Monday weigh in group! Let's get one started!



  • fearlessfatty
    fearlessfatty Posts: 206 Member
    Last Week: 182.9lbs
    This Week: 180.2 lbs

    Lost: 2.7 lbs

    = Booyah!

    Lost my focus for a few days this week - let's see if I can't regroup and still show a loss on the scale Monday morning! Whoo- hoo!!!!!
  • RaeBella13
    RaeBella13 Posts: 153
    Last Week: 182.9lbs
    This Week: 180.2 lbs

    Lost: 2.7 lbs

    = Booyah!

    Lost my focus for a few days this week - let's see if I can't regroup and still show a loss on the scale Monday morning! Whoo- hoo!!!!!

    YES YOU CAN!!!!!
  • fearlessfatty
    fearlessfatty Posts: 206 Member
    Last Week: 182.9lbs
    This Week: 180.2 lbs

    Lost: 2.7 lbs

    = Booyah!

    Uh oh- poor choices this week:

    Weigh in Monday, March 7 = 182.3 lbs

    Back on track today though!! Here's to getting in the 170's again!!!
  • Sarahclarke82
    Sarahclarke82 Posts: 27 Member
    Hi everyone, I'd like to join this one too!

    I've lost 16lbs so far and am at 152lbs. Same as last Monday unfortunately - maintaining is better than gaining though but hopefully I'll have some better results next week :)
  • cksellars
    cksellars Posts: 4 Member
    Hi! I'm in. This is my first day getting back in gear and can use the motivation. I'm 138lbs at 5'2" looking to get down 10 lbs.

    Let's do it!!

    Oh - Someone mentioned a daily challenge? Anything to keep the motivation up. So does that mean a daily weigh-in?
  • cksellars
    cksellars Posts: 4 Member
    Okay Everyone! It's Monday!! Outside of packing myself a decent lunch, my goal is water, water, and more water. Let's all get 8 glasses down!!
  • liznlu
    liznlu Posts: 16 Member
    Hello everyone..

    I am going to start fresh today! I need to lose 15lbs. I haven't weighed in yet but I am about 170 and I want to get down to 155lbs by June.

    I know I can do this. I did it once I can do it again. I need motivation and support..

    I will post my weigh in later today.
  • shrinkingviolet23
    shrinkingviolet23 Posts: 31 Member
    Hope you don't mind me joining in! I started with My Fitness Pal last week and today was my first weigh in - 4lbs off! Woohoo!
  • lripson28
    lripson28 Posts: 213 Member
    I just joined this site last night and now today is Monday :p I'll for sure be in for next week's weigh in! I'm getting married May 28 and would love to be about 15 pounds lighter by then. 82 days to go!
  • sbabb02
    sbabb02 Posts: 2
    hey, i would be willing to weigh in on mondays too. i just started this program last wednesday. do you have facebook or email , so we all could keep in touch throughout the week on our progress?
  • xxx_Pink_Princess_xxx
    xxx_Pink_Princess_xxx Posts: 875 Member

    Im down 1 pound this week - woo hoo!!!

    Thats me at 204.6 next weeks goal 202.6 xxx

    This week down to 203.4 = 1.2 lost - not too shabby :) xxx
  • tatiana_13
    tatiana_13 Posts: 325
    02/14/2011: 115
    02/21/2011: 116
    02/28/2011: 117
    03/07/2011: 115

    Well. At least I lost those pounds I gained. Right? Right?! But you know what? I'm actually feeling optimistic. Though the scale isn't cooperating, Spring is in the air, and I have been much better at exercising and have been finding it much easier not to throw cake down my throat. Winter is the season for hibernating and adding a thick layer of fat. So Spring is the season of lightening things up and all that jazz. So, I'm definitely feeling in the spirit of things. And I am hoping my scale is feeling the same way!

    Happy Monday Folks!
  • RaeBella13
    RaeBella13 Posts: 153
    Good morning everyone!

    Today's weight was 303...making it a 4 lb loss for me this week! EXACTLY what I had set out to do! Hope everyone else is feeling good this morning! Next week's goal: 299!

    SW: 327
    LW: 307
    CW: 303
    NW: 299!!!!!!
    1st mini goal: 270 by June 1

    :heart: Rachel
  • liznlu
    liznlu Posts: 16 Member
    Ok I weighed in this morning and I am at 169. I have been fluctuating for over 6 months now from 165-170. I need to break this vicious cycle and get back down to 155..
  • missheidi
    missheidi Posts: 465 Member
    ok, i just saw this today. i'm really struggling right now. hopefully this will help get me back on track.

    last week i was at 170.4
    this week 171.

    both kids have been sick, i'm exhausted from no sleep, so i'm struggling getting my workouts in and even remembering to log my food (or eat what i should.)
    so here's to a new week, and yet another new start.
  • cksellars
    cksellars Posts: 4 Member

    I definitely know what you are talking about when it comes to being really busy. I'm a teacher and it fully penetrates my home life. I find that when I get really busy, all I do is pick and plain don't care what I'm eating only to wake up the next morning, go on the scale, and get angry at myself for not having any control. I find that when I plan well what I will eat, I do fine, but if I am so so busy, don't plan - well... you know the end of that sentence. When it really comes down to it, it's all about making the time. Getting up extra early to plan meals out.

    How about this... put something on the frig that will make you think twice. I'll do the same. It can be as simple as "Don't Even Go There" or a picture of a celebrity you admire. Hey... it's a start!

  • tatiana_13
    tatiana_13 Posts: 325
    Rachel--you are doing an awesome job! Keep it up! Keep IT UP!

    Liznlu--I know how you feel about fluctuations. I've been doing the same thing. But you know what I tell myself? First, I could be gaining. So yay, for not gaining! Two, its really hard to lose in the winter. And three, spring is basically here, so we are DUE for some losses! I can feel it in my little toes! I'm not really just being a simpleton/pollyanna. I'm being real. We've just got to stick to it. The worst thing we can do now is to get discouraged. Right? Right!

    We are going to break our plateaus!
  • liznlu
    liznlu Posts: 16 Member
    thanks Tatiana.. I needed to hear/read that! :)
  • RaeBella13
    RaeBella13 Posts: 153
    Rachel--you are doing an awesome job! Keep it up! Keep IT UP!

    Liznlu--I know how you feel about fluctuations. I've been doing the same thing. But you know what I tell myself? First, I could be gaining. So yay, for not gaining! Two, its really hard to lose in the winter. And three, spring is basically here, so we are DUE for some losses! I can feel it in my little toes! I'm not really just being a simpleton/pollyanna. I'm being real. We've just got to stick to it. The worst thing we can do now is to get discouraged. Right? Right!

    We are going to break our plateaus!

    Thanks :) You're a wonderful motivator!
  • tatiana_13
    tatiana_13 Posts: 325
    You're welcome! And when I need a pick me up, I'm sure you all will do the same for me :smile:
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