6-week challenge: Spring into Fitness



  • kylakesgal
    kylakesgal Posts: 952 Member
    Ha ha Leslie, sorry about that:) That's terrific though. You go girl:) I wish I could get Leslie on Tv:( Sometimes all we need is that little extra bit of exercise. I'm feeling good:)
  • aab1
    aab1 Posts: 1,120 Member
    Good challenges, Ceejay!

    I think the food challenge is a perfect way to start this off. I've worked really hard on planning what all I eat during the day. Have mid-AM & afternoon snacks have kept me from having the 'starving' sensation. But has also helped me ensure that I know where I'm at with my calories throughout the day & (more importantly) what I have left by the time get home.

    Exercise challenge - my work laptop crashed this morning so I had to make 3 round trips to my IT department. They're located on the EXTREME opposite side of our building...a good 10 minute walk each way. Now what should I sabotage tomorrow in order to get extra walking in during work?!?? :devil: :wink:
  • apic268
    apic268 Posts: 1
    I'm In!

    CW: 153
    GW: 145
  • everydamnday
    everydamnday Posts: 42 Member
    I would love to join if it's not too late :-)

    CW : 151
    GW: 143
  • jessicamarie81
    jessicamarie81 Posts: 441 Member
    Funny aab about work! Good exercise though!
    And I love Leslie Sansone too, that's what really got me started on losing weight back in January!
  • lesleed
    lesleed Posts: 33 Member
    I'm in! Hoping this will help get me back in gear!

    SW 160
    GW 148
  • oliviawink
    oliviawink Posts: 753 Member
    ***WEEK 1 CHALLENGE***

    I'm going to start out with something kind of simple, but I hope you all enjoy it. First, for the food challenge, try not to eat out at all this week or grab a meal on the go. Prepare all of your meals at home. I think planning ahead and thinking through what we're going to eat makes us much more aware of what we're putting in our bodies and keeps us healthier. This is going to be hard for me, as I have a lot going on this week that could involve eating on the go, but I'm going to try to stick with it.
    The exercise challenge is just try to walk an extra 15 minutes each day on top of your regular exercise. I think we (at least I do this) tend to underestimate the importance of walking and how good it can be for you. Not just for exercise, but for mental health as well. Try to take an extra 15 minutes and go on a walk every day this week. Hopefully the weather is nice enough to go outside, but if not, walk around your house/office/the mall - wherever you may find yourself.

    To recap:
    1. Don't eat out/grab a meal on the go - prepare all your meals at home this week.
    2. Walk an extra 15 minutes each day on top of your regular exercise.

    I hope you enjoy these.

    @ ceejay - did you know that you are hitting 2 of my weakness this week? I don't eat out a lot, but this week I was considering it for 2 days where my schedule is really packed. Guess I'll be planning and packing ahead! And, if you haven't noticed (which I guess my new MYP pals wouldn't know) I have little patience for slow burn, I like fast and furious which is why I do a lot of high-impact workouts and jogging. But me knees are starting to bother me from all the pushing. So again, this is just what I needed to remind me that slow burns are still burns.

    Thanks ceejay for starting us off right! Kick-butt everyone!
  • chickadee2010
    chickadee2010 Posts: 1,389 Member
    Hi, everyone! I'm chickadee2010. I just found this challenge a few minutes ago and am so looking forward to it. I've been doing the 90day Challenge since January and it's almost over. I'm also doing the Twi-Hards Challenge, but it won't be over for a while. I've been wanting to do another challenge and I stumbled across this one and it sounds awesome! My goal weight is what I want to be by the end of this challenge.

    CW: 147.8
    GW: 140.0
  • skinnyslacks7
    Just joined and am excited for this!!

    CW: 186.0
    GW: 179.0
  • hellsbells417
    hellsbells417 Posts: 8 Member
    Ok, not a great start for me, as I already have two nights out in the diary this week! I'm also just getting over a virus, so have given up exercise until I'm totally better... Oh well, I'll concentrate on tracking my food instead this week!
  • singer201
    singer201 Posts: 560 Member
    I spent the day (Monday) helping my daughter pack and load her car for a move--lots of walking, not in a straight line, but on my feet most of the day, carrying things.

    I seldom eat out, and I take my dinner to work, so that part will be easy. I WAS thinking about celebrating the end of the 30 Day challenge with a visit to my favorite Chinese place, but that's out now--LOL. You saved me a bunch of money, calories, and sodium!

    I was visiting my daughter the last two days, and I brought along some fresh meats and vegetables to prepare/share, so I could follow my eating plan and model some good food choices. She's also on MFP and we had some good conversation about our diet and exercise goals.
  • akc78
    akc78 Posts: 2
    (CW) 86kg
    (GW) 80kg
  • gorgeousgunner
    I just joined today so I'm excited and slightly nervous about the challenge! :)

    CW 190
    GW 180

  • ceejay000
    ceejay000 Posts: 402 Member
    Thanks everyone for the feedback on the challenges this week. These are a few things that I've been wanting to work on, so I'm glad other people appreciate them as well. I know some people commented that the not eating out challenge will be hard - I'll be amazed if I'm able to make it through this week making all my meals at home, just the way my schedule is this week. But this is something that I like to think about all the time. I know that I tend to go overboard when I'm at a restaurant and can't control the ingredients or portion sizes, so even after this week I'm going to try to be more conscious of that.

    Anyway, keep up the good work everyone!
  • oliviawink
    oliviawink Posts: 753 Member
    @singer - get your daughter to join our challenge! You're a wonderful support here, I'm sure her addition would be good for her and us!
  • toramo
    toramo Posts: 15 Member
    I wanna join!!!

    CW: 171
    GW: 150
  • Ultrawomanll
    Ultrawomanll Posts: 18 Member
    Hi, this is a great challenge this week b/c I work at night and we more often than night call something in to be delivered. So Now I have to make sure I have my dinner packed and ready to go everynight. LOL Plus, today is a beautiful day out I think I"m going to take my kid for a walk around the neighborhood to get that 15mins extra in so we both get to enjoy the day :) Yesteday I brought a homemade grilled chicken salad to work...delish :)
  • jackswife1207
    jackswife1207 Posts: 59 Member
    I would like to join! I've already haven't done well on the food challenge, we ate Subway last night while on the go. At least it wasn't a bad meal out! I was very busy last night so got in lots of walking.

    Here are my stats:

    SW: 181
    CW for Spring challenge: 176
    GW for Spring challenge: 166

    Thanks for starting a new challenge!! i just got off the 30 day one. Was one away from my goal but my father in law was hospitalized out of town so lots of sitting and not eating right. Ready to get back on track and this is great motivation!
  • chickadee2010
    chickadee2010 Posts: 1,389 Member
    chickadee2010 checking in for yesterday
    1. Don't eat out/grab a meal on the go - prepare all your meals at home this week. 1/7
    2. Walk an extra 15 minutes each day on top of your regular exercise. 0/7

    I might have a problem with the first one today. I'm meeting with a couple of my friends whom I haven't seen in a long time, and we're going out to eat, but I'll try to chose healthy foods. Not sure where we're eating yet. As for the walking, I first seen this topic late last night so I wasn't able to get that in.
  • jessicamarie81
    jessicamarie81 Posts: 441 Member
    I spent the day (Monday) helping my daughter pack and load her car for a move--lots of walking, not in a straight line, but on my feet most of the day, carrying things.

    I seldom eat out, and I take my dinner to work, so that part will be easy. I WAS thinking about celebrating the end of the 30 Day challenge with a visit to my favorite Chinese place, but that's out now--LOL. You saved me a bunch of money, calories, and sodium!

    I was visiting my daughter the last two days, and I brought along some fresh meats and vegetables to prepare/share, so I could follow my eating plan and model some good food choices. She's also on MFP and we had some good conversation about our diet and exercise goals.

    Great job for not going to eat Chinese!! Great willpower, I ate there like once since I've been eating right and the sodium is unbelievable and it's in everything! I do love to eat chinese though, just very very very sparingly now!
    You should get your daughter to join the challenge too! I love being on here with my cuz :)