Beach Ready Challenge



  • Neither challenge met. Sucked so bad. Had a rough week and even rougher weekend.

    Chest: 34
    Bust: 43
    Hips: 41
    High Waist: 34.5
    Low Waist: 36.5
    Arm: 12
    Leg: 24.5
    Neck: 14.5

    WEIGHT: 171.8
  • I'm with you guys. Sucked on both challenges at the end of this week but I'm getting my long run in today and I lost 2.4 pounds. :happy:
  • dyiaane
    dyiaane Posts: 271 Member
    Hi. Lost 2.5 pounds this week. I was hoping for 1 lb so that was great. 5 more lbs to go. As for the water, I'm a teacher. Unfortunately we can't just go to the bathroom anytime we want. So I have to plan out my water carefully. Since I can only go to the bathroom at lunch and after work I con only drink maybe 20 ounces of water at work. So I upped my water intake at home but can't at work. So I tried my best but will never be able to meet this challenge until summer break. As for working out I logged 2,400 calories estimated. I am doing P90x 6 days and trying to add in additional cardio. I low ball the P90x calories bc I don't have a heart rate monitor so I may have burned over 3000 and don't know. But I worked out 7 days for at least an hour a day so I think that is a good amount.

    SW: 132.3
    GW: 123

    Good luck with your upcoming week.
  • Shawna_831
    Shawna_831 Posts: 316
    It's time for a new weekly challenge! We are going to make this one easy this week. :wink:

    4 servings of fruit every day. :heart:

    3,500 calories burned this week :grumble:

    64 oz of water every day :drinker:

    Now I understand that as the weeks go on this will be harder to keep up. I'm just going to post each challenge like this as a reminder of what we "should" be doing. :wink:
  • sass30
    sass30 Posts: 355 Member
    so drinking the water is never a problem for me so that was easy. Giving up diet soda....well I am just not into that idea at this point in time. But I do know that it needs to be done. I did not burn the 3500 calories this week as it was my "recovery" week. But it's on this week!!

    Start weight: 150.2 (Feb 27th)
    Current weight: 146.4 (March 13th)
    Goal weight: 135-125

    Down 2.8 lbs this week!

    Goal is to lose 1 lb for next week.
  • bstamps12
    bstamps12 Posts: 1,184
    I won't be able to make the 3500 cals burned for the week since there just isn't a way for me to workout 3 days this week. I did go on a run new Asics and I am so excited! But it was just a short run on Saturday night and another short run on Sunday morning to get used to the shoes. No workout today, but going swimming Tuesday or Wednesday and running the other day as well as Saturday. I need to focus on water this week though...some days I just don't feel like drinking water, lol. The 4 servings of fruit challenge will help keep me on track in my nutrition since my exercise isn't the best this week.

    Sass-I can't do the diet soda either! Maybe someday, but I just can't go cold turkey on everything at once!

    SW: 155
    CW: 150
    GW: 141 for this summer

    I lost 5 lbs this week! I am so excited! (Well, about 2 lbs can be attributed to the fact that last week I weighed in after eating and with bulky clothes on, but still). I was down to 149.6 (I round up to the nearest pound) which is the first time the scale has been below 150 in over 2 years! Definitely a motivator to see my hard work paying off!
  • partcho
    partcho Posts: 225
    SW (March 7): 161.2
    CW (March 13): 163.2
    GW1 (March 31): 155
    GWSummer: (June 25): 140ish...
  • heyy =]

    i know it's kind of late but could i join?

    so you have to drink half your body weight in water?!
    im 144 so that's 72?!
  • Shawna_831
    Shawna_831 Posts: 316
    heyy =]

    i know it's kind of late but could i join?

    so you have to drink half your body weight in water?!
    im 144 so that's 72?!

    LOL...Its a lot right? I make sure to get in the 64oz everyday but if I drank half my body weight.... 82oz! I have to pee enough already :frown:

    Oh and welcome! :flowerforyou:
  • lol well i guess here goes nothinggg lol. 32oz down and lots more to go.

    so im thinking ive got 3 months and 1 week left to lose roughly. soooo i could lose 13 - 26 pounds depending on how hard i try. =]
  • well i totally dropped the ball this entire past week. but i'm here and i'm getting back on track today. and at some point this week the heart rate monitor that i ordered should arrive which i'm very excited about! yay!

    weight as of this morning (going in the wrong direction- eek!)
    153-- oops.

    just going to shake it off and get started again. jogging tonight.
  • skinnyack
    skinnyack Posts: 683
    Height: 5'5

    SW: 158.2
    W1: 155 (-3.2)
    W2: 155.8- I ran a half marathon yesterday- may be holding water. never dropped below 155 this week so wasn't going to hit goal anyways.
    Goal W3: 154.5
    June GW: 149.9
  • Goals for this week: 3,500 calories, 4 fruit servings a day and 20 miles run

    Monday: 22 minutes - 119 calories - walking dog (rest day)

    SW (March 1): 144
    CW: 138.2
    GW (March 20): 136
  • Goals for this week: 3,500 calories, 4 fruit servings a day and 20 miles run

    Monday: 22 minutes - 119 calories - walking dog (rest day)
    Tuesday: 52 minutes - 537 calories - 3.5 m run

    Not doing so hot on the fruit only because I need to go to the grocery store. :grumble: Hopefully I will get there tomorrow!

    SW (March 1): 144
    CW: 138.2
    GW (March 20): 136
  • Goals for this week: 3,500 calories, 4 fruit servings a day and 20 miles run

    Monday: 22 minutes - 119 calories - walking dog (rest day)
    Tuesday: 52 minutes - 537 calories - 3.5 m run
    Wednesday: 62 minutes - 543 calories - 3 m run and strength training

    Am I the only one still out here???????????????????? Come on everybody!!!!!!

    SW (March 1): 144
    CW: 138.2
    GW (March 20): 136
  • Shawna_831
    Shawna_831 Posts: 316
    :embarassed: So Monday I worked out and then TOM showed up. TOM has kicked my butt this week! I haven't worked out in 2 days and I got sick last night. I'm not sure if its TOM and the cleanse combo but :sick: On the plus side, I'm not eating a lot of food. I'm a little afraid of weigh in on Sunday. :grumble: I'm so tired right now and just need to suck it up and work out! I'm going to try to get at least 15 minutes in tonight.

    Still drinking all my water! :drinker:

    Kason...I'm still here! :happy:
  • sass30
    sass30 Posts: 355 Member
    So tired this week :yawn: , I just can't seem to drag myself out of bed to work out at 5am. doing okay on the fruits and great with the water. Changed up my strength training routine and I'm pretty sore. Good luck everyone, keep pushing it.
  • SKelley1218
    SKelley1218 Posts: 43 Member
    Hey guys, I went away this weekend and didnt get much chance to exercise but I did get in all of the water.... I didnt lose any more weight, luckily I didnt gain any either. Today I got in a good work out of 700 calories but I havent been doing so great on the 4 servings of fruit. I usually eat 2-3 servings but I am having a hard time getting in the last one...I do eat a lot of veggies though so I hope that makes up for whatever I am not eating for fruit.
  • Hope you feel better Shawna!

    Monday: 22 minutes - 119 calories - walking dog (rest day)
    Tuesday: 52 minutes - 537 calories - 3.5 m run
    Wednesday: 62 minutes - 543 calories - 3 m run and strength training
    Thursday: 71 minutes - 610 calories - 3.5 m run and strength training

    1,691 calories to go!
  • sass30
    sass30 Posts: 355 Member
    ha! 2074 calories to go. Not gonna make it but will try my best. burned 714 calories today! slippin on the fruit though.
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