Starting Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred (in 6 weeks)



  • TakeOne
    TakeOne Posts: 345 Member
    I took yesterday off due to migraine. Normally I'd take my meds and push through it, but it lasted all day :grumble:

    Anyways, today I cheated girls. I did Ripped in 30 for the first time...and I really really really liked it..:indifferent: :embarassed: :bigsmile:

    It's okay to take a day off :smile: What is Ripped in 30? Sounds good to! What areas does it target? I'm looking for something to add to the 30DS. Thanks!
  • TakeOne
    TakeOne Posts: 345 Member
    Sorry about all the injuries going on around here : ( It's no fun, I know.

    L1D8 DONE!!

    :yawn: Only 9:30 :laugh: but I'm going to bed!
  • rigby724
    rigby724 Posts: 16 Member
    D4 L1 done! I am totally lovin' this workout, I feel great afterwards (not so great during but 20 minutes is nothing)!

    Congrats to everyone else who's sticking with it!

    I'm sorry to hear that some of you have had injuries, I hope you heal fast and are able to join us again soon! :)
  • sweebum
    sweebum Posts: 1,060 Member
    It's jillians new video, a bit longer, different moves and less jumping jacks so I can rest my shins :smile:
  • marianne_s
    marianne_s Posts: 983 Member

    I found some info on adapting the shred - to make it lower impact.....

    See here -

    Hope it helps...
  • Well, it took me long enough to get up the courage to try it again, but I DID DAY 1! I took a couple of breaks but I got through the entire video!

    It felt so good to hear the cool down music, let me tell you!
  • almondbliss
    almondbliss Posts: 115
    Oooo, I forgot to post yesterday I did D10 L2.
    D11 L2...Was suppose to do L3 today, but I forgot. So, I start L3 tomorrow.
    Gosh whats wrong with me...I need some Ginkgo biloba!
  • sweebum
    sweebum Posts: 1,060 Member
    @pretentiouskate- Great job! I promise you it gets easier! And after just 7 days you will feel so much stronger!

    @almondbliss- Doh! LOL that's ok, I did ripped in 30 again today. Does Ginkgo work? If so, I need a truck load!
  • almondbliss
    almondbliss Posts: 115
    @seebum- According to my Mom and Dad it does....Their house is second best to my Grandmothers to find herbal meds.
  • rigby724
    rigby724 Posts: 16 Member
    L2 D5 I jumped ahead to level 2 five days early because I wanted a change and I loved it! I think I'm going to start cycling through a different level each day so I don't get bored. Has anyone else tried doing that?
  • TakeOne
    TakeOne Posts: 345 Member
    Sweebum ~ Thanks for the info. I'll see if I can find that one : )

    :bigsmile: One more day of L1...hooray hooray!!

    rigby724 ~ I def. should have moved around through the levels. Next am already planning ahead to a 2nd go of the Shred.

    Random question tho...Does anyone else feel like one side of their body is strong than the other?? I know it sounds strange, but I totally feel stronger on the right side (right arm, right leg, etc.). Anybody know why this is or had the same experience??
  • gjspiller
    gjspiller Posts: 115 Member
    hi everyone!!!

    you guys are so awesome with your workouts!! i'm still sore (SUCKS!!!!!!!!!) and i'm so jealous that you guys can workout. i'm going to start my treadmill today, and hopefully by Monday, i'll be back on the 30DS wagon (i miss it!!!!!)

    @TakeOne: i always feel that my right side is stronger and more balanced. i have the Wii Fit Plus, and it does these balance exercises. everytime i test, it tells me i'm always leaning more on my right. of course, i am not aware of this. it's so weird.
  • have done level 1 for 6 days now, it's getting easier ;-)
    and I have lost 2lbs, don't know about inches yet, not measured.
  • almondbliss
    almondbliss Posts: 115
    D13 L3 Done!
  • Did another round today - having a really hard time with my right knee, might have to look to something that's lighter impact until either a) the knee stops hurting or b) I loose some weight and am putting less pressure on it. I can do MOST of the stuff, but the side lunges and the lunges on my right side are just too painful.
  • almondbliss
    almondbliss Posts: 115
    I keep losing track of what day i'm on so last one was D12 L3....Today D13 L3.......I didn't burn as many calories cause I skipped out on all the jumping moves, my ankles just can't take it.....they were swollen yesterday so I skipped Jilllian, went walking for an hour and then soaked my ankles.
    Just tried to alter the exercise...if not I just punched it out.
    SW 195- CW 194.2
    Chest-39 1/2
    Waist-37 1/2
    Thighs-25 1/2
    Total In Inches Lost Since I started 30 Day Shred is 3" In 13 Days!
  • TakeOne
    TakeOne Posts: 345 Member
    So why didn't anyone tell me that L2 is CRAZY!?! Oh my goodness.. Just finished D1 of L2 and I feel like I'm gonna be! I got so comfortable with L1, the new moves def. kept me guessing (am I going to die now or in the next minute?? :sad: ). Guess I'll see how D2 of L2 goes tomorrow.. All I could think about during the last circuit was: How many days do I have left?? I better start seeing some abs soon! :laugh:

    Best of luck to everyone else! Anybody else just move into L2 and feel like they might keil over??
  • gjspiller
    gjspiller Posts: 115 Member
    ok, so i'm still hurting, and sore...and it's starting to get to me. i'm normally a very positive person, and usually i get over it quickly. but this injury is really messing with me, mentally and physically. i can't see myself even starting L2 with my back and neck pain. it's such a bummer cuz i was sooo motivated. i was motivated by you guys, and i now, i feel like i'm so far behind. but i know i need to get over myself.

    so TakeOne, i haven't looked at it, but do you think i should stick with L1 for a few weeks, instead of moving on? what is your opinion?

    good job and kudos to everyone! you guys are awesome, and i need to really just get over myself and get to it, even if it's somehow modified. i don't even want to look at the scale. i've been sort of being haphazard with my eating since the accident. i haven't logged in calories for a week....

    sorry for being a downer. tomorrow's a new day. i will be better tomorrow. promise.
  • mrs_howard
    mrs_howard Posts: 2 Member
    hi can i join you i do the same exercise regime as you i do 30ds monday - friday 6 week 6 pack mon wed and fri and walking and such in between im on day 7 level 1 today :)
  • I moved to L2 yesterday after 7 days on L1, boy it's hard, but good ;-)
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