500 cal diet



  • KaylatheChristian
    Thought I would share this;

    The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has disclosed PRock Marketing LLC would recall all Fruta Planta weight loss products, after testing confirmed they contained sibutramine, a drug withdrawn from the market for safety reasons.

    According to the FDA, PRock, a branding and distribution company, is recalling Fruta Planta and Reduce Weight Fruta Planta. The FDA said it has received "multiple reports of adverse events" associated with the use of the products, including several cardiac events and one death.

    The FDA advised consumers halt use of the product "immediately" and throw it away in a sealed container to avoid consumption. Consumers who have experienced any negative side effects were advised to consult a health care professional.

    PRock's recall notice recommends consumers destroy the product or return it to the company. Consumers may reach PRock at 1-877-225-1009.

    According to a website where the product was sold, Fruta Planta was an "all natural organic" Chinese weight loss drug that touted its ability to eliminate body fat, saying users could lose up to 15 pounds in the first month without diet or exercise. Fruta Planta was marketed as a product that could boost metabolism, curb appetite and cut food cravings.

    A notice on the website said that the FDA had not directly contacted the company to obtain testing samples and therefore said it could not confirm if the "authentic formula" was in fact consumed. Efforts to reach the company were initially unsuccessful.

    The disclosure came after the FDA sent a letter to dietary-supplement makers earlier this month expressing concern about improperly labeled products with substances that don't qualify as dietary ingredients. The FDA has alerted consumers to at least 300 tainted products marketed to dietary supplements in recent years and received numerous injury complaints related to them.

    Unlike drugs, dietary supplements don't require FDA approval, though manufacturers and distributors are responsible for selling a safe product.
  • stevepayette
    Way to pick the one post that gives you the answer you want and ignore all the ones that warn you about how dangerous and unhealthy your plan is. You're 18. Don't be in such a hurry to lose weight. Learn how to eat and live properly rather than looking for some "magic" solution that will solve all your problems.

    Very well said.

    Don't rush things. There's no point in losing weight in an unhealthy way. You'll just put in all back on and put yourself at risk in losing the weight initially.
  • amuhlou
    amuhlou Posts: 693 Member
    A 500 calorie a day diet is unacceptable. Don't die to die and be skinny.

  • mursey
    mursey Posts: 191 Member
    I'd do more research about the possibility if you slowing down your metabolism by having too few calories. It's possible to screw yourself in the end, you might lose weight at first but who knows how this is going to affect your metabolism when you start to eat a little more normally? Everyone's body is different but this is a real possibility.

    Maybe eat more than 500 cals and work out more. That's a wiser idea.
  • WillWorkout4Food
    WillWorkout4Food Posts: 94 Member
    Website regarding PILLS: http://www.fda.gov/NewsEvents/Newsroom/PressAnnouncements/ucm238491.htm

    Those pills have been advised against. Maybe her experience has been good, but it doesn't seem to be effective for many people.

    Be safe! I am doing the Cabbage Soup Diet allows for a very low calorie intake and though it's not the best thing it is safe.

    I eat enough. It's another option is you are considering such drastic options. I've been desperate for change, too.

    Good luck!

  • HoopFire5602
    HoopFire5602 Posts: 423 Member
    If you are DYING to look good, then at 500 calories a day, you may get your wish.

    Post WIN.
    You will be doing damage to your body if you lose drastic weight like that and then gain it all back quickly. But, as a former Ana, I know nothing we can say here will stop you from doing it. But god...it's not worth it. It really, truly isn't.
    pretty sure 'realistically' you would end up in a hospital and not be able to go anywhere.
  • Bridgetc140
    Bridgetc140 Posts: 405 Member
    I have heard horrid stories about those pills. The last thing I would honestly do while eating such a low calorie intake would be to put foreign stuff in my body your body will not have the energy to fight anything if you are going to do it just do it as healthy as you can all healthy foods, tons of vitamins, and tons of water.

    She makes a VERY good point!
    JAYRFOXY1 Posts: 11 Member
    FDA Warns Against Fruta Planta Weight Loss Products
    The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has disclosed PRock Marketing LLC would recall all Fruta Planta weight loss products, after testing confirmed they contained sibutramine, a drug withdrawn from the market for safety reasons.

    According to the FDA, PRock, a branding and distribution company, is recalling Fruta Planta and Reduce Weight Fruta Planta. The FDA said it has received "multiple reports of adverse events" associated with the use of the products, including several cardiac events and one death.

    The FDA advised consumers halt use of the product "immediately" and throw it away in a sealed container to avoid consumption. Consumers who have experienced any negative side effects were advised to consult a health care professional.

    PRock's recall notice recommends consumers destroy the product or return it to the company. Consumers may reach PRock at 1-877-225-1009.

    According to a website where the product was sold, Fruta Planta was an "all natural organic" Chinese weight loss drug that touted its ability to eliminate body fat, saying users could lose up to 15 pounds in the first month without diet or exercise. Fruta Planta was marketed as a product that could boost metabolism, curb appetite and cut food cravings.

    A notice on the website said that the FDA had not directly contacted the company to obtain testing samples and therefore said it could not confirm if the "authentic formula" was in fact consumed. Efforts to reach the company were initially unsuccessful.

    The disclosure came after the FDA sent a letter to dietary-supplement makers earlier this month expressing concern about improperly labeled products with substances that don't qualify as dietary ingredients. The FDA has alerted consumers to at least 300 tainted products marketed to dietary supplements in recent years and received numerous injury complaints related to them.

    Unlike drugs, dietary supplements don't require FDA approval, though manufacturers and distributors are responsible for selling a safe product.
  • sassyg
    sassyg Posts: 393
    Even if you do do it, and lose the weight, you'll be so saggy and jiggly and gross you won't actually look any better...
  • fitnezrox
    fitnezrox Posts: 41
    The Fruta Planta is being recalled by the Government here is the link to the information.

    As for a 500 calorie a day diet, it is not healthy. You are better off eating about 1200 calories a day and exercising intensly. If that photo of your profile pic is what you look like right now, you have done wonderful and are looking hot! You most likely want to just tone up the curves you currently have, you can accomplish that by eating healthy and working out with cardio and weight training.

    Your body requires a minimum of 1200 calories just to exist, if you start "starving" your body it will start holding onto your fat, because it has more calories, then you will be losing muscle mass instead of residual fat. Your metabolism will slow down to conserve energy even when you are working out hard.

    You wouldn't run your car without gas or water, why would you want to do that to your most prized possessions....your body and mind?!
  • EricMurano
    EricMurano Posts: 825 Member
    I'm not going to yell at you about this.

    Just acknowledge these things:

    1) You can die from this
    2) If you don't it will still take a while for your metabolism to correct itself. You will need to eat lots of food and gain lots of weight (including fat) before your body's metabolism is back to a normal state. This will take a lot longer than the 10 weeks it took you to destroy your metabolism
    3) Your muscles will become smaller
    4) Your organs will become smaller
    5) Your bones will become brittle and weak
    6) Your brain will start to shut down
    7) Walking will be a chore
  • Bridgetc140
    Bridgetc140 Posts: 405 Member
    Wow........that would be enough for me
  • RedHotRunner
    RedHotRunner Posts: 850 Member
    Why didn't you start this earlier???? You waited until 2 months before the trip to decide to do something about it and want to HARM yourself!! I do not suggest doing this because it sounds like you will be extremely unhealthy and I hate to break it to you, but there is such thing as being a "skinny fat person". You will not have any tone in your legs or stomach and will probably have cellulite from not working out and eating right the proper way.
    TY - This is a pet peeve of mine. "I'm going on vacation in a month and need to lose 10 pound!".. ...NO!, you need to lose 10 pounds. Your vacation has nothing to do with it. Diet, exercise properly and the next time you decide to take a trip, you won't have to worry about how you look in a swimsuit.
  • auntiebabs
    auntiebabs Posts: 1,754 Member
    It'll screw up your metabolism and make it harder to lose weight later on. And then it'll be more important because other health issues will be linked with your weight.

    I know you're 18 and don't want to listen to an old fart like me.
    when your 18 your body seems to be able to rebound from anything, but sometimes you just don't know what you've done til your 50.
  • Lisamariemlt
    Lisamariemlt Posts: 101 Member
    all I'm gonna say and I'm old enough to be your mom
    if that is your pic posted as your avatar
    you look amazing
    be happy with what you look like and who you are
    friends come and go---skinny--large---small
    and if weight is the judgement of whether a friends is a friend
    and if you don't look good because you are not as skinny as them
    I would have to worry that they have an eating disorder
    because that pic of you looks amazing
    you are pretty
    and for now healthy
    stay that way
    and just be YOU
  • jasonroeser
    jasonroeser Posts: 15 Member
    Yeah bad idea, eat at least 1000 and burn 500 with exercise. 500 is too risky, good luck
  • pickle41
    pickle41 Posts: 35 Member
    Great Advice..... I'm glad you told her that.Because if she starts that stuff now, thenlater on in life she will really have some problems.
  • jrt9999
    jrt9999 Posts: 114
    Based on your food diary it looks like you are already practicing your 500 calorie diet. Good luck with that!

    As for me in 12 weeks? I will be another 20 pounds lighter by eating 1,500 calories a day. I will have just switched to maintenance mode and will be eating around 2,400 calories a day. I will actually be full swing into building muscle mode and will be eating plenty exercise calories back to do it.

    Seriously, learn to read from a point of curiosity not judgment or agenda. That way you can change your mind when you learn something.
  • CorydonCutie
    CorydonCutie Posts: 185 Member
    Since you asked a question, let me ask you one...How would you like your tombstone to read?

    Seriously...You are going to kill yourself if you keep this behavior up.
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