Lose 5+ pounds in March? You bet we can!!!!



  • BACKDROPsilhouette
    I've been aiming for 45 minutes of cardio a day, and so far I've done it! Mon-Fri I'm able to go to a gym, where I do 30 minutes on an elliptical type machine (I don't know the exact name for it, but it's cardio and REALLY gets my heart rate up), then 15 minutes on a stationary bike . . . then I go do resistance training every other day (the resistance I just started today). On the weekends I only have my mini-elliptical, so I'm going to do 30 minutes on that, then do some basic stuff with free weights. I'm determined to meet my goal (:

    edit: I never saw the extra 30 minutes challenge D: But I'll do that from now on!
  • kcthatsme
    kcthatsme Posts: 5,136 Member
    Not 30 extra minutes but I did 30 minutes using The Firm: Body Sculpt DVD today.
  • Nadyasmom
    Nadyasmom Posts: 281
    Got in my workouts today. Jillian Michael's No More Trouble Zones, and Zumba Sculpt and Tone (but I replace those sticks with 3lb weights).

    Still having a hard time eating enough. I find that if I try and eat the healthy foods, I can't get the calories up enough. And I don't have the money for things like nuts and stuff--I would need too many, and well, it get's pricey after a while.

    I even tried adding avocado to my sandwich today, hoping that would up my cals but it's just not enough. Hmmm...trying here. ;)
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    I did 50 min cardio today! (33 min Elliptical and 17 min bike) Had a good workout too! Felt wonderful!!

    Keep up the good work on workouts

    Have a good weekend everyone!:flowerforyou:
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member

    Nayda, why are you going to eat back the calories?

    Honestly, I'm confused actually on all of that. I've been reading how we are supposed to have our NET calories not be under 1200, so if I burn so much, then I gotta eat it back. I don't do this normally, but since nothing has been happening in the weight loss department, I'm trying to eat more of my exercise calories back hoping that it will break this never ending plateau.

    However, there is no way I can eat that much in a day (well, I can, but it wouldn't be healthy food). So I'm just trying to eat a bit more than 1200 each day--usually around 15-1600/day and hoping that it will help.

    I'm so frustrated that I work so hard to burn the calories, eat healthy and within my calorie range, and yet for 4 months NOTHING has changed. Then when I do have a cheat day, saying to myself, "screw it all, it's not helping anyways" I feel SO guilty afterwards and so stressed out. So I am just totally at a loss of what to do and just trying anything at this point.

    I am so sorry you are at a stall. I am not expert especially since you are in the hundreds. You do need to keep experimenting to see how you can break the stall. There is a lot of info out there on plauteaus. Hang in there and be patient.
  • Wocawa
    Wocawa Posts: 136
    I finished my extra 30 minutes doing a step workout on the Wii. Have a good weekend everyone!
  • arodriguez2
    arodriguez2 Posts: 218 Member
    Did 30 minutes last night before my night job and just finished an hour this morning! And I have a family pary tonight so I will be dancing away more calories!!! Have a great Saturday everyone!
  • Wocawa
    Wocawa Posts: 136
    Finished my extra 30 minutes. Today was a rest day.
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    I did 55 min cardio. Normally I would do 20 to 30 min cardio on a weight day. I had an awesome workout today at the gym! Whooohoo!!
  • maher2006
    maher2006 Posts: 94 Member
    sorry, i just need to vent..i was so motivated to start this group again this month and now i have lost ALL motivation..i worked out about 5 or 6 days a week the past 2 months and only lost about 4 lbs ( but i fluctuate soooo much), and now i havent gone to the gym for 2 weeks and im not eating healthy and am starting to gain back weight..im just so disappointed with myself :-( I had orientation from 2-10pm for a new job 2 weeks ago and didnt want to go to the gym afterwards, and then this past week was my first week on the job 8-4 everyday and i just felt exhausted because im working with preschool kids now, and i was used to working 2nd shift up until this point..soo im trying to get used to the new time schedule.....i guess im just so mad at myself and need some words of inspiration or something!! i am getting married july 16th, and i just wanna look great!! i had a baby in may, and i'm still trying to lose that weight...ughhhh so frustrated..
    sorry for venting to all of you..just need a lil extra support please :frown:
  • sass30
    sass30 Posts: 355 Member
    sorry, i just need to vent..i was so motivated to start this group again this month and now i have lost ALL motivation..i worked out about 5 or 6 days a week the past 2 months and only lost about 4 lbs ( but i fluctuate soooo much), and now i havent gone to the gym for 2 weeks and im not eating healthy and am starting to gain back weight..im just so disappointed with myself :-( I had orientation from 2-10pm for a new job 2 weeks ago and didnt want to go to the gym afterwards, and then this past week was my first week on the job 8-4 everyday and i just felt exhausted because im working with preschool kids now, and i was used to working 2nd shift up until this point..soo im trying to get used to the new time schedule.....i guess im just so mad at myself and need some words of inspiration or something!! i am getting married july 16th, and i just wanna look great!! i had a baby in may, and i'm still trying to lose that weight...ughhhh so frustrated..
    sorry for venting to all of you..just need a lil extra support please :frown:

    One step at a time, one day at a time. You can do this! Sometimes just putting on my workout clothes gets me motivated enough (eventually!) to do it. You are strong and you can do it!!! Good luck to you!
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    Daily Inspiration for March 5, 2011
    Katie Jay, MSW

    Identify and avoid your trigger foods.

    Do you tell yourself one bite won't hurt? Sometimes one bite is just fine, but sometimes it isn't. You are the only person who can make that determination. The key is to find the balance between deprivation and indulgence. If you take a bite or two, walk away, and don't think about the food again for days, you're probably okay.

    If, however, you have a bite and spend all of your free time thinking about the next bite, it's probably a trigger food that you should consider avoiding. If you don't avoid the trigger foods, one bite leads to another and another. Is it worth it? The new you says, "No, I want to live a full, healthy life. I will not go back to the old pain and suffering. I have a choice today."

    Action for the day: List your trigger foods in your journal. Be brutally honest. Try to avoid your trigger foods just for today.
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    Daily Inspiration for March 6, 2011
    Katie Jay, MSW

    Feel your fear and do it anyway.

    Sometimes your perception of how a situation will unfold keeps you from attempting the activity. You imagine how uncomfortable it's going to be and you don't want to take the risk. Yet, sometimes you just need to take a deep breath and accept the invitation to try. Most of the time it's not as bad as you think. You may find you actually have a good time, make a few new friends, and learn some new things. Accepting the challenge enables you to rise to the occasion and profit from the experience.

    Even when the situation does not work out, you have learned something, and you have established a new pattern of risk taking. The new you will not let fear be the only reason for not taking a risk. You are becoming more capable every day, and you are living your life accordingly.

    Action for the day: Think about what holds you back from fully participating in life. Give yourself permission to take the risk to be a part of something exciting today.
  • Wocawa
    Wocawa Posts: 136
    Mollie thanks for the inspiration.

    Finished my extra 30 minutes cardio on my rest day.
  • MEMoggridge
    MEMoggridge Posts: 151 Member
    sorry, i just need to vent..i was so motivated to start this group again this month and now i have lost ALL motivation..i worked out about 5 or 6 days a week the past 2 months and only lost about 4 lbs ( but i fluctuate soooo much), and now i havent gone to the gym for 2 weeks and im not eating healthy and am starting to gain back weight..im just so disappointed with myself :-( I had orientation from 2-10pm for a new job 2 weeks ago and didnt want to go to the gym afterwards, and then this past week was my first week on the job 8-4 everyday and i just felt exhausted because im working with preschool kids now, and i was used to working 2nd shift up until this point..soo im trying to get used to the new time schedule.....i guess im just so mad at myself and need some words of inspiration or something!! i am getting married july 16th, and i just wanna look great!! i had a baby in may, and i'm still trying to lose that weight...ughhhh so frustrated..
    sorry for venting to all of you..just need a lil extra support please :frown:
    I'm sorry to hear you feel like that :ohwell::flowerforyou:
    I had the same problem over the last 2 months and felt I had been really good and following my calorie allowance with healthy food too, until I found some forums on breaking the plateaus and it directed me to this website too
    On here it gives you a 7 day plan of differing calorie intakes so fooling your metabolism and ( I probably shouldn't speak too soon as it is just before the weigh in in Tues) but it seems to be helping me so far!!!
    I haven't gone with the exact calorie allowance advised on that website as I found it was about 300 more or me compared with MFP but have one with the general plan of eating approx 200-300 extra calories 2 days per week!!
    Hope this might help you too
    :smile: :smile: :smile:
  • Nadyasmom
    Nadyasmom Posts: 281
    The weekend has escaped me--in every way. Ate crap all weekend, only did one workout yesterday, and even though Sunday is my rest day, I still try and do something, but NOTHING today (although, it was nice being lazy). But just filled my time with food instead. now I have a stomach ache and guilt. yuck. :( Fresh start tomorrow.
  • maher2006
    maher2006 Posts: 94 Member
    sorry, i just need to vent..i was so motivated to start this group again this month and now i have lost ALL motivation..i worked out about 5 or 6 days a week the past 2 months and only lost about 4 lbs ( but i fluctuate soooo much), and now i havent gone to the gym for 2 weeks and im not eating healthy and am starting to gain back weight..im just so disappointed with myself :-( I had orientation from 2-10pm for a new job 2 weeks ago and didnt want to go to the gym afterwards, and then this past week was my first week on the job 8-4 everyday and i just felt exhausted because im working with preschool kids now, and i was used to working 2nd shift up until this point..soo im trying to get used to the new time schedule.....i guess im just so mad at myself and need some words of inspiration or something!! i am getting married july 16th, and i just wanna look great!! i had a baby in may, and i'm still trying to lose that weight...ughhhh so frustrated..
    sorry for venting to all of you..just need a lil extra support please :frown:
    I'm sorry to hear you feel like that :ohwell::flowerforyou:
    I had the same problem over the last 2 months and felt I had been really good and following my calorie allowance with healthy food too, until I found some forums on breaking the plateaus and it directed me to this website too
    On here it gives you a 7 day plan of differing calorie intakes so fooling your metabolism and ( I probably shouldn't speak too soon as it is just before the weigh in in Tues) but it seems to be helping me so far!!!
    I haven't gone with the exact calorie allowance advised on that website as I found it was about 300 more or me compared with MFP but have one with the general plan of eating approx 200-300 extra calories 2 days per week!!
    Hope this might help you too
    :smile: :smile: :smile:

    thanks so much..i will check it out..hoping to get back to my old routine starting fresh tomorrow!!
  • Danoodle
    Danoodle Posts: 30
    I did 55 min cardio. Normally I would do 20 to 30 min cardio on a weight day. I had an awesome workout today at the gym! Whooohoo!!

    Nice job! It sure feels good to get that exercise high!
  • funo145
    funo145 Posts: 53 Member
    Hi everyone.. I hope you don't mind, but I want to join your group. It sounds awesome.. I need somewhere/something to motivate me... I joined this site a few years ago and I haven't been around in awhile... I'm back to square one.. :(

    HERE WE GO! I'm excited to be back!

    Please post your weight as follows:
    Screen name: funo145
    Goal for March 31st: 5 pounds
    March 6st (starting weight): 170
    March 8th:
    March 15th:
    March 22nd:
    March 29th:
    March 31st:
  • anniebnannie
    anniebnannie Posts: 85 Member
    Hi Everyone! I'm coming in LATE - Just found you. I have a trip planned for April 5th and really need the motivation! So I'm in and determined to catch up with you all :-)

    Please post your weight as follows:
    Screen name: anniebnannie
    Goal for March 31st: 5 pounds
    March 6st (starting weight): 154.8
    March 8th:
    March 15th:
    March 22nd:
    March 29th:
    March 31st: