How did you gain weight?...



  • Jovialation
    Jovialation Posts: 7,632 Member
    I was a big one as a little kid and through most of school.
    Was totally anorexic in HS, got down to under 90 pounds (my mom took away the scales after awhile)

    Then I got a serious boyfriend and moved in with him. Hes got the metabolism of a god and eats tons of food without gaining a pound.
    Doesnt help that we moved to Chicago, where food is half the fun to be had.
    Within the first YEAR I went from about 125-130 to 180.
  • kentlass
    kentlass Posts: 325 Member
    for me, i was always a chubby 21 i joined a gym and dropped over 50lbs....i looked, toned and tanned....then i got into a relationship...and fell pregnant.

    i gained about a 15-18lbs having my little girl, then i fell pg with my son 3months later and gained another 14lbs ish with him...and being a mum to two babies i really didn't have much time to workout or eat i gained yet another 14lbs or so on top of the rest
  • sweetiev
    sweetiev Posts: 18
    Always the heavy girl through school, parents split, alot of emotional eating and have been struggling ever since.Quit smoking 2 1/2 years ago did lots of drinking. Now I have lost some weight but still working to get my BMI in the normal range. It took some time but I have realized there is way more benefits to being healthy than just enjoying food way too much.
  • Krissy_breann
    I've just always been a little bit chubby, I've never been smaller than a 12 since 5th grade! But this past year I broke my ankle and couldn't really get around for about 6 months and gained 20 horrible pounds. I never really did play sports, either, and ate a ton out of boredom.
  • thecanface
    thecanface Posts: 1,180 Member
    relationship weight!! i was so happy and in love.. not a care in the world. happy eating :(
  • remembertheharddrive
    remembertheharddrive Posts: 133 Member
    When I was younger it was totally a lack of education or understanding about what was healthy, not healthy and how much was a correct portion size. My parents did nothing to teach me. My dad did manual labor all day, so he ate tons and was athletic. My mom was heavy and loved to cook. So I just ate whatever tasted good. I lost it in high school due to athletics, it just happened naturally, but when I was forced to feed myself in a high-stress college situation, it was booze and the exploration of new, abundant foods that led to my demise.

    This past year, it was both emotional eating and injury-induced reduction in activity levels. I'm starting to pick up the pieces though. I'm not a marathon runner anymore, so I can't eat like one. :( And I'm rebuilding my self-esteem on the emotional side, rebuilding that self-worth -- making my physical health important again.
  • LovelySnugs
    LovelySnugs Posts: 389
    - Not working out.
    - Eating crappy food and drinking 1-2 CASES of soda every day, facilitated by a job in the video game industry.
    - Not getting on the scale.
    - Not having honest enough friends to tell me I was getting big.
    - Being on depo provera, which increased by appetite.
    - Having lots of excuses to eat.

    Yes, I had had weight issues all my life, but it became a serious concern after I started working at a company surrounded by people who would eat and play video games all day.

    depo? really? wow. i'm so much less worried now. i thought i was losing my mind! but i wonder (TMI AND off topic, sorry) did you have extended bloating issues? cuz i think that's what's gotten in my way the last couple weeks and i don't know if/how i'm gonna get past it.
  • bpdai
    bpdai Posts: 46 Member
    I had to fight to keep weight on from the time I was born until puberty. Unfortunately, in the interveening years I developed very poor eating habits. My parents would feed me anything I wanted because the alternative was for me not to eat at all. I also bought into the "clean plate club" at the school lunchroom in elementary school. I still feel guilty about leaving any food on a plate, in the serving bowl, leftovers in the frige - you get the idea. I have fought my weight my entire adult life, and know that it is partly bad habits, and partly comfort eating. I must change the habits and my attitude to be successful.
  • ruthie3110
    ruthie3110 Posts: 160 Member
    Wow I can relate to so many of these!!
    When I look back now I really wasn't as big as I thought back in school. My BMI at the time was 26 I think!
    I also just realised that from my lowest ever weight to my highest, there is a difference of 80lbs!! I put that on in like 3 years!
  • ruthie3110
    ruthie3110 Posts: 160 Member
    I had to fight to keep weight on from the time I was born until puberty. Unfortunately, in the interveening years I developed very poor eating habits. My parents would feed me anything I wanted because the alternative was for me not to eat at all. I also bought into the "clean plate club" at the school lunchroom in elementary school. I still feel guilty about leaving any food on a plate, in the serving bowl, leftovers in the frige - you get the idea. I have fought my weight my entire adult life, and know that it is partly bad habits, and partly comfort eating. I must change the habits and my attitude to be successful.
    I really struggle leaving a plate with any food on it!!
  • AndyBee
    AndyBee Posts: 171 Member
    I was thin as a child, but always thought I was fat. I would go on crazy diets as a preteen and idolized bulimic and anorexic girls. In my mind, these girls had it figured out and I was weak because I had to eat. So I would beat myself up, and eat. Yeah totally screwed up right? I would workout in my bedroom at night instead of sleeping. But I always felt fat.

    Eventually I gave up and decided I was never going to be beautiful. (I was a size 6 and looked great, but just couldn't see it) I ate whatever I wanted, and just didn't care anymore. No exercise either, so the pounds started coming.

    They didn't really hit me hard until I married this "wonderful" man who made me miserable. I ate out of emotion all the time. I was depressed and hated everything. When we finally split, I ate because I was free and was happy. This past year has been full of ups and downs (very low downs, my son was stillborn in October) and I ate out of stress and severe emotion.

    Now I'm doing this for me. I know that I can be healthy, but I have to take it slow. I don't want to become obsessed again, but I will never feel defeated again. As long as I take care of my body, my body will take care of me.
  • p_cakes
    p_cakes Posts: 282
    Let's see, I was never a big child. I never paid attention to my weight until about 8th grade. I think Freshman yr in high school I was about 170, which for my 5'3 frame it's a lot. I stayed 170-175 in high school, but then college came, I lost a bit during my first yr of college, then I met my boyfriend. He lived wiht roommates, their dinner was takeout or takeout...Then he moved back home with his parents, and they cook a FULL meal almost every night and always wanted me to join them.
    There I go up to 197! That was the highest weight I had recorded. I'm sure it may have hit 200, but when I saw how close I was to 200 I said that's enough. I didn't want that anymore. Even to be back to my high school body would be great.
    I'm now down to 184.8 and hoping to be to 165 in May.
  • katiemeridien
    I gained 40 lbs when I moved to LA.

    Let's just say that living with an obese person will tempt you into massive weight gain!

    I just love to eat...and mild depression + friend who eats for fun = 40 lbs gained. Now I'm 32 lbs down... 15 to go until my goal!
  • DeBlue
    DeBlue Posts: 254 Member
    I tend to put on weight when I'm happy. :happy: And conversely when I'm under a lot of worry and stress the pounds just gather around for the party. :frown:

    Now if I'm in an all-out-crying-crisis, the pounds just fall off. :sad:

    It would be pretty sick if I needed to get fired or be dumped by my BF just to get my weight back where I'd like it.
  • rebeccaS85
    rebeccaS85 Posts: 141
    I gained most of my weight through my two pregnancies. I 2006 I had my first child and put on 45 lbs during the pregnancy. I struggled to lose that weight for quite a while but was eventually able to lose about 20 lbs. My husband and I decided to have another baby and struggled getting pregnant. Turns out I have Polycystic Ovarian Syndrom, which means I don't ovulate (which is also why I was not able to easily lose the pregnancy weight). After taking Clomid I was able to conceive my second child. With this last pregnancy I only put on 30 lbs. Now my daughter is 7 months and I want to lose this weight!!
  • JPRobocker
    JPRobocker Posts: 74 Member
    I gained some weight around 14 or 15 but lost most of it in high school when I made a concious effort. I gained most of my current weight after college. I went from working full time at a movie theater and restruant while going to school full time, to working at a desk 40 hours a week. I gained 20 lbs in only about 3 months. I realized how bad it had gotten when my sister had her baby and a full term she weighed the same as I did. I decided I needed to get rid of the excess weight before it got worse. I am looking for more of a life style change than a diet. I'm young and healthy and need to start making good choices while I still am.
  • kelika71
    kelika71 Posts: 778 Member
    I had a mother who was an awesome cook.
    Puberty hit.
    Emotional eating.
    Not working out.
    Eating more.
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    Having children! I used to exercise a lot and cycle 8 miles a day too and from work, as well as swimming, tai chi, gym, and rowing. When I got pregnant I was too sick to do anything, then had bad water retention and couldn't move, then had a bad emergency caesarean and couldn't exercise for months. Then got PND and the antidepressants made me put on weight. Then got pregnant again, lost the weight very fast after my second as I didn't drive and was walking miles a day with a double buggy, but when I learned to drive I put on 1 1/2 stone. I never got huge, my highest weight was 12 stone (I am 5'5"), but bigger than I liked.
    I am happy with my size now, I am back to my pre-pregnancy heavy weight, but I would prefer to be more toned.
  • Liatush
    Liatush Posts: 627 Member
    I have been on a constant diet my whole life. Which is strange because when I look at pictures, I was always pretty fit! I had an athletic body, so not model skinny but definitely not as bad as I remember feeling. Maybe it was because my family is thin as a rail... who knows?

    I think my major weight gain has been my injury to my knees which made it impossible for me to work out. Instead of watching what I ate, I watched as I ate everything in sight, thinking ah well, I can't work out, might as well enjoy the food I want... I will work it out when I feel better.... except that the issue persisted for longer than I expected and before I knew it, a year had gone by and I gained a whopping 50 lbs!!!

    I knew I was in trouble when I went for my yearly check up and my dr made a comment about it... it felt pretty awful and was a rude awakening. I realized then that injury or not, I have to watch out before the 50 lbs turned to 100.... :)
  • Jon_Rod
    Jon_Rod Posts: 158
    Wow I gain weight because I was too skinny and I wanted to bulk i started eating to bulk up but found out i could not stop after i reached the weight i wanted to be......So thats why im on here trying to turn all my unwanted pounds into muscles.....