"H20" Seventy Days of Shredding those EGGGstra Pounds Week 4



  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    ceelovejay - look at you go! Congrats on your daughter's acceptance letter. I hope you get two more envelopes of happy news. Is she staying in-state or looking at colleges away from home?
    I came in here yesterday to respond then something at work came up and I forgot to come back. For shame. Anywho, Thank you so much! She will be out of state. If she is accepted to either of the schools in NY she'll go there. We're in MD so it's closer to home plus my mom lives up there so she'll stay with mom.
  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    Down 2 lbs this week and lost 1.5 inches. :happy:

    SW - 189.8
    Week 1 - 187.8
    Week 2 - 183.8
    Week 3 - 181.8

    THANK YOU, Ladies, for your support! It helps so much have a group of people that are trying with you. :flowerforyou:

    Thanks, April, for the great challenges this week.

    Hubs and I started P90X this morning - whew!!! I went to put in my stuff and I typed in push-up and the only thing that came up was "vigorous" push-up. Ummmmm, my one and only, was MUCH less than vigorous. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: I did manage to do three. :laugh: Yeah, I need some help in that area. :wink: But I'm trying hard - I'll see what I can do tomorrow morning. :bigsmile: We're not doing it in 90 days like it says to. We're doing it for 4 days each week. That's what's best for us right now. :wink: The best part is my brother and sister-in-law are doing it with us (Linemansgirl), only they live about 7 hours away. But that will help keep us on track.

    So have a great Monday, Ladies!!!! Get up and gain some muscle today!!! :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
    Good for you starting P90X and doing it at your own pace! I'm starting Insanity on 3/21 but I'm going to follow the calendar. I'm going on a cruise for my daughter's graduation in July and want to see if I'm going to have to do another half round before I leave. :laugh: Good job on the loss as well!
  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    Just spent a nice long chunk of time outside with the puppy loves. Worked on the garden in the front yard...pulled weeds, moved a couple planters, made a little rock barrier, scattered some wildflower annual seeds...I can't wait to see these flowers bloom! This mix has candytuft, baby blue eyes, five spot, chinese houses, african daisy, CA poppy (I'm most excited about this!), CA bluebell, shirley poppy, bird's eyes, dwarf godetia, clarkia, globe gilia, and tidy tips. I don't know what most of those are, but the picture on the canister sure is pretty! :laugh: Then cleaned out my dirty little Biscuit (my car)...poor thing was stuffed to the gills with random under-seat vacation 2009 trash and paycheck stubs and email print-outs from early 2010. :huh: Must be better at keeping my wheels clean!
    Man, I'm sitting here laughing at what you said about your car. I'm the same way! I would wash the outside all the time but never clean out the inside. I used to have all sorts of old crap in there. :laugh:

    I so want to try planting and gardening - want to start off with a small herb garden - but I have NO idea where to start and I am the farthest thing from a green thumb as you can get. Any suggestions?
  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    And Happy Mardi Gras, ladies!!!
  • maytanewfie
    wow I managed to check out for the last week and half or two. UGG. This week will only be marginally better. I will eat better this week, but I'm so busy, and I have two big shows this weekend (One at 10pm in Berkley, and the other in PHoenix at 2pm sunday). I have a lot of preparation to do, so this won't be a week of adding new things. Checking for me is a step though, it helps to keep me mindful.

    I'm doing well on my 100mile challenge, I paddle a canoe 3-7 miles per practice, and I practice 2-3 times a week. I will be picking up one more practice starting next week. I need to get my tush to the gym, but that won't happen this week (no time, and I can't really make myself sore right now)

    I'm usually really good with sodium as long as I avoid processed foods. I don't actually cook with salt, so my trick for this week is to avaid processed food (weekend has lots of travel, so I will have less control over that, but until I leave Saturday morning, I will avoid)

    Not really sure what do with the boxing thing. I think I'm a technique junkie, and I have no idea what the technique is for that. I like the idea of something I can do in my house right after I wake up though, so I may look into this. (next week)

    Forgot the other challenge already, I remembered, two, that is pretty good for me (my brain has it's own challenges)
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    Just reapplied and had a phone interview with Home Depot.. mixed emotions though. I worked there for 4yrs and quit in 09. I left on good terms though and left because 'Nick had a traveling job' which was partially true but on my last day at HD, he almost severed his finger and lost the opportunity and HD refused to reverse my papers. I've been out of a job since. I applied there 4x last year and nothing. I could really kick myself b/c I was full time and would have a 3week paid vacation by now and instead, if hired, I'll be a noob working maybe 25-30hrs a week and 0 vacation for a year. Sorry, had to vent a little. Just a lot of mixed emotions.
  • AprilVal
    AprilVal Posts: 940 Member
    LOL! Lard covered chocolate... hmmmm. Then again, people eat that all the time... Fried candy bars.... just sayin. lmbo. :sick:

    Well, I got to pay my whole stinking electric bill myself. Which is fine. Would have been nice to have SOME money to get my kid to school on, but what can I do? I have no choice. Ive tried to cut back on heat and whatnot... Made Hannah seriously ill. I swear that girl cannot be below 75 for more than a few minutes at a time or she gets sick enough we got to make a medical trip. So ya know where Ill be tomorrow. :frown: I just cant seem to EVER get an effing break! :grumble:

    Ive never ate a deep fried candy bar, nor do I ever want to.

    Sorry about the electric bill.. :( and hannah being sick :(
  • AprilVal
    AprilVal Posts: 940 Member
    I'm happy to see that everyone seems to like the challenges over all this week.. I got the sodium Idea from Bru.. I remember before her having it in her BMK.. ;) And i know sometimes its hard to keep the sodium low. I dont really like salt. so it should be easy, but doesnt help when things are preprocessed.

    Bru- sorry about your mixed feelings. I hope it all works out for the best. Sorry that youve had such bad luck getting a job. Sad thing is.. Its the same way with me at walmart. I worked full time.. would have had like 5 weeks vacation by now, but i quit on bad terms. Went back, and now im part time.. Been back 5 years almost..and i only get ONE week vacation.. :( Sucks.. i hate it.

    Happy I made some people laugh with my thought of lard.. ;) hehe.
  • CrystalS
    CrystalS Posts: 184 Member
    Just reapplied and had a phone interview with Home Depot.. mixed emotions though. I worked there for 4yrs and quit in 09. I left on good terms though and left because 'Nick had a traveling job' which was partially true but on my last day at HD, he almost severed his finger and lost the opportunity and HD refused to reverse my papers. I've been out of a job since. I applied there 4x last year and nothing. I could really kick myself b/c I was full time and would have a 3week paid vacation by now and instead, if hired, I'll be a noob working maybe 25-30hrs a week and 0 vacation for a year. Sorry, had to vent a little. Just a lot of mixed emotions.

    I'm sorry! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: I wish the best for you!

    Anyone know where to get a good heart rate monitor?
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    Thanks ladies. April, that does suck. :/ There's no promises I'll get back with HD as the new SM hates hiring old employees. Maybe I'll prove them wrong..

    As for a HRM, I really liked everything I read about Polar, except that you have to ship it back for battery replacement. I found the brand Sigma, to be very similar to Polar but without having to ship it for a battery. I bought mySigma PC (berry) through ebay from seller bicyclesupply for $51 and free shipping.
  • bjshooter
    bjshooter Posts: 1,174 Member
    I lost another 1lb this week, I hope I can keep this up, been stuck for so long :(

    But yay, I am happy because I weigh 69.8 kgs and it sounds better than 70kg, I love getting new numbers like that, next goal is healthy BMI, I am currently at 25.4 soooooo close.
  • emilysebastian
    emilysebastian Posts: 245 Member
    Weekly Weigh-In – 190.1 WOO HOO!!! That is the last weigh-in you’ll see from me until the end though… giving up my scale (and booze—ugh!) for Lent. 40 whole days of no weighing—AH!!! *nervously nibbling nails*

    100 miles in 70 days… I’m working on this one, and I think it’s totally doable! I have had the luxury in the last couple of weeks to move my running/walking outside *cheers* Good timing, too, as the gym has been “out of order”… don’t ask me how a WHOLE GYM is out of order though!

    For those who need some help with heart health, I found this on dr Oz website, when I was searching for new Ideas for H20: http://www.doctoroz.com/walgreens-challenges/healthy-heart *Thank you so much for posting this April!!! My dad died of a heart attack at the age of only 37, and every/anyone should do all they can to prevent heart disease and it’s MANY repercussions… just my two cents :happy:

    Challenge 1 - Week 4: Keep your sodium in the green all week *This is always a goal for me and still a work in progress—great challenge!

    Challenge 2 - Week 4: Pilates *Tried the Total Body/20 Min Workout under OnDemand… totally loved it! When I was doing it I kept thinking “man, this is doing JACK!” But I felt it ALL DAY… I’m be adding Pilates to my cross-train days!

    Challenge 3 - Week 4: Let’s throw in some lower and upper body exercise. *I’m actually adding in some strength training for these two areas… I’ve been working my abs to death (not that you can tell yet—haha!), so it’s time for legs and arms/back to take a turn.

    Challenge 4 - Week 4: Allow yourself ONE free day *I’m pretty good at this anyway—HAHAHA!!! Honestly, last week I was really good with my diet except SAT—but I ended up losing 3lbs! I think the variety/changing up the cals helped my body… I know there are several advocates of that “method”, but I’m just happy it seems to actually WORK for me. Yay to adding Five Guys Burgers & Fries back into the “occasional” column :wink:
  • aprildauer
    aprildauer Posts: 168
    Well scale was a little nicer this morning. Mondays are not good weigh in days for me so I think Ill just start weighing in on Tuesdays. Yesterday it said I was up by 3.3 and I knew that seems a little much. Today I am still up but only by 1.1. That's much better then the other.
  • Nikstergirl
    Nikstergirl Posts: 1,549 Member
    Really fighting some allergy stuff today, throat's all scratchy and pretty congested too. Energy level is very low and I just want to curl up with a good book!!!

    But, I have managed to stay under or super close to my sodium goal so far (I really have a hard time with this one but I know how important it is. I actually cooked dinner tonight even though I didn't feel like it. I even went to the gym and did my two miles on the treadmill along with a quick 1/2 hour of weights. Nothing super special or extraordinary, but I'm glad I did what I did.

    Biggest disappointment of the day... I have been a Dish Network customer for years and we don't have NBC right now due to some stupid disagreement... so I can't watch Biggest Loser. I may have to hurt someone.. but I refuse to overeat because of it. They will NOT win!!!

    Happy "un-fat" Tuesday.
  • AprilVal
    AprilVal Posts: 940 Member
    Come to find out.. my stomach problems wasn't from the taco bell.. It was from the sugar free candy i bought yesterday to try. ate some again today, had the same problem. went right thru me. ugh. :( my stomach is doing the gurgle gurgle gurgle.. :( I hate that.. learning a lesson the hard way. :(
  • Nikstergirl
    Nikstergirl Posts: 1,549 Member
    Come to find out.. my stomach problems wasn't from the taco bell.. It was from the sugar free candy i bought yesterday to try. ate some again today, had the same problem. went right thru me. ugh. :( my stomach is doing the gurgle gurgle gurgle.. :( I hate that.. learning a lesson the hard way. :(

    I'm sorry you're not feeling well! My sister is totally against artificial sweeteners and it makes a lot of sense. You can actually develop allergic reactions to them. Her MIL gets a very serious reaction if she has even a little bit of it!!! Scary since she has family that's diabetic and cooks with a lot of it... they all have to warn her and often she brings something she CAN eat even if nobody else can! Sis has done lots of research and it has made me really want to stay far away from artificial sweeteners. As a former Diet Coke addict, it was hard at first, but it's been nearly 2 years and I honestly don't miss it. If I want a sweet I just have to really watch my portions. I know diabetics don't have that luxury, and I'm trying to avoid becoming diabetic, because that would literally kill me!!!

    Good luck with the tummy...
  • ladybu6205
    ladybu6205 Posts: 165 Member
    FINALLY... was able to get my weigh in and measurements today...

    Good News all the way around this time :)

    Bust: 33.75 (+ .75, gotta like that!)
    Waist: 29 (unchanged)
    Abs: 34 (unchanged)
    Hip 38 (unchanged)
    Thigh: 22.50 (unchanged)
    Arm 11.50 (unchanged)
    Weight: 141.5 ( - 2.50 lbs)
    Body Fat: 22.20 ( - 1.90% )
    BMI 22.33 ( -.39 )
    Total Inches: + .75 (I'll take it! It's in the bust, so I WONT complain...LOL)

    Since rejoining Curves:

    Total Inches: ( - 3 inches)
    Total Pounds: ( -7.50 )
    Total Body Fat: ( -1.90% )

    So... in summary. My Weight Loss prior to this month WAS due to loss of muscle tone. Adding a daily protein shake or two every day for the last month has helped rebuild the muscle and helped me burn the fat! I'm so happy! In one month, my Fat% dropped to below what my starting percentage was.... which had increased consistently over the first 4 months I was working out again!

    The Power of PROTEIN! Make sure you are getting plenty of it!

  • tanniew78
    tanniew78 Posts: 602 Member
    Really fighting some allergy stuff today, throat's all scratchy and pretty congested too. Energy level is very low and I just want to curl up with a good book!!!

    But, I have managed to stay under or super close to my sodium goal so far (I really have a hard time with this one but I know how important it is. I actually cooked dinner tonight even though I didn't feel like it. I even went to the gym and did my two miles on the treadmill along with a quick 1/2 hour of weights. Nothing super special or extraordinary, but I'm glad I did what I did.

    Biggest disappointment of the day... I have been a Dish Network customer for years and we don't have NBC right now due to some stupid disagreement... so I can't watch Biggest Loser. I may have to hurt someone.. but I refuse to overeat because of it. They will NOT win!!!

    Happy "un-fat" Tuesday.

    If you have internet at home heres a site for you. ALL current season BLs. Give them a day or two and the other will be up.


    you can also go to nbcrewind.com I think it is for this weeks episode. It usually takes them a couple days to post as well. I find Fancast plays them better, but you never know. Try it and see.
  • aprildauer
    aprildauer Posts: 168
    Really fighting some allergy stuff today, throat's all scratchy and pretty congested too. Energy level is very low and I just want to curl up with a good book!!!

    But, I have managed to stay under or super close to my sodium goal so far (I really have a hard time with this one but I know how important it is. I actually cooked dinner tonight even though I didn't feel like it. I even went to the gym and did my two miles on the treadmill along with a quick 1/2 hour of weights. Nothing super special or extraordinary, but I'm glad I did what I did.

    Biggest disappointment of the day... I have been a Dish Network customer for years and we don't have NBC right now due to some stupid disagreement... so I can't watch Biggest Loser. I may have to hurt someone.. but I refuse to overeat because of it. They will NOT win!!!

    Happy "un-fat" Tuesday.

    Go to ..... http://www.hulu.com/the-biggest-loser .... That is where I go when I miss a show. The show that was just showed is not available until a day or so after. But tomorrow you could probably watch tonights show.
  • tanniew78
    tanniew78 Posts: 602 Member
    Come to find out.. my stomach problems wasn't from the taco bell.. It was from the sugar free candy i bought yesterday to try. ate some again today, had the same problem. went right thru me. ugh. :( my stomach is doing the gurgle gurgle gurgle.. :( I hate that.. learning a lesson the hard way. :(

    yeah more than likely the xylitol in it. AKa sugar alcohols...