500 cal diet



  • NotAllWhoWanderAreLost
    first off, let me say i am more than twice your age, but very close in height and weight. So i totally understand how you might feel in your body; like you'd like to lose 20 more pounds to look fierce for your vacation. But please, please listen to us. 500 calories a day is not enough to properly nourish your body. In ten weeks you will be tired, weak, malnourished and not at all feeling like an energetic diva in a swimsuit with your girlfriends. I can promise you this. You are at the upper end of "healthy bmi" right now so a healthy weight loss for you is going to be more like 1 pound a week. Thats 10 pounds. Eating nutritious foods, moving around and enjoying your life and getting compliments on how healthy you look & what is your secret... and you know what, you will have actual healthy information to share with them! You will have learned a skill that you can take into your adult years and thrive. Malnourishing yourself intentionally, dealing with the consequences of that and the resulting weight-gain-rebound and shame just doesn't sound like a winning proposition, does it? I am soooooo happy that you are starting to reconsider your choice to go this extreme. When a person eats less than 1200 net calories a day the body WILL respond (and since you don't have much weight to lose, you will have this response faster than someone who is more overweight/obese). Famine response is triggered and your body fights to hold onto its fat reserves by canibalizing your own muscle tissue. The weight you lose will be more like 50% muscle tissue. You will end up with a HIGHER fat:muscle ratio at the end of this than you started with. And your metabolism will slow down considerably, making weight regain come on fast and furious. You will gain fat back and if you get back to 172, it will be a much more FAT 172 because you won't be regaining the muscle tissue, you will be regaining fat. Not at all what you want for your future, i hope. Please hon, i feel for you because, like i said, we are very close in height and weight and i totally get it. Its frustrating to want to lose weight and lose faster. Just get it done and get it done now. But this is your life and its better to think in longer-term goals for your life. You are young, but you aren't stupid. Just think about what we are saying and trust that we aren't trying to steer you wrong and only want the best for you.

    take care :flowerforyou:
  • skinnyhopes
    skinnyhopes Posts: 402 Member
    even if you do that diet, you might have saggy, loose skin from losing to fast
    slow and steady wins the race (;
  • HeidiMightyRawr
    HeidiMightyRawr Posts: 3,343 Member
    I really wouldn't do this, there's so many things wrong with only eating 500 cals a day not to mention it will completely mess up your metabolism.
    If you want to lose weight for 12 weeks time you could sensibly lose 2lbs a week on here and lose up to 24lbs in that time. That's a big difference and something to be very proud about, rather than eating next to nothing in order to get where you want.
  • Mairgheal
    Mairgheal Posts: 385 Member
    oh my godddd seriously?! i need to get these pills. and well done thats amazing by the way! where did you get them from? oh and thanks for replying :)

    Way to pick the one post that gives you the answer you want and ignore all the ones that warn you about how dangerous and unhealthy your plan is. You're 18. Don't be in such a hurry to lose weight. Learn how to eat and live properly rather than looking for some "magic" solution that will solve all your problems.

    :laugh: :laugh:
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    Im 5ft9 and weigh about 172pounds, im going away in 12 weeks and am DYING to look good, especially as my friends are all so thin. I know a 500calorie diet is far from healthy but its not permenant, if i did it for around 10weeks how much weight might i realistically lose? and im not saying i will go straight back to a normal diet after those 10weeks or anything because i know the weight will pile back on. I just want to know a realistic answer to motivate me.

    You certainly will be dying to look good if you use this dangerous approach in such a simplistic way.

    If you are willing to plan, apply and put in enough effort then an aggressive cutting strategy can be used in the short term without too much harm and with significant physique benefits. However, grapefruit diets, cabbage diets, diet pills or other such nonsense simply will not cut it in this context.

    Purchase either Lyle McDonald's "Rapid Fat Loss Handbook" or Tom Venuto's "Burn The Fat Feed The Muscle" and apply the contents (in Tim Venuto's ebook there is a specific chapter on pre contest dieting - I think it is chapter 12 off the top of my head.)

    Of course it will take a huge amount of effort to do this the right way but if you are committed then go for it...
  • ladyprincess99
    ladyprincess99 Posts: 70 Member
    Wow!!! Whatever you do please be careful That is not safe hun :(
  • ladyprincess99
    ladyprincess99 Posts: 70 Member
    oh my godddd seriously?! i need to get these pills. and well done thats amazing by the way! where did you get them from? oh and thanks for replying :)

    Way to pick the one post that gives you the answer you want and ignore all the ones that warn you about how dangerous and unhealthy your plan is. You're 18. Don't be in such a hurry to lose weight. Learn how to eat and live properly rather than looking for some "magic" solution that will solve all your problems.

    Wow!!! I notice That rofl!!! SMDH
  • wilson1jessica
    oh my godddd seriously?! i need to get these pills. and well done thats amazing by the way! where did you get them from? oh and thanks for replying :)

    Way to pick the one post that gives you the answer you want and ignore all the ones that warn you about how dangerous and unhealthy your plan is. You're 18. Don't be in such a hurry to lose weight. Learn how to eat and live properly rather than looking for some "magic" solution that will solve all your problems.

    Wow!!! I notice That rofl!!! SMDH

    Then maybe notice the reply i said about the first comment bein the only one i saw when i wrote that? actually blind.
    oh and "SMDH" really?? you're 33 please stop using these acronyms its a bit embarrassing.
  • nyctraveler
    nyctraveler Posts: 305 Member
    I did 800 calories last summer and didn't lose much at all...all I did was mess up my metabolism so that when I went back to eating normally (1200 cals), I GAINED weight. I don't know how long it will take for my body to recover and to burn calories normally. It's still not doing it right, I think.

    I agree - you will not lose as much as you think you will. I've been there I did this crazy regimen of eating once every 3 days basically and lost like 35 lbs in 3 months but honestly I could have probably lost more with a lot less suffering lol (eh i was young and stupid then)

    I am just saying you might only end up losing 10-15 lbs with all that deprivation! You might just do something more sustainable (1200 cals) and exercise

    If you are completely determined to do the 500 calorie diet thing - YOU NEED TO VARY the cal intake. You need to throw in spike days etc; same goes for exercise
  • xelle2
    xelle2 Posts: 3
    Hi you,

    I've been on really low calorie diet for a few years, I would say the same as the other girl, if you want to go through this, better not to take any other pills and eat only really healthy stuff.
    Meat, fish, lots of veg, banana, (rice or chickpeas once a week)

    There is nothing that will make you change your mind I suppose.
    If you see you cannot do it, eat a little more an exercise more.

    Don't forget, under 1000kcal our mind is not working properly, so be gentle with your friends and careful while driving and working.
  • Silvergamma
    Silvergamma Posts: 102 Member
    Was going to post about the FDA recalling the pills mentioned on page 1, but saw a bunch of other people already linked to it.
  • DaveNix
    DaveNix Posts: 78 Member
    Just wanted to say:


    Cautioning against this type of behavior and educating around quick fixes = awesomesauce.

    Let's do it, and let's do it right!
  • wilson1jessica
    Hi you,

    I've been on really low calorie diet for a few years, I would say the same as the other girl, if you want to go through this, better not to take any other pills and eat only really healthy stuff.
    Meat, fish, lots of veg, banana, (rice or chickpeas once a week)

    There is nothing that will make you change your mind I suppose.
    If you see you cannot do it, eat a little more an exercise more.

    Don't forget, under 1000kcal our mind is not working properly, so be gentle with your friends and careful while driving and working.

    Thanks yeah, well to be perfectly honest i've been eating a lot healthier then i did when i was eating a 2000 calorie diet, as opposed to eating rubbish and processed food i've been actually cooking and eating chick peas, lentils, steamed vegetables etc, i am vegetarian anyway so my diet was always lacking certain things, and has done pretty much my whole life. But since i have been doing this diet i have eaten so much healthier and i feel so much better. So i am still gonna carry on doing what im doing, despite how many people i have so clearly offended on here by the very thought of eating so little calories.

    thanks for your reply though, it was actually helpful
  • lenwie
    lenwie Posts: 240
    Eating 500 calories for 70 days, you would probably die. Seriously.

    Go into a day on this website, add enough food to be 200 calories or so below your target for losing 2 lbs a week, click the complete entry button. It tells you if every day were like this, in 5 weeks you'd weigh (this). Find a number that is reasonable so you don't kill yourself in ten weeks.

    Find a workout program, eat right, and for the love of all that is holy, eat at least 1400 calories a day unless you plan going away to the hospital for malnutrition.

    I did a very low cal diet with supervision of my GP (Cambridge Diet) shakes & soups etc, I did this for 4 months and only lost on average 1lb a week? but the cal deficit it should have been a minimum of 3lb a week :sad: and I had a large amount of weight to lose. Everybody is different, oh and when I stopped the diet, because I felt terrible, mouth ulcers and coldsores ewwwwwwww all the time, I put it all back on and some more.

    Dont think I would go as far to say you would die, but I dont think I could go back there again :noway:
  • RiverRatChick
    RiverRatChick Posts: 115 Member

    oh and "SMDH" really?? you're 33 please stop using these acronyms its a bit embarrassing.

    If I were you, I'd be embarrassed that you came to a forum called "MyFITNESSPal" and asked a question about everyone's thoughts on starving yourself. There are forums out there for this type of behavior, Google "Anorexia" and you'll find plenty. Best of luck to you in your goal. When you want to embark on a journey to become healthy and fit, I encourage you to return and join this community. Posts such as yours are ridiculous and make me feel really sad for you.
  • tammy200678
    tammy200678 Posts: 201 Member
    people she is not going to die I did 700 for 6 months and I am still alive as long as u get the vitamins and nutrients u need and it is not for long long periods of time that is what gets to me about this site we know our bodies better than anyone and everyone on here is trying to lose weight none of us our professorial people on this or we would not be here so why sit there and tell someone they r wrong for this they know their body not u or to tell them they r going to die come on get real that is why I hate these threads half the time because everyone thinks they know better or r very judgemental
  • RiverRatChick
    RiverRatChick Posts: 115 Member
    people she is not going to die I did 700 for 6 months and I am still alive as long as u get the vitamins and nutrients u need and it is not for long long periods of time that is what gets to me about this site we know our bodies better than anyone and everyone on here is trying to lose weight none of us our professorial people on this or we would not be here so why sit there and tell someone they r wrong for this they know their body not u or to tell them they r going to die come on get real that is why I hate these threads half the time because everyone thinks they know better or r very judgemental

    Holy punctuation, batman... :noway:

    I'd like to point out that she came on here and asked for input. She has received a broad spectrum of responses and she has the ability to decide what information she will take into account when making her decision. If you're going to ask for input in a public forum you should already be aware that you may not like some of the responses you get. There is no sense patting someone on the back and coddling them if they want input on a bad decision.
  • tammy200678
    tammy200678 Posts: 201 Member
    she ask your opinion yes it is that NOT JUDGE if u read were people r telling her she is going to die come on I hate that crap everybody has some stupid judgmental comment she wants to know your what u think not stupid comments from people who do not know crap and I am not saying everyone is doing that so before u get so offensive u might think all I saying stop judging on here we r here for support
  • wilson1jessica

    If I were you, I'd be embarrassed that you came to a forum called "MyFITNESSPal" and asked a question about everyone's thoughts on starving yourself. There are forums out there for this type of behavior, Google "Anorexia" and you'll find plenty. Best of luck to you in your goal. When you want to embark on a journey to become healthy and fit, I encourage you to return and join this community. Posts such as yours are ridiculous and make me feel really sad for you.

    did i actually ask that though? or did i ask approximately how much weight i would lose? i think you will find it was the latter. And i did this in the hope to get some replies off people with experience of a low calorie diet, which thankfully i have. And lets be serious here, im not the only person that is resorting to a low calorie diet for weight loss. And also, you dont know me, at all. So how about you think about that before you start judging and making accusations about me having an eating disorder.
  • tammy200678
    tammy200678 Posts: 201 Member

    If I were you, I'd be embarrassed that you came to a forum called "MyFITNESSPal" and asked a question about everyone's thoughts on starving yourself. There are forums out there for this type of behavior, Google "Anorexia" and you'll find plenty. Best of luck to you in your goal. When you want to embark on a journey to become healthy and fit, I encourage you to return and join this community. Posts such as yours are ridiculous and make me feel really sad for you.

    did i actually ask that though? or did i ask approximately how much weight i would lose? i think you will find it was the latter. And i did this in the hope to get some replies off people with experience of a low calorie diet, which thankfully i have. And lets be serious here, im not the only person that is resorting to a low calorie diet for weight loss. And also, you dont know me, at all. So how about you think about that before you start judging and making accusations about me having an eating disorder.

    I agree
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