HCG Diet



  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    The following is a review of some relevant research on the (non) effectiveness of HCG as a weight loss tool by Tom Venuto. The full text is here:



    NOTE: This is the one controlled study (Asher 1973) which showed that the HCG group lost more weight. Ironically, if you read into the text of the study, the same paper says that the use of HCG in a casual program of weight reduction is of no value and suggested that injections given by a physician can provide a placebo effect. All the rest of the research that followed found that HCG was not effective for weight loss. The underlined passages are my emphasis so you can quickly skim the abstracts and see the conclusions.

    Effect of Human Chorionic Gonadotrophin on weight loss, hunger and feeling of well being, Asher, et al. Am J Clin Nutr. 1973.

    Twenty female patients on 500- to 550-kcal diets receiving daily injections of 125 lu of human chorionic gonadotrophin (HCG) were compared with 20 female patients on 500- to 550-kcal diets receiving placebo injections. Patients in both groups were instructed to return for daily injections 6 days each week for a total of 36 injections (unless desired weight was achieved prior to this). The HCG group lost significantly more mean weight, had a significantly greater mean weight loss per injection, and lost a significantly greater mean percentage of their starting weight. The percentage of affirmative daily patient responses indicating "little or no hunger" and "feeling good to excellent" was significantly greater in the HCG group than in the placebo group. Additional investigation 0' the influence of HCG on weight loss, hunger, and well-being seems indicated.

    It is interesting to note that HH's patients who were given a placebo lost more on the average than either the HCG or placebo patients of the other four practitioners (11.05 lb versus 6.8 and 6.5 lb, respectively). It therefore appears that HCG used in a casual program of weight reduction, as it often is in a general practice, is of no value. The fact that HH's placebo patients lost more weight in a 6-week period than most physicians' patients do on other diets and/or medications is in itself interesting. Certainly, the psychological impact of receiving a daily injection which the patient believes in is important.

    Risk-benefit analysis of a hCG-500 kcal reducing diet (cura romana) in females. Rabe T, Richter S, Kiesel L, Runnebaum B. Geburtshilfe Frauenheilkd. 1987 May;47(5):297-307.

    The British physician A.T.W. Simeons described in 1954 a new method for dieting. He combined a reduction diet (500 kcal per day) with daily injections of the pregnancy hormone human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) (125 IU i.m.). According to Simeons the patient should not lose more weight during a 4-to-6 weeks' diet than without hCG, but the injections should facilitate to maintain the diet and to lose body weight at specific parts of the body (e.g. hip, belly, thigh). After the first publication various studies conducted with male and female patients analysed the efficacy of the "Cura romana". 10 of these studies showed positive and another 10 studies negative results with regard to hCG-related weight reduction. Two of these studies with positive results were double-blind studies (hCG vs. placebo). Most of them were reports on therapeutical experiences and were not controlled studies. According to these reports the body proportions normalized and the feeling of hunger was tolerable. Four out of 10 studies with negative results were controlled studies (hCG vs. control without hCG), whereas 6 were double-blind studies. These studies showed a significant weight reduction during dieting, but no differences between treatment groups in respect of body weight, body proportions and feeling of hunger. One of them is the only German study conducted by Rabe et al. in 1981 in which 82 randomised premenopausal volunteers had been dieting either with hCG or without hCG injections. In recent publications describing mostly well-documented double-blind studies authors largely reject hCG administration in dieting. Supporters of the hCG diet must prove the efficacy of this method in controlled studies according to the German Drug Law. Until then the opinion of the German steroid toxicology panel is still valid, that hCG is ineffective in dieting and should not be used

    Human chorionic gonadotrophin and weight loss. A double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. Bosch B, et al. S Afr Med J. 1990 Feb 17;77(4):185-9 . Department of Medical Physiology and Biochemistry, University of Stellenbosch, Parowvallei, CP.

    Low-dose human chorionic gonadotrophin (HCG) combined with a severe diet remains a popular treatment for obesity, despite equivocal evidence of its effectiveness. In a double-blind, placebo-controlled study, the effects of HCG on weight loss were compared with placebo injections. Forty obese women (body mass index greater than 30 kg/m2) were placed on the same diet supplying 5,000 kJ per day and received daily intramuscular injections of saline or HCG, 6 days a week for 6 weeks. A psychological profile, hunger level, body circumferences, a fasting blood sample and food records were obtained at the start and end of the study, while body weight was measured weekly. Subjects receiving HCG injections showed no advantages over those on placebo in respect of any of the variables recorded. Furthermore, weight loss on our diet was similar to that on severely restricted intake. We conclude that there is no rationale for the use of HCG injections in the treatment of obesity.

    Human chorionic gonadotropin is of no value in the management of obesity.C. L. Birmingham and K. C. Smith. Can Med Assoc J. 1983 May 15; 128(10): 1156--1157.

    It has recently come to our attention that a number of practitioners are still using daily deep intramuscular injections of human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) as an adjunct in the management of obesity. We condemn, in terms that cannot possibly be misconstrued, such use of HCG. Six double blind studies have been conducted since 1973 in an attempt to validate the claims that injections of HCG are beneficial in obese patients. With the exception of the 1973 study by Asher and Harper, whose methods have been severely criticized, treatment with HCG was found to be of no benefit in terms of weight loss, the patient's feeling of well-being or a more esthetic distribution of fat.

    The effect of human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) in the treatment of obesity by means of the Simeons therapy: a criteria-based meta-analysis. Br J Clin Pharmacol. 1995 Sep;40(3):237-43. Lijesen GK, et al. Institute for Research in Extramural Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

    1. A meta-analysis was conducted to assess if there is scientific ground for the use of human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) as adjunctive therapy in the treatment of obesity.

    2. Published papers relating to eight controlled and 16 uncontrolled trials that measured the effect of HCG in the treatment of obesity were traced by computer-aided search and citation tracking.

    3. The trials were scored for the quality of the methods (based on four main categories: study population, interventions, measurement of effect, and data presentation and analysis) and the main conclusion of author(s) with regard to weight-loss, fat-redistribution, hunger, and feeling of well-being.

    4. Methodological scores ranged from 16 to 73 points (maximum score 100), suggesting that most studies were of poor methodological quality. Of the 12 studies scoring 50 or more points, one reported that HCG was a useful adjunct. The studies scoring 50 or more points were all controlled.

    5. We conclude that there is no scientific evidence that HCG is effective in the treatment of obesity; it does not bring about weight-loss of fat-redistribution, nor does it reduce hunger or induce a feeling of well-being.

    Ineffectiveness of human chorionic gonadotropin in weight reduction: a double-blind study.Stein MR, Julis RE, Peck CC, Hinshaw W, Sawicki JE, Deller JJ Jr.Am J Clin Nutr. 1976 Sep;29(9):940-8.

    Our investigation was designed to retest the hypothesis of the efficacy of human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) on weight reduction in obese women in a clinic setting. We sought to duplicate the Asher-Harper study (1973) which had found that the combination of 500 cal diet and HCG had a statistically significant benefit over the diet and placebo combination as evidenced by greater weight loss and decrease in hunger. Fifty-one women between the ages of 18 and 60 participated in our 32-day prospective, randomized, double-blind comparison of HCG versus placebo. Each patient was given the same diet (the one prescribed in the Asher-Harper study), was weighed daily Monday through Saturday and was counselled by one of the investigators who administered the injections. Laboratory studies were performed at the time of initial physical examinations and at the end of the study. Twenty of 25 in the HCG and 21 of 26 patients in the placebo groups completed 28 injections. There was no statistically significant difference in the means of the two groups in number of injections received, weight loss, percent of weight loss, hip and waist circumference, weight loss per injections, or in hunger ratings. HCG does not appear to enhance the effectiveness of a rigidly imposed regimen for weight reduction.

    Chorionic gonadotropin in weight control. A double-blind crossover study.Young RL, Fuchs RJ, Woltjen MJ.JAMA. 1976 Nov 29;236(22):2495-7.

    Two hundred two patients participated in a double-blind random cross-over study of the effectiveness of human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) vs placebo in a wieght reduction program. Serial measurements were made of weight, skin-fold thickness, dropout rates, reasons for dropping out, and patient subjective response. There was no statistically significant difference between those receiving HCG vs placebo during any phase of this study

    A clinical study of the use of human chorionic gonadotrophin in weight reduction.Miller R, Schneiderman LJ.1: J Fam Pract. 1977 Mar;4(3):445-8.

    Treatment of obesity with human chorionic gonadotrophin was shown to be of no better value than saline in a double-blind crossover study of weight reduction in obese subjects. There was also no significant difference in mood, hunger, or missed injections, and no apparent difference in adherence to diet when the two agents were compared. In contrast, a significant difference was found in the ability of subjects to lose weight in the first four weeks of the study in contrast with the second four weeks, no matter which agent was used. Thus, the initiation of a new therapeutic program, even using an inert agent, has a temporary benefit--a manifestation both of placebo effect and the Hawthorne effect.

    Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) in the Treatment of Obesity
    A Critical Assessment of the Simeons Method. Frank Greenway and George Bray. West J Med. 1977 December; 127(6): 461--463.

    Injections of human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) have been claimed to aid in weight reduction by reducing hunger, and affecting mood as well as aiding in localized (spot) reduction. We have tested these claims in a double-blind randomized trial using injections of HCG or placebo. Weight loss was identical between the two groups, and there was no evidence for differential effects on hunger, mood or localized body measurements. Placebo injections, therefore, appear to be as effective as HCG in the treatment of obesity.
  • wriglucy
    wriglucy Posts: 1,064 Member
    Thank you janesmith1. Honestly...people aren't going to realize that this fad "diet" isn't legit until someone dies from it. And even then, I can bet that they're going to say it was because the person did it wrong.

    Really people? Is this what it takes? Do we really want people to die for people to believe it is not healthy?
  • wriglucy
    wriglucy Posts: 1,064 Member
    Thank you msf74! At least someone else has been doing their research with legit articles.
  • ambrosij
    ambrosij Posts: 317 Member
    I truly could care less that you do statistical analysis and quantitative data daily, I deal with real life people daily...whoopdie do. I didnt call you ignorant, I called you ignorant of the protocol, which I stand by my intitial statement. And Ill tell you why...because you didnt name it anti-HCG and there are people that are going to read this thread and miss out on an oppurtunity to change their lives because they will take your word for gospel.

    No not at all that right there proves you are pretty ignorant on how HCG works.

    Oh...and so it is the hcg that does the job. Then....not cutting your calories and using the drops, should equal weight loss...right? I mean...if it is the hormone..right?

    Yep....probabaly isn't going to work. I'd LOVE to have someone try that though...not change anything up, and add the drops. Because...according the the hcg plan.... "HCG drops can actually help the body burn more fat and can be used to aid in weight loss."

    SO...if it TRULY is the hormone that makes you lose weight....then adding it to ANY persons diet would help them lose weight....right?

    Probably not. Pretty positive it's the 500 calories a day that causes people to lose weight...not the hormone.

    First of all..don't you dare call me ignorant. You have no right to call me ANYTHING. Are you a Dr. or an RD? I didn't think so. I deal with STATISTICAL ANALYSIS and QUANTITATIVE DATA on a DAILY basis!

    I know this 'diet" is "supposedly" to work because it's combined with the restricted calories...I get that. However, to tease apart whether it is the calorie restriction or the hormone that makes the difference...this needs to be done.

    And..if you haven't noticed Mr. hcg...this thread if anti hcg. Why not just go back to your pro hcg thread.
  • wriglucy
    wriglucy Posts: 1,064 Member
    I truly could care less that you do statistical analysis and quantitative data daily, I deal with real life people daily...whoopdie do. I didnt call you ignorant, I called you ignorant of the protocol, which I stand by my intitial statement. And Ill tell you why...because you didnt name it anti-HCG and there are people that are going to read this thread and miss out on an oppurtunity to change their lives because they will take your word for gospel.

    No not at all that right there proves you are pretty ignorant on how HCG works.

    Oh...and so it is the hcg that does the job. Then....not cutting your calories and using the drops, should equal weight loss...right? I mean...if it is the hormone..right?

    Yep....probabaly isn't going to work. I'd LOVE to have someone try that though...not change anything up, and add the drops. Because...according the the hcg plan.... "HCG drops can actually help the body burn more fat and can be used to aid in weight loss."

    SO...if it TRULY is the hormone that makes you lose weight....then adding it to ANY persons diet would help them lose weight....right?

    Probably not. Pretty positive it's the 500 calories a day that causes people to lose weight...not the hormone.

    First of all..don't you dare call me ignorant. You have no right to call me ANYTHING. Are you a Dr. or an RD? I didn't think so. I deal with STATISTICAL ANALYSIS and QUANTITATIVE DATA on a DAILY basis!

    I know this 'diet" is "supposedly" to work because it's combined with the restricted calories...I get that. However, to tease apart whether it is the calorie restriction or the hormone that makes the difference...this needs to be done.

    And..if you haven't noticed Mr. hcg...this thread if anti hcg. Why not just go back to your pro hcg thread.

    Are you serious? A minor little technicality? wow...
    I deal with people on a daily basis too...and I can tell you for a fact, that people are not legit sources. My point is, there is no legit scientific data in support of the hcg hormone. That's what I'm saying. Based on the statistical studies done in the past, there has been no evidence. The 2 studies you cited, were done by the same guy who is in the hcg diet business. Anyone who does research knows that is a red flag for accuracy issues. But..since you don't deal with actual fact, you may not know that.

    And...FYI to all who don't know this, but personal experiences is not scientific data...
  • ambrosij
    ambrosij Posts: 317 Member
    This is a losing battle. Your right Im wrong. If you cant see it or prove it scientifically, it isnt real. Happy?
  • wriglucy
    wriglucy Posts: 1,064 Member
    This is a losing battle. Your right Im wrong. If you cant see it or prove it scientifically, it isnt real. Happy?

  • jstalittlecrzy
    jstalittlecrzy Posts: 127 Member
    OK OK OK everyone back to their corners

    This is a personal choice, EVERYONE should do their own research and decide what is best for them

    just because you don't like what someone else is doing does not make it wrong

    we are the keepers of our own bodies - do what you feel is best for you

    Smile, and have a great food day, what ever your choice is
  • wriglucy
    wriglucy Posts: 1,064 Member
    OK OK OK everyone back to their corners

    This is a personal choice, EVERYONE should do their own research and decide what is best for them

    just because you don't like what someone else is doing does not make it wrong

    we are the keepers of our own bodies - do what you feel is best for you

    Smile, and have a great food day, what ever your choice is

    That is true. I was just saying my point backed up by the data...and some people didn't want to hear it. So, to each their own, believe what you want, just don't try to make it fact :)
  • celiamarie11
    Wow this is a controversial subject! My whole take on the HCG diet is, it's a quick fix. My friend and her husband use it and she said she lost a lot of weight in a short period of time, but then gained it all back when she stopped it and started eating normal again. I don't know enough about it to really form a factual opinion, but it would definitely not be for me. I already have a history of blood clots so taking anything like this would not be in my best interest. I think when it comes to losing weight, a person needs to make a life style change, something you can do for the rest of your life. Like the HCG diet, as well as Jenny Craig or the like, eventually you have to get off of it and what are you going to do then?? So far, I am loving MFP, and I hope that finally I have found something that I can stick with the rest of my life, Even if in the future, I stop using MFP, the good eating habits should stick with me. Good luck to everyone!
  • corpus_validum
    corpus_validum Posts: 292 Member
    I can't believe someone here on MFP would actually tout the HCG diet when there are so many HEALTHIER ways of trimming down, especially for the long term.

    Here's another article to chew on:
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    I started "dieting" on February 20th - counted calories 1200-1500 day and weighed every day.
    Daily weight-ins follow: 190, 190, 189, 191, 192, 190, 187, 191, 188 - so about 2 lbs after about 9 days, not too bad.
    I was going to try hcg and did this to see what was going on before I started it

    LD Mon and Tues, (Feb 28/29) 188 and 191 - (custard malts, double cheeseburgers, a pound of bacon, eggs, real pepsi, cheese, I really did "load" on the fats) Started SL hcg on Mon. (bought on internet, tested pos for hcg)
    Daily weigh-ins starting Wed, d1 of vlcd
    190, 187, 188, 184, 184, 185, 184, 183 - about 7 lbs after 8 days

    I feel well, no headaches, a little dizzyness if I stand up too quickly (but that happened on normal 1200-1500 cal diet too)
    I'm eating small amounts every 2 hours and eating my protein 2 x day, and drinking lots of water.
    I wil continue on the first phase, do phase 3 and 4 and then decide if I want to start it again.

    Guess you have to decide for yourself if you want to try this stuff.....the only thing you have to lose is weight

    I agree that you have to decide for youself..100%! My only problem is that there is NO scientific evidence (besides 2 studies done by a person closely associate with the hcg "diet,"...which is a red flag to anyone reading statistics) shows that it is the hcg hormone. If you want to lose weight following the diet at 500 calories a day...fine! You'll lose! I don't think ANYONE is doubting that. It's the hcg hormone I have a problem with. I have not read ONE THING BY AN RD that says it's good, and NOTHING BASED ON QUANTITATIVE DATA. That's where my problem is at.

    That...and I'm worried about people developing an eating disorder from this. I know there is no scientific evidence for this, just my personal experience....but I remember when I developed my eating disorder, and you do feel good with the low calories. You get to a point where you feel hungry, and you tell yourself "ok....just get past this and it will pass." Which...it does, and then your floating on a high of overcoming the hunger...and seeing the scale go down. My point...the hcg part, is a scam for people to make money. Do the diet on your own without the drops...you'll get the same results.

    Take care all who do it! I would LOVE to hear follow up stories after a month or 2 or 3 of stopping it.

    ANYONE EATING 500 CALORIES A DAY WILL LOSE WEIGHT...ther is NO argument about that!

    (And jstalittlecrzy...this is NO means meant at you....you just provided a statement that worked perfect with what I wanted to say. So thanks:)

    I did the 500 calorie plan without the HCG and you WILL NOT see the same results. I was hungry, no energy and very evil and lethargic. And I was not really losing any weight...............

    With using the HCG (I got a prescription from my doctor and got it filled at a local Compounding pharmacy).

    The only scientfic information I need is the manuscript that Dr Simeons wrote all those years ago.

    And, if the FDA deems HCG having such bad side effects, why is it approved at much HIGHER doses for fertility treatments? I injected doses of HCG about 10 - 15 times higher than what they prescribe for weight loss when I was under going fertility treatments....................

    If you don't see the double standard the FDA is trying to set, then you are all but blind.
  • chrissyb1985
    chrissyb1985 Posts: 110 Member
    I was on this diet for a montha and lost 15 lbs. I followed protocol 100% and used REAL HCG from my doctor. All I thought about was food! After a month, I developed horrific migraines and my my hormones levels were out of wack. Had to stop the HCG in order to start to feel human again. I literally had a nonstop migraine for 3 weeks! Yes you can lose weight with this. No it is not healthy. I have decided no more quick fixes! I am gonna do this the healthy way!
  • chrissyb1985
    chrissyb1985 Posts: 110 Member
    I also have VERY thick hair and did experience hair loss. Has two baldish spots that haven't completly grown back in yet. That being said, I know other people who love the diet and swear by it. Everybodies bodies handle things differently. Please just listen to your body if you decide to try this. If something doesn't seem right, discuss it with your doctor :)
  • BryanAir
    BryanAir Posts: 434
    I started "dieting" on February 20th - counted calories 1200-1500 day and weighed every day.
    Daily weight-ins follow: 190, 190, 189, 191, 192, 190, 187, 191, 188 - so about 2 lbs after about 9 days, not too bad.
    I was going to try hcg and did this to see what was going on before I started it

    LD Mon and Tues, (Feb 28/29) 188 and 191 - (custard malts, double cheeseburgers, a pound of bacon, eggs, real pepsi, cheese, I really did "load" on the fats) Started SL hcg on Mon. (bought on internet, tested pos for hcg)
    Daily weigh-ins starting Wed, d1 of vlcd
    190, 187, 188, 184, 184, 185, 184, 183 - about 7 lbs after 8 days

    I feel well, no headaches, a little dizzyness if I stand up too quickly (but that happened on normal 1200-1500 cal diet too)
    I'm eating small amounts every 2 hours and eating my protein 2 x day, and drinking lots of water.
    I wil continue on the first phase, do phase 3 and 4 and then decide if I want to start it again.

    Guess you have to decide for yourself if you want to try this stuff.....the only thing you have to lose is weight

    I agree that you have to decide for youself..100%! My only problem is that there is NO scientific evidence (besides 2 studies done by a person closely associate with the hcg "diet,"...which is a red flag to anyone reading statistics) shows that it is the hcg hormone. If you want to lose weight following the diet at 500 calories a day...fine! You'll lose! I don't think ANYONE is doubting that. It's the hcg hormone I have a problem with. I have not read ONE THING BY AN RD that says it's good, and NOTHING BASED ON QUANTITATIVE DATA. That's where my problem is at.

    That...and I'm worried about people developing an eating disorder from this. I know there is no scientific evidence for this, just my personal experience....but I remember when I developed my eating disorder, and you do feel good with the low calories. You get to a point where you feel hungry, and you tell yourself "ok....just get past this and it will pass." Which...it does, and then your floating on a high of overcoming the hunger...and seeing the scale go down. My point...the hcg part, is a scam for people to make money. Do the diet on your own without the drops...you'll get the same results.

    Take care all who do it! I would LOVE to hear follow up stories after a month or 2 or 3 of stopping it.

    ANYONE EATING 500 CALORIES A DAY WILL LOSE WEIGHT...ther is NO argument about that!

    (And jstalittlecrzy...this is NO means meant at you....you just provided a statement that worked perfect with what I wanted to say. So thanks:)

    I did the 500 calorie plan without the HCG and you WILL NOT see the same results. I was hungry, no energy and very evil and lethargic. And I was not really losing any weight...............

    With using the HCG (I got a prescription from my doctor and got it filled at a local Compounding pharmacy).

    The only scientfic information I need is the manuscript that Dr Simeons wrote all those years ago.

    And, if the FDA deems HCG having such bad side effects, why is it approved at much HIGHER doses for fertility treatments? I injected doses of HCG about 10 - 15 times higher than what they prescribe for weight loss when I was under going fertility treatments....................

    If you don't see the double standard the FDA is trying to set, then you are all but blind.

    Darn that FDA and their double standards. Just like they approve Oxycodone for pain management, but not for weight loss. Who are they to decide to only approve medication for uses for which they actually work.
  • ambrosij
    ambrosij Posts: 317 Member
    Fighting a losing battle with this crew Grokette (and thats alot coming from me), thats okay they can drink their kool-aid and think that the government does everything in their favor, and the drugs that are approved or not approved or even studied are not politically motivated and backed by big bucks at all....everyone on here is an expert scientologist, philanthropologist, cardiologists, superiologist and their opinions are the only ones that matter.
    I started "dieting" on February 20th - counted calories 1200-1500 day and weighed every day.
    Daily weight-ins follow: 190, 190, 189, 191, 192, 190, 187, 191, 188 - so about 2 lbs after about 9 days, not too bad.
    I was going to try hcg and did this to see what was going on before I started it

    LD Mon and Tues, (Feb 28/29) 188 and 191 - (custard malts, double cheeseburgers, a pound of bacon, eggs, real pepsi, cheese, I really did "load" on the fats) Started SL hcg on Mon. (bought on internet, tested pos for hcg)
    Daily weigh-ins starting Wed, d1 of vlcd
    190, 187, 188, 184, 184, 185, 184, 183 - about 7 lbs after 8 days

    I feel well, no headaches, a little dizzyness if I stand up too quickly (but that happened on normal 1200-1500 cal diet too)
    I'm eating small amounts every 2 hours and eating my protein 2 x day, and drinking lots of water.
    I wil continue on the first phase, do phase 3 and 4 and then decide if I want to start it again.

    Guess you have to decide for yourself if you want to try this stuff.....the only thing you have to lose is weight

    I agree that you have to decide for youself..100%! My only problem is that there is NO scientific evidence (besides 2 studies done by a person closely associate with the hcg "diet,"...which is a red flag to anyone reading statistics) shows that it is the hcg hormone. If you want to lose weight following the diet at 500 calories a day...fine! You'll lose! I don't think ANYONE is doubting that. It's the hcg hormone I have a problem with. I have not read ONE THING BY AN RD that says it's good, and NOTHING BASED ON QUANTITATIVE DATA. That's where my problem is at.

    That...and I'm worried about people developing an eating disorder from this. I know there is no scientific evidence for this, just my personal experience....but I remember when I developed my eating disorder, and you do feel good with the low calories. You get to a point where you feel hungry, and you tell yourself "ok....just get past this and it will pass." Which...it does, and then your floating on a high of overcoming the hunger...and seeing the scale go down. My point...the hcg part, is a scam for people to make money. Do the diet on your own without the drops...you'll get the same results.

    Take care all who do it! I would LOVE to hear follow up stories after a month or 2 or 3 of stopping it.

    ANYONE EATING 500 CALORIES A DAY WILL LOSE WEIGHT...ther is NO argument about that!

    (And jstalittlecrzy...this is NO means meant at you....you just provided a statement that worked perfect with what I wanted to say. So thanks:)

    I did the 500 calorie plan without the HCG and you WILL NOT see the same results. I was hungry, no energy and very evil and lethargic. And I was not really losing any weight...............

    With using the HCG (I got a prescription from my doctor and got it filled at a local Compounding pharmacy).

    The only scientfic information I need is the manuscript that Dr Simeons wrote all those years ago.

    And, if the FDA deems HCG having such bad side effects, why is it approved at much HIGHER doses for fertility treatments? I injected doses of HCG about 10 - 15 times higher than what they prescribe for weight loss when I was under going fertility treatments....................

    If you don't see the double standard the FDA is trying to set, then you are all but blind.
  • ambrosij
    ambrosij Posts: 317 Member
    Wow, sorry to hear you had that kind of experience. Your hormones were out of whack? Im curious which levels?
    I was on this diet for a montha and lost 15 lbs. I followed protocol 100% and used REAL HCG from my doctor. All I thought about was food! After a month, I developed horrific migraines and my my hormones levels were out of wack. Had to stop the HCG in order to start to feel human again. I literally had a nonstop migraine for 3 weeks! Yes you can lose weight with this. No it is not healthy. I have decided no more quick fixes! I am gonna do this the healthy way!
  • ambrosij
    ambrosij Posts: 317 Member
    Yes because the FDA has never approved a drug that is very dangerous for even the prescribed use and then forced the manufacturer to issue a recall only months later after the damage has done, in which a class action lawsuit is filed, lawyers get rich, insurance companies cover the suit, and they settle out of court by including an extra disclaimer in the description...mean while the Senator whose home state houses that pharmaceutical company lines his pockets with donations and favors...yes the FDA totally has your best interests in mind.

    I started "dieting" on February 20th - counted calories 1200-1500 day and weighed every day.
    Daily weight-ins follow: 190, 190, 189, 191, 192, 190, 187, 191, 188 - so about 2 lbs after about 9 days, not too bad.
    I was going to try hcg and did this to see what was going on before I started it

    LD Mon and Tues, (Feb 28/29) 188 and 191 - (custard malts, double cheeseburgers, a pound of bacon, eggs, real pepsi, cheese, I really did "load" on the fats) Started SL hcg on Mon. (bought on internet, tested pos for hcg)
    Daily weigh-ins starting Wed, d1 of vlcd
    190, 187, 188, 184, 184, 185, 184, 183 - about 7 lbs after 8 days

    I feel well, no headaches, a little dizzyness if I stand up too quickly (but that happened on normal 1200-1500 cal diet too)
    I'm eating small amounts every 2 hours and eating my protein 2 x day, and drinking lots of water.
    I wil continue on the first phase, do phase 3 and 4 and then decide if I want to start it again.

    Guess you have to decide for yourself if you want to try this stuff.....the only thing you have to lose is weight

    I agree that you have to decide for youself..100%! My only problem is that there is NO scientific evidence (besides 2 studies done by a person closely associate with the hcg "diet,"...which is a red flag to anyone reading statistics) shows that it is the hcg hormone. If you want to lose weight following the diet at 500 calories a day...fine! You'll lose! I don't think ANYONE is doubting that. It's the hcg hormone I have a problem with. I have not read ONE THING BY AN RD that says it's good, and NOTHING BASED ON QUANTITATIVE DATA. That's where my problem is at.

    That...and I'm worried about people developing an eating disorder from this. I know there is no scientific evidence for this, just my personal experience....but I remember when I developed my eating disorder, and you do feel good with the low calories. You get to a point where you feel hungry, and you tell yourself "ok....just get past this and it will pass." Which...it does, and then your floating on a high of overcoming the hunger...and seeing the scale go down. My point...the hcg part, is a scam for people to make money. Do the diet on your own without the drops...you'll get the same results.

    Take care all who do it! I would LOVE to hear follow up stories after a month or 2 or 3 of stopping it.

    ANYONE EATING 500 CALORIES A DAY WILL LOSE WEIGHT...ther is NO argument about that!

    (And jstalittlecrzy...this is NO means meant at you....you just provided a statement that worked perfect with what I wanted to say. So thanks:)

    I did the 500 calorie plan without the HCG and you WILL NOT see the same results. I was hungry, no energy and very evil and lethargic. And I was not really losing any weight...............

    With using the HCG (I got a prescription from my doctor and got it filled at a local Compounding pharmacy).

    The only scientfic information I need is the manuscript that Dr Simeons wrote all those years ago.

    And, if the FDA deems HCG having such bad side effects, why is it approved at much HIGHER doses for fertility treatments? I injected doses of HCG about 10 - 15 times higher than what they prescribe for weight loss when I was under going fertility treatments....................

    If you don't see the double standard the FDA is trying to set, then you are all but blind.

    Darn that FDA and their double standards. Just like they approve Oxycodone for pain management, but not for weight loss. Who are they to decide to only approve medication for uses for which they actually work.
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    Wow, sorry to hear you had that kind of experience. Your hormones were out of whack? Im curious which levels?
    I was on this diet for a montha and lost 15 lbs. I followed protocol 100% and used REAL HCG from my doctor. All I thought about was food! After a month, I developed horrific migraines and my my hormones levels were out of wack. Had to stop the HCG in order to start to feel human again. I literally had a nonstop migraine for 3 weeks! Yes you can lose weight with this. No it is not healthy. I have decided no more quick fixes! I am gonna do this the healthy way!

    I was wondering the same thing.................I have to say that my hormones actually went normal when I first started HCG. I hadn't had a monthly TOM in over 18 months before I started HCG and since my first round I have been like clock work..............and that was last July.

    And I believe the headaches were detox headaches.............some people take longer to detox due to built up toxins than others.
  • janesmith1
    janesmith1 Posts: 1,511 Member
    Yes Grokette, by all means, continue to use the HCG drops - I mean you've lost a total of 8 lbs on them since LAST YEAR, while I've lost 16 lbs NOT DOING HCG & EATING HEALTHY sinc Jan 20th! By all means...go for it!