T.H.E (Trying Hard Everyday) Team.. new thread :0)



  • utahsis
    utahsis Posts: 49
    Hi all. Had a conference this week, so I'm just now catching up with my log and THE Team thread. You guys are so dawg gone funny. I'm totally cracking up.. Aunt Flo, *checking profile*, lather, rinse and repeat were among my favorites quotes of the week.

    I was worried about staying on track during the conference, but managed to avoid all the muffins, cookies and even a really scrumptious looking chocolate dessert. And I spent about 40 minutes on the elliptical one night, so all and all, not too bad. On the first day I got in ALL my water (wow) but haven't been successful since. However, thanks to your challenge, I am definitely drinking lots more water than I normally do -- thanks!

    Crazybee asked me to introduce myself, so here's the 411. I'm happily divorced. Unfortunately I don't have any kids (my ex already had two kids when we got married and didn't want any more). I hate not having children but at my age, that chapter is closed and life goes on. I work with kids everyday as a 4-H Extension Agent and love my job, however I work way too much and struggle to make enough time for me.

    Anyway - yeah for all of us for taking time to be good to ourselves :bigsmile:
  • Bockety
    Bockety Posts: 21
    I just transferred over from sparkpeople.com. This site is so much easier to navigate! I just wish they had group pages so groups like this would be easier to keep up with.
  • CrazybeeRX
    CrazybeeRX Posts: 288 Member
    Welcome Bockety, not sure about group pages but to find this one real easy...you go to communications, then click on MY TOPIC and you will find the last threads you went to and you can come back here easy from there.

    WOW even utahsis came from my hunting her down..so 3 for 3 for me!! I am so proud of myself LOL Yes I too loved the lather, rinse, repeat...laughed my *kitten* off with that one.

    Welcome romira; tell us about yourself.

    missabeez my nic name came from my first name...Debbie....I was born in Germany and if you say someone is deb...you are saying they are crazy and the name Debbie means bee in a name book...besides anyone with 4 kids has got to be a little crazy soooo CrazyBee is me and the RX is from prescriptions..I am a pharmacy tech....a legal drug dealer! You asked about my goals. I can't exercise. I have fibromyalgia and my body is in a lot of pain so I can't go to a gym or do much in the way of exercising because I tend to hurt something. Right now all I can do is walk. I walk on both my 15 minute breaks at work so I get in 30 minutes a day. I got in a walk today since it was beautiful. I took my son's dog for a walk. Unfortunately my skin is hypersensitive right now and giving me a lot of pain to the point that I'd like to not have to wear clothes. I hope to one day add more exercise but for right now I don't have a choice.

    utahsis. Glad to see you back. Good for you on the resisting goodies and drinking more. I still have to work on drinking water more. Until you go through menopause you're not too old to have a baby...so if you want one then maybe God will bless you with one! No "aunt flo" for me I had a hysterectomy 13 yrs ago so I am good there. I had enough kids LOL. I will just wait for grand kids. I have one now and one on the way.

    Have a great weekend all.

  • Shawnalee0703
    Shawnalee0703 Posts: 1,093
    HEY! Where have I been?! I think I missed EVERYTHING! Sorry ladies! I am trucking along with this having to move thing along with friend's bday, friend in town, working full time, and attempting to workout and eat well. So to say the least...... this lady is a smidge frustrated. I WILL SURVIVE!
    We have an appointment tomorrow to view a place and hoping it will work out!!!!! :-D

    You are all doing so well and I am so glad that this group has picked up some more!! GREAT! Although, it makes it harder for me to keep up hahah I have a short attention span. Miss ya ladies!
  • Pammie1000
    Pammie1000 Posts: 365 Member
    OK Deb, I'm here! 4 out of 4 ....not bad! :wink: You seem like such a happy person, I'm so sorry to hear that you have so much pain! I am meeting such wonderful people on MFP, I sooo love this site, I just discovered it in January and it seems so much simpler to loose weight now! The support team and tools on here are exactly what I needed!
  • vikalyn
    vikalyn Posts: 155
    Howdy Gals!

    Deb, I don't know how you do it...but good job keeping our thread active. It's so easy to forget to post when we haven't for a day or two, and it gets tougher the longer it goes (or doesn't go). I love reading everyone's life stories. Good to hear your having a nice mini vacation...and you're not spending it washing walls (which I SHOULD do). You're lucky you have a son who likes to "hang" with you. Pretty cool.

    I agree with Deb Sis...as long as you have the parts you can have the kid...and if you don't, there are other means of raising a child. If it's something important to you it's certainly worth the investigation. My job offers me my fair share of conferences and know how hard it is to stay the course. It's those breaks that are so tempting for me. Great job holding your own!!!!

    Hi Missabeez! I'm looking forward to getting to know another fellow essay writer! What we all are doing here is MORE than just losing a "few" pounds (or kgs). Essay's are good...it's learning about each other, and understanding ourselves better as we write. So, essay away!

    I'm excited to here, Shawna, how your house hunting goes! It amazes me how well focused you are!

    Roma and Bock...check back in and get to know us. We'd LOVE to know all about you! Watching everyone here succeed is such a high. Even when we do have a week that didn't go the right way...not giving up is still a success!

    I love this site too, Pammie. No fixed program, no menus, no foods I can't pronounce. Just good ol' regular eating, and counting calories. If after a while it's now working it's up to us to re-evaluate and make the change. The community section is okay, too :wink: too.

    Great work, Mandy. Awareness of the body is a wonderful thing! Three pounds in a week is HUGE!

    You too, Danielle. I don't know what Zumba is, for sure, but I understand it's quite the workout! Keep in touch, we'd love to see your progress.

    Getting late, Watcing Family Channel...fun movies. Watched Bugz earlier, now Ice Age is on. I've never watchen them before...really cute!

    Happy Losing...Vicki...*Ü*
  • LosingIt4good
    LosingIt4good Posts: 1,214 Member
    Wow, you guys all had a great weigh in yesterday!! I didn't remember it was Friday until I figured out today was Saturday. Somehow Lulu's mixed up days affected me also.. LOLOL

    Anyways... Im down to 220.4, so i also lost a pound this week. The biggest change I have seen this week is how my leather riding pants are fitting! My bikes in the shop until next week getting repaired, but hubby and I went for a ride this afternoon and when I put on my pants, they were about 2" too big! WHOA! Wasnt expecting that one! Leather usually stretches once its been broken in, but I've only wore the pants 3 times for short trips because its been cold and they were pretty tight so I couldnt wear my sweats under them. Very excited, altho it means I may have to take them in for alterations so they fit better. LOL

    Saturday night bike night at Pizza.... we ate at home (pasta, broccoli and chicken stirfry) and I had 1 caffeine free rootbeer while we were there then stuck to water. Only soda I've had all week. :0)

    Energy level is definitely up. I had broccoli and hummus for breakfast this morning and 1 blueberry pancake. LOL Not my normal breakfast!!

    My youngest daughters new boyfriend came over today. Cute kid! Very polite and talkative. Still not sure how I feel about her having a boyfriend tho. LOL

    Otherwise, still on track!

    Tomorrow night, going to Red Robin with some girl friends, then to the Rock N Worship Roadshow. Looking forward to a girls night out, but not looking forward to Red Robin! Gonna go check out the calories and see what looks good. I love their burgers but I know if I get one I will also go for the bottomless fries and.... well, it will be all down hill from there!! Easier to just say no and see what I can find thats healthier... if anything... on their menu. Any idea's?
  • Shawnalee0703
    Shawnalee0703 Posts: 1,093
    On the red robin website you can build your own burger and see all the nutrition facts!! I get the california chicken but with a veggie patty no cheese or mayo and I add jalapenos and order the bacon on the side for my man. It is delish! But you can start with any burger and add and remove to customize it. :) also, I get the steamed veggies instead of fries... It's a good variety and way better for you lol check out the burger builder, write it down and hand it to the waitress lol easy! ;) have fun!!! You can still get something yumm, adjust as needed.

    Vicki, I am really hoping our appointment tomorrow is successful!! :)
  • egam
    egam Posts: 127
    three cheers for Debbie! Seriously, you do so much work keeping this thread going, Thank You So Much!
    So I wasn't going to weigh in this week, but i ended up just checking in. And I GAINED 5 lbs! I'm pretty shocked. Now, I didn't have a great week this week. I overate and I ate alot of junk food and I wasn't drinking as much water as I usually do, and I'm about 4 days late, but seriously 5lbs! I'm a little concerned about this. Has this happened to any of you before? Did you have a big loss the next week? How do I get back on track?
  • gailann22
    gailann22 Posts: 1 Member
    would like to join:)
  • egam
    egam Posts: 127
    Welcome gallan22! Tell us about yourself!
  • CrazybeeRX
    CrazybeeRX Posts: 288 Member
    wow the most posts I've seen on a weekend. I feel so honored that everyone came that I hunted down...even Cyndi....you didn't answer my IM but you came and posted THANK YOU. I am 6 for 6 I even got Lulu to come too. That is what happens when you don't have a life....you have time to hunt people down. LOL People don't talk much on facebook so I have to get you all to talk to me here LOL

    I"m being lazy today and not going to church. Was in too much pain yesterday to want to go today and try to sit for 2 hours. I hate having to take a pain pill to sit there. I have a lunch date today. I have to get back on track today so I will have to watch what I eat . I ate too much yesterday. I think I eat when I am lonely or when I am in pain. Those are my triggers. I did walk yesterday I took my son's dog for a walk so the whole day wasn't lost. I was hoping it would be real sunny again today to walk. Maybe after my lunch date. Tomorrow I am spending the day with one of my best friends. I am excited to do that. She too has fibromyalgia but she likes to walk too so maybe we can get in a walk.

    Egam: I think the best way to not over do it is to come on line and log your food as you go to eat it....then you will see how many calories it is and you will put it down. That is what I do. I log my breakfast in the mornings...then when I come home for lunch i look to see what I feel like eating...then I log it and see if it leaves me enough calories for dinner....if it is too many then I change what I am going to eat. I try to only eat half the calories I am allowed between breakfast and lunch....then that leaves me the other half for dinner and dessert if I want it. I tend to eat more in the evenings so that is why I save so much for the evening. If I am very conscience of what the calories of what I am eating are then I tend to be more controlled. I am thinking you are just eating and then later seeing you blew it. Don't eat anything until you log it and it will help. It's a pain and it's hard to get to a computer all the time but it really does help.

    Welcome gailann!! Hope you find a home in our thread!

    Shawnalee hope you find the home of your dreams !! I love the house I live in but I will probably be looking for a place in the next year or so. My son and his wife are looking for a house of their own and my youngest son is 19 and he will be wanting to move soon. Then this 4 bedroom house will be too big for me! I have a great deal here in this house cause it is owned by my boss but it is expensive for just one person.

    Cyndi thanks for posting. I think it is great that your pants are fitting looser. I just bought some size 18 pants and they are fitting a little looser too. I am not close to 16's yet but I can see how in the legs and butt they are loose. I think the walking is helping me. I am glad you are enjoying your motorcycle. I wish I could find an interest that would get me out of my house.

    Vicki how is everything going for you? Still staying away from drinking alcohol? It has so many calories and sugars. I really need to get away from the soda and drink more water. But I really love a cold soda with meals. I have really slowed down to 1 or 2 sodas a day during the week but the weekends I drink a lot of them.

    I better go get ready for my lunch date. Hope everyone has a nice Sunday!!

  • LosingIt4good
    LosingIt4good Posts: 1,214 Member
    Deb, didnt answer your IM because it wasnt me online. Allie was playing my Cityville for me, but she told me you came to harass me about getting back on MFP so I came to post here. THANK YOU for breaking out the padded slipper on all of us!!! We love you for it!!

    Im going to go hit the gym here in a few minutes and get some exercise in! My back is a little stiff from riding on the back of hubbys bike yesterday (something I havent done since October when I got my own). Its a much different riding position than being on my own. More stretching, more use of back muscles that don't appreciate being used. Nothing that a nice long wog on the treadmill wont cure! :0)

    Hubby leaves tomorrow for Austin for the week. My week is pretty open so first thing first Im gonna be hitting the gym every day in the mornings. The only not-so-fun thing I have to do this week is hit the court house to file for a 2nd contempt against my ex for not paying child support. Not fun, but necessary. I know working out at the gym with help with the stress level I'll be under for the next 2 weeks, so I plan to use that to my advantage and just be very mindful of what I eat so that I don't eat out of emotion. Stress makes me want to take the easy way out and eat junk.

    Egam.... 4 days late, 5lb gain... sounds to me like you may be holding a ton of water weight? Happens to me A LOT when Im not eating good....it will come off once you get rid of the junk. Drink lots and lots of water and if you find yourself wanting to sweet snack, get some fruit cut up for munching. Ones that are high in water content like Watermelon or other melon or even pineapple help me plus they are full of fiber and help ya feel fuller longer. Get a little greek yogurt and mix in a little honey or agave and ya got yourself a dip for the fruit. Super yummy!

    Thanks for the tip about Red Robin!!! Going over there now to see what I can come up with!! :0) Love the idea of printing it off ahead to hand to the waitress. Nothing like making life easier!!
  • CrazybeeRX
    CrazybeeRX Posts: 288 Member
    Cyndi tell Allie thank you for relaying the message. I'm loving holding the padded slipper!!! You have no idea what these posts mean to me. Hope people keep coming on their own though, I don't want them to think I am being a ***** hunting them down all the time! LOL
  • missabeez
    missabeez Posts: 280 Member
    Fwwee, it is hard to keep up with the conversation after a day of missing it. I was hoping to hold off on posting until I did my weekly weigh in. Ended up missing a bunch of the convo.

    utahsis: I know the feelings exactly of going away on conferences. There is always a wide variety of food available throughout the whole thing, and sometimes you just can't help yourself. The last time I went away, I went swimming a few times, and then tried running barefoot on the treadmill (bad idea). I guess all you can really do is try to eat as much of the veggies as you can while you are there and avoid the sweets that are readily available.

    Crazybee: I am sorry to hear about the pain you are feeling, I hope it is manageable most times. My name also has a history behind it. It is a combination of my nickname from summer camp (I needed to pick a name closest to my real name so that I wasn't off in lala land when the girls were calling to me - Sparky is just not a name I would feel comfortable answering to), thus, Missa; and then the other part is my real name translated from Italian "Honey bee". And so that is the origin of Missabee. And someone has already thiefed that name, so I generically put a z at the end, which also works because bees buzzzzzzz.

    Hmm, so, the whole purpose of me coming back at this point was to weigh in. I was a bit disappointed when I saw that I had only lost 1 pound. I was feeling great all week, and feel like my body is starting to work really hard to get back into shape, so I really hoped I had at least lost 2 pounds. I didn't let myself get too discouraged though, because I knew that I was starting to build muscle mass again. I do need to make a note to not check my weight before working out, because I really found it difficult to do my 10 min run today. I really had to push myself to not give up. I am very happy with myself that I did not though.
    Looking back at my week of food consumption, I realize that I would have been under my recommended sugar intake every day if I didn't have the cookies or ice cream every day. So my new goal for next week is to cut out the sweets. It's going to be very difficult. I am so addicted to chocolate and sweets, I can already feel my mouth drying up going into withdrawal. Ok, maybe I am just exaggerating, but I really do know how hard it is to cut it out completely, I did it before and was able to break the addiction, so I know I will be able to do it again. I just don't like the withdrawal feelings. Chocolate is my comfort food. Do you guys think it will be terrible to reward myself with some ice cream next weekend if I manage to keep away from the chocolate?
  • vikalyn
    vikalyn Posts: 155
    Howdy Gals!

    MissaB....Skinny Cow mini fudge bars. Only 50 calories. TOTALLY satisfying. 'Nuff said. Nothing wrong with losing one pound in a week! That is a good sustainable weight loss goa, easy to maintain, and if it slows down from there the fix is easy tool Step up the exercise or drop the dinner roll (at least that's my plan).

    I have to cut down my Fiber and Protein! My calorie totals are under, but I'm consistently over on Protein and Fiber...could be worse, (Carbs and Sat. Fat)...but still, if unburned they will turn to Fat.

    Deb...doing very well with the alcohol consumption, thanks for asking. Some evenings after work I think I need a drink...but I'll make a hot cup of herbal tea instead. Just as relaxing. I am sooooo proud of your walking. I don't know your pain, but have a couple of friends who suffer with Fibro, and see how debilitating it can be.

    Emma, it's so nice to "see" you on a regular basis. Cyndi is right, I'm sure. And it's odd, to rid water weight takes DRINKING water, but it's true. A hint from my third diet (about 15 years ago)...start your morning with hot water and 2 Tbls of pure lemon juice. THAT'LL clear the pipes! Pfft...after that you just THOUGHT you had to P** after getting out of bed.

    Has anybody heard from Lulu? There was a tornado in LA this weekend (I know LA is a big state but....) and I'm worried about her.

    That's AWESOME your leathers are getting loose, Cyndi. I know my leather jacket will zip up a LOT easier this spring when we get to start riding again. I might even be able to wear more than a cotton shirt underneath! I wish I had the time for a Gals night out. This area is so spread out it's a long drive to anywhere, AND there really isn't an ANYWHERE that's decent to meet that stays open after 8 pm. We'll just have to wait until we all retire and then meet at the Senior Center for lunch. CAN'T WAIT!!!!!

    I'm a little frustrated. Paid my bills for the month...waiting for one more before I print the checks. Then decided it was time to do taxes. The program I've been using the last 6 years is more complicated and I can't get where I want to be to finish. Think I'll just watch D. Housewives then go to bed and try again tomorrow. I just wanted to be done with it. Done venting...thanx.

    Happy Losing...Vicki...*Ü*
  • CrazybeeRX
    CrazybeeRX Posts: 288 Member
    misabeez: maybe you can try to go 3 days this week having a snack and cutting back slower than cold turkey. I have a bag of See's dark chocolate chips that has 70 calories in 10 chips. I count out my 10 chips when I need a chocolate fix. I only do it once or twice a week but only on days when I have lots of calorie left. I didn't eat dinner tonight so tonight might be one of those chocolate chip nights LOL. I only ate one meal today but it was a big one. I should probably eat something but it's 9pm and I don't like to eat late.

    I can't believe it but Mike called me again tonight after not hearing from him for 10 days. He "claims" he filed divorce papers before he went to Vegas. I am sure that is another lie. All he does is stir up emotions in me when he calls. But I don't seem to tell him to go away.

    One lb loss is great missabeez, you are probably right about muscle weight too. I bet you will drop 2 or 3 lbs when you least expect it. Keep going like you are....cut back a couple of sweets and I am sure you will be very happy next week.

    I have tomorrow off and I get to spend the day with one of my best friends. I am excite to spend time with her. We let a lot of years pass us by not keeping in touch but found each other on facebook about a year ago and we have been keeping in touch and it's like those years weren't lost...we picked up right where we left off.
  • Painten
    Painten Posts: 499 Member
    File yourself Deb...if you can't trust him. My sister's had a similar problem with her ex he didn't want to file for 2 years as the divorce goes through easier if you've been seperated for 2 years, she wouldn't have to put adultery down. Even when she filed he kept refusing to sign the papers. It's been over a year now and he's only just signed. I reckon that's only becuase his hoe doesn't like him still being married.
  • LosingIt4good
    LosingIt4good Posts: 1,214 Member
    Cyndi tell Allie thank you for relaying the message. I'm loving holding the padded slipper!!! You have no idea what these posts mean to me. Hope people keep coming on their own though, I don't want them to think I am being a ***** hunting them down all the time! LOL

    :noway: would I think that!! I appreciate the nudges!! Especially when things get crazy and busy here. Its what keeps me focused and going in the right direction. Happy to know you have my back girlfriend! :0) Thank you Thank you!:flowerforyou:
  • CrazybeeRX
    CrazybeeRX Posts: 288 Member
    Oh Painten, I suppose you haven't read all my older posts. I guess I am the hoe in this story. Mike was separated when I started dating him in October. We dated from Oct 1 until Feb 1....during that time he was telling me he was getting a divorce and wanted to marry me. He was also going to counseling with his wife and going to marriage seminars.....she never thought they were getting a divorce she thought they were working on getting back together. He was playing both ends of the stick. He told me so many lies and I no longer trust him. BUT he lets a few days pass and the he calls me and says he misses me and how he knows he messed up. His newest lie is telling me he filed for divorce and he was in Vegas alone. Well I know his wifes family owns the timeshare he went to and several of her family members as well as herself goes to the NASCAR race there every year. So I know he wasn't alone and I am positive he didn't file for divorce before he left. He's just a bull****ter.( incase MFP stars out my word it is BSer LOL).
    BUt you're right I can't trust him and I need to make him leave me alone because I can never trust anything that comes out of his mouth again,

    Weight wise, even though I splurged this weekend and over ate it only cost me 0.8lb gain. So Hopefully I will behave this week and lose that again and then some before Fridays weigh-in.

    Hope everyone has a great week.

This discussion has been closed.