what I wanted, but I managed to not lose or gain, so that is a perk! This week I will be much more dedicated... I want that scale to hit 125 so bad!! I am going to be VERY strict on my diet this week. Hope every one has a great week!
  • kerriBB37
    kerriBB37 Posts: 967 Member
    Here is the spreadsheet from WEEK 9!! Some are missing weights so I plugged in a maintain for the week.


    1. DAXLEX
    2. STEFANI74
    3. MOM2BOYS2011


    Let's toss around some mini challenge ideas to start Monday! =)
  • mamarundrc
    mamarundrc Posts: 1,577 Member
    Great job to everyone last week!

    I was just logging in my exercise for the day and realized I am at almost 3000 calories burned. Even if I get rid of my dancing from last night which is not something I normally do, I still burned 2000 calories. It is amazing how much I can do when I decide to get off my butt and move.

    So for my own mini challenge next week I am going to set a goal to burn 1) 2000 calories for the week 2) since I had no problem staying under on carbs last week I am going to aim to stay under on sodium (which is routinely over for me) as well as overall calories 3) drink a minimum of 64 ounces of water.

    Good luck these last few weeks to everyone! Hope everyone can get a little closer to their personal goal!
  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    Well ... last night's getting active just plain didn't happen ... it was a horrible week and I gave up. But today has been great so far. Eating is right on track, I've done some Wii Zumba, went to get tickets at the casino for the Jeffrey Steele show tonight, dropped a $20 in the 2 cent machine while I was there and walked out with $260. That rarely happens but I'm happy that it did :happy: I'm thinking I might just take the hubby out for dinner before the show. I hope all of my MFP friends are having a great weekend.

  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
  • kerriBB37
    kerriBB37 Posts: 967 Member
    Happy Monday everyone!

    I personally had a BAD eating weekend from Friday dinner through Sunday dinner. I didn' t log my calories and I did NOT make it to the gym at all since Thursday. I don't want to say I "needed" this but it felt good to take a break and just live my life. I look at this diet/exercise situation as a job. It is NOT something I enjoy and even though I do well almost always, it is still VERY tough. One day I just want it to be a lifestyle and not a j-o-b.

    With all that said, I am going to get back at it today. I already logged my healthy breakfast and I have a Zumba class set up at my work tonight! My hangover is pretty much gone and I am feeling better and more motivated!

    I was down at my parents this weekend and I had a friend (who is very competitive and never compliments me) say when she saw me Friday night, "HEY SKINNY MINI!" that made me feel really great because she is always a criticizer!! My dad ( who is the most honest man I know) told me I looked great and he usually is the one who says "oh it looks like you've gained weight.. and in the past has been straight up mean to me about my weight) He even asked for ADVICE on working out and eating right. He has lost about 35 pounds and has been plateau'ed at 205 for the past 3 months he said. I told him to seek out a nutritionist or a personal trainer. He does the SAME thing every day in terms of diet and exercise. I told him he needs to switch it up. It made me feel good though that he asked for my advice! I must be doing something right! Final NSV from the weekend was a compliment from my bf. We went bowling Saturday night and he texted me the next day (when he was gone golfing) that I looked hot last night and he couldn't stop staring at me =) THIS IS WHAT I've been waiting for =)

    Happy Monday everyone.. What mini challenges do we want to do? MINE is going to be: 1. under calories for the day, 2. 500 calories burned per day on the treadmill someway or another, 3. 100 oz of water
    Feel free to join in, substitute another cardio for the 500 a day or add YOUR own ideas for YOUR challenge! What will work for you!? For me , focusing on carbs last week was more stressful than I realized so I'm going to just to calories this week.
  • LurayneMarie
    LurayneMarie Posts: 342 Member
    Wow Kerri its sounds like you had the best of both worlds this weekend! You had a breakout and enjoyed the indulgence AND got amazing compliments from everybody! Not fair!!! :)

    This week Im definitely going to work on this whole water retention thing. I'm fairly sure 90% of my weight is just water...(heehee wishful thinking) but I know I dont drink enough H2O so Im guessing I've quite a bit of retention going on.

    So my mini challenges for this week are:

    1.Drink 100oz water daily
    2.Under sodium daily (2,300mg)
    3.Burn 2,800 cals this week

    I, along with countless others (judging by the statuses yesterday and today!) had a really crap weekend. Made one silly decision to get fast food after a night out drinking saturday night and it really messed up the whole weekend :( Didnt get exercise in and practically no water so I was a complete disaster!

    Funnily enough, Kerri, Ive realized that Im also treating this whole thing as a 'job' and I feel like, come Friday evenings, Im 'free' and finished 'work' so I can go home and go mental for the weekend and then back to 'work' on Monday! Weightloss doesnt work like that apparently! I need to be on duty at the weekends too! WILL I EVER LEARN?!?!!?!?! Aarrrrrgggghhhhh!

    Ok. Happy Monday everyone....fresh start :)
  • I think my fresh start will begin on Wednesday. I'm way over my calories already and it's only 2pm. I'm stressed out and fretting over a test I have tomorrow. I don't really mind about this week's WI being crappy to be honest.

    Wednesday will my day - start of Lent :-)
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