"Shreddin' It & Forgettin' It"



  • wondergirl1003
    wondergirl1003 Posts: 138 Member
    Day 7, level 1 done. Followed by a fastpitch game that lasted about an hour and 10 minutes. I had to laugh this morning because my dumb dog kept coming over and sticking her nose in my face whenever I was on the floor doing crunches. She thought I was playing. Oh well, I only see her twice a week, so I guess I'll let it pass.

    I too have gained some weight (about 1.5lbs). I know I haven't been eating all that well so I know I have to fix that. Its funny because I seem to be able to control my eating when I'm not exercising, but when I workout I feel like I have more leeway and boy do I take it. Just have to remember, one day at a time.

    Keep on shredding ladies!
  • Day 6 done. I was not able to complete it yesterday because I leave early in the morning and then do not return until late on Saturday evenings so I am going to have to use that as my rest day. It was a little hard today to do the cardio and I'm not sure why. I don't know if it was just because I didn't feel like doing it but I pushed through. I did not do the jumping jacks because I hurt my tendon the other day not wearing my sneakers so I will just have to let that rest some.
  • m0_0m
    m0_0m Posts: 265 Member
    Ugh. Was really hoping I could be on day 7 today. But alas, I am still at day 5. Took the past 2 days off due to a nasty head cold. I've felt just rotten! Tomorrow I think I'll be in decent shape to pull through it.

    What I don't understand is in the one week I take better care of myself than I have in awhile my body goes nuts. Not only this cold but also my skin is breaking out like crazy! I imagine that's from the sweating I've been doing but still! LAME!

    Ah well, this next week will be better, at least my body won't be as sore.

    Shred on! :drinker:
  • lizzyb0601
    lizzyb0601 Posts: 160 Member
    Day 7 level 1 complete!
  • jetscreaminagain
    jetscreaminagain Posts: 1,130 Member
    Neck 13.5 on 03/06/11
    Waist 34.0 on 03/06/11
    Hips 43.75 on 03/06/11
    Body Muscle% 38.0 on 01/09/11
    Thigh 26.5 on 03/06/11
    Bust 39.75 on 03/06/11

    Did my shred today, but my extra cardio was walking around the mall for a long time looking for pants (largely unsuccessfully, but this is why I'm shredding, right?). Will catch up.
  • carmelasergi
    carmelasergi Posts: 163 Member
    Day 6 done! Today I did Jillian's NMTZ & 30 minutes of cardio. I had to work extra hard today because yesterday I went out to lunch with my mom & son and when I got on the scale this morning I gained 4 lbs. I probably shouldn't have weighed myself because it wasn't a weigh-in day, but I did. I was so upset with myself because I worked so hard all week, even lost 3 lbs. in 5 days. Week 2 will be better!

  • shanna5
    shanna5 Posts: 69
    Not a good day - didn't do my Jillian and went on a chocolate binge. Haven't logged my food for the day yet...too scared, but I need to see how ugly the numbers are. Fudge brownies, hershey kisses, choc chip bagel (1/2), granola bar....oh my, how embarrassing.

    I did do some cardio to try to make up for my chocolate - did an hour on the elliptical, says I burned 1050 calories. I know that's not accurate, but I'd like to think that I actually burned at least 1/2 that.

    Here's to a better day tomorrow, I hope. :(
  • lahzay
    lahzay Posts: 22 Member
    Yay! Me too. I found out that I was doing some the exercises wrong though ; like crossing my legs doing the girl push ups instead having them straight.
  • pj_writer
    pj_writer Posts: 107 Member
    L1 Day 4

    any other UK shredders out there?
    it's 8am here and I'm feeling very smug 'cause I set my alarm for 6.45 and shredded before 7.30am
    This is unheard of for me, I'm normally crap at exercise in the morning.

    Jillian and this thread are great motivation to make sure I fit it in everyday if I can!!
    I enjoyed it again today but the lateral raises killed me again. I hate that exercise - I have to use smaller weights every time for that.
    Managed 1.5 sets of 'real' push ups though but my eyes were starting to pop half way through the 2nd set so I put my knees down lol!

    thanks for the motivation :bigsmile:
  • ThisAboveAll
    ThisAboveAll Posts: 25 Member
    Neck 13.5 on 03/06/11
    Waist 34.0 on 03/06/11
    Hips 43.75 on 03/06/11
    Body Muscle% 38.0 on 01/09/11
    Thigh 26.5 on 03/06/11
    Bust 39.75 on 03/06/11

    Did my shred today, but my extra cardio was walking around the mall for a long time looking for pants (largely unsuccessfully, but this is why I'm shredding, right?). Will catch up.

    Kathield .. I was at the mall on Saturday doing the same thing *sigh* one day in the not-too-distant future we'll be LOVING clothes shopping again!! Funny .. our measurements are virtually identical (so I know exactly what your pants trying session was like lol)! I'm 5"6.5" and 175 pounds. You?
  • bballgrrl34
    bballgrrl34 Posts: 174 Member
    One week completed and Day 8 tonight!! I can feel it getting a little easier, but it is still hard. Keep it up ladies!! I am already starting to talk to Jillian during my workout. I also say her lines for her. Only 23 more days!
  • oldtyke
    oldtyke Posts: 149 Member
    L1 Day 4

    any other UK shredders out there?
    it's 8am here and I'm feeling very smug 'cause I set my alarm for 6.45 and shredded before 7.30am
    This is unheard of for me, I'm normally crap at exercise in the morning.

    Jillian and this thread are great motivation to make sure I fit it in everyday if I can!!
    I enjoyed it again today but the lateral raises killed me again. I hate that exercise - I have to use smaller weights every time for that.
    Managed 1.5 sets of 'real' push ups though but my eyes were starting to pop half way through the 2nd set so I put my knees down lol!

    thanks for the motivation :bigsmile:
    Yes I'm in Yorkshire! Well done on the early start! I'm just screwing up the courage to go and do day 7 now! I gave my kees a rest yesterday, but I need to get it done.
  • Jitteryspork
    Jitteryspork Posts: 550 Member
    Alright! I am back on track! I fell off that damn speeding wagon this weekend because My hubby was standing on the sidelines with roses and a pretty smile.. I couldnt help but fall.. :) We had a great date weekend which involved dinner and a movie, and a whole lotta just laying around together. We NEVER get to do that anymore!!!

    I was up at 5am this morning and made lunches for all 4 of us, made snacks for hubby and I, fed the dogs, rotated laundry, and succeeded in day 3 of Jillian Michaels. Which brings me to a questions.

    Should I start over at day 1 now since I took 2 days off for hubby love? I really don't know what to do... Either way I am going to keep at it, and will probably do more then the 30 days anyways, because I am not moving on until I feel like I can get to the next level... which will probably be more then 10 days.

    I am so proud of myself this morning though! I got all the way through those last bicycle crunches without putting my legs down once!!! Those have always killed me!!!

    Is anyone else finding those front lunges with bicep curls tough?? The bicep part isnt the bad part.. the lunges hurt my calves SOOO bad.. and totally knock me off balance. I think I spend most of the time trying to stay steady while crying outloud how my calves are dying... lol!

    Anyways, this morning was great. I am happy.
  • CaityB14
    CaityB14 Posts: 74 Member
    My measurements after the week
    Weight: 133lbs- lost 1.5lbs
    Arms (both same) - 12in - i think they are same as last week...
    Bust/Chest: 36.5 in lost .5in (maybe I was bloating last week from TOM?)
    Waist: 27.75in lost .75 in
    Hips: 34.75 in lost .75 in
    Left thigh: 22..25in lost .25
    Right thigh: 23 in. 23in stayed the same

    So I lost 2.25 inches and 1.5 lbs
  • oldtyke
    oldtyke Posts: 149 Member
    Well done Caity!
    Just finished Day 7 L1. I really felt as though "I did it" today. The cardio is definitely getting easier. Oh and thanks to whoever it was saying to do it without trainers, my jacks now look like jacks! I shall measure on Wednesday when I've been to weigh in.
  • Tandksmommy11
    Tandksmommy11 Posts: 399 Member
    Dear Shredders:

    DO NOT have a cheat day/night! Trust me one this one...I fully enjoyed myself yesterday and paid for it this morning with an almost 4 pound weight gain..:sad:..not worth it! I'm hoping my body is just holding onto water from what I ate and from my muscles being sore. Either way, I won't be doing that again!

    Hang in there! Do NOT beat yourself up over it. You could be holding onto water weight, and I KNOW that you're gaining muscle from all the 30DS you're doing. Take your measurements, I'm sure you'll see results!
  • bekachelsey
    bekachelsey Posts: 13 Member
    Is this the Jillian Micheals one?/ I think I have that!! I do it occasionaly but need to get with it!!
  • Tandksmommy11
    Tandksmommy11 Posts: 399 Member
    Level 1- Day 7- DONE!

    Everything is getting much easier, except the bicycle crunches. I'm convinced it's because that part of my abs are split. Any thoughts? After all the jumping from the cardio before, it kills to hold them up in that 90 degree position, but I know that's just weak leg muscles.

    Weigh in was today- and I lost 1lb.

    Here are my measurements:

    Neck 15.0- Stayed the same
    Waist 45.5- Stayed the same
    Hips 47.25- Lost .5 inch
    Right Thigh 26.0- Lost .5 inch
    Left Thigh 26.0- Lost .5 inch
    Right Arm 13.0- Stayed the same
    Left Arm 13.0-0 Gained .5 inch (I guess they are getting more muscle now?)
    Bust- including breasts 46.0- stayed the same
    Right Calf 15.0- Stayed the same
    Left Calf 15.5 - stayed the same

    Kind of disappointed that I didn't lose any inches in my waist which is where I really need to lose it. And I gained a 1/2 inch in my left arm, what's with that?
  • shanna5
    shanna5 Posts: 69
    Phew! I tried level 2 today, and I was nervous to make that step forward and now I know why! Let's just say MODIFIED VERSION today. Holy Cow! I have weak arms/wrists and all those planks and push-up and ab exercises were a killer. I have to admit that I stood and watched Jillian and the girls work out a couple of times! On a good note, I ran 3.5 miles on the treadmill after Jillian. :happy:

    I have not taken measurements or weighed myself - I'm on strike w/ that stuff until the end of the month, then hopefully I can see some real good results.
  • angelicpiece101
    angelicpiece101 Posts: 40 Member
    OK, took my measurements today. I haven't lost any weight yet, but I have lost in inches :) which I can handle

    Im Down:
    hips-3/4 in
    legs-3/4 in(each)
    left arm-1/4 in
    right arm-3/4in

    my arms are always different sizes but they are equaling out now. not bad losses i think for only one week on the shred.
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