Foods you ate, then realized they weren't worth it!



  • atomdraco
    atomdraco Posts: 1,083 Member
    I'm craving chips right now. I sooo know it's not worth it!!

    You can still eat chips, just get good ones and eat moderation. I found "Food Should Taste Good" has great tasty chips, and I eat it once awhile.
  • atomdraco
    atomdraco Posts: 1,083 Member
    I love cheese cake. I cant keep it in the house because I will eat it all. IT is the same with toast. I have no clue how many calories are in the cheese cake but I know it is a lot.

    I eat Eli Cheesecake is about 230 (one serving, 1/12). I have good self control and sometimes I don't even eat the entire serving. I cut them small pieces when I just bought it, and put them back in the freezer. When I have the calories to spare and want to have a taste, I'll take out a small piece (or even cut portion of it), and enjoy it.

    I do avoid cheesecake from restaurant thought (if I could), they tend to be harder to know how much calories and usually it's a lot. Like Cheesecake factory's are range from 507 - over 1000 calories.
  • shyaamist
    shyaamist Posts: 34
    I'm craving chips right now. I sooo know it's not worth it!!

    You can still eat chips, just get good ones and eat moderation. I found "Food Should Taste Good" has great tasty chips, and I eat it once awhile.

    I know they are not the same, but baked chips sometimes are not so bad. At least you get the crunch and the general taste with less calories!
  • shyaamist
    shyaamist Posts: 34
    Adding to my list of not worth it foods... Burger King! I am happy and sad at the same time... I used to crave and enjoy these... never more...
  • hedgertiger
    hedgertiger Posts: 51 Member
    i ate a slice of chocolate b'day cake today in work - 300 cals :embarassed:
  • Lunachic77
    Lunachic77 Posts: 434 Member
    It happened to me on Tuesday. I was doing great all day. Dinner came around and I ate a big salad. My son asked me to make him some Kraft Mac n' Cheese because he hadn't had it in a long time. I make him the mac n' cheese...he eats a bowl and goes upstairs. I'm about to wash out the pot and dump the rest down the drain...and I take a bite. It's so mysteriously cheesy and kinda thing I know about 1 1/2 cups later and 400+ calories over my limit for the day I have eaten most of the mac n' cheese. For the rest of the evening I'm cursing myself for eating that fake cheesy crap and it wasn't even worth it.
  • Ranch dressing. Maybe it's a southern thing, but I wanted to put Ranch on everything-- on salads, dip my fries or celery in it, put it on my chicken... I was having a salad the other day and was super careful to measure out just ONE serving size, but when I plugged that in I realized that alone almost blew my entire fat gram allowance for the day. I realize there is fat free Ranch, but nothing touches the original. Still, just not worth it. :/
  • shyaamist
    shyaamist Posts: 34
    Ranch dressing. Maybe it's a southern thing, but I wanted to put Ranch on everything-- on salads, dip my fries or celery in it, put it on my chicken... I was having a salad the other day and was super careful to measure out just ONE serving size, but when I plugged that in I realized that alone almost blew my entire fat gram allowance for the day. I realize there is fat free Ranch, but nothing touches the original. Still, just not worth it. :/

    I have recently gotten into Ranch dressing again, but I have found that I like using the powdered stuff better! Now I can't imagine how that would work on salad, but on chicken its great!!!
  • hyper_stitch
    hyper_stitch Posts: 180 Member
    Not quite an actual food but Thursday evening my daughter sprung on me she needed cakes for a bake sale at school on Friday ... uh oh! I made her chocolate cup cakes and iced buns decorated with chocolate buttons, before I knew it I'd picked up so many of the buttons, eaten a ton of cake batter and taken care of the excess chocolate frosting :embarassed: As a result I had no dinner on Thursday evening lol
  • reander
    reander Posts: 175 Member
    There are so many things I used to eat that I now eat and they just don't taste as great, or don't taste fgood enough to match the calorie count.

    Mcdonalds fries, crisps (chips) and a lot of chocolates. I'd rather eat fruit.
  • Rosie958r
    Rosie958r Posts: 160 Member
    I had some pizza and ice cream on friday.
    Felt horrible on Saturday.
    Won't be doing that again!
  • sarglava
    sarglava Posts: 206 Member
    Those high fiber bars! You know, the ones with about 9g. I can't handle that much soluable fiber and I feel like I"m going to die until they pass through!

    Lol, I feel like I'm going to die WHILE they're passing through. Those things are insane.-- They should come with warning labels.
  • jpeterburs88
    jpeterburs88 Posts: 201 Member
    Pop Tarts!! I used to LOVE to snack on them (2 pastries per pack) and the other day as I was rummaging through the pantry for soemthing to eat I happened to notice the calories.... three hundred something for just ONE pastry! I was eating more than half of my daily allowance of calories before... and not even feeling full! It is sickening to look back at what I used to eat in one meal.... yuck!
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