Family & Friends can be cruel

I have gained about 40 pounds over the last 5 years and my family and friends are very hard on me when I go home. I have stopped going home as much and when I do I mainly just sitting at the house with my parents because I get so tied of hearing, you use to be slim now you are fat.......


  • sandram82
    sandram82 Posts: 615 Member
    Family can def be cruel.. but your in the right place to get fit and have a healthy lifestyle!! You will find alot of great support and motivation here!
  • deema79
    deema79 Posts: 108
    Youve taken the first step to a healthier you! Good Luck
  • chelsey728
    chelsey728 Posts: 138 Member
    Have you ever told them it really hurts your feelings? Maybe they think they're motivating. Family is so important, I'm sure if you explained that it really hurts and that you have distanced yourself because of that they'll make an effort to stop. Best of luck!
  • carinalewis
    i have the same, my family constantly make digs about my weight. used to weigh 8 stone went up to 13st 5. am now back down to 11st 8 but still have a weigh to go. the way they go on makes me feel awful and really gets me down i feel like screaming at them some times. i am trying to lose weight but its not as easy as they think with 4 kids a husband and a normal life to lead
  • sarahazelnut99
    sarahazelnut99 Posts: 307 Member
    omg dont i know it, its the main reason why im losing weight...
    i dont want a compliment i just want to be left alone :-(
  • vwfrog
    vwfrog Posts: 57 Member
    Aww, Arketha! Don't let comments like that get you down. Sometimes families know just the right AND just the WRONG things to say. Hopefully what they really meant was something like 'we are concerned about your weight gain and you seemed much happier at a healthier weight', but, again, families have a way of making things come out all wrong!

    You're a MyfitnessPal'er now, so pretty soon you'll be hearing, 'wow, looking good' and 'are you losing weight?', 'are those your skinny jeans?' from the fam!

  • bethany7687
    Hi, you've taken the first step, you've joined myfitnesspal. Congratulations. Remember a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. Hurtful comments are difficult to deal with. You don't control those people. You do control you and you can change you and become the women you want to be. Get started and keep us posted on your progress. You'll do great.
  • amberlineilene
    my mother in law always says 'you were so slim before you had the baby' ugh..that pisses me off
  • kikibruce
    kikibruce Posts: 31 Member
    I would let them know that its not very motivational hearing "your fat". Theres a way to go about things and insults arent how you do it. Good luck in your journey.
  • arwamya
    arwamya Posts: 304
    That's mean ... and they can be so cruel, but once you lose weight these people would shut up..don't listen to them..there must be positive people around..stay with them. you've already taken the first step towards being healthy. screw what anyone else says
  • docturtle
    docturtle Posts: 156 Member
    Since I've shaved off 25 pounds on MFP, my family and friends tell me I am too skinny. Maybe you will experience that end, once you've met your goal. Hang in and show 'em!
  • dakoerber
    dakoerber Posts: 308 Member
    I am so sorry to hear that! What is most important however, is how you feel about you! I know it can be hard to hear such negative comments but you live with you so make sure that you are not saying those things to yourself! Not sure if you have ever said anything to them but maybe you need to tell them that their comments are hurtful! Maybe they don't even realize it.

    Keep focus on yourself being happy and healthy!! You can't worry about what others think - even if they are your family
  • MotivationAtItsBest
    Family/Friends need 2 b there 2 support u during this time, so I really think u need 2 sit down wit them n explain all da goals ur tryin 2 reach, n tell them how frustrating it can wen u are constantly put down. Explain 2 them, u already kno ur lifestyle needs 2 improve 4 da better, n u need as much love n support u can get. Sumtimes, ppl just dont understand wut ur goin thru, or how serious things r 2 u. If they r ur real friends, n family dat love u, all of da negative putdowns shuld stop after this. Best of luck! :)
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,023 Member
    yes family can be cruel at times. You are at the right place for motivation and encouragement. Just think about the next time you see them hopefully you will be thinner and hopefully will hear compliments instead of the usual hurtful comments. Good luck on your weight loss journey. You can do it....
  • Becky1971
    Becky1971 Posts: 979 Member
    my mother in law always says 'you were so slim before you had the baby' ugh..that pisses me off

    Why do people say things like that, I mean weren't we all? it's pretty much a given. sheesh!
  • cast59
    cast59 Posts: 77 Member
    Sometimes family and friends can be mean. A lot of times they are just trying to help and just want you to be more healthy.
    At christmas this year one of my aunts when she first seen me immeadiatly said " wow are you fat". It threw me for a loop and i was a bit depressed. As the day went on we talked a bit more and she said that she wanted the best for me and told her that she crushed me with that satement and she apologized. She was right by the way i was fat. Since then i went back on MFP started watching what i ate and started excercizing. So family and friends can be cruel but if it for the right reason a nd if it is because they truly care about you, it can help motivate you. It sure did for me. As for those taht are just being mean and want to use you for a joke then lose them as they arent really your friends. Good luck on your journey.
  • Becky1971
    Becky1971 Posts: 979 Member
    I'm sorry your family has to be mean about it, I don't understand that. I want to encourage and support those in my family who are much heavier than I. I often worry about saying the wrong, I just can't imagine not being sensitive about it.

    I'm glad you are here though, this has been a fantastic place for me.
  • audjrey
    audjrey Posts: 360 Member
    Call me crazy - but that's fuel for motivation!!!!

    If you ever wanted to get even with anyone (in a good way of course) then losing the excess fat, inches and weight, looking great, feeling great and living healthy is the best revenge!!!!

    When I read between the lines of this and similar remarks, what I hear is, "We are concerned about you. You used to care about your health, body image and size. What happened? Are you okay? Are you depressed? Did something in life cause you to give up? Don't you care about yourself anymore? Don't you want to feel good about yourself? Don't you want to like what you see in the mirror every morning? We feel afraid because we want to help you but don't know how."

    Unfortunately, most people are too afraid to say what they really feel and so use sarcasm as a way to keep their feelings safe while getting the message across. What they don't realize, unfortunately, is that you are already feeling quite vulnerable and sarcasm isn't funny - it's just cruel.

    Here's a fun exercise if you're willing to try it:

    Think about all the 'little' things that caused you to gain weight.
    Now write them down.
    Write down one emotion that describes each little thing.
    Now write down the power that emotion has had and still has over you.
    Now try to answer the following question: "What would it take for you to regain power over this emotion so that you are empowered instead of feeling dis-empowered by it?"
  • elmct57
    elmct57 Posts: 594 Member
    You have a group here who has been there and understands. Do this for you because you ARE worth it. Focus on the positive things in life and if it means avoiding home for a while and making new friends who are there for you--do what you need to do. Set your goals and go for them. we'll be rooting for you!
  • naesue
    naesue Posts: 401 Member
    I know exactly how you feel. It wasn't until recently when my sisters started gaining weight and getting chunky that they finally realized that the things they said hurt. Now we are a united front against my mother who will rub it in all the time that we need to lose weight. She has been that way to me my entired life even when I was in Jr High and High school and at 150 lbs she thought I was fat cause I wasn't a stick like she was at that age. It hurts I know. But just remember that losing weight is for yourself not for anyone else. If you are doing it for the wrong reasons it won't work. That is why at 31 I am finally serious about it cause this time it is because I really want it not because everyone else is telling me i need it. Good luck to you. Don't forget you can always turn to MFP for guidence support and love.
