P90X Group?



  • Stefani74
    Stefani74 Posts: 448 Member
    At the end of week 7!

    Recovery week begins on Monday! As of today I am down to 141.6! Down 4 lbs! YAY!!! Still loving this and LOVE the results I am seeing!

    So how is everyone doing??
  • ejsmith7
    ejsmith7 Posts: 81 Member
    Kenpo today, went by very fast. Got a little thrown off with the combo's so I did them slower to get them right. Does anyone use weighted gloves for kenpo??

    I do...2 pound they are the ones I got for turbo fire...I didn't think they did much till I took em off lol!

    Thanks!! I might have to order some :)

    Had plyo today. I hate it, but I love it. ;) Things are going great, I'm definitely seeing a difference!!
  • golferd
    golferd Posts: 400 Member
    Give him "motivation" of why you like the workouts. All males are pretty simple minded lololololo
  • A_shelton316
    A_shelton316 Posts: 127 Member
    I'm only a week in I would love to join. This is my second try at finishing it! I will make it this time and so will you! :smile:
  • drwstown76
    drwstown76 Posts: 185
    Hey Yall... :)

    To the new folks... welcome! This is one awesome journey we are on... It feels really good to have this group to help keep us motivated!

    Today is day 72 for me and my team. We are really rolling! Loving the results and pushing each other every step of the way,

    Today was plyo... I played football yesterday, so plyo was tough first thing this morning. I certainly brough it though. Funny thing... Sometimes it is such a nightmare kickstarting my body right after I wake up, but by the time my workout is over... I am totally pumped and prepared to tackle the day (and the week)!

    Get it in you guys... Push Play Today! Bring it!

    p.s. Stefani..... THERE YOU GO! 141.... YOU ARE FREAKING AWESOME!
  • Stefani74
    Stefani74 Posts: 448 Member
    So now my husband is refusing to do Yoga X. GRRRR! So we did Stretch X instead last night. I will find some place to work that in for myself. Still doing extra cardio in the mornings and I am loving it! I love to get up and workout again. I still look forward to the P90X in the evenings. I am feeling great and seeing such a difference in myself!

    All I can say guys is KEEP GOING! It's tough in the beginning but just keep doing it! You will love yourself for doing it!

    This is recovery week. I have Core tonight! Can't wait! BRING IT!!
  • Hannahrenee86
    Hello all. New here.
    I am in week 3, day 2. Did Pylo along with 4 mile walk and 30DS. Have lost 3 inches off my waist with just P90X and walking!
  • Stefani74
    Stefani74 Posts: 448 Member
    Hello all. New here.
    I am in week 3, day 2. Did Pylo along with 4 mile walk and 30DS. Have lost 3 inches off my waist with just P90X and walking!

    Great job!! Glad to have you in the group! Can't wait to hear of your results as you continue on! Keep us posted.
  • drwstown76
    drwstown76 Posts: 185
    Hey yall.... :)

    Hows it going???

    Someone PLEASE tell me something amazing.

    Today is day 74 for me and my team. We are really bringing it. Trust me you guys, once you get to this final month, not only does it fly by, but the results become more and more obvious!!!

    My girl has up to 21 lbs lost. I dont know how many inches, but its a lot.
    Last I checked, I had lost 23 lbs Down to 180. I don't really want to lose anymore! Can you believe that??? All I want now is to be shredded. Ripped up! I certainly have never been cut up before... my tme is now! :)

    Keep it up you guys... Believe!
  • Hannahrenee86
    I did Shoulders and Arms/ Ab Ripper X and 4mile walk. I also got a new heart rate monitor!
  • Stefani74
    Stefani74 Posts: 448 Member
    Hey yall.... :)

    Hows it going???

    Someone PLEASE tell me something amazing.

    Today is day 74 for me and my team. We are really bringing it. Trust me you guys, once you get to this final month, not only does it fly by, but the results become more and more obvious!!!

    My girl has up to 21 lbs lost. I dont know how many inches, but its a lot.
    Last I checked, I had lost 23 lbs Down to 180. I don't really want to lose anymore! Can you believe that??? All I want now is to be shredded. Ripped up! I certainly have never been cut up before... my tme is now! :)

    Keep it up you guys... Believe!

    Both lost over 20lbs??? That is so AMAZING!! I am so excited for you both!!

    Well I am still at 4 lbs lost...but I am totally loving my legs and my abs!! I am wearing a pair of "skinny" jeans for the first time today! WOOHOO!! I feel so great about what I am accomplishing!

    All I can say is just keep going guys...you can do this!!
  • ejsmith7
    ejsmith7 Posts: 81 Member
    Great Job everyone!!

    Shoulders, arms and Ab Ripper today. I went up on my weights from last time and it was definitely better. I also did 30 mins. on the elliptical :)
  • Hannahrenee86
    I did Yoga today along with a 5mile walk/run
  • drwstown76
    drwstown76 Posts: 185
    Hey Yall...

    Day 76. Two weeks left!
    Really???? it seems like only yesterday there were 60 days left... 30 days left....
    I love p90x yall!!!!!
    This program has totally changed my life... and the lives of the people around me.
    My warrior princess and I officially have 8 people on our team now. A couple of Aunts... and a number of friends.
    They see how happy this process has made us and they are willing to make sacrifices to experience it.
    I would certainly love to give Tony the kudos he deserves.
    Life is great you guys... Keep Pushing Play!
    We believe...
  • Stefani74
    Stefani74 Posts: 448 Member
    Hey Yall...

    Day 76. Two weeks left!
    Really???? it seems like only yesterday there were 60 days left... 30 days left....
    I love p90x yall!!!!!
    This program has totally changed my life... and the lives of the people around me.
    My warrior princess and I officially have 8 people on our team now. A couple of Aunts... and a number of friends.
    They see how happy this process has made us and they are willing to make sacrifices to experience it.
    I would certainly love to give Tony the kudos he deserves.
    Life is great you guys... Keep Pushing Play!
    We believe...

    So what is your plan after P90X? Are you going for another round or are you going try something new?

    We are finishing up phase 2 and will start phase 3 Monday. So 5 more weeks!! We plan on doing Insanity when we are finished! So together that should get me ready for bikini season!!
  • Stefani74
    Stefani74 Posts: 448 Member
    Hubby update - as of this weekend he has lost 16 lbs! He's gone from a size 34 jeans to a 33 and they are getting really loose now. He's got size 32's but they are just a little bit too tight still. So proud of him...he's got several guys at work walking with him and doing push-ups and pull-ups. He's been off his cholesterol med's for a while and back to normal. Recovery week is over and ready for Phase 3!!
  • drwstown76
    drwstown76 Posts: 185

    Great news about the hubby! Thats awesome... So glad to hear it!

    Im really not sure what I am going to do after p90x... I was totally hoping that mc2 would be out by the time my p90x journey was over, but it doesnt look like that is going to happen. My girl is doing rev abs before we go on vacation on july 28. Im really not sure about me. I suppose im going to have to do another round of p90, but I will REALLY have to pack on the protein if I do it. I have lost so much weight, under 10% body fat. I shattered my goal weight... So now I wanna bulk up some muscle. Maybe ill do one on ones for a few months or something... :)

    I certainly hope everybody is still bringin it! Let me hear from you... :)
  • Stefani74
    Stefani74 Posts: 448 Member
    YAY!! I finally hit the 5 lb mark!! WOOHOO!!

    Took me long enough! But well worth the wait!!
  • Stefani74
    Stefani74 Posts: 448 Member
    Hubby is going to have to buy a new belt...he's in the last notch and the belt is still too big! And I am down 6 lbs now! Haven't done measurements lately but plan to this weekend.

    So how is everyone else doing??
  • Stefani74
    Stefani74 Posts: 448 Member
    I posted progress pics on my profile page for anyone that wants to see.