Lose 5+ pounds in March? You bet we can!!!!



  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    Daily Inspiration for March 3, 2011
    Katie Jay, MSW

    Be here in this moment.

    Sometimes the best way to get through the day is to choose to be present and enjoy the moment. Dwelling on things you cannot change or allowing yourself to be consumed by what might happen tomorrow takes away the joy of the moment.

    Children have perfected the skill of living in the moment. For them, only the slide exists and the shear joy they embody as they zip down it. You can live by their example. Focus on the moment as it is happening. Laugh with your loved ones. Scratch your cat behind the ears and sense its pleasure. Rejoice in the success of a friend. Experience the joys of today as if today were the only day you have.

    Action for the day: Be present and find joy in each moment today.
  • Wocawa
    Wocawa Posts: 136
    Mollie, thanks for the reminder!
  • 2Young4This
    2Young4This Posts: 172 Member
    Ok anyone who has posted up to this point can you message me and I'll add you to the table! xxx
  • kcthatsme
    kcthatsme Posts: 5,136 Member
    Ok anyone who has posted up to this point can you message me and I'll add you to the table! xxx

    Since my brain is thinking random things today, it's interesting that this post came through on 3/3 at 3:33. If I was into numerology, maybe noticing that would be lucky for me!

    Did my 32 min. cardio today on the rebounder (mini trampoline).
  • cwold1228
    cwold1228 Posts: 12
    Did my 30 minutes of cardio today! Not as good as yesterday, but still got some in. something is better than nothing!
  • sass30
    sass30 Posts: 355 Member
    Did my 30 extra minutes of cardio! What's even better is I am enjoying the extra workout :bigsmile:
  • bri293
    bri293 Posts: 92
    I hope everyone is doing great so far this week! I'm proud that so far I've gotten my 30 minutes cardio every day, even though some days were more of an intense workout than others. However, for some reason I've been feeling very hungry constantly this week and I can't stop eating! And unfortunately many of my choices are not being great ones... here's hoping that I am a good girl this weekend!
  • HungryTuna
    HungryTuna Posts: 141
  • street_wi
    street_wi Posts: 15
    I know I won't be on the table part of the challege but I'm new and just saw this post. I'd like to post here too and join in on the fun for March! =)

    Screen name: street_wi
    Goal for March 31st: 146
    March1st (starting weight): 151.2
    March 8th:
    March 15th:
    March 22nd:
    March 29th:
    March 31st:
  • I did 45 minutes on the elliptical today! I normally do 30 and the machine only allowed 45 so I only did extra 15 minutes.
  • Nadyasmom
    Nadyasmom Posts: 281
    Can I just brag for a minute?

    My HRM came in the mail today, so I was able to finally get an accurate read on my calorie burn. Combine that with doing my Jilian Michael's No More Trouble Zones and Zumba Live Party (54 minutes of pure cardio), and I found out that I BURNED today!

    I burned a total of 1220 calories!!!!

    WOW... Good for you!! I am seriously going to get a HRM soon.

    Yeah it was quite the eye opener. I thought I had been burning only around 350 cal during Zumba, so it was nice ot see that I'm burning a lot more. Really motivates me to push harder too. :)

    But, now I have a problem eating back those exercise cals--seems like SO much!

    Nayda, why are you going to eat back the calories?

    Honestly, I'm confused actually on all of that. I've been reading how we are supposed to have our NET calories not be under 1200, so if I burn so much, then I gotta eat it back. I don't do this normally, but since nothing has been happening in the weight loss department, I'm trying to eat more of my exercise calories back hoping that it will break this never ending plateau.

    However, there is no way I can eat that much in a day (well, I can, but it wouldn't be healthy food). So I'm just trying to eat a bit more than 1200 each day--usually around 15-1600/day and hoping that it will help.

    I'm so frustrated that I work so hard to burn the calories, eat healthy and within my calorie range, and yet for 4 months NOTHING has changed. Then when I do have a cheat day, saying to myself, "screw it all, it's not helping anyways" I feel SO guilty afterwards and so stressed out. So I am just totally at a loss of what to do and just trying anything at this point.
  • street_wi
    street_wi Posts: 15
    If nothing's happening, I'd definitely try eating more of your calories! Especially if you've been misjudging (underestimating) your calorie intake. You've probably been undereating for a while now. I know it sounds counter-productive but I try to eat as many of my workout calories as possible. Not necessarily all of them, but sometimes, yeah. If you know what your workout's going to be you can add calories into each meal throughout the day. Add walnuts to your oatmeal, add a slice of reduced fat cheese to a sandwich or eat some whole wheat crackersor pita with hummus. Add guacamole/avocado to your salads, granola to your yogurt. Eat trail mix and add olive oil to your pasta to make it more of a pomodoro sauce instead of just plain old spaghetti sauce. There's lots of healthy ways to add calories to your meals that doesn't necessarily add a bunch of bulk and weigh you down.

    These are just suggestions obviously but if you're not seeing any changes, then maybe you need to make some! =)

    Hope this helps some.
  • xxx_Pink_Princess_xxx
    xxx_Pink_Princess_xxx Posts: 875 Member
    Ok anyone who has posted up to this point can you message me and I'll add you to the table! xxx

    wooo hooo thanks :) xxxx
  • curlyelm
    curlyelm Posts: 73
    I can't seem to find the table!? Any ideas?
  • felice03
    felice03 Posts: 2,644 Member
    My exercise for yesterday was taking my daughter to her mommy/daughter qymnastics class. I made an effort to get more "into" it and if my soreness today says anything it worked!
  • cwold1228
    cwold1228 Posts: 12
    Went to do my half hour of cardio today and wasn't ready to be done. Did an hour instead! Finally starting to tell that I have more energy on a daily basis!
  • Danoodle
    Danoodle Posts: 30
    got my 30 mins in today and yesterday! Somehow I am managing to get up at 6:30 to work out for an hour before 8 hours of work and 2 hours of school! wheew!

    I have to say that after about two months of working hard to get the extra 45 mins- 1 hour in at the gym before work about 4-5 days a week, I finally am starting to love it and I actually crave my morning gym routine. If I miss a day (or a few days as I was sick last week), I feel a little down.

    I cannot say enough how sticking to a routine has changed my relationship with exercise this year! Even if all I do is walk uphill on the treadmill for 20 mins and maybe do a few crunches. Just getting my body moving in the morning make SUCH a difference!

    I think the difference is that I used to feel like - if I was going to do a workout, I had to push myself to the max to get anything out of it. Instead, I give myself the OK to do what I am able to do that day, but keep up a routine so that I am doing SOMEthing almost everyday. If some days it is a very small something, thats okay because other days I will have the energy to do more. And it becomes something enjoyable NOT stressful.

    Just wanted to share that observation.

    Keep up the good work all!
  • wow I didnt even see we had a weekly challenge. I dont have time for it this week anyway because I have a humongous project due tuesday
  • arodriguez2
    arodriguez2 Posts: 207 Member
    Did 40 minutes of cardio last night!!! Hoping to fit in my 30 minutes in between jobs again :)
  • arodriguez2
    arodriguez2 Posts: 207 Member
    Ok anyone who has posted up to this point can you message me and I'll add you to the table! xxx

    is this for people who posted after the first cut off date or for EVERYONE (even those already included in the first table?)
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