Looking for Competition



  • If you want competition, in the USA i highly recommend the Body For Life program run by Bill Phillips. It's on the net or you can find his book in most stores.
  • whatupskinnyjeans
    whatupskinnyjeans Posts: 229 Member
    im down to 150.2!!
  • dodie62
    dodie62 Posts: 66 Member
  • AggieCass09
    AggieCass09 Posts: 1,867 Member
    154.6 lbs !!! Finally leaped off the damn plateau!!! Increasing my calories is what made the weight come off. I'm at 30 lbs lost total with 15-20 more to go :-)
  • bsed18
    bsed18 Posts: 41 Member
    Bad week...but still didn't gain. 264.8
  • AggieCass09
    AggieCass09 Posts: 1,867 Member
    oh, and my goal for 4/4 is to be 150 lbs :-)

    This weeks focuses: work out EVERY day, stay at calorie limit, GO TO YOGA (thursday night)!!!
  • PGordon7
    PGordon7 Posts: 8 Member

    Plateaus happen to all of us, hang in there!
  • PGordon7
    PGordon7 Posts: 8 Member

    Your progress is very encouraging :happy:
  • Warning to Everyone. I am extremely busy i hope to have the chart up by the end of tomorrow but it will not be up today. Thanks for your patience. :)
  • Is anybody there?! :)
  • yes...always lurking :)
  • I wanted to let you guys know that i no longer have the time to keep up with this. I now have a full college school schedule and am working a full time job. I just wont be able to do this anymore. I am sorry if someone would be willing to take over the chart for me that would be great.
  • bummer....they say that all good things must end :( i dont realluy have time or the know how
  • PGordon7
    PGordon7 Posts: 8 Member
    I can certainly understand a busy schedule.:flowerforyou: Thanks for getting it started!

    Hey guys,

    Surely, we can still log in to up date our weight.

    My last week (LW): 235.5
    Today - 21 March : 233

    down - 2.5 :happy:
  • surra
    surra Posts: 33
  • Cristy_AZ
    Cristy_AZ Posts: 986
    Checking in at 189 :)
  • bsed18
    bsed18 Posts: 41 Member
    This week has been just awful for me. I need to get back on the ball. Still managed to lose a few, but not sure how. Checking in at 262.0
  • JessG83
    JessG83 Posts: 56
    Checking in at 183. Down 5 lbs this week  Have to admit that I cheated a lil tho... I'm sure comin down with a bad case of e-coli helped to drop some lbs this week!
  • ashers1819
    ashers1819 Posts: 160
    162.0 for weigh in!
  • knowmydestiny
    knowmydestiny Posts: 104 Member
    251, yay! sorry I forgot yesterday :blushing:
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