Spring Challenge



  • jae6704
    jae6704 Posts: 458 Member
    I have only 32 more oz to go... I can do this:)
  • sleight119
    sleight119 Posts: 125
    I want to do this 230
  • madamelaporte
    madamelaporte Posts: 404 Member
    ah Shelly I really hope you feel better soon :(

    Im having a good week I just hope it shows on the scale on Monday!
    Although I measured myself on Thursday and I have lose a few cm :) 0.5 on my waist (not too bothered about my waist its the bump between there and my hips that concerns me more), 1 on my hips and 2 on my thighs :)

    getting my water in which Im happy about, some days I get to about 8pm and still have around 800ml to drink so I have to drink it before bed - which means Im up in the night - this is only on days where I am running around like crazy and just have my bottle of water with me!!

    Keep up the good work guys
  • arodriguez2
    arodriguez2 Posts: 207 Member
    FINALLY met my 5 water bottle a day goal yesterday!
  • partcho
    partcho Posts: 225
    Hi all! Just checking in with my weigh-in for Sunday...
    SW: 163.4 (March 1st)
    CW: 161.8 (March 6th)
    Lost 1.6 lbs! Haven't seen more than literally one pound lost in over 2 months! Sweetness!
    How's everyone else doing?
  • madamelaporte
    madamelaporte Posts: 404 Member
    well done thats great!
    My weigh in is tomorrow - not looking forward to it :(
    Last week I worked so hard and lost nothing so kinda lost all hope :(
  • partcho
    partcho Posts: 225
    Don't lose hope! As you said, you worked really hard last week, and that's really important!! I'm sure you're feeling a difference in other things other than numbers lost such as gaining strength, flexibility, etc and that's excellent!
  • Jess3Loves
    Jess3Loves Posts: 94 Member
    Hey guys! Sorry I went MIA a little. My week was so busy.

    I didn't do good. :(

    I had lunch/dinner with 3 different friends on 3 different days. Plus, I had date night with hubby last night. It killed me! I really need to learn to make better choices when eating out! Anybody else deal with that problem? Maybe that can be a future challenge?

    I will weigh-in tomorrow, but it's not gonna be good, lol.

    Hope you guys are all doing good.

    Weigh-in is tomorrow or Monday if you would like to track your progress weekly. :)
  • Jess3Loves
    Jess3Loves Posts: 94 Member
    well done thats great!
    My weigh in is tomorrow - not looking forward to it :(
    Last week I worked so hard and lost nothing so kinda lost all hope :(

    Don't lose hope. It might catch up with you on this weigh-in. :) Good luck!
  • Jess3Loves
    Jess3Loves Posts: 94 Member
    Hi all! Just checking in with my weigh-in for Sunday...
    SW: 163.4 (March 1st)
    CW: 161.8 (March 6th)
    Lost 1.6 lbs! Haven't seen more than literally one pound lost in over 2 months! Sweetness!
    How's everyone else doing?

    Awesome weigh-in!!! Congrats!!!
  • Mary830
    Mary830 Posts: 64
    Just checking in for the weekly weigh in. I think I still have another day to reach my water goal, right?

    LOSE 15 LBS BY APRIL 30: Last Sunday I weighed in at 149, this morning at 144.6. 4.4 lbs down and 10.6 to go!

    EXERCISE AT LEAST 22 TIMES: I am counting this by day, and not by workout (because sometimes I break up my workouts into morning and afternoon. 6 of 22 workouts so far!

    1/2 OF BODY WEIGHT IN WATER: I set this as a weekly goal of 518. As of bedtime last night I was at 432/518 oz for the week. I need to try for 86 oz today to reach my goal!
  • crystalfaith
    crystalfaith Posts: 23 Member
    Weighing In!

    This morning I was at 151.4lbs which is down about .8lbs from last week...I'm definitely happy with it! Hopefully I can get to one whole pound lost next week! :)
  • madamelaporte
    madamelaporte Posts: 404 Member
    well done guys!!!
  • jae6704
    jae6704 Posts: 458 Member
    ok I weighed in this morning at 189. I did not get all my water in as I was visiting family and the well water isnt that great. I will make up for it though tom.
  • Refisblind
    Refisblind Posts: 77 Member
    Alright did the weekly weigh in for the challenge. Lost 5 lbs this week 255 to 250 and met my water goals and worked out 5 times.

    5 / 15
    5 / 22
  • Refisblind
    Refisblind Posts: 77 Member
    Scratch my last. I only worked out 4 days.

    5 / 15

    4 / 22

    Met water goal 5 out of 7 days.
  • madamelaporte
    madamelaporte Posts: 404 Member
    1lb down this week - not great but better than nothing right ? :)

    13lb to go :)
  • 1lb down this week - not great but better than nothing right ? :)

    13lb to go :)

    Any loss is good!

    I weighed in yesterday, lost 2lb this week :smile:

    Managed to drink all the water except for one day where I was a glass short, I just couln't fit it in!

    I'm looking forward to the next challenge!!
  • madamelaporte
    madamelaporte Posts: 404 Member
    I have to change it :) I dont know how to edit my post though :(

    I weighed myself again after going to the toilet and I was in fact 2lb down so checked again an hour later and yep Im 2lb down this week so I am slightly happier :)

    Im looking forward to the next challenge too :)

    Fantastic news on your weight loss well done :)
  • Checking In - I know that I did really well all week, but I have a tendency to over-indulge on the weekends.

    I didnt lose anythign therefore and maintained my same weight - 204 :(
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