*Snowflakes to Sunshine Challenge* Week #10 Discussion 3.11.

Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
edited September 24 in Motivation and Support
Snowflakes..this is where I would like you to celebrate your accomplishments! How did you do this week? Where is one area that you feel you should improve for the next week? What is your schedule going to consist of next week and something new that you want to try this week (I.e morning workout, different cal amount, lowering carb intake, etc.).

Please be open and honest about this past week, as it helps everyone else to be able to give you the praise, motivation, or advice that you may need! :smile:


  • punkrawkcutie
    punkrawkcutie Posts: 439 Member
    I just have to say, I am LOVING the new pic Krystle!!! You look ABSOLUTELY amazing!

    So, down 1.5... just shy of my goal for the week... and I am happy with that...
    Not sure what the plan for this week is as it stands...
    I think the biggest thing that got me through this week was how many people told me that my enthusiasium motivates them to really give it their all each week too. I think that made me feel more like I now had to put up or shut up...
    So i guess we will see
    xoxo- S
  • ChantalC1969
    ChantalC1969 Posts: 226 Member
  • simplyxaddicted
    simplyxaddicted Posts: 292 Member
    Well Ladies you are all doing great and you are all FINE women!! :flowerforyou: YOU are BEAUTIFUL! :smile:

    Last week I defintely did not work to the best of of abilities.... I worked out 3 days and I was inspecting a gain...
    I am greatful it wasnt a HUGE one... I can deal with 0.4 of a pound . I am sure I can burn it off just chasing after the little one lol..

    One of my problems is I am seriously doubting myself as far as it comes to reaching the 40 pound goal by June 1st 2011:ohwell:
    I have lost 15.4 pounds since the beginning of this challenge. Which means I have 24.6 pounds to go , until June 1st... I really hope i can do this!! I really want to look good in new clothes for ONCE this summer !! :laugh:
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    Lost 5 lbs this week (though I really only see it as a 2.5 lb loss, since I was at 180 before my birthday celebration week...) and I made it into the 170's!! (:love: 177.5 :love: )!!! I've been really, reeeally good all week. I did the Shred most days, one day of Zumba, and 2 days of C25K. I plan on doing it all over again this last week of the 1st half of the challenge, but with 3 days of C25K, now that I'm into it!

    A few days ago I had a low(er) carb day, thanks to another challenge. It was really hard for me to eat less carbs, but I would like to try it a couple days again this week, because it made me eat more veggies.

    I anyone else doing low-carb? I would love if you would share your food diary with me, or to hear your suggestions/advice!

    addisyn2010... You've lost more than me!! There's no pressure to reach your goals by June 1st, you'll still have ALL summer to stick with it!! It might take you until July, or even August, but you're gonna get there, and that's what matters!
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
  • robynrae_1
    robynrae_1 Posts: 712 Member
    I had an relization this week. I have, in the past, gone on diets and once I reached my goal weight I go back to my old habits. It was all or nothing. Strict eating or binging. Busting my butt or sitting on it.

    Once I lose this weight, I don't plan on changing what I am doing. I like how I feel, I like what I am eating.
    I have made a life style change. I don't feel like I am depriving myself... I have found moderation.

    I think this is one of the reasons I am not stressing over not lossing weight fast. I know that if I don't make it to my goal weight in June I will eventually get there.
  • givprayz
    givprayz Posts: 328
    I lost 2 pounds this week, which is right on goal, but I didn't do it through a lot of effort on my part. I started getting a cold over the weekend. Monday I felt good getting up for my class at the Y, but got dizzy over and over during class, came home and collapsed. I was useless Tuesday thru Thursday, barely having the energy to do the bare necessities. Today I went back to class and did ok, and I feel a good bit better, so I didn't lose too many days from my routine.

    I have been reading up on metabolic typing diets. It looks like I am a dead center type (the extremes being slow oxidizers who need high-carb diets, and fast oxidizers who need high-protein diets.) My husband is also in the middle, but with heavy leanings toward the fast side. The book I'm reading suggests those in the middle find their own "best diet" through a process similar to the "allergen diet" method. For 5-7 days you eat almost entirely meat and non-starchy vegetables. No grains, no dairy, no fruits, and as little starch as possible. Then over the course of 2-3 days for each addition, you start to add back foods from those categories. When the addition of a food makes you feel good, you add more of it until it starts making you feel bad, then you back up to the optimum amount and start on another food. It is a time-consuming and monotonous process (I did it for allergies years ago and couldn't keep it up) but it makes sense to me. As soon as I am over this cold completely, I am going to start the process. There is also a way to get an analysis done online that cuts down the process by zeroing in on the "most likely" foods to be good for you or the ones you should just plan to avoid. I am really tempted to spend the $40 and shorten the process. I just can't imagine a week without fruit or dairy, and then who knows how long until those categories are really back in the diet.

    I plan to continue three days a week vigorous exercise, and 1-3 days of lighter exercise. If the weather ever gets better, I'd like to get out walking some again, and I know the dog would like that too!
  • netter43
    netter43 Posts: 110 Member
    I lost 3 pounds this week (17 since starting this challenge and 26 total since 11/1/10) - I'm very happy with my progress and without this challenge to keep pushing me I don't think I would have made it this far.

    I am shocked at any loss this week - two weeks sick with sinus/chest congestion and only exercised last sunday - but stayed within my calories all week and a couple days too low due to no appetite...I need to get rid of this cold so I can workout again and feel like my old sassy self...

    Keep up the great work everyone and lets all say a group prayer for spring because this winter has about done me in!!! :)
  • LJ0508
    LJ0508 Posts: 122 Member
    I lost 1.5lbs this week, so I've lost 12lbs so far and I have 28 more to go to reach the 40lb mark. Honestly if I don't drop 40lbs by June, I'll be fine with that, it'll come off. Staying committed and living a healthier lifestyle is what matters the most.
    I really need to focus on my excercise this week. Because I've lost over 10lbs I'm now on a 1200 net cal which is only 140 less, so I can do it.

    Could someone recommend a scale that they absolutely love? I have a healthometer scale and I'm not sure if it's accurate enough (I hope so) this morning I was 198, 195, than 194. I weighed myself at least 15 times in different parts of my house until I kept getting the same number.

    KRYSTLE....I really would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart for starting this challenge. You have touched so many
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member

    I just have to say, I am LOVING the new pic Krystle!!! You look ABSOLUTELY amazing!

    So, down 1.5... just shy of my goal for the week... and I am happy with that...
    Not sure what the plan for this week is as it stands...
    I think the biggest thing that got me through this week was how many people told me that my enthusiasium motivates them to really give it their all each week too. I think that made me feel more like I now had to put up or shut up...
    So i guess we will see
    xoxo- S

    Thank you darling! And wonderful job on the loss this week!

    One of my problems is I am seriously doubting myself as far as it comes to reaching the 40 pound goal by June 1st 2011
    I have lost 15.4 pounds since the beginning of this challenge. Which means I have 24.6 pounds to go , until June 1st... I really hope i can do this!! I really want to look good in new clothes for ONCE this summer !!

    Like I have said before...don't get to caught up in that. You are at a weight that you may not get to the whole 40 by June 1st, but that is ok! There are no losers in this challenge. You have been doing an awesome job!

    A few days ago I had a low(er) carb day, thanks to another challenge. It was really hard for me to eat less carbs, but I would like to try it a couple days again this week, because it made me eat more veggies.

    I anyone else doing low-carb? I would love if you would share your food diary with me, or to hear your suggestions/advice!

    Haven't really tried low carb...well I take that back, some days I am a lot lower carb as it pertains to bread and rices...but I always have the carbs from fruits and veggies :) But way to switch things up! It has obviously worked! :smile:

    I think this is one of the reasons I am not stressing over not lossing weight fast. I know that if I don't make it to my goal weight in June I will eventually get there.

    This is a good way to look at it...slow and steady, there is no need to rush it for the sake of the challenge, you will get there and when you do...it will be so much sweeter.

    I lost 3 pounds this week (17 since starting this challenge and 26 total since 11/1/10) - I'm very happy with my progress and without this challenge to keep pushing me I don't think I would have made it this far.

    Great job...and your progess is great, you are right! Keep it up!

    I lost 1.5lbs this week, so I've lost 12lbs so far and I have 28 more to go to reach the 40lb mark. Honestly if I don't drop 40lbs by June, I'll be fine with that, it'll come off. Staying committed and living a healthier lifestyle is what matters the most.
    I really need to focus on my excercise this week. Because I've lost over 10lbs I'm now on a 1200 net cal which is only 140 less, so I can do it.

    Could someone recommend a scale that they absolutely love? I have a healthometer scale and I'm not sure if it's accurate enough (I hope so) this morning I was 198, 195, than 194. I weighed myself at least 15 times in different parts of my house until I kept getting the same number.

    KRYSTLE....I really would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart for starting this challenge. You have touched so many

    That is great...I am soooo proud of you! And girl if it weren't for you, I wouldnt have even known about this site! So thank you mama! :flowerforyou:
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    Ok..so 1lb is fine with me considering the fact that I changed a lot of things around this week like calorie intake, taking new birth control pills to get rid of the depo in my system and starting TuboFire. So I am hoping and praying that it works come next week and the following weeks. I know a lot of time it take a little minute for your body to catch up to a new routine of habits so I am ok with that!

    This week I am going to continue with TurboFire and Zumba

    Friday: TurboFire Day 6 and Zumba Tone and Sculpt

    Saturday: TurboFire

    Sunday: TurboFire and Zumba

    Monday: Rest Day from TurboFire so just Zumba

    Tuesday: TurboFire

    Wednesday: TurboFire and Zumha

    Thursday: TurboFire in the morning

    My goal is to get Zumba in at least 2 to 3 times a week..since it is a fun break from TurboFire

    Also, I really wanted to concenrate on my intake...going back and forth..up about 200-300 so a little zig-zagging this week to keep my body guessing. I never seem to have a problem with water, since that is all I drink anyway! So I am just trying to keep a positive attitude and stay focused on consistent exercise
  • maeflower1234
    maeflower1234 Posts: 87 Member
    Lost 1 pound this week. I had a bad week eating wise but I am back on the wagon now!
  • healthydoseofglitter
    healthydoseofglitter Posts: 532 Member
    Bump, so I can find this thread faster for tmr :bigsmile:
  • bhonniered
    bhonniered Posts: 228
    I am getting back on track with my exercise and only had a few poor choices with food and it showed on the scale. I am down 1.8 lbs. and it feels gooood! I am so close to the 180s!

    The dedication of everyone is so inspiring! My goals for the week is to keep drinking the water, continue the exercise in the mornings, and continue to reduce my poor food choices!
  • I was down 0.8 this week, so not quite a lb. But I'm glad it was a loss and not a gain. At least I am going in the right direction. As far as what I am going to do this week, I am going to bring my lunch to work everyday this coming week. I am also going to try my best to stay within my calories, fat, and carb limits. I'm trying to eat lower carb, not low carb or no carb just lower than I usually do carb. Also I plan on doing my C25K 3 times this week. I wasn't able to get it in at all this week, so I am a week behind.

    I have REALLY got to get with the program! I need to up my water to at least 90 oz or more a day. I need to stay within my goals I've set. And I need to stop giving in to what I want to eat. I love healthy food so I just need to make it a priority to incorporate it into my meals daily.
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    Snowflakes..this is where I would like you to celebrate your accomplishments! How did you do this week? Where is one area that you feel you should improve for the next week? What is your schedule going to consist of next week and something new that you want to try this week (I.e morning workout, different cal amount, lowering carb intake, etc.).

    Please be open and honest about this past week, as it helps everyone else to be able to give you the praise, motivation, or advice that you may need! :smile:

    I did well this week. even with the set back from the girl scout cookies. it was good to have them and get them out my system. now I won't be craving them and if I do, they're gone. I ate 3 servings of them and gave the rest to my daughter. I had them in the cabinet for almost 2 weeks, so I am so surprised that I waited that long to eat them. So I would say that's the one thing I need to improve on. To be more disciplined and stop eating things that are not conducive to my weight loss.

    Friday- I did something different these week, I went to a Friday zumba class! I will also do JM 6 pack in 6 week abs. Also this week, I am trying new recipes because I'm tired of eating the same boring foods.
    Sat- I will workout for 45-60 minutes at the gym after my daughter's tumbling class.
    Sun- workout from home, incl. zumba on wii and JM abs.
    Mon- JM abs
    Tues- kickboxing in the morning
    Wed- zumba in the AM and meet w/ my trainer.
    Thurs- zumba in the PM

    So that's my week in review. I will be on later to comment on everyone's week.

    Luckily it didn't effect my weight loss much. I thought it would have, but maybe I could have loss more if I didn't splurge on the cookies. The day before that, I got a moolatte from DQ. I knew it was 800 calories, but I also knew I had already burned more than that. But at this point, I am not trying to maintain. I'm trying to get ahead. So those little guilty pleasures will have to come to an end.

    Oh, forgot to mention...
    LW: 177.2
    CW: 175.2
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    Snowflakes..this is where I would like you to celebrate your accomplishments! How did you do this week? Where is one area that you feel you should improve for the next week? What is your schedule going to consist of next week and something new that you want to try this week (I.e morning workout, different cal amount, lowering carb intake, etc.).

    Please be open and honest about this past week, as it helps everyone else to be able to give you the praise, motivation, or advice that you may need! :smile:

    I did well this week. even with the set back from the girl scout cookies. it was good to have them and get them out my system. now I won't be craving them and if I do, they're gone. I ate 3 servings of them and gave the rest to my daughter. I had them in the cabinet for almost 2 weeks, so I am so surprised that I waited that long to eat them. So I would say that's the one thing I need to improve on. To be more disciplined and stop eating things that are not conducive to my weight loss.

    Friday- I did something different these week, I went to a Friday zumba class! I will also do JM 6 pack in 6 week abs. Also this week, I am trying new recipes because I'm tired of eating the same boring foods.
    Sat- I will workout for 45-60 minutes at the gym after my daughter's tumbling class.
    Sun- workout from home, incl. zumba on wii and JM abs.
    Mon- JM abs
    Tues- kickboxing in the morning
    Wed- zumba in the AM and meet w/ my trainer.
    Thurs- zumba in the PM

    So that's my week in review. I will be on later to comment on everyone's week.

    Luckily it didn't effect my weight loss much. I thought it would have, but maybe I could have loss more if I didn't splurge on the cookies. The day before that, I got a moolatte from DQ. I knew it was 800 calories, but I also knew I had already burned more than that. But at this point, I am not trying to maintain. I'm trying to get ahead. So those little guilty pleasures will have to come to an end.

    Oh, forgot to mention...
    LW: 177.2
    CW: 175.2

    Good job girl!
  • crystal_sapphire
    crystal_sapphire Posts: 1,205 Member
    im down 3.1 which is good though i did then binge today on chinese food. not going to let is get me down though. just to keep going. i'm happy i haven't been binging and that modifying my carb intake has been aiding in that.
  • leandread
    leandread Posts: 166 Member
    I gained 1.5 pound this week but Im now wearing two pair of pants that didn't fit at Christmas so its all GOOD :)
    I'm going to take my measurements next week after my TOM is over. I'm going to face the tape measure.

    I started C25K today. This morning in fact, right after I weighed in. And it was tough,but I did it. My plan is to be more mindful of my entire intake rather than focus solely on calories. I think I will see some benefits in doing that. My work out plan, since its Spring Break, is to be active every single day. Work out every single day over the next week while I have the time. So since I started C25K I will be doing that 3xs a week), zumba and yoga this week. I'm also going to pick up my Beck Diet Solution book and start integrating some of that mindfulness back into my eating. I really wonder if I am still underestimating my intake & portions because honestly, I am surprised that the scale is not moving, even if I am losing inches...

    This is the halfway point but like some of you already said, this is a journey and I am not going to let myself get caught up in the numbers game, but rather focus on all the other things that go into healthy living---mindful eating, whole clean foods and getting into a mind set where food is not a frenemy or a crutch, but rather fuel for my body!
    Have an amazing weekend snowflakes.
  • teijei
    teijei Posts: 8
    I am disappointed to say that I am up 7 pounds due to fluid retention. I also haven't been exercising as often as I should have been. My goal for next week is to monitor my sodium intake more closely.
This discussion has been closed.