500 cal diet



  • soysos
    soysos Posts: 187 Member
    over the corse of about a month I ate between 0 and 1000 calories a day. not by choice, I literally had to force myself t eat that much. anyway at the time I was sleeping 14-18 hour a day, and what little time I was up I could barely function. I have done this a few times in my life and every time I ended up in the hospital. once I damn near passed out into a fryer. even if you ignore the toll this takes on the body, the actual weight loss is minimal. the body does not want to loose or gain weight, so when you starve the body it tries to minimize expended energy. so you lay around all day, there is no choice the body won't let you do anything else. all that being said, going back and forth between eating normally and barely eating I did loose a significant amount of weight, weight that I am currently struggling to gain back, but this happened over several years, not weeks.

    if you want actual numbers, when I first started having trouble eating I was taking in under 1000 a day and lost about eight pounds of mass, but I think most of that was water weight. when I went to the hospital the first thing they did was put a liter of fluids in I got a total of four before I left. the second time over the course of a year going back and forth between eating and not eating I lost 40 pounds and since lost another 20. I'm now 180 pounds 9% body fat and still loosing weight.
  • afteil
    afteil Posts: 162 Member
    I know how it feels to be super busy and not have time to work out. I am 22 and have a lot of weight to lose (becuase when I first got out of high school I was so busy that i wouldnt cook and didnt work out outside of walking to my classes). But what I think is important for the long run is to find a way to make time to work out- I wake up at 4:30 in the morning to go to the gym with my mom and work out, since I have school 6 days a week and thats almost the only time I am able to go. But I know that isnt for everyone- if you only have 10-20 mins per day then you can always try something like
    www.bodyrock.tv - most of her workouts are very short and high intensity, without having to leave your own home. she also does dieting tips and modifications for beginnings.

    I was also vegetarian for 2 years and was a lot more thin when I was- if you arent consuming any of the processed vegetarian dishes and eating fresh fruits and vegetables that you are cooking without excess oil or salts, 500 calories can be a lot of food! (i mean, 12 oz of carrots is only 160 calories!). But, the most important thing to remember is that in order to make that work, you need to be eating grains and rice as well. Vegetables do not contain "whole protiens" (because protein is broken into different amino acids, and vegetables only have a certain number), they need grains that contain the other amino acids to work.(the only exceptions to this is generally the beans) If you don't want to have grains or rice, be sure that you are using a soy protein powder and adding that to your foods to ensure you get the right amount of protein in your diet.

    Other than that, I would say invest in a food scale: they can be very helpful in ensuring you get the proper amounts of each food, and you can pre-portion your snacks to make sure that you keep eating throughout the day to not get hungry. Also, remember to take multivitamins to make sure your body gets all the nutrients that it needs.

    I will say that I agree that eating 500 calories per day is quite low- especially for the length of time that you want to commit to it. I would reccomend trying it for a shorter time and see what effects it will have on you, and if it is actually helping you get to your goals faster. And of course, try to keep your doctor informed :) Hope this was randomly helpful.
  • RiverRatChick
    RiverRatChick Posts: 115 Member

    If I were you, I'd be embarrassed that you came to a forum called "MyFITNESSPal" and asked a question about everyone's thoughts on starving yourself. There are forums out there for this type of behavior, Google "Anorexia" and you'll find plenty. Best of luck to you in your goal. When you want to embark on a journey to become healthy and fit, I encourage you to return and join this community. Posts such as yours are ridiculous and make me feel really sad for you.

    did i actually ask that though? or did i ask approximately how much weight i would lose? i think you will find it was the latter. And i did this in the hope to get some replies off people with experience of a low calorie diet, which thankfully i have. And lets be serious here, im not the only person that is resorting to a low calorie diet for weight loss. And also, you dont know me, at all. So how about you think about that before you start judging and making accusations about me having an eating disorder.

    To each their own. :laugh: Best of luck to you. When you gain all of the weight you lose back, there is a plethora of information on this website about fitness programs and healthy eating regimens that will help you make a change in your body that will last longer than an extreme caloric reduction.
  • kdao
    kdao Posts: 265

    If I were you, I'd be embarrassed that you came to a forum called "MyFITNESSPal" and asked a question about everyone's thoughts on starving yourself. There are forums out there for this type of behavior, Google "Anorexia" and you'll find plenty. Best of luck to you in your goal. When you want to embark on a journey to become healthy and fit, I encourage you to return and join this community. Posts such as yours are ridiculous and make me feel really sad for you.

    did i actually ask that though? or did i ask approximately how much weight i would lose? i think you will find it was the latter. And i did this in the hope to get some replies off people with experience of a low calorie diet, which thankfully i have. And lets be serious here, im not the only person that is resorting to a low calorie diet for weight loss. And also, you dont know me, at all. So how about you think about that before you start judging and making accusations about me having an eating disorder.

    To each their own. :laugh: Best of luck to you. When you gain all of the weight you lose back, there is a plethora of information on this website about fitness programs and healthy eating regimens that will help you make a change in your body that will last longer than an extreme caloric reduction.

    Agreed. I mean it didn't work out very well for "tammy200678", as she is here to lose 100 + pounds and she was consuming 700 cals.
  • tammy200678
    tammy200678 Posts: 201 Member
    ok u l know what before u judge know the story I had 2 miscarriages back to back and got run over by a car all within a year and could not move for almost 6 moths so u better shut your mouth I kept it off until all that so go f your self and that is what i am talking about jugemental crap u do not know me so keep my name out of your mouth
  • wilson1jessica

    I was also vegetarian for 2 years and was a lot more thin when I was- if you arent consuming any of the processed vegetarian dishes and eating fresh fruits and vegetables that you are cooking without excess oil or salts, 500 calories can be a lot of food! (i mean, 12 oz of carrots is only 160 calories!). But, the most important thing to remember is that in order to make that work, you need to be eating grains and rice as well. Vegetables do not contain "whole protiens" (because protein is broken into different amino acids, and vegetables only have a certain number), they need grains that contain the other amino acids to work.(the only exceptions to this is generally the beans) If you don't want to have grains or rice, be sure that you are using a soy protein powder and adding that to your foods to ensure you get the right amount of protein in your diet.

    Thanks for your reply, it was all helpful but this in particular is something i want to point out because CLEARLY the majority of people on this site just read things in black and white and don't even give a bit of time to consider something that seems a little bit controversial to what they think. At no point did i ever say that i was starving myself and wasn't eating etc, i am eating little and often and choosing low fat things like chick peas, lentils and porridge etc so quite frankly im getting pretty sick of being accused of all sorts from everyone that have just jumped to conclusions and completely judged me :|
  • tammy200678
    tammy200678 Posts: 201 Member

    I was also vegetarian for 2 years and was a lot more thin when I was- if you arent consuming any of the processed vegetarian dishes and eating fresh fruits and vegetables that you are cooking without excess oil or salts, 500 calories can be a lot of food! (i mean, 12 oz of carrots is only 160 calories!). But, the most important thing to remember is that in order to make that work, you need to be eating grains and rice as well. Vegetables do not contain "whole protiens" (because protein is broken into different amino acids, and vegetables only have a certain number), they need grains that contain the other amino acids to work.(the only exceptions to this is generally the beans) If you don't want to have grains or rice, be sure that you are using a soy protein powder and adding that to your foods to ensure you get the right amount of protein in your diet.

    Thanks for your reply, it was all helpful but this in particular is something i want to point out because CLEARLY the majority of people on this site just read things in black and white and don't even give a bit of time to consider something that seems a little bit controversial to what they think. At no point did i ever say that i was starving myself and wasn't eating etc, i am eating little and often and choosing low fat things like chick peas, lentils and porridge etc so quite frankly im getting pretty sick of being accused of all sorts from everyone that have just jumped to conclusions and completely judged me :|

    agreed that is all a lot of people do on here
  • Mads1997
    Mads1997 Posts: 1,494 Member
    ok u l know what before u judge know the story I had 2 miscarriages back to back and got run over by a car all within a year and could not move for almost 6 moths so u better shut your mouth I kept it off until all that so go f your self and that is what i am talking about jugemental crap u do not know me so keep my name out of your mouth

    Really no need for this kind of reply.
  • kdao
    kdao Posts: 265
    ok u l know what before u judge know the story I had 2 miscarriages back to back and got run over by a car all within a year and could not move for almost 6 moths so u better shut your mouth I kept it off until all that so go f your self and that is what i am talking about jugemental crap u do not know me so keep my name out of your mouth

    I wasn't judging you, I was going off simply what you said. Relax, and stop being an "e-thug"
  • kevanos
    kevanos Posts: 304 Member
    there is the controversional HCG diet that in popular on these boards that is based on 500 calorie diet. It uses HCG drops that supposedly turns your fat into calories (isn`t that what your body would do even without the drops).

    Anyways, not that I reccomend it, but there are a bunch of threads floating around about it, use the search function with HCG.

    Also, you should talk to your fit friends and see what they did to become that fit, maybe it had nothing to do with 500 calorie diets...
  • afteil
    afteil Posts: 162 Member
    Frankly I'm surprised at how abrasive people have been about this topic- this is a forum for support and help.

    Saying that it is unhealthy, to consult a doctor, or to try upping your calories and see if you still lose weight is one thing- but a lot of the people on here have been downright vicious about it.

    A lot of the leafy greens and other vegetables have very little calories, so you can eat a crap ton of it without getting many- esp the leafy greens like spinach where you can eat 4 cups without ever going over 30 calories! I think its obnoxious for people to think that by 500 calories you arent eating and are starving yourself- simply becuase in todays society where meat and processed foods are king, calories are super easy to get a hold of.

    Fruits will probably by where you get most of your calories from, but even then you can eat a lot of fruit without getting a ton of calories.
  • tammy200678
    tammy200678 Posts: 201 Member
    ok u l know what before u judge know the story I had 2 miscarriages back to back and got run over by a car all within a year and could not move for almost 6 moths so u better shut your mouth I kept it off until all that so go f your self and that is what i am talking about jugemental crap u do not know me so keep my name out of your mouth

    Really no need for this kind of reply.

    oh but everyone else can say what they want i can say what i want just like u can all i was saying is do not judge someone until u know them or their situation
  • tammy200678
    tammy200678 Posts: 201 Member
    ok u l know what before u judge know the story I had 2 miscarriages back to back and got run over by a car all within a year and could not move for almost 6 moths so u better shut your mouth I kept it off until all that so go f your self and that is what i am talking about jugemental crap u do not know me so keep my name out of your mouth

    I wasn't judging you, I was going off simply what you said. Relax, and stop being an "e-thug"

    well before u say something u should know that is all I am saying and your e thug comment grow up
  • kdao
    kdao Posts: 265
    ok u l know what before u judge know the story I had 2 miscarriages back to back and got run over by a car all within a year and could not move for almost 6 moths so u better shut your mouth I kept it off until all that so go f your self and that is what i am talking about jugemental crap u do not know me so keep my name out of your mouth

    I wasn't judging you, I was going off simply what you said. Relax, and stop being an "e-thug"

    well before u say something u should know that is all I am saying and your e thug comment grow up

    It's not my job to investigate your reasons. I went off of your ticker info and your post info, simple as that.
  • tammy200678
    tammy200678 Posts: 201 Member
    My whole point before people starting jumping all over me is she ask how much weight she could lose not anything else it is anyone place to say rather it is right or wrong so if u won't answer what she wants to know why answer at all why say unnecessary rude stuff
  • wilson1jessica
    Frankly I'm surprised at how abrasive people have been about this topic- this is a forum for support and help.

    Saying that it is unhealthy, to consult a doctor, or to try upping your calories and see if you still lose weight is one thing- but a lot of the people on here have been downright vicious about it.

    A lot of the leafy greens and other vegetables have very little calories, so you can eat a crap ton of it without getting many- esp the leafy greens like spinach where you can eat 4 cups without ever going over 30 calories! I think its obnoxious for people to think that by 500 calories you arent eating and are starving yourself- simply becuase in todays society where meat and processed foods are king, calories are super easy to get a hold of.

    Fruits will probably by where you get most of your calories from, but even then you can eat a lot of fruit without getting a ton of calories.

    Yes! thankyou, seriously. I never anticipated this amount of ignorance from what i posted. Granted its not an ideal diet but i certainly did not say i wasnt eating. Jesus i wish more people would see things the way you do!
  • Mike
    Mike Posts: 823 Member
    I want to make sure everyone is aware that personal insults or attacks on the forums are not permitted at ANY time, under any circumstance. If you disagree with someone, you must do so RESPECTFULLY. You may argue with the message, but you may not attack the messenger.

    Given the tone of this thread, I'm going to lock it. Members who repeatedly violate our forum rules can have their posting privileges suspended, or can even be banned from the site. Everyone who posted on this topic, please consider yourself warned. Further violations by anyone who posted in this thread will result in suspensions which we greatly prefer not to do. So please, help us out by making sure to follow the forum rules at all times.

    Thanks in advance for your cooperation.
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