Foods you ate, then realized they weren't worth it!



  • Anidorie
    Anidorie Posts: 291 Member
    um maybe like when iwas really craving sugar sugar. so i ate two teaspoon full of sugar and i use to love it but the love never came. it kinda tasted gross for once.
  • leomentlines
    leomentlines Posts: 440 Member
    Simply Asia noodle bowls from the grocery - even though I'm not too worried about the caloric value (<500 cals), they have ridiculously high sodium + a lot of carbs in them! If I really get the taste for one, I'm just gonna go ahead and indulge, but for now I don't bother, b/c I don't feel its worth it.
  • Mountain_woman
    Mountain_woman Posts: 229 Member
    I took my daughter out for an ice cream cone. We went to Dairy Queen because of the ease and the kid's cone option. I ate it and halfway through I realized it tasted "cheap and disappointing". It was 200 calories for a half cup portion of the junk. Needless to say, the experience made me rethink what I want to give into. Yeck.
  • FireRox21
    FireRox21 Posts: 424 Member
    McDonalds, Burger King, really any fast-food chain. Not worth the calories and fat. Really doesn't taste that great. And I've had too many "episodes" after eating it. :sick: I haven't completly banned them, I have little kids, but we rarely get fast food anymore. Come to think of it, I'm probably doing my kids a favor. :happy:

    I'm glad this thread came up. Just tonight I posted about eating a Filet O Fish from McDonalds. After eating it I thought "that really had NO flavor AND I just wasted a huge amount of calories". And the "episodes" have begun. TMI alert....I have some horrible gas right now and have nothing but empty calories/fat, etc. to show for it!

    My whole family has actually been eating much better recently. I think I am actually beginning to rub off on them. When my Mom gets home from work, I am chugging my protein shake since I just got home from the gym and I'm preparing my fiance's salad and my some-sort-of-chicken creation meal. All low-fat and full of fresh veggies.

    HUGE MILESTONE ALERT!!!! We have not had Del Taco in the house in 4 weeks!!!! Yes folks, 4 weeks!!!! This is coming from a family where EACH person ate AT LEAST 3 burritos and 3 chicken soft tacos in ONE SITTING!!!!
  • hope_khm
    hope_khm Posts: 26
    Blue Moon Beer - 170 calories per bottle. I've since switched to Budweiser Select 55 - and only on special occasions when we are entertaining....
  • sbwood888
    sbwood888 Posts: 953 Member
    I ate this really huge spoonful of Nutella......then I thought REALLY?? Did I really just do that??? ugh
  • shyaamist
    shyaamist Posts: 34

    Last night the company I work for took us out to Panera for dinner. I had half a sandwich and looked at it and yet again realized it wasn't worth it!

    Maybe I should start a list for myself! @~~(~~
  • Really any meal out - we're used to eating out 3 - 9 times a week (lunch and dinner, or breakfast and dinner, or some other combo!) - and while I've been trying to work it in it just can't compare to the meal I had tonight - mostly because I know EXACTLY what was in it, how it was prepared, and didn't have to stress.
  • aawh
    aawh Posts: 96 Member
    In November I had McDonald's Big Mac and fries for the first time in almost a year and it was cold, greasy and really disappointing!

    Last month I had one of those Snickers PB Squared, didn't make me go over on cals or numbers for the day, but it was such a let down!

    I love those Cherry Hostess Pies mentioned already, and Pop Tarts as well, but I absolutely cannot see how they can pack between 400-500 cals in either of those! I don't think I could ever eat them again, losing weight or not. They're ruined for me now.
  • cwuenschel
    cwuenschel Posts: 9 Member
    Dr. Pepper! Loved it so much, but now I'm not sure how I could have actually downed a whole glass...way too sugary.
  • shyaamist
    shyaamist Posts: 34
    Dr. Pepper! Loved it so much, but now I'm not sure how I could have actually downed a whole glass...way too sugary.

    In college, about 10 years ago, I would start my day off with 32oz of regular mountain dew every day!!! If I drink it anymore, its diet and I still can't drink much of it at one time... switched to coffee now, which I couldn't stand then. Funny how our tastes change over time!
  • Cadbury Mini Eggs around Easter. My Mom and I are usually hooked on them all Easter. This year I just look the other way when going through the grocery store! So not worth the calories!
  • bwleung89
    bwleung89 Posts: 55 Member
    Jamba Juice Smooties!!! Alot of calories and not very filling for me.
  • Bviera
    Bviera Posts: 106 Member
    Almost........I just started, so I haven't had that much temptation to worry about, but I almost.....Like just now..... ate a honey bun. I looked it up on here before i ate it and saw that it had 470 calories, so I looked at the honey bun again and noticed it's gooey icing and sudenly got disgusted......went for a fruit cup instead, YAY!

    I agree!! Looking at calories and sugar content (sometimes sodium content) in a meal can suddenly make me find it absolutely disgusting.
  • Bviera
    Bviera Posts: 106 Member
    Soda, definitely. Not that I used to drink it regularly before, but now when I try it, I find it way disgustingly sweet. I'm glad I don't like it anymore, because talk about empty calories!
  • Geordie_Girl
    Geordie_Girl Posts: 175 Member
    My not worth it food is KFC popcorn chicken :sick: . I stopped eating KFC years ago as there wasn't one near us, previously I'd loved popcorn chicken, but I went there about a year ago and it was GROSS! Pure salt, totally not enjoyable at all. I'd spent years missing it and thinking 'mmmm I'd love some' then when I did get it, it didn't live up to my memories at all. Yuck!
  • mommamo5
    mommamo5 Posts: 61
    BTW...those Reeses PB egg shaped things around Easter time? Sooooooooo worth it. I would run a good 45 min on my treadmill to make up for those yummo calories. I hope I'm not making anyone crave those!

    oh my, those are my WEAKNESS!!!
  • Louiselesley
    Louiselesley Posts: 166 Member
    I gave up fizzy drinks and caffeine quite some time ago and as much as I enjoy the odd cup of tea if I'm FREEZING during the winter I can't like any fizzy drinks anymore. They all make me feel horrible.

    (I'm so glad I live nowhere near Hersheys and Reeses are hard to find here. I couldn't say no to them.)
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    Chocolate. I never liked it before I had children, then craved it in pregnancy. Now I have stopped breastfeeding I really don't like it any more.
  • godroxmysox
    godroxmysox Posts: 1,491 Member
    I used to drink at least 32 oz of fountain mountain dew every day. Once I started counting calories, I cut out soda completely (why drink your calories?). I had a fountain mountain dew at my god-daughter's 5th birthday party on Saturday and it was awful! I see this as a bonus because if it tastes bad, I am not tempted to drink it :happy:
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